Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 31 2017

Today I am going to make the Overwatch Mei's ENDOTHERMIC BLASTER

Let's examine the shape

The Shape is not casually design

Many of them is real

See the bottom write liquid nitrogen in Chinese

the liquid nitrogen come out from the barrel

The gray part beside is the flowmeter

It shows how much the flow is

You can see the flow come out from the gun

and freeze the enemy

Let's see the real liquid nitrogen tank

The gas go through the valve and reduced pressure

Come out from the flowmeter

The higher the steel ball ,the faster the flow is

However the liquid nitrogen tank is too big

and it is high pressure

I need something safer

Compress gas or Co2 is an option

Both can produce mist

But gas will explode .too danger

As a result I find the solution


This ultrasonic device

include the electric circuit

produce 1.7MHz frequency vibration

transform the water in small shape


is a safe and easy way

However it need to contact water one side

insulation on the other side

so I screw it outside

I use 3 9V battery. 27V total

There is a wire detecting whether there is water or not

if no water left it will auto turn off .avoiding overheat

When it contact the water

ultrasonic turn on

After this is all done

I start to design the gun

Mei's gun is more difficult than tracer's gun

tracer's gun is flat

Mei's gun contain circle and column

Neither plate

After I finish the shape

I remove the part for installing MB

and the fan

Since my 3D printer can only print single color one time

I separate it by color

and drill screw holes

I will introduce 3D printing

What is 3D print?

You can see this paste 物

stacking layer by layer

Just like the paper of book

3D Printing is also known as Additive Manufacturing

Stacking layer by layer

My 3D printer is Fused deposition modeling (FDM)

It heat the material to liquid

and extrudes from the nozzle. stacking to form the 3D structure

In this part, I will introduce the process to print the parts

First you need to transform the 3D file to STL format

Import it in slicing software

I use CURA

You can set layer height, infill rate and temperature

Now we turn to layer mode

The red line is OUTER WALL

The green line is INTER WALL

The yellow line is infill

Dark blue shows where the nozzle moves

light blue line is support

The support will automatically generated to prevent material fall

It's not the origin in the model

You need to remove support after finish printing

After checking the layers, save the code to SD card

Insert in the printer

Using glue stick on the print bed can improve the material sticking

The nozzle heat is up to 200C

Stay away to prevent hurt

I need to have 2 color on 1 parts

so I use a little trick

I pause in the middle of printing to change the filament

so I can have 2 color on 1 parts

After finish printing , the part is sticking on the bed

Use shovel if needed

be careful! Never put your finger in front of the shove

Sometimes the part can easily be remove by hand

then we can print the rest parts


The support is not what we want

We need to remove it first

Then examine the quality

Larger support can easily be remove by hand

smaller one needs tool

By the way I need to saw the gun barrel

because the size is too small

and I find I forgot to make some screw holes

I use drilling machine to fix it

It's easy

No need to adjust RPM

Just lock the drill

and turn on

The last step is to assemble

wire,screw , etc

The blue LED lights

Fan runs. and then we can continue

After testing

I find out the mist is too heavy for the fan

for the fan.

The fan is too weak

I try to make other water tank in the barrel

Now the mist can come out

However I think it can do better if I have bigger fan

I hope I can make Winston or lucio's gun next time

or others

Hope you like it and share it

Give us some opinion

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 【鬥陣特攻】小美 不能冰的 【冰凍槍】[字幕] - Duration: 11:04.


7 Signs You Might Be Drinking Too Much - Duration: 5:42.

So, work this week was the literal worst.

You deserve to kick back with a glass of merlot!

Or, maybe you'd rather hit the club for a drink or two with friends, to blow off some


Nothing wrong with that, either.

Even doctors say a glass of red wine a day is excellent for your health.

The problem creeps in when you start becoming dependent on alcohol, which could quickly

become a dangerous addiction — and be very difficult to overcome.

So here are some warning signs your drinking is starting to get out of hand.

"We're going streaking"

Booze is #bae

Can't imagine a weekend or even a day without alcohol?

That may be a warning sign.

In fact, feeling that every activity has to include drinks could be a sign you've become

dependent on booze.

Having one drink each day can be good for your health, but chugging a week's worth of

glasses in a single sitting destroys every single benefit alcohol can offer.


Binge drinking is particularly dangerous because it raises blood pressure and interferes with

certain medications.

The dark side of binge drinking also includes alcohol poisoning, accidental injury, sexual

dysfunction, and liver damage.

But where's the pre-party at?

Liquid courage

With a little alcohol in your system, do you feel like the life of the party?

Are you suddenly the sexiest, prettiest, most intelligent, and funniest person around?

Watch out.

You might be looking at yourself through your own beer goggles.

"I'm excited, and I feel relaxed, and I'm ready..."

"to party."

There's even a little science that backs up the notion that alcohol boosts confidence.

Researchers conducted an experiment at a bar, asking 19 people to assess their attractiveness

on a scale of one to seven after drinking some booze.

Their alcohol levels were then measured, and the results were pretty interesting: the higher

their blood alcohol content, the higher their reported self-confidence.


Sadly, this liquid courage can be quickly replaced with "#shame" at your unpretty,

unfunny, very drunk behavior.

Need a little "hair of the dog"?


One sure sign that your drinking is becoming a problem is you shirk your usual responsibilities

at work or home.

"I've got a hangover.

Who knows what that means?"

"Doesn't that mean you're drunk?"

"No, it means I was drunk yesterday."

Do you call in sick repeatedly because of hangovers?

Do you find yourself putting things off because you'd rather have a drink, instead of doing

the laundry, or finishing a project?

"What's everybody thinkin for dinner?"

"We just ate breakfast?"

Maybe you're distracted at work because all you can think about is that martini at the

end of the day.

If any of these sound familiar, you've got a problem.


When your relationships become affected by your drinking, that's a huge problem.

Have those closest to you commented on your drinking, or voiced concerns that something

is just not right with you?

Or do you find yourself avoiding friends or family, to dodge any confrontations?

Maybe you think you've got it all under control, and those people just didn't understand

the difficult stuff you're going through.

Do you find that you hide your drinking so no one knows just how much you're consuming?

While you might not be an alcoholic, drinking alone is certainly a red flag.

"Everybody put your glasses up and I drink to that."

Doses + mimosas

Is your drinking tied to your emotions?

Do cocktails make you feel better when you're down?

Do you drink to avoid facing the difficulties of life or a traumatic experience?

If so, you're self-medicating and this is never healthy.

"Doses and mimosas," "champagne and cocaine,

"help to get me through"

One study even found self-medicating to be the coping mechanism of choice for many suffering

from PTSD.

If you reach for a drink when you start feeling down, it may be time to unpack the real issues

behind your feelings instead of covering them up.

"Never drink to feel better, only drink to feel even better."

"That's fantastic!"

Raising the bar

If you've got a problem with alcohol, you may need more and more to get that warm, fuzzy

feeling again.

That's because your body and your brain have developed a tolerance.

As this tolerance increases, you may soon fall into dependency and eventually, full-blown


Other organs in your body adapt to high alcohol consumption as well.

When you drink a lot on a regular basis, your liver adapts by producing greater amounts

of the enzymes needed to break down the alcohol more rapidly, compared to what it does in

people who rarely drink.

The liver actually becomes more efficient at metabolizing alcohol so you need more to

get the same effect.

"Shots, shots, shots, shots, shots."

"Shots, shots, shots, shots, shots."

If you don't get your drinking in check, the only way you'll feel normal will be when

you have those high levels of alcohol in your system.

You've crossed the line where alcohol is "fun".

In fact, you completely stop feeling any buzz at this point.

Get real

Hey, you may not have a problem with alcohol — and can enjoy a glass of wine now and


Awesome — you are also reaping the health benefits of moderate drinking.


But be careful that you're not lying to yourself.

"I had no idea you could get drunk on mouthwash."

If you're experiencing any of the warning signs, it may be time to bail on the booze,

and enjoy a different way of living.

Think about it.

Giving up alcohol may be the best decision of your life.

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> 7 Signs You Might Be Drinking Too Much - Duration: 5:42.


Сервис рассылок - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Сервис рассылок - Duration: 5:29.


Удаляем черные точки (комедоны). Как максимально эффективно использовать корейские патчи для носа. - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Удаляем черные точки (комедоны). Как максимально эффективно использовать корейские патчи для носа. - Duration: 10:01.


The Greatest Pranks Throughout History - Duration: 7:05.

Pranking is a time-honored tradition that dates back to about an hour after the first

humans climbed the evolutionary ladder just enough to be jerks.


One Neanderthal shaves another's head without him knowing, and the rest is history.

As time went on, humans have taken pranking to a different level.

A clever, ingenious, almost artistic level.

Whether invoking the anger and confusion of thousands, or just screwing with one person

at a time, here are just a few of the best pranks throughout human history.

Burger King's sinister Whopper

Pity the poor left-handed people and their... inability to hold hamburgers?

That was the basis of Burger King's 1998 fast one on fast food lovers.

The burger joint everyone loves when their local McDonald's is being fumigated published

an ad on March 31, 1998, announcing the "Left-Handed Whopper," designed exclusively for lefties

— who had apparently struggled against the tyranny of a right-handed world for far too


According to BK, it was all in the placement of the burger itself, which had to be rotated

180 degrees so lefties could eat more comfortably.

Reorienting the south end of your lettuce would effectively crush the right-handed food



Of course, thousands of customers showed up to order the thing, and right-handed people

demanded their own hand-specific Whopper.

All of this despite BK's marketing VP reminding us all that you need two hands to hold a Whopper,

and like, a circle is a circle.

A day later, the company announced the Leftie Whopper was bogus.

Because these are things we still need to tell people.

Welcome to the end times.

Eat 'em if you got 'em.

William Buckland's crappy message

Anyone who thinks college kids are a bunch of immature morons these days just hasn't

been paying attention.

There have been juvenile jackwagons putting things where they shouldn't be since the first

bell rang.

Case in point: WIlliam Buckland and his epic, disgusting prank for the ages.

The Oxford student, presumably bored with his unending geology lectures, decided to

let out some steam by gathering buckets upon buckets of bat guano, something only scientists

and Batman really had access to.

In a moment of artistic genius, he spread the bat doodie across the Oxford lawn, spelling

out G-U-A-N-O with actual guano.

Oxford officials were less than thrilled, and cleaned up the mess immediately.

But after a short while, since animal poop is, y'know, fertilizer, that part of the grass

grew taller and faster than the rest.

"GUANO" was spelled out quite visibly in the grass.

The letters reportedly lasted for a pretty long time.

And honestly, using a fancy word for poop just makes it even better.

I gotta go make number two.

Or whatever the heck you have to say.

I'll be right back to dinner."

Thomas Edison's "food creator"

After creating a bunch of world-changing inventions, Thomas Edison had become famous enough that

people thought he could invent literally anything.

Artificial light?


Sounds on a wax cylinder?

Check — until some future dude comes along and totally breaks it on TV, of course.

"Oh ffff…… s***."

In 1878, the newspaper New York Graphic took advantage of Edison's reputation and put out

a fake news release claiming he'd invented a "food creator," which is just what it sounds


The newspaper stated that the machine could manufacture "meat, vegetables, and wine out

of air, water, and common earth."

And while food made of dirt doesn't sound too great, people happily fell for it, as

well as other newspapers that picked up the story.

Edison: the man to finally end world hunger… except he didn't invent a food-creating machine.

He didn't even say he would.

The next day, the paper published a summary addition to the story, admitting it was an

April Fool's Day prank.

Because world hunger is hilarious, right guys?


Richard Nixon's 1992 run

In 1974, Richard Nixon did a bad, bad thing, and quit his job before anyone could fire


Eighteen years later, Nixon announced that he'd decided to give it another go, and told

NPR's "Talk of the Nation" show of his plans to reclaim the White House.

This shocked, well, everybody.

For one thing, Richard Nixon was just shy of 80.

For another thing, he wasn't eligible to run for a third term, based on a little thing

called the 22nd amendment.

For another thing, he was Richard Nixon.

Even more hilarious was Nixon's soothing new catchphrase: "I never did anything wrong,

and I won't do it again."

Basically, everyone agreed that Nixon was not, in fact, the one.

"And once I'm swept into office, I'll sell our children our children's organs to zoos

for meat!

I'll go into people's houses at night and wreck up the place!"

Except it wasn't Richard Nixon talking to NPR.

It was a comic named Rich Little, impersonating Nixon well enough that tons of people were


Amid the panic, NPR admitted that the whole thing was an April Fool's Day joke, but not

before renewing America's boiling hatred for a dying man.


Kjell Stensson's color TV

In 1962, Sweden had one TV channel, and it was in black-and-white, so the whole country

was basically purgatory...

Until a goof named Kjell Stensson came along and promised to revolutionize the TV experience

for all.

He went on TV and announced, using a jumble of baloney science-speak, that he'd figured

out how to make a standard black and white TV display color, using a simple, household


All you had to do was place a nylon stocking over the boob tube and zap — pretty, pretty


Also, you had to tilt your head just right, all so the light appears at just the right

angle for color to appear.

Kids reported watching their parents running around the house destroying pantyhose by the

drawerful so they could watch whatever the heck they watched in 1960s Sweden.

And thus, an entire generation of children learned that their parents were just as dumb

as anyone else.

The original prank call

"Yea, Hello, is Mike there?

Last name, Rotch."

"Hold on I'll check.




Prank calls are a dime-a-dozen, and they're almost as old as the phone itself.

In 1884, less than a decade after the invention of the telephone, some guy in Providence,

Rhode Island decided the very best use of this fantastical new technology was to mess

with people.

Which, really, is a great use of any new technology.


You F***!"


This hero, whose name has been lost to history, dialed up local undertakers and alerted them

that various people were dead, so they should please bring candles and coffins over right


Of course, nobody was actually dead — it was all, as 1884's The Electrical World put

it — a "grave joke."

That kind of puts your typical "ordering delicious pizza for people who didn't want pizza" to

shame, doesn't it?

This was the first known crank call, over a hundred years ago, and it was a doozy.

Because someone solemnly showing up to your house with a you-sized coffin is probably

one of the best pranks in history.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Greatest Pranks Throughout History - Duration: 7:05.


Trump Slams Freedom Caucus We Must Fight Them - Duration: 1:19.

Trump Slams Freedom Caucus We Must Fight Them

by Tyler Durden

It appears negotiations between the Trump/Ryan camps and the conservative Freedom Caucus

over Obamacare repeal have not only gone nowhere but are back to square one, or perhaps zero,

because moments ago Donald Trump, who had taken a modest sabbatical from his favorite

social network, lashed out on Twitter against the conservative group that scuttled last

Friday's repeal vote, saying "The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda

if they don't get on the team, & fast.

We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!"

After this antagonistic tweet we doubt that relations between, already on edge between

the two camps, will improve.

And with Paul Ryan speaking out against Trump negotiating with the Democrats, it appears

that any renewed attempt to repeal Obamacare remains on indefinite hiatus.

For more infomation >> Trump Slams Freedom Caucus We Must Fight Them - Duration: 1:19.


動物 感動話!子熊の安楽死を拒否した職員が停職処分…世界が動いた衝撃の結果とは・・・? - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> 動物 感動話!子熊の安楽死を拒否した職員が停職処分…世界が動いた衝撃の結果とは・・・? - Duration: 4:24.


台湾游|台湾竟然有那么美的地方?! - Duration: 5:55.

Hi Hi Welcome back to my channel

this place called - Jiu Fen

is a place of shooting one of Taiwan Movie A City of Sadness*

a super old atmosphere place

I do apologize that I am caught a cold while recording Voice Over (heavy nasal sound)

and this is GoaMei Wetland, I do believe you should heard it before

is a famous sunset view at Taichung

have a *tidal creek * marshes *sand *gravel *mudflats support in the wetland

and diversity of habitats

between this here is famous of bird sanctuary

ermm.. but i never saw a bird

here I am now in Gaomei Weltand

a lot of crab

super cool

cool x4

that windmill is so beautiful

and now was evening

the weather

become cool

look on the windmill

this video will end here

please come back on next friday 7pm

bye bye!

eiii ~ ~ ~ please do not forgot to SUBSCRIBE my channel

bye ~ ~

For more infomation >> 台湾游|台湾竟然有那么美的地方?! - Duration: 5:55.


RYU采訪日本第一AV女優三上悠亜!〇〇是裝的?? - Duration: 8:55.

For more infomation >> RYU采訪日本第一AV女優三上悠亜!〇〇是裝的?? - Duration: 8:55.


Honda Horn Emojis - Duration: 1:08.

Hi, I'm Janet Parker,

Chief Engineer at Honda Dream Laboratories.

Only the most innovative features make it into our cars.

Recently, we've turned our attention

to the conventional car horn.

Introducing Honda Horn Emojis.

A driver-to-driver communication system,

that offers a full range of expressive horn sounds

connected to a few familiar faces.

Let's give it a try.

See your neighbor out for a stroll?

Give him a happy Honda honk to say hello.

[happy car horn plays]

Stuck in rush-hour traffic?

Let the other drivers know you feel their pain.

[annoyed car horn plays]

An emoji for every emotion is right at your fingertips.

[laughing car horn plays]

So keep an ear out for Honda Horn Emojis,

and even more impressive innovations

from Honda Dream Laboratories.

Building Today's Tomorrow,


For more infomation >> Honda Horn Emojis - Duration: 1:08.


Доктор Алан делает УКОЛ КЛИЗМА ПРОМЫВАНИЕ Мама Барби Маша и Медведь Играем в больничку Новые серии - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Доктор Алан делает УКОЛ КЛИЗМА ПРОМЫВАНИЕ Мама Барби Маша и Медведь Играем в больничку Новые серии - Duration: 4:28.


The Real Reason We Don't Hear About Tonya Harding Anymore - Duration: 5:51.

Ask anyone who is old enough to remember when star figure skater Nancy Kerrigan's right

knee was struck with a "blunt object," and they could tell you a million stories about

the woman accused of being involved in the attack, former rival Tonya Harding.

But how much could they tell you about what happened to Harding in the years since?

Probably not a whole lot, as that's a name you only hear about once every four years

when the winter Olympics rolls around.

What has the former U.S. National champion been up to in the years since her figure-skating

scandal captivated the world?

Here's why you don't hear much from the disgraced athlete anymore.

The Kerrigan scandal

Although Harding has maintained her innocence for more than 20 years, her alleged involvement

in the 1994 attack on competitor Kerrigan and the media frenzy that followed devastated

her career, especially once people involved in the conspiracy started to sing like birds

about the grisly details of what her former husband had planned against Kerrigan.

"They asked me if I would be willing to cut the Achilles tendon.

You know, I said no I think that's a little drastic."

In July 1994, the U.S. Figure Skating Association voted to strip her of the gold medal she won

at the U.S. National Championships and ban her for life from the association.

That meant she could no longer compete in an event sanctioned by the federation or serve

as a sanctioned coach.

A few weeks later, Harding was hit with three year's probation, a hefty fine, and a community

service sentence after pleading guilty to conspiracy to hinder prosecution.

The four remaining defendants accused in the act were each sentenced to prison, including

her ex-husband, Jeff Gillooly, who received a two-year sentence.

By that point, one thing remained crystal clear: Harding's career as a figure skater

was pretty much over.

Consistently inconsistent

Even if you remove the drama from the Kerrigan attack, Harding's success on the ice, much

like the media attention she so often attracted, was all over the place.

It seemed every time she started to shine, something would happen to set her back from

earning legendary status.

Although she became the first American woman to land a triple axel at the 1991 U.S. National

Championships, she finished a disappointing fourth place at the Winter Olympics in Albertville

the following year.

The same held true at the 1994 Olympics in Lillehammer, where she finished in eighth

place after a disastrous performance that included drama over an alleged broken shoelace.

Harding's personal drama was likely one of the main contributing factors to her erratic

performances at both Games.

As her former coach Dody Teachman put it, "Her problems that she had off the ice sometimes

would show up on the ice … She went from an abusive childhood to kind of an abusive

relationship [with Gillooly]."

Moving on

If you've ever wondered why Olympic athletes jump at the chance to make appearances and

land endorsement deals so soon after their Games have wrapped, it might have to do with

the fact that fame for Olympic athletes can be fleeting.

By the time the 1998 Games in Nagano rolled around, people within the world of figure

skating were worried far less about Kerrigan and Harding and much more on whether U.S.

skater Michelle Kwan would be able to keep the coveted gold medal out of the hands of

the American rival Tara Lipinski.

In other words, attention spans are short, even with the most dramatic of characters

like Harding.

Guilty in the court of public opinion

Maybe it's because she never served time in jail, or maybe it's because she always maintained

her innocence, but to this day, a cloud of guilt hangs over Harding's reputation.

Part of it surely has to do with the way media told the story; public opinion is also likely

a factor.

Harding's name will always be associated with scandal, and a certain group of people will

always think she did it, and she's become the butt of many pop culture jokes.

"Mission accomplished.

I did him Tonya Harding style, with a HAH! HAH! And a kick!"

For what it's worth, Harding still thinks she was the victim because the press and Kerrigan

herself weren't very kind to her in the fallout.

"For her to treat me like that, like I was nothing.

Like she was above me.

I mean That was... rude."

A disastrous comeback

In 2002, Harding was one of a handful of low-grade celebrities who competed on the FOX reality

series Celebrity Boxing.

For her match, she battled and won against Paula Jones, the government employee who sued

President Bill Clinton in 1994 for sexual harassment.

That should give you a pretty good idea of what the quality of the show and the subsequent

reviews were like.

On the bright, if ironic, side: Harding wound up competing in a number of professional boxing

matches afterward, she finished with a 3-3 professional record, which isn't very good

at all.

Harding revealed that while pugilism wasn't a full-on secondary career for her, it did

help to keep the lights on for a while.

A low-key lifestyle

She may no longer be competing on the ice, but Harding seems to have found some peace

and happiness by living a much quieter life.

In 2010, she married Washington native Joseph Price; the following year, they had a son.

She now resides in Oregon, where she's made ends meet by working on cars and doing landscaping

work and takes comfort in the fact that she still holds at least one positive piece of


"It's part of history that will always be with us.

But I'm also noted as the one and only American woman that did the first triple axel."

But her story lives on

Harding might now regard the scandal that plagued her career as a minor blemish in her

life story, but it still remains prime fodder for explosive drama, which is why A-list actress

Margot Robbie is set to play her in an upcoming biopic.

This all goes to show: you may not see or hear much from Harding anymore, but you'll

certainly continue hearing her story for years to come, and it'll probably revolve around

the same narrative.

"She's the princess and I'm a pile of crap."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Real Reason We Don't Hear About Tonya Harding Anymore - Duration: 5:51.


Sezgin Büyük - Umursamaz (Official Video) - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Sezgin Büyük - Umursamaz (Official Video) - Duration: 3:55.


The Real Reason We Don't Hear From Seth Green Anymore - Duration: 6:27.

Seth Green is barely in his 40s, but he's been entertaining audiences for more than

30 years.

He started as a child actor in the '80s, with work on TV shows like Tales from the Darkside

and The Facts of Life, along with movies like Can't Buy Me Love and Woody Allen's Radio


But he truly became a star in the '90s, appearing in classics like Buffy the Vampire Slayer,

the Austin Powers movies,





"All I'm sayin…"


and Family Guy, providing the voice of true idiot Chris Griffin.

In the late '90s and early 2000s, it seemed like Green was in every cool thing that came

out…but he seems to be missing in action lately.

Here's what he's been up to in recent years.

"This is gonna be awesome!"

Robot Chicken

Stop-motion animation is extremely grueling, time-intensive work.

But it's a labor of love for Green, who's been churning out episodes of Robot Chicken

on Adult Swim for more than a decade.

He writes, produces, directs, animates, and voice-acts on the show, for which he's won

two Emmy Awards.

It's basically a sketch comedy show for and by nerds, making fun of movies, TV, superheroes,

comics, and cartoons via very short stop-motion and claymation sketches.

Green has also spearheaded a few specially themed episodes, targeting things like DC

Comics villains and Star Wars.

"You… don't want to get caught in one…"

"Small claims court?"



What was it?"

In 2016, the show won the award for Outstanding Short Form Animated Program for its 2015 Christmas

special, beating juggernauts such as Adventure Time, SpongeBob SquarePants, and Steven Universe.

So if you're wondering why you haven't seen Green on camera, it's because he's been spending

a lot of time playing with toys.

Voice over work

While a lot of actors supplement their careers with voice work, or fall back on it when offers

for onscreen roles aren't as plentiful, Green has always done a ton of voice acting — starting

when he was a teenager, on the syndicated cartoon "The Comic Strip" segment - entitled

Karate Kat.

He of course has lent his vocal chops to hundreds of characters on his show Robot Chicken, from

original characters to celebrity impressions.

Of course, his voice has also appeared in more than 200 episodes of Family Guy since


He's got an impressive vocal résumé, in other words, and he's highly sought after.

Green provided the voice of Rocket Raccoon for episodes of both Avengers Assemble and

Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.

And that memorable Howard the Duck cameo in the post-credits sequence of Guardians of

the Galaxy?

"Why do you let it lick you like that for?


That was Seth Green.

He can also be heard as Leonardo in Nickelodeon's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot.

Basically, he's a king of cartoons.

Secret Star Wars series

There's an unaired Star Wars TV series that already has more than three dozen episodes


Called Star Wars: Detours, it's an animated comedy set in the Star Wars universe.

Producers wisely signed up Green, who's both a notable voice actor and, as the many Star

Wars sketches on Robot Chicken prove, a huge fan.

The problem with Detours?


According to Green, there are "39 finished episodes and around 62 finished scripts."

But it was made before Disney bought LucasFilm and decided to make more Star Wars movies.

Green, who plays none other than Obi-Wan Kenobi in the series, says it's "on hold," but that

it might actually likely come out now that a couple new Star Wars movies have been released.

Bombed sitcom

Meanwhile, Green doesn't always hide behind clay, action figures, and comic book characters.

He attempted to return to regular live-action acting work in 2013, starring on Fox's three-camera

sitcom Dads.

Created by two writers from one of Green's other shows, Family Guy, and produced by Family

Guy creator Seth MacFarlane, Dads was largely loathed by critics.

The series, about two friends who run a video game company and take in their elderly fathers,

was called a "racist, sexist, unfunny disgrace" by BuzzFeed, and "the worst new comedy of

the fall" by E! Online.

Audiences stayed away, too — it finished the 2013-14 season at #111 in the ratings.

It performed so poorly that Fox cut back its initial order of 22 episodes to 19…before

canceling it entirely.

Cartoon creator

In addition to controlling the Robot Chicken universe, Green has his hands in multiple


Since Green is a big pro wrestling fan — he even once hosted the Slammy Awards — WWE

chairman Vince McMahon approached Green when he had an idea for an animated show: Camp


It's set at a summer camp, where McMahon is the director and WWE stars past and present

are counselors and campers alike — except they're, like, little kids.

Green created and produces the show and some of the Wrestler Babies are portrayed by the

wrestlers themselves, including Sgt.

Slaughter and Ric Flair.

When he's not producing for WWE, he's an executive producer on SuperMansion.

It's a show about a once-mighty superhero collective whose members are getting old and

their powers aren't quite what they used to be.

Appearing on Crackle, it features the amazing voice talent of Bryan Cranston and Keegan-Michael


Wedding bells

In 2007, Green was signing autographs for an event at Golden Apple Comics in Los Angeles

while Clare Grant, a filmmaker and actress who's also part of the web video collective

Team Unicorn, was there to take photographs.

They met again at Comic-Con and realized how much they had in common — they liked the

same geeky TV shows, comic books, and toys, and put in the same elaborate order at In-N-Out


Green says they really fell in love during a two-week Robot Chicken touring roadshow.

They had their wedding in May 2010 and their reception was decked out with action figures

for every guest to take home.

Ah, what sweet nerd love.

What's next for Seth Green

Green seems to be content, and rightfully so, with cranking out Robot Chicken and Family

Guy episodes until somebody tells him to stop.

Plus, he still surprises TV viewers by getting out in front of the camera on occasion.

He's also been cast in the highly anticipated movie, A Futile & Stupid Gesture, the story

of Doug Kenney, co-founder of the highly influential National Lampoon magazine in the '70s and

the generation of comedy stars it created.

Looks like Green only accepts the coolest projects of the decade.

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For more infomation >> The Real Reason We Don't Hear From Seth Green Anymore - Duration: 6:27.


NASA is Already Prepared to Announce Extraterrestrial Life Protocols are in Place - Duration: 4:16.

NASA is Already Prepared to Announce Extraterrestrial Life Protocols are in Place

Just imagine if SETI telescopes actually pick up a signal from a distant star system.

What would happen then?

Could we understand it?

Should we respond to it?

If so, what should we say, and how?

Should we just go ahead and call them without waiting for them to call first?

A book by NASA, considered as a protocol for alien contact, titled: Archeology, Anthropology,

and Interstellar Communication tackles the issue like never before.

The recent discovery of a solar system that has seven Earth-sized exoplanets located at

a distance of 40 light-years from has prompted NASA to come up with a protocol that is to

be followed in order to announce to the world the existence of Alien life.

The seven Earth-like planets�with high chances of life having developed there already�are

located in the Aquarius constellation and are part of a faint, cold red dwarf the size

of Jupiter, known as TRAPPIST-1.

Interestingly, the alien worlds at Trappist-1 are much closer to their star than Earth,

so they have the necessary conditions to contain water in a liquid state on their surface.

Furthermore, their extremely close distance allows for the transfer of organic material

from one planet to another, which raises hopes of alien life existing on more than one planet.

According to Mario Perez, a member of the astrophysics division of the US Space Agency,

even though NASA is still years away from making the announcement of extraterrestrial

life, it was very important to have a protocol that transmits peace and tranquility to mankind,

before such a historic event happens.

The �alien protocol� was inspired by several sources.

One of the more important were the historical precedents about encounters between completely

different civilizations on Earth, as it happened during the conquest of America when Europeans

set foot on the �new continent�.

Part of the protocol can be found in a book titled �Archeology, Anthropology and Interstellar

Communication�, a �manuscript� created by NASA as a guide, or manual, intended to

prepare humans for contact with possible forms of extraterrestrial life.

As noted in the book, �perhaps the best model for encountering extraterrestrials,

Douglas Raybeck suggests, comes from the Maori, whose resistance to British incursions gained

them the respect of their enemies while helping them to retain their pride after succumbing

to a more sophisticated organization and weaponry.�

Furthermore, ��although each terrestrial culture may have a natural approach to encountering

aliens, some responses may be more effective than others.

Given the probable technological superiority of any extraterrestrial civilizations we are

likely to contact, we would be wise to consider all of our options.�

According to experts, it is no longer a question of whether there is life on other planets,

but when we will find it.

��many astronomers have seen the development of intelligent life as an inevitable occurrence

given proper environmental conditions on a planet; and even though such beings would

not be identical to humans, we should expect to find significant parallels.�

For more infomation >> NASA is Already Prepared to Announce Extraterrestrial Life Protocols are in Place - Duration: 4:16.


🎮 Dinosaur Park 2 Kids Games - Kids Learn About Ice Age Animals | Fun Educational Games for Kids - Duration: 12:27.

Dinosaur Park 2 Kids Games - Kids Learn About Ice Age Animals | Fun Educational Games for Kids.

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