We got a problem.
The FBI is under investigation.
The entire team is at risk.
It's the episode you can't miss.
Somebody is leaving Blindspot.
New Blindspot, next Wednesday on NBC.
Atari 7800 Composite Mod and Review - Duration: 15:00.Hello and welcome to another episode of the 8-Bit Guy.
Today, I'm going to be attempting to modify this Atari 7800.
Now, for those who are unfamiliar with the console, let me tell you a little bit about
So this is the 7800, mine is not in perfect condition, unfortunately.
But that also means it is a good system to mod since I don't need to worry about keeping
it in original condition.
In fact, that's why I don't want to mod my 2600.
This is the power supply.
I usually label mine so I don't get them mixed up.
I also keep the wires rolled up like this to keep the wires from getting kinks in them.
On the front you have two joystick ports.
And next to those you have two unmarked switches.
These are actually the difficulty level switches.
On the rear, you have that funky power connector, The RF output jack, and here's another crazy
thing.. a switch that selects between square or circle.
Apparently this is to select channel 3 or 4 as your transmit channel on the RF port.
So, one of the things that makes this console so interesting is that it can play all of
your old 2600 games like Space Invaders, Yars' Revenge, and Missile Command.
But it can also play its own, more advanced games.
This is the only 7800 specific game I have in my collection right now.
The cartridges do look more or less identical, which makes sense being the slot has to be
able to accept both kinds.
So let's hook this thing up and see how it works.
So we've got the power connector in..
Next the video cable, and finally a joystick.
I should mention that the Atari 7800 has its own special joysticks, which I don't currently
But it can also work with standard 2600 or Commodore joysticks as well, but some 7800
specific games require the second button.
So, you might think you could just plug this straight into your TV or monitor's video
input jack.
But that won't work.
This is an RF signal, and besides where would the audio come from?
So, you'll need an adapter such as one of these old switch boxes.
And in my case, I need another adapter for the F-type connector since my TV is from the
So, these things are a pain in the butt, and honestly, it's the reason I've never bothered
to collect any other Atari 7800 games or peripherals.
In fact, I'm really surprised that Atari didn't put a composite video connector on
the machine.
I mean, when the 2600 came out in the late seventies, really, pretty much no TVs had
composite on them, but by 1986 or 87 when the Atari 7800 was coming onto the market,
a lot of TVs did have those, plus there were computer monitors and other things, so I really
don't understand why it doesn't have composite on there.
So I bought one of these composite video conversion kits from ebay for around $10.
I'm going to find out how hard it is to install this, and hopefully it will make it
look better!
So, this mod will improve the output of both the picture and the sound.
However, I think the most important benefit that this mod gives is simply the ability
to connect it to more modern televisions and monitors without having to worry about finding
something with an, you know, analog RF interface.
So, here are all of the parts that came with the kit.
It really isn't a lot, actually.
So I suppose the first thing I should do is assemble it.
I'll just bend the leads on this transistor like this, and poke it down in the holes.
Then I'll solder it in place.
And, of course, trim the excess leads off.
That was simple enough, now onto these two resistors.
I'll just bend the leads here and poke them down in the correct holes.
Then I'll solder them in place.
And this part is all finished.
So, now it's time to open up the 7800 and take a look inside.
There are 5 screws on the bottom, which I'll take out fist, and it opens right up.
OK, so this shield has to be removed.
There are these little twist tabs that will need to be straightened out with needle nose
Then, in theory, it should lift off.
However, mine was extremely stubborn, almost like it was glued down.
I realized I could still pull the board out, even with this shield on.
And, I eventually managed to work the shield loose.
Looking at this bottom plate, you can see some significant corrosion going on here,
and it looks like it started there, leaked its way over, and worked its way down.
And I've come to the conclusion that this was exposed to some water.
It probably went in here, and it came through right there in that hole for the cartridge
And that's why there's.
That's why there's some corrosion on the board there and over here.
However, it seems to still work.
You can also see a lot of the corrosion down inside the plastic case.
So, I'm going to wash that out before we re-assemble it.
Lots of people joke these days that they want to see vinegar in every episode.. well, here
you go.
I'll scrub some of this on here and come back and check on it later.
So let's take a closer look at this board.
Over here we have the Maria chip, which gives the 7800 it's enhanced graphics capabilities.
Over here we have 4 KB of static RAM, followed by 4KB of system ROM.
So there's essentially 8K on board, and another 48K can go in the cartridge slot.
So this is the 6502 compatible CPU, although Atari calls it the Sally chip.
Keep in mind this is more or less the same CPU that runs the Commodore computers, Apple
IIe, Nintendo, and pretty much all of the Atari line of 8-bit systems.
Over here we have the TIA chip.
This known as the television interface adapter.
It's the exact same chip used in the Atari 2600 to give it video graphics and sound.
It's here for backwards compatibility with 2600 games.
However, it is also the sole source of sound on this machine, unless your cartridge has
its own sound chip.
This was a sore point on this particular console.
And last is the RIOT chip, which is just an input output controller for the joysticks
and other things.
So I just took this thing out and rinsed it with the garden hose and it looks a lot better.
The bottom RF shield looks much improved.
I can at least say the corrosion is neutralized so it won't continue.
According to the included documentation, I'm supposed to literally just cut out these two
resistors as they won't be needed anymore.
So I'll go ahead and do that.
At first I thought maybe I should desolder them because I figured I'd be attaching
wires here.
But nope, they are just going away for good.
So the easiest thing to do is to just to cut them out.
They also want these 4 wires removed and the official documentation actually says I should
break the entire little board off of the RF modulator.
But I do not like that approach for two reasons.
One is because it makes this process irreversible.
If the mod doesn't work out, I want to be able to put things back the way they go.
Number two is because you know, if the RF modulator is not going to work anymore, I
don't want to have the jack back there.
It might confuse somebody, maybe even myself later if I forgot the jack doesn't work.
So I decided to just remove the modulator completely.
I don't have any fancy desoldering equipment, so I just used solder-wick, or some people
call it desoldering braid.
Either way, it is cheap and it works.
So I was able to remove the modulator.
OK, so I thought I would turn my attention to the case plastics.
I need to drill 3 holes, so I usually put down some masking tape, which makes it easier
to mark on it where I need the holes to go.
I am spacing them a half-inch apart.
And the holes will go at the intersection of these marks.
This plastic is very brittle, so I will be starting with a small bit and working my way
up to a larger one.
Some people ask why I don't just use a special step drill bit.
Well, it's because I don't have one and most people probably don't either.
Plus they are expensive.
And this process works just as well for occasional use.
OK, so I'll do a test fit of the RCA jacks.
Looking good!
Next, I'll strip these wires.
Then I'm going to bend the edges of these grounding connectors to make them easier to
solder to.
I'm just going to run these over the wire like this.
The reason for this is that all 3 jacks will share the same ground.
So I've soldered this one on.
And I'll solder the other two once I attach them to the jacks.
OK, the common ground wire is finished.
I should point out by the way that this kit came with 3 jacks, one for video and two for
However, this console does not produce stereo sound.
So really, the two audio jacks put out exactly the same thing.
In fact, I thought about just eliminating one of the jacks and just putting one audio
and one video jack on the console.
OK, so all that's left to do now is to solder the wires to the main board where the RF modulator
used to go.
I'm just going to go ahead and do a test of the system just like it is before I bother
to re-assemble it.
And, it works! first try!
So, I captured some video from this thing using the RF output before making the modification.
And I wanted to be able to show some comparisons with how it looks now.
So this is Missile Command, and now let's take a look at it on composite.
The image is noticeably cleaner.
Let's take a look at Space Invaders.
The sold background really shows off the interference on RF.
And now here's the composite version.
OK, so Yars' Revenge revealed something odd.
Pay close attention to the background sound on this game.
Now listen from composite.
It sounds different.
I think the signal is too hot for my capture device.
However, I'm not going to worry about it because it still sounds fine when played on
my TV.
Speaking of sound..
Here's Ballblazer on RF.
Wow, there's such a huge difference in graphics when you move to an actual 7800 game.
And, of course, it will look even better when I show you the composite version.
And it does.
However, on the composite version it actually has no sound at all.
So, Ballblazer is one of only 2 cartridges that contains its own sound chip.
It turns out this mod doesn't support these sound chips the way I've done it.
However, it is possible to fix this by the addition of one extra wire.
So that's what I'm going to do next, since I do actually own one of these games.
OK, since this switch is technically no longer needed anymore and it's in the way if where
I am wanting to solder, I'm just going to go ahead and desolder that.
Again, I'm just going to use some solder wick to remove the switch, then I'm going
to need to remove a small capacitor.
OK, so the switch is done, and I've already removed the solder for this capacitor, so
I'm just going to pull it out of there.
OK, so the extra sound wire for the cartridge pokey audio chip goes here.
OK, so the instructions with this kit said to throw away the RF shield, but I am unwilling
to do that, so I'm going to put it back on.
But I did run into one problem which has nothing to do with the shield.
The board will not fit back in the machine due to this wire, and there's really not
anywhere I can see to run the wire.
So I've decided to make another modification.
I'm going to cut off this small section of the shield, along with a corresponding
piece of the logic board.
This is a pretty small area of the board and doesn't even have any traces on it, so it
shouldn't hurt anything.
And, it does seem to fit perfectly now.
Now to just figure out where to mount that tiny little board that I added.
It came with this little piece of double-sided tape, however, my experience is that double-sided
tape lasts maybe a year or two at best and then it always falls off, so I decided not
to use this.
Instead I'm going to use this zip tie through the holes that used to hold down the RF modulator,
and that will hold the little board in a perfectly benign place without any problems.
Now I'm just going to put the cover back on and screw it back together.
So here's the finished product.
And I'll take an opportunity to try out Ballblazer again after the last modification.
And it does seem to be working just fine.
OK, so this mod certainly turned out very well.
This is a mod that is inexpensive, and definitely one that I would recommend doing.
In fact, I might actually consider buying some more native Atari 7800 games to play
on this console now, as well as getting the proper controllers for it.
But anyway, I may even look into modifying some of my other Atari systems as well.
Anyway, I have three quick announcements that I need to make.
The first thing I want to tell you about is the game I've been programming for the Commodore
It's a real-time strategy game, only the interface has been simplified so that it can
be played with a keyboard and joystick instead of a mouse.
I've sort of adopted the look of the Ultima games, with a bit of Sim City thrown in too.
I think it's going to be a really fun game to play and I will be launching a Kickstarter
for it very soon, because I want to make this a fully boxed commercial release.
I have a page on my website for updates on this game, so check there for more information.
Also, I wanted to let you know that I will be at the Long Island Retro Gaming Expo this
August, again check the description field for more info.
Last year I went to a similar expo in Portland and talked to a great group of people, signed
some interesting artifacts for people, and I met a lot of really cool people, and generally
had a great time.
So I hope to see some of you there!
And the last announcement I need to make is that I've been invited to be part of the
upcoming documentary called "The Commodore Story," which is currently in a Kickstarter
Check that out, there is more detail in the description field.
Well, if you made it this far, then thanks for watching, and as always stick around and
keep checking back regularly for more content!
Lãng Du - ToFu ft. An (Prod. by VoVanDuc) (INSTRUMENTAL / TAS Release) - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
Is Ascension Really Happening – The Role Of The Lightworker - Duration: 19:18.Is Ascension Really Happening � The Role Of The Lightworker
By consciousreminder
Most definitely. The Earth has evolved to a point where she is ready to move to a higher
frequency dimension. This is a normal evolutionary step for all life in the universe. This process
is called Ascension. The dimension is the 5th. Everyone and everything ascends when
their energy vibration reaches a specific frequency of Light.
There are many different forms of life upon Earth, e.g. humanity, animals, minerals, trees,
etc. Anything that lives within the natural flow of Divine Order will have a similar band
of vibration to the Earth and as such can automatically ascend with her. An example
of living in Divine Order can be seen in the response of plants and animals to the different
Everyone on Earth is deciding now, on some level, whether they choose to align with that
Divine order and so ascend to the 5th dimension or if they wish to continue their learning
in the 3rd dimension. Third dimensional learning involves experiencing many different situations
to help teach us greater wisdom and love.
Anyone involved in this learning, such as humanity and some animal species, are at different
points of vibration, depending on the learning attained. Living positively creates a high
level of vibration. Negative patterns, such as fear, create a lower vibration.
You don�t need to know what you are doing! It is not part of the contract! It is usually
the mind or ego that wants to know the details and significance. Spirit is content to surrender
to Divine Order, simply doing what feels right, without hesitation, in total faith and trust
� and moving on to the next exciting moment. AM I A LIGHTWORKER?
If you have a desire to help � even if you don�t know what form that help may take
� the answer is yes. HOW DO I KNOW I AM HELPING?
If you are doing what feels right, regardless of what it is � you are helping. Providing
it resonates, you are doing what you came here to do. Interest, excitement and what
resonates and feels right deep within � will show your right path, moment by moment. Trust
your gut feeling.
DO I NEED ALL THE DETAILS TO PLAN MY WORK? Only if it feels right and excites you. When
we surrender and use intuition, we don�t generally need much of the detail and significance
that make up our 3D world. If you do need details or need to �think it out,� it
will feel right in the moment to do that. This is quite different to working it out
through the mind because you think you have to. If you are meant to do something that
needs a particular energy, such as an eclipse or full moon energy, then providing you plan
intuitively � that will be present. Mostly, you could go ahead and plan without ever knowing
there was to be a full moon that day. However, there will always be exceptions. It could
be, for some Divine reason, you do need to know there will be a full moon that day. If
so, that will feel right! Generally, if you have planned intuitively, then everything
that is meant to be there, will be there. Some Lightworkers tasks do involve significance
and detail. Remember a feeling of rightness is senior to anything � even statements
by �authorities� or ascended masters. DO I NEED TO ATTEND LOTS OF WORKSHOPS?
Whether it is a workshop, a book or anything else, if it excites you � do it. If it doesn�t
� don�t. Just because it helped someone else, doesn�t meant it is right for you.
Your indication of excitement is your path. IS IT NECESSARY TO WORK ON FORMING A LIGHT
BODY? The vast majority of Lightworkers already
have a Lightbody. You left it stored �up there� until it was needed. You are in the
process of integrating it. If by any chance you don�t already have one, it is being
created. This is part of the balancing that takes place for ascension. You don�t usually
have to do anything in particular. It happens naturally, as you re-adopt your mastery. As
you surrender to Divine Order, it just happens. AM I WHERE I AM MEANT TO BE?
Well, check it. Ask yourself �If I could be anywhere in the world doing anything I
want, right now, where would I be?� If your answer is �right here doing what I am doing,�
then you are following your intuitive guidance in that moment and you are where you�re
If you are looking around to see who has noticed, that is a pretty good indicator! You could
also ask yourself, �If I never tell anyone that I am doing this, and no-one is ever going
to know, do I still want to do it? Give yourself a truthful answer.
You have a great gift � it is the ability to sense when a situation or someone, does
not feel right for you. Be aware of your initial feeling and trust it. No matter if the whole
world thinks that that this presenter, technique, book, product or guru is simply the best,
trust your intuition every time. You could save yourself untold anguish! A lack of confidence
in yourself and a failure to trust your own knowing can really land you in hot water!
HOW DO I RECOGNISE TRUTH? Your heart tells you � every time. All you
need to do is trust your intuition when it speaks to you. As you read or listen to something,
note if anything does not feel right. It could be just a word or a sentence. Don�t dismiss
your feelings�.. never accept something that feels wrong.
WHY AM I LOSING MY MEMORY? Because you are leaving the 3D world where
one uses memory in order to know something. You are heading for the 5th dimension where
KNOWING is the way to operate. Your memory is disappearing to encourage you to use your
ability to respond intuitively. It is time now to simply know what you need to know in
any given moment. Losing your memory is a positive happening! It affects all age groups.
It applies particularly to Lightworkers who have been here a long time.
WHY IS MY EYESIGHT AFFECTED? Everyone wanting to ascend has to bring all
aspects of themselves into balance, in order to attain the right frequency of vibration.
This includes merging with your I AM Presence (which is the non-incarnated part of you).
Your eyesight has to adjust and it can become difficult to read small print in bad lighting.
(Other types of eyesight problems will have a different reason). You don�t need an optician.
Just buy a pair of the lowest magnification glasses until this adjustment is completed.
It may take a while. This depends on you. The more positive you are, the faster your
I AM can merge with you. The more the I AM merges, the more help you are given to be
You are leaving the 3rd dimension and �time� � and are heading to the 5th dimensional
realm of the �eternal moment.� There is no time in the 5th, because it is not required
for 5th dimensional learning. As the Earth moves to �no time,� her frequency increases
and she �loses� time. We have now lost 6 hours and 54 minutes on a day. This, combined
with the fact that you try to do things you think you �should� and �need� to do,
is the reason you are not getting it all done. Cancel all the shoulds, musts and needs in
your life. Do only what feels right. It may not always feel exciting and it may not always
be pleasant, but it will feel right to do it. Sometimes our emotions and thoughts get
in the way and confuse us. Put these reactions aside and check if it �feels� right.
No, it is selfless. There is only one Divine Order. Everyone who operates within its natural
flow is in the right place, at the right time, giving the best help they can in that moment.
Have courage and trust that, despite reactions others may have, your actions are also right
for them (as indeed their actions are for you, if they are operating intuitively). Perhaps
their response comes from their mind or ego. Perhaps you are helping them bring their emotions
to the surface. You don�t need to know the why. Just do it, let go of any expectations
of what you think should happen and carry on with what feels right in the next moment�
and the next��and the next. HOW DO I STOP THINKING ALL THE TIME?
Take 10 minutes a day when you won�t be disturbed. Become still. Whenever a thought
comes into your head � say CANCEL. Continue to focus on the silence. Don�t give a seconds
of your attention to any thought. Don�t relax your discipline. Do this every day until
the mind realises it is no longer in control. The mind will become quiet, responding only
when called upon by you � Spirit. It doesn�t have to take long.
HOW DO I STOP EMOTIONAL CHAOS IN MY LIFE? Spot your lessons early. If you react to a
person or situation, be are of it and let your reaction go. If you don�t let it go
or you fail to notice your reaction, you will continue attracting tougher and more traumatic
situations, until you get the message! Spotting it early means you don�t get into horrendous
traumas! Don�t bury or suppress your emotional reaction. If you do, you�ll have to create
more situations to bring them to the surface again.
HOW DO I GET INTO MY HEART? Get out of your head and ego � and there
is no place left to go. Well OK, it is a matter of discipline. Do spot checks on yourself.
A few times in the day, ask yourself �Am I in my head or my heart?� If you see that
you�re thinking about what to do � stop, take a deep breath and move into your heart.
Ask yourself what you would like to be doing in that moment? What would make your heart
sing and not sink? Then do it. Or at least put the steps into motion to start doing it.
HOW DO I LEARN TO LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY? Be aware every time you criticise, judge or
condemn anyone, including yourself. And stop doing it. Apply the discipline necessary to
demand from yourself, a positive, loving outlook. Never let yourself get away with a negative
thought. You may like to look at the following possibilities. �Everyone is doing the best
they can, with the data they have at hand�. �Everyone on the planet is helping everyone
You are shown signs in the everyday events of your life. All you need to do is be in
the present moment in order to see them. If you are �spaced out� or too �grounded,�
you can miss what is happening in front of you.
There are no leaders. The process of ascension requires a regaining of inner mastery. For
this reason, you are encouraged to seek your own inner truth and be your own leader. Remember
the Wizard of Oz and �follow the yellow brick road�? The answers are found within.
We are all equal. If you understand this, you will not feel called to hand your power
over to guru�s and leaders who we think are better than us. Often through a lack of
self-confidence, we hand our power to someone we believe may be helping. In this way, we
hope that at least then we will be helping. Handing our power over can be as simple as
adoring a photo of someone and �thinking� your energy in their direction. Be aware of
the links you make � some are not what they seem to be!! Your first inner gut reaction
LIGHT? Decrees can be used to assist for this. To
ensure you are aligned to Highest Light, do the following: �
�By Divine Decree, In the Name of God, I invoke the Sacred Violet Flame, to transmute
in this moment � every thought, link, alliance, connection or allegiance to any negative Being,
energy or object � that I have made � knowingly or unknowingly � in this Universe, where
this is not in accordance with � the Highest Source of All Creation and the Divine Plan
for Earth.
I AM� now fully aligned in all my lower and higher bodies to � the Highest Source
of All Creation. I give permission under Universal Law, for
any and all sacred codes and mathematical programmes that I am responsible for, that
I carry, have carried or will carry, to be brought NOW into a state of purity in accordance
with Divine Order and to be held in such a state forever, in accordance with Divine Higher
Will. So Be It. It is done.� You will need to say it 3 times.
The easiest way to stay free of non-optimum connections is�. never doubt your ability
to know what is right for you. DO I NEED TO BE ABLE TO CHANNEL?
Everyone is a channel of Light and healing in some form. Regarding channelling specific
material from the ascended realms, if this was a part of your agreement then, ego aside,
becoming a channel will resonate with you. If all the planet�s billions of people were
meant to channel as a pre-requisite to ascension, we might be here for another 26,000-year cycle!
If you are meant to channel, then you will already be trained for it (as were all Lightworkers
for their particular jobs), so you won�t need to go somewhere to �learn to channel.�
Although channelling appears to have some glamour attached to it, it is just another
job. It doesn�t mean someone is more evolved or special. If channelling is addressed with
humility, surrender and service, then a high level of truth can be brought through. If
these qualities are not present, channelling can be distorted as it is filters through
the lower bodies. Because there was no original agreement made with the higher realms, people
who channel from an ego desire, often encourage lower dimensional beings who profess to be
from higher dimensions. We all ultimately learn the value of following what truly resonates
in our heart to do. Therein lies the joy. HOW DO I ACT AS A MASTER WHEN I FEEL LIKE
A VICTIM? Stop feeling like a victim. What is left is
the alternative � a Master. HOW DO I RECOGNISE MIS-INFORMATION?
If you feel something isn�t right, it isn�t! Trust your inherent ability to distinguish
the difference. Nothing is more reliable than your own inner
guidance. Trust it with all your heart and soul. Be your own counsel. If you perceive
a negative energy, you don�t need to also decide that this energy is good or bad, right
or wrong. That is a third dimensional belief pattern of judgement.
The goal of negative energy is to further people away from source. As a Lightworker,
this would not be a goal you would align with, so you may choose to withdraw your support,
energy and power from this activity. However, you don�t also need to withdraw your unconditional
love. �Unconditional� means just that. It doesn�t mean �I will only love you
if you work with positive energy and do things that I think are right!�
WHEN WILL I ASCEND? This occurs when it is completely right in
Divine Order. You don�t get whisked out of here at an inappropriate moment. It is
not something that is done to you! Ascension is a do-it-yourself affair. You go when you
are ready. For ascension to occur you will have completed what you came to Earth to do.
Any dense energies in your emotional and mental bodies will have been transmuted into a higher
frequency. You will be in balance. Your outlook will be one of joy, harmony and peace. You
will not still be making statements like �When the heck do I get out of here!� and �I
hope this is my last physical incarnation!� Your desire to leave will be equal to your
desire to remain. When all this is in order, you may find yourself ascending with your
Twin Flame and heading for the �completion of mission� banquet!
SO WHAT DO I NEED TO DO? Be yourself. This means LET GO of everything
that is not YOU � all the barriers you have erected, all the beliefs, justifications,
criticisms, judgements, negative thoughts, unwanted emotions, the �shoulds, needs and
musts� and the effort you put into controlling your life.
The idea of letting go or surrendering control can bring up fear in us. But there is nothing
to fear. You don�t lose your identity and become absorbed into some great unknown! Surrendering
means you are more in tune with the consciousness of the universe. This helps you act with a
deep understanding of what is best for whole Self. The real you � Spirit � has a caring,
love and depth of compassion that goes far beyond what you experience though your emotional
body. Surrendering brings an ease and joy to life that will make you wonder why you
didn�t do it earlier.
You are � giving the best help possible; completing your agreements; balancing your
karma; merging with your I Am Presence; integrating or creating your Lightbody; becoming the God
qualities you have chosen to reflect on Earth; transmuting any dense energies in your lower
bodies; resuming your power, wisdom, abilities and mastery; passing or exchanging any necessary
codes to people or places; receiving highest guidance; experiencing a stunning sequence
of synchronicities; on your ascension path; connecting with the right people; attracting
the signs to show you the way; in the right place at the right time; merging closer with
your Twin Flame; experiencing situations optimum for your learning; aware you have the abilities
and powers you need in any given moment; positive, confident, aware, wise, loving, compassionate,
understanding, non-judgmental and centred; regaining your multi-dimensional awareness;
completing your contract; moving into inner joy; fun, excitement, fulfilment and love;
trusting yourself and the absolute perfection and magnificence of the process of Divine
Order �
Огненная Фиеста в Гамильтоне! - Новая Зеландия - Duration: 6:10.Hi Everyone!
Kubic here
We're going to...
Hamilton Hot Air Balloons show!
Let's go!
We've arrived to....
Waikato University
It becomes crowdy...
... as show starts soon...
So let's go too!
It's awesome!
*boys and girls*
*are you ready?*
*I can't hear you*
*I said are you reeaady?*
*The Zuru Nightglow*
*and right here at the University of Waikato is about to begin*
*Let's count it down*
*and 10*
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Sim Dara
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How to Rebuild Trust - Ash Kirwan - Duration: 17:44.Good afternoon beautiful peoplel
ashkirwan.com.au bringing you
another video on how to rebuild trust
which is as i can assume and imagine
that you would probably be aware that
it's a big thing in today's worldl now to
go turns news on to see that people's
trust doing miss land and broken and
destroyed of a multitude of levels or if
you start to see that sort of carry out
and tater that's going on in the greater
world around and none of us are except
for that because intellectual property
the internet bullying political agenda
corporate strategy the excessive
workload workplace burnout mental health
issues family dysfunction marriage
divorce breakups messy breakups and
youth issues in a multitude of different
spectrum and arenas are starting to a
rise in our community quite vividly and
this is kind of where I think it's
really important for us now to start to
as its species I'm going to go back by
say that but as a species we need to
start to learn how to rebuild trust in
that cell phone for me I'm going to go
out and say it starts with a big dose of
humility in rebuilding trust redundancy
that means but like for me to bring for
me rebuild trust with you is to
ultimately have this humility to admit
when I'm wrong they're not to speak
dramas and negativity about other people
around me unless I'm willing to actually
speak that to that person because for me
that's a really big dose of scenery it's
something i've found is true in my world
if I exist within the paradise of
different social groups and family
groups and yet not partaking
conversations and put forward content in
the form of my self expression in
regards in relation to another person or
a call company or a brand whatever in a
way other than what I'm willing to
actually communicate effectively with
that person and say directly to that
version or the company of that brand
then ultimately I'm partaking in a level
of psychological abuse features are
willing to say things behind probably
else in fact or not I'm actually willing
to say to them so therefore when I have
people that are willing to come to me
and tell me what my problems are tell me
what what my shoes are wanting to hear
that I wanted to understand it because
it shows me parts of myself that I
haven't been out of four see for myself
by me being out to have the ability of
defeat you got to see where these people
are coming from I don't have to agree
with their right most of time I died but
it means I get to a chance to explain
why I see act do or are otherwise i am
and be the ways I be and do the things I
do quite repeatedly and it actually
feels lot stronger bond and those
relationships you know I can't tell you
how many dark and clearly lightning
filled death-defying conversations I've
had with my mother and father of the
last 38 years actually i'll go that far
of saying but it's been quite talking
and rewarding in the same essence
because like rebuilding those those
relationships with mum and dad's being
it's been huge mammoths all but is
nothing short of tormenting learning to
love people that put you in a mental
institution four times who raised your
the fundamentals old a family value
system and a religion based upon open
communication effective communication in
order to give back to one vision one
goal and while and belief because it was
totally obliterated in the segregation
of the deterioration of their own
marriage relation because i live
completely oppositely to the values a
abbreviated lead and obsessively
compulsively held each other in regard
to they completely create a profile
profane obliteration of the family
values that they believe teach me my
brother actually
the best way to put it however let's not
inter detriment to say that they about
people it's not to say that my dad
should be punished severely adjusted to
the doctor the dust of health for
everything they've done to me know what
I mean by that is giving me a chance to
actually understand the composition the
context and the content of two people
spies we totally did not partake in the
understanding and the open communication
in working through issues to create
resolve in order to have an effective
communicative relationship that could
grow to a greater level of abundance and
rebuild trust quite substantially based
upon the faults and the insecurities
that showed up persistently within their
relationship that's a bit of a mouthful
however moving right along this very
area of standing here the kitchen this
is one of the beautiful places I like to
build trust and people in my life
features help really healthy lives
healthier healthy wife now the mind
healthy body healthy spirit put it
however you like however what you put
into your for you what you feed and
nourish your body with in the form of
food thought actions activities peer
group career etc hobbies is going to
permeate all areas of your life
including relationship so for me this
area here in the kitchen is a beautiful
place to build trust because if you're
happy if your relationships are
conducive to effective communication
people are going to want to help each
other cook dinner they're going to want
to socialize in the kitchen they're
going to enjoy a morning coffee and
stirring each other up your ass and have
it a wrestle in the kitchen while
they're doing the dishes you know
generally having fun and serious people
aren't having fun and Aaron and I mean
fun in other areas their life because
this is where you get your energy to go
out and all that other great stuff but
you do it out the world because if
you're an entrepreneur and you do some
great stuff in the world you know just a
great stuff in here how long do you
think that's going to last and how long
do you think you're going to be able to
sustain that level of energy when we are
in Superman you
yeah performs a theory class with some
serious skill levels but you don't get
this part correct those skill sets are
sustainable for any level of excellence
for any extended period of time at that
is a given scientific fact without me
bringing up any statistics we all know
that do we not and we are not going to
have any trouble here argue with me I
wanted to put the comments in the box
below let's be fit out which is a la
backwards and love that shit because
you've all got stories going on your
world and that's why I'm doing these
solve the problems of the stories people
got going on in the world it was never
greater level of trust through my
humility of meeting defeat so if you've
got any grief or beef on anything year
for see or hear me say go to town on
number one Ashley's a comment box down
there and let's get this conversation
started because that is the whole point
of these videos is to teach you how to
understand how mental health is a direct
outcome from your family dynamics that
the value system that was acquainted to
you and talk to you in your use growing
up through your perceptions of your
environment around you manage your
school your peers your friends your
family and the geographical locations
and demographics that you grew up with
in and that is from those things that we
will find the keys to unlock the
perception to our greater potential for
the future in every single one of us
regardless of whether we come from a
higher socio-economic group or a low
story short social economic growth
because I've gone from being in the
middle class socially socio-economical
watching my mother and father smash one
another to obliteration physically and
psychologically to squeeze and weasel
their way into the upper middle class
only to act like complete wankers and
then have two discrete each other
through the law court and drag me my
brother through the gutter rats of
arrows like Halle need understand why
the hell they were being such idiots I
need to be scum rolled back into the low
socio-economic groups with the seat and
chill with some of the coolest people
I've known and then climb and scrap my
way out of it
see some of our firm is upper class
social economic group absolutely living
in the mythical disarray of the darkness
of their own soul and inner torment so
there is no convincing me that there is
no right or wrong or the only level of
money is going to raise your level of
happiness or self-worth or depression or
cluster bomb and mental fuck of what's
happened in the past moving forward to
correct whatever I Palace all you want
to create the only way we can do that is
to rebuild trust in the relationship
scale around us and put first things
first and build a team that people who
we care about and care to be around
because they believe what we believe and
to see what we perceive and want to have
fun to the sound level and degree that
we want to I could have kept that right
of going but I'm not here to be a part
and I'm not here to be complete
entertainer on the clan on a goose and I
like to be that I can also be equally
grumpy and go to absolute fucking
squander your on motherfuckers because
they get crankier than my granddad in
the aims I sure half a carton of evil
you export about 10 when he blew that
was quite site doesn't i can tell you i
was about its best all the kids and
grandkids will climb down the trigger
and you know it son that was no hanging
around Athens at 61 to think you're
about to get busy Australia's happen
interesting parts of happy attractive
background had an interesting culture
development and we since the wars ever
since the community development become
more of an artistic size in our
Australian Adi battle attended see a
culture of 20 we made down and go around
being the rugged Ozzie turns into the
tall poppy syndrome of actually being
obnoxious and arrogant those house and
would come along Miami clearly turn you
use on you'll see how far we've come you
know with a crack epidemic there's a lot
of research done in to drive
use alcohol abuse gambling abuse and
even to a certain extent domestic
violence that a lot of our issues and
emotional armory stuff it's showing up
that are having up num our pain in
destructive ways they addiction are all
coming from our lack of connectability
and ability to connect with one another
emotionally and resolve our issues and
live an ever greater prosperous happy
fulfilled life and one thing I'll come
to understand myself as being on the
hamster wheel and running faster and
becoming more of a worker holy to make
more money to prove your point you can
afford their thing it's not really
building trust and resolving mental
health issues or making any of us feel
any better about ourselves it's while a
bitch so much what do you love doing
when you've got a few spare moments in
your life that give you the space to
really glow and bring yourself to like
what is that you are then have you
noticed that time sleeping out fully
self-express yourself in there there's
make clearest away to be understood in
the way you intend to be understood as
being when you be that you're healthy in
your life with your schemes think line
with your body's been flourishing we
draw systems of work around sent the
body clocks working your bouncy embedded
annoying you know routine your patents
are all flowing smoothly go that way
you've had two consistent flow in life
and clean when you just bento be
scattered argue with everybody not
anything correctly not giving a shit
never trade for a while I don't think I
need to wait for an answer for that do I
go look around you if you'd like to
build more trust yourself and the people
in your life I challenge you to start in
the kitchen think throughout the
conversations and the relationships you
have in the kitchen who do you have any
kitchen who do you convert in the
kitchen how do you converse with them in
the kitchen what you can to converse
over when the different emotions of
those conversations are going on and
hacking you're sad or angry and the
arguments what top food
in those moments challenge yourself to
look at this style how do you rebuild
trust how are you going to rebuild trust
if you've got broken trust in your
relationship maybe somebody cheated on
you or maybe something's happened is
been a fight there's been any level of
domestic violence psychological pieces
been months of not being understood or
maybe your partner's been telling
stories you haven't wanted to speak
photos to other people to other people
right in products like parties and all
this sort of shit going on what is your
broken trust issues and how are you
going to rebuild or what format and what
rules and what conditions are you going
to put in place in order to rebuild that
trust because those my friend Ozar your
boundaries by knowing about it you would
know where your trust issues lie and you
will know when it will step over that
mark and is your best interest to learn
to communicate effectively and demand to
be understood in those times they're not
being understood and learn to move away
from those relationships is there to
file the toxic side of the more in the
emotional and resolve to resolve those
issues as they show up to rebuild the
trust while in the quickest ways you can
do this very kitchen because if you're
in the kitchen with the people that you
love that you're supposed to have trust
and build trust consistently with and
get a name ever deeper relationship
connection with over time because that's
what sharing your life ultimately is
meter depth of marriage are autonomous
you get to know someone ever deeper
level and embrace the true depth of
their identity based upon the
development over time you truly love
someone you will want to see them
through the hydrogen line and accept
them for their good and bad faults want
to see their race or network a level of
potential of themselves so therefore in
the kitchen is the perfect chance you
have those conversations that are hard
to have that are hard to resolve that
are emotionally sticky that really need
to happen if you look into your life so
at least the other remember why it took
far too long happen what if i get you
like well what they were wearing well
now if you take it on your into your
minds way of that you can start to open
up these conversations we're in the
kitchen over time and actually move into
the more and more and see where people's
emotional arms only see where that are
emotional I'm sure you get different
people different agents have different
sure the incapability and accepting
different emotional conversations which
is some people don't actually understand
emotion my parents are in essence is
part of a baby boomer here in Australia
which means that they don't really have
much all of emotional connection with
itself because that don't even know how
many emotions there are in the human
condition how many emotions do you know
how many can you explain do you realize
there is more than a couple more than a
couple hundred emotions within the human
availability there is actually around
7,000 human emotions that you can
experience it how many of them can you
name or know that you go through one
particular day because I know my parents
in their relationship never stopped 21
times now one other emotions not one
another's emotions or their emotional
response of different subjects or why
they are emotionally responding to
something so that support twice along
the board of don't go there don't go
there which meant they end up things
from the most immature people I've ever
known that still know which I'm
accepting and loving that for which is
then physically and emotionally beating
each other up for so many years kept
them confined to the immaturity of their
own inability to step into emotional
conversations to resolve them to evolve
them to grow as individuals and they
cost themselves psychologically and
damaged themselves in the latter part
their lives which is around the ears or
maybe from fashion shit out of each
other through there but they aren't
about the lateral load which has the
facilitation on lateral thinking
thinking laterally connecting
emotionally and effectively
communicating people so they've got
psychological damage those parts of
their brain which affects them in their
ability to be mature in their fifties
and sixties when they should be the
highlight and twilight years of their
life so what i can do is shit a little
internal tears of those people but they
created themselves so what are you
creating for yourself in and how are you
going about building and resilient doing
revision trust levels within the
relation see and care about so much
because sometimes people now life for
ourselves sometimes our apples but a
reason and if we actually love them for
those reasons I'm stopping alpha
quantum at the hardware is mom and dad
maybe you will too maybe you are I'm
hoping you take the easy one take the
easy way man take the easy way
Weight Loss Stories - Duration: 15:20.hi guys, ashkirwan.com.au and in
this video I'm going to give you one of
my weight loss stories from in the
journey of losing 50 kilos over the last
eight years however this story of 10
years ago and it was when I was working
on Roy Hill of cattle station 125 kilos
and have been pretty much i would say
ostracize about every person i've known
in my family my peer group everything
although i went through a large level of
mental health and choose to get to that
point and the bigger picture of that was
that a lot of people just couldn't stand
by and watch what was going on in my
world so chronic down myself desert and
searching in writing and the desert of
all things you do when you're under 25
kilos in extremely overweight working on
a cattle station in 45 degree heat
however did his story like i was doing
forums that's driving around about
400-500 collars a day starting out water
boards to make sure that the the animals
that livestock cattle cows and the balls
on the cattle station of a million
anchors actually had water from day to
day to survive because in the desert in
Australia the one thing that keeps
animals flourishing and ain't growing is
the fact that they've got fresh water to
drink itches a lot idols out to walk
great distances nor to get food not
likely though and 125 kilos I think I
kind of had a little bit of cushion
hello and the stories on when they had
stopped and rocked up on site there's me
I bust the need for being an idiot down
on a creek streaming overweight 19 with
the land cruiser music tunes cranking
with the lights over the creek dancing
like an idiot I've rolled mini and I end
up in crutches a lot for months and as
much as I can mark about analysis it was
not nice at the time like I didn't have
health insurance but didn't have anyone
to call me a cheap and to be honest with
you what mom and dad was just like yeah
mom wasn't even talking to data at the
time but that mr. cycle we want me to do
about you looking time for any new with
it and so there's a lot of this cost
unions are going on in the back of my
life and this was a lot of the emotional
turmoil showed off me today that quarter
of this may be bounced over because when
the headstock and rocked up he sees
meeting is over a dude on crutches
doable for runs and 30s in his right
what do you are in fact rah rah rah and
then from that on my nickname become too
bad because for obvious reasons that I
liked any porridge in the morning which
extreme amounts of honey on it and so me
and had Stockman had court volatile
relation to that point like you imagined
or approaches Australia roadway to Chloe
got this one what I have another being
I'm a cigarette quite of mentality not
really even ship is it's our level of
emotional I marry that we've built up to
be how to deal with people to give a
shit about how we look and how we are
and so we've created this a lot of
overweight straight man ever created a
greater level of abundant week in order
to counteract anybody smart comments and
actions about her obesity and so that
was very much mean like us very much
more emotional armory was sent really
high because you really have a strong
connection my life I really had nothing
to lose good four months Mimi had
Stockbridge's had his head bashing
relationships where him and soccer golf
to a mustering I'd gone through the ball
runs and then that was its cause every
time is the meeting in the middle of his
light jet button has forward arguments
the whole lot and then you know to be
honest it was probably the lowest point
of my my life actually you know and it's
funny for me now because that guy's
become a really good friend of mine oh
these and a write-up great role model
but a torn he was a business a lot ever
met and because I had nothing to go back
to I had nothing to run for all I had
nothing run tues I was just there that
was me so I was like fuck you mate right
we're going to go out its guns blazing
you so you go this way things go that
way I've got nothing to lose anyway so
we had a love-hate relationship where he
would find as many ways pull the living
piss out of me and make me feel bad
about myself from one obesity and what
I'm more than capable of doing
over time I just watch this guy you know
because it wasn't any of all right and
go there wasn't any worse I could feel
about myself I was pretty much bad and
so nobody can drag many Louis I really
didn't give a shit so it just becomes
fun to actually roll discover on this
guy back across the seabed of his /
frappe anytime I could all those a lot
sharper the oils so being overweight not
bad not stand up I sort of stood back in
sports ago after a long period of time
and you know it was a very arrogant
narcissistic like a real desert rat
hardened Ozzy bike and he can match it
like a lot of bushings are a lot of
Desert Rats are you know yeah like which
is God from longtime like he had a lot
of workers come and go because he was
just total on and I'd Thailand I'd get
dusted up by a few animals it's not an
easy job life some of those scrubs are
up around a time and then never been
caught before when they come in when you
finally get me to the odds by helicopter
wat buggy and I thought act like they
just won't warn you and guide you and
main just want to destroy you and try
and get back entity and it's not a great
thing against us as they died life in
court troops a lot of fun and a lot of
told them there's a lot of campus and
emotions flying flat out because that's
difference between people living in
striving and thriving or dying very
easily down a desert it can think and go
pear-shaped and terribly wrong very
quickly so it's why I love likes out
they are very sharp and very direct and
very straight up and down in a certain
industry it's a cutthroat industry where
you know it's not made a great industry
to their car or a lot of times that's
what a lot of these guys pretty brutal
what goes on out there in the desert
denouement i mean i remember i watch the
squat for months gastric workers and one
night we all go loses the first want to
go on the Boosters could be an ab
internet we not find coverage in that TV
we never 80 in that contact the outside
world up then the telstra pay slips
where you can log in through an external
phone and pay by direct debit to call
out so it really walk on the wild west
at that stage nine and God come garlic
by gone through about 21 blokes one
light head stopping I'll Steve I decided
he'd come out and get on the business
and drink a few beers and things got
pretty rowdy or once again he got pretty
nice 60g after you know darkman beers or
solid I've decided to give another
mouthful sitting around the fire at
midnight you know I 100 also 120 kilos
of time the only really soft sand so I
added that Thomas it ran far of an
evening and enjoying that and then yes
different hours revered as it you know
taking getting my substance and
substance from life from the little
things like the pitches the picturesque
scenery of the desert there's random
spray animals in say running around the
place of dal dhokli the dingoes the
camels for horses the snakes or lizards
the budget the Eagles but as much as you
think the desert is dead lit which it is
there so much about a lot either I'll
come on cook took great pleasure Eden
take that stuff you don't you have a
diploma upon our being our lane the
nine-minute of know possibly by fides
knowing to go anyway might as well found
manage orbit for that you know this why
not going to sit down and without that
doesn't is it it's almost better lolz i
could be but was enjoying that i only
just started ripping into me in the
middle of night hasta psychic you know
on I talk to me like that I was like not
your problem is and I proceeded to give
this broken their fault and it wasn't
just being nasty i was actually
constructing about because i've washed
at the site on because you wanted to be
communicated with its going yet to be
very direct about we said and made a
point which is our t seem like you to
speak up or spread behold apiece you
might do with goods we get out on me
like that was malice april straight down
the line spider spider BAM and it's live
on after him but was actually a cult of
cartman I thought the speech up and put
the cards on the table just like you'd
asked for so long is 925 hundred twenty
kilos at that time could stand on one
leg could even straight the second need
without having the crutches on and no
giving this bloke advanced or at
midnight so clearly just what the
flawlessly 15 times
at that stage that I remember just
looking at me like he for real and all
the rest of the lad sit around the fire
looking at me right BRB Hamid another
one stop me I haven't done what nobody
government CFO can go and none me and
this had stopped and had an ID window
went for about ten minutes flat out is
firing back aboard each other pin pin
pin pin pin detail detail detail spades
spades bone until the end he gets up and
he walks around at that time I had an
Akubra heart that I I'd we're quite
really don't have it on sit by Lauren
you know a little bit of this bit of
smile who I could and then he gets up
and you walk for everybody knows you
want fight da poo in it you think you're
a man you get up and forth like a min I
remember looking over shoulder bit like
you for real right with me 120 kilos
make I can't even stand up on two feet
on one crutches and you want to have a
fight with me and you're supposed to be
the leader of this shaman or have a look
at yourself man you're being an idiot
Gordon City indicate you the one who
said if anyone's got anything to say to
speak up or forever hold your peace all
I'm doing is actually speaking up I'm
over hope forever holding my pee so you
just sit down and keep talkin like you
promiscuous and keep saying that
everyone should speak up or forever all
their patience you never let me speak up
and just shut your fuckin mouth you old
bastard that my friend is probably one
of the three most glorified moments with
my B's life actually taking my power
back and say no you will respect me as a
sim thing because i know why i am and i
am no where i am not the other day
you'll still respect me as human being
if i'm going to be able to be allowed to
have a voice i'm going to use it in here
you go you can have it continue to keep
given to it well after midnight well
after quite a number of is and what i
would like to share with you in this way
or story is not even though that it's
very eco derivative storage for me is
not the idea of boosting our ain't going
to make our point but to bitch instruct
you about how we create interactions of
people and kids being obesity regional
people who put us down as very easy for
two main just to you Lester worthy or
feel fucking that we're not an
experience of fight back to that and
it's are easy to be very sharp tongue to
the equal level but not constructive of
us never ever going to get you out of
anywhere and it's not going to break you
into any wins or get you anywhere
substantial wine being really smart
driven about things so the thing but
about that moment that was great for me
so I was very constructive about what I
said to him even that was after a couple
of cartons vydor I had thought about
what I would say to him for a long time
and it sort of just roll up the tunnel
right then the next day I had got up and
you know you is pissed off because I'm
out in front of all the boys but after
that we become become really good mates
because like I had the greech and I had
the gumption stand-ups on the outside
the grid the gumption to stand up for
myself so what that one owner gave me
was a guiding my self-worth they taught
me to value myself and that's probably
the biggest lesson I've had to maintain
in order to maintain my weight loss by
changing my lifestyle to be more like a
wonder I had to raise my self worth
because up until that point but just let
people pull the piss outta me I just let
them run me through the ground and
fucking destroyed me that was in that
one moment that I stood up for myself
and did no this is not how this story is
going to fuck it end I'm taking control
of this shit and I'm fucking not going
to be treated like that no more fuck you
that I actually started to see a part
out that avicii apart out of having a
busted knee and a really struggle
through life it's what I really got my
fight back in here in my heart and my
guts and just went yet I'm taking this
back because I just let myself be pushed
around so much in my life that I just
didn't even know how to function
correctly in the vicinity of the
community so within that moment I'll
just like you know what just find my
sponsor and that is probably the best
tip I can give you for this
his weight-loss success tour is that
when you take your power back you give
you a chance give yourself a chance to
win give a chat and yourself permission
to create your own secret story and
start your own teach that story because
on the journey of your own life like you
hold the pen you hold the paper you
write the end of your story and don't
ever give in you know that point I've
given in odd or do you like accepted
losing for the rest of my life and
that's so just only 30 years of age and
you know it's in that moment that big
argument that I was like I don't spend
the rest of my life being treated like
this I don't know and there was a really
it was really humbling moment for me
after I really calm down when I look at
it now you know there's a lot of ego
reading that story it was like too many
local book around the campfire right by
you I become a good friend of mine for a
reason killers to something in that I
was willing to communicate not
completely just running through the mind
and degrading even though that was
coming the other way for six months I
mean not going overboard when I had that
opportunity or won his respect of one
his friendship because of what I stood
for that exact moment because he knew
any moment we can change our emotional
state and we can be empowered to move
towards something that's more conducive
of who we are as an expression about
this that's how we create success
stories you weight loss that's how we
get to that goal weight that's how is
that goals is by giving ourselves
permission to be yourself on any given
moment and be constructed about you know
believe in yourself believe the you are
you are a greater success story in your
weight loss journey in whatever ill
whatever that looks like you get out
there believe in you
India vs Australia 4th test || Funny Onfield Moments captured during 4th test in Dharmshala - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Persaingan Seru Vinales Rossi dan Marquez di Moto GP - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
WHAT IS FAMILY VIOLENCE? - Duration: 15:55.hi guys, ashkirwan.com.au and in this
video I'm going to talk about the
concept of what is family violence
because over the last few years in
Australia around the world it's been a
big conversation that's been going on
and happening about you know when what
is psychological abuse what is bullying
and what is domestic violence and where
do the boundaries below or whether they
stopped and something I've had to cross
some own journey through dealing with
extreme mental health issues and my
family the domestic violence from the
psychological this and actually breaking
down to fundamentals of what was going
on me because between the ages of 19 and
25 I was mentally institutionalized bio
my parents and each journey and Road
Dogg had to eat our land back on out of
that here in family that I had to
understand myself not blind my body how
it works lose 50 kilos and really read
all those relationships to understand
what was going on over here and what I
will start off by saying is the first
thing is that base element of family
violence starts when you're not being
understood as you intend to be
understood because if we can't stop in a
heated discussion over a period of time
and crap resolving our relationships and
come back to an understanding of how
those people that we love an airline
intend to be understood not really
respecting them for who they are under
feelings and identity to that is our
role as family members in other people
places to share our life with them like
to admit questions those words to settle
to sure our life with them it's going to
get it and they are not wanting to get
it don't not wanting to shit have our
have a share our life it in and it
really is a hard thing for a lot of
people because a lot of people do have a
lot of family history or so the ego
driven stuff and people not listening to
lie other and you know by family is for
a lot of years up seemed like going to
Christmas or gold and dinner with the
herd of elephants it's not proper
fun in fact it's been downright daunting
in an anxiety building likeit's it's not
a nice experience and usually that's
what that's disintegrating of my cause
of purpose for being and my feeling
around what it means to be a part of a
family no because I like to mess with
what I've got friendships or
relationships that really get me
understand me and connect with me
emotionally regardless what I'm thinking
feeling doing acting us about or seen or
interpret a ting or creating my world as
like having people in my world too
lovely for my own unique expression of
my identity that whatever format that is
makes me feel connected in my world and
yet for a lot of years didn't have that
from any of our family and it was it was
really hard to do that was really
probably as a maid major like
understatement major fundamental of my
mental health issues because by not
being connected and being disconnected
from a famine also partly become
disconnected from myself and you know
like a big kind of my gender recently
has been understanding the fact that
okay my mother and father come to be
together because they really did have a
volatile relationship physically and
mentally the communication wasn't
clarified to a great deal and over a
large periods holiday become largely
misunderstood mr. Jensen for one another
so there's only ever going to be a small
effect for me my brother especially
because they work hard they worked on
hours may they be spatially stepped into
the upper middle class society I guess
to put it but forced their way into that
door and never stopped to the finer
points of life and never stopped to
effectively communicate and then it
stops removes further issues and really
enjoy and create the gratitude for what
they were creating their life and they
call it was the other way while creating
it like ego bashing one another and
physically bashing one another and this
is the kind of environment I had to grow
up in it and it wasn't
by any means bad environment which is
also producers or constructive to
long-term price so family violence
doesn't necessarily have to primarily
exist in the physical form of Benjamin's
of floggings in the excuse or
explanation or whatever the reasoning it
can also be in the simple format of what
breakdown of communication over time you
know like as a teenager I started to
bury myself in my room and hide from the
rest of family and if i look back that's
where my life's officially started its
were a lot of my weight issues were
fluctuating and self-image issues
starting on a lot of mine would you call
it fractured parts of myself started to
occur at that age and really separated
out until i was kind of lost myself into
the darkness of mental health and yet it
was only when i started to reviewed that
contact without understanding those
people in my world which better
basically had to go back to a parent my
parents to understand them to build
enough trusted and then to open up and
share themselves from their experience
with me which has helped me understand
what the fuck was going on for me and
it's lights not being a nice rate so
totally violence it's not as simple as
life and take that how you doin it's
also it's like being totally lost in the
cause of a vision of what your inner
having or being a part of a family for
it's not just like we follow the you
know that follow the the token holidays
and share our love of Christmas you and
break an easter egg at easter and share
one another's company you know every day
something is a chance to get to know two
people in my world a deeper level and
share my experience of life within you
know and if you if you're not getting
that buzz like energy and having that
support around you that helps you get
back to your own driver itself over a
longer period i'm like there's a good
chance there's some leverage agree of
disconnection and baylor is down there
violence going on in your in your fam
because you know we all want to dream
about the Epiphany of that beautiful
family singing of that nice little glass
window I haven't got champagne dinner
with the kids having a laugh and
discussion around the chandelier and the
little glass the big glass table with it
all the all the bells and whistles got
on and for me like I believe that's
possible for all that mr. Han I don't
care about what your financial situation
is I believed it was possible for every
single family and have that paradigm of
existence nodes it's not a far cry from
interacts just a matter of now keeping
stunned to step back and understand the
fundamentals of what family violence is
and how it break those barriers how to
break those gaps and self inches another
I want two main points are making this
video's with family violence is about
point isn't understanding and breaking
that stereotype of breaking that mold
isn't about pointing fingers either it's
about starting to understand that
concept to a lot of people who are in
those environments of doing it to one
another there is no right person is no
wrong because you know what's mom and
dad think was quite and mentor is quite
over another years I made for 21 years
and had miraculous mr. Walker destroyed
in the sterile man and it's been felled
for a number of years like which is an
understatement however the resolve it is
all this video which is the main point
that there is no right one person /
carrier target is we make choices in any
given moment how we perceive information
that comes into our world how somebody
gives us and shares their world with us
you know a large portion of mum and
dad's breakdown in relations because my
mother had to deal with race issues from
before she was known so therefore her
expression is a full lady in a sexual
being is limited based upon experiences
of what happened beforehand so for her
17 year old girl being with my father in
love and then married and pregnant at 19
did not fully other sins
what was going on in her world plus she
was revolting against your own having an
influence of a mother and mother-in-law
to top it off so she didn't really
understand the form availability of her
constructive expression in its fullest
fault because based upon her experiences
in the past and how she translated them
in a wealth and then they did my father
either to an extreme level so he didn't
have the communication me that the P or
opinions world to help him solve any
issues that would allow him to move
through his emotional states that are
more constructive level rather and
lashing out in many ways as many of the
laser did so they stayed together for 21
years and you know they did actually
love one another so there was no curse
the point finger at it ought to break
down that understanding of what happened
and why it happened to what was really
going on there if you get fundamental is
to move beyond it and to actually bring
things back to that connection you know
so that is the concept of what is family
violence because family violence comes
from a very real skill level and it can
be found out to the to the macro and
that's up to you just pointed what you
will accept in your world because will
only ever accept the level of love that
we see ourself apps run ye ever accept
the level of family connection that we
see our family work and so that is like
important to create result of
relationships it's all I it's important
to consistently look back and forth
through past experiences and share our
versions of those experiences in order
to either a resolve those issues or
share and reminisce for most times for
gratitude to build a longevity of fun
and prosperity in the future because
that's the point of Sharon's gratitude
around experience to come park if we
can't actually heal experience to the
front of past how are we supposed to
make gratitude for fun experiences for
the future
simple quantum physics mechanism that
that which expands out one way must
expand out to equal over the other way
you have an equal level of dysfunction
besides you must have a equal level of
expansion and other side okay where our
kids starts we go out and actually run
riot on the streets which is an extreme
version of 15 express but you know in a
relationship with somebody as well if
you expressly if you allow this level of
communications deficit you'll have this
level of communication overload as well
as a period of time and has many
outcomes the only way we'll ever really
step into an hour all truths of our
scented beans and being balanced and to
move forward with happiness joy and
prosperity is to realign those extreme
experiences ballots in that scene from
all perspectives and be able to move
towards what it is really wanting to
create because what i want to create my
world is different What's to what you
want to train it's different to what
your old man the mums bother your sister
now the Raggedy Ann down the street it's
different to what they all want to
create everyone should a different
perception about what it is they're
creating their world and so if we all
can step into our truce and
constructively communicate on a level
where we get to understand what we're
creating and begin to help on our on
that concept there's a whole new
paradigm of community a removable family
box through the understanding of family
violence that becomes possible for us
real quite simple really the issue is is
that within society we've accepted so
much complexity that we can't see the
simplicity for what I need
or what his family's all of us for you
what's going on in your world you know
without point a finger at anyone or
without going into deep dark emotional
pain what level are you being locked
because for a large portion of a lion so
I thought wasn't allowed myself to be
loved at all I just accepted that
because the only way I could express
myself so I thought fit because I had
sodium she was not like Miss judging me
and not even wanting to break through
anything I'm trying to into things like
Express in the way that I intended it to
be interpreted and that was frustrating
to me I was easier for me to bury my
head of sand and just be nobody in order
to be able to do what I wanted to do
rather than its breakthroughs various
and if you look at the old world by two
large degree some about Abaddon few some
way it is full and I learn a different
male-dominated working this is now a lot
landscaping every now and again and it's
just full of a lot of blokes talking
about women in destructive ways and I
just can't do that anymore like I've
crossed enough berries now i cant
existing that paradigm of environment
like at all I'd rather be broke that'd
be around those sort of people because
after what I've had to conquer and
results myself but there's no no until
ever talk about any woman like that ever
again it says so once you see the other
side of all this stuff is going on the
simplicity of it all the sides it's
fucking ironic met but every interaction
every relationship you have every
conversation you have around
understanding other people restage
altima tlie a thang like every component
that is the fundamentals of family
violence is realizing that sorry the
people you work with that they've we
hang around for consumers in your
physical founding spending time with in
your father's and
even applies to people that you
acknowledge in the street all become
part of the fundamentals of your own
resolution of your family violence need
to apply a liberal family dynamics that
elevate into a gratitude of family love
just anyway I hope see on the next next
year because this whole fundamentals of
family dynamics is a concept that I've
really got a lot of inflation share and
the experiences I've had in life so we
hope you've enjoyed this clip it into my
video series on family dynamics this is
a short video on what is family violence
five now
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