Learm Colors and ABC for kids with Disney Cars Lightning Mcqueen Toys for Children Educational Video
It's The Nuts.com Shack - Duration: 1:07.It's the NUT shack. x8
Nut-nut-nut-nut-nut-nuts dot com x4
Yo, michrophone check, one two and three
It's nuts dot com delivery
When I need a yummy snack that's good for me
There's a site I hit when I'm hung-a-ry.
From a cashew to an almond, dried peach or a plum
Nuts.com won't be outdone
Dried fruit, nuts, chocolates, so many snacks
Sending healthy treats, not heart attacks
Nut-nut-nut-nut-nut-nuts dot com x4
Gram started the biz' back in 1929
70 years later, I took it online
Fast delivery from me to you
Imma plow upon nuts, man that's the truth
Cost Average Effekt – Durchschnittskosteneffekt - Definition | Kilkenny, Irland - Duration: 6:05.-------------------------------------------
Кто такой коуч? Какие различия между коучем и консультантом? Продвигающие вопросы в коучинге. - Duration: 4:15.-------------------------------------------
Салат из куриной грудки с корнем сельдерея и грибами. - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
Интересное место: музей "Гранд Макет Россия" в Санкт-Петербурге - Duration: 14:28.Hi!
There is a place in St. Petersburg in which the heart begins to beat more often than boys or girls,
But even in quite adult uncles and tetenecks,
Especially if these uncles or aunts are fond of the world of scale models.
This place is the Grandmaker Russia Museum.
This extraordinary museum is a building as grandiose as the miniatures that make up its exhibits.
This is a commercial project
The main idea of which was on an area of 800 m2 to collect on a scale of 1:87 images of the regions of the Russian Federation
These are the seas and rivers, forests and mountains, cities, fields, stations, airports, factories, mines and so on.
That is, absolutely everything that exists in reality.
Yes, it should be noted that this is not just a heap of large models of figurines and landscapes,
In fact, this collection of a huge number of mini-stories or everyday situations
You can go through the exposition three or three times in a circle, but each time you find something new,
To notice new details, new figures, new themes
This is extremely interesting
And I think that if you come back to the museum some other time, you will be very surprised, as you will notice new details that you have not noticed before
It is especially interesting to find some jokes from the makers of the layout,
Such as a trash where the well-known Siphon and Beard live and ask to post a bill for a drink with a poster.
Visitors to the grand layout can independently launch motion on the layout thanks to interactive buttons,
Located around the perimeter of the exposition
Those. Clicking on the button You will see how the loggers are cutting down the forest,
, As a farm worker feeds the chickens or combine harvester starts harvesting grain, well, there are many more such interactive plots
Particular attention is, of course, to moving objects,
The network of railways entangles the layout,
Compositions move in accordance with the schedule and given routes, stopping at miniature train stations
Machines generally do not understand what kind of mind are controlled
They stop at traffic lights, turn signals, change the speed of movement, go to overtaking
Electric energy cars are remotely delivered from the sub-maquet space,
So do not require a power source. Voobshchem can move on a breadboard model infinitely
This way of movement of cars on the layout is developed and applied for the first time in the world.
Several levels of the layout laid more than 2.5 kilometers of rails
And installed 452 turnouts.
The total number of rolling stock units is more than 2700,
Of which 250 locomotives and 10 special cleaning trains
For storing and changing 60 trains there are 2 turret exchangers,
There are also 2 swiveling wheels that allow the locomotive to be rotated 180 degrees.
The maximum elevation difference is 1 meter,
To overcome it, the composition must be traversed 50 meters along a spiral hoist
Sometimes trains can get off the rails because of any errors in the transfer of the team
In such cases, operators from the control center see a breakdown on the surveillance camera's screen and promptly report it to the technical personnel in the room.
In general, this movement creates the feeling of some independent life of the layout.
Of course, everything is programmed and all the miniaturized objects are monitored by a team of layout workers.
To be able to work with the design, hatches are installed throughout the area.
Also, workers use all sorts of interesting devices to get some figure on the layout.
It should be noted that the work on the mock-up continues to this day,
There are landscapes or more serious improvements
You probably need to remember a bit about the history of the layout.
He was invented and implemented by his businessman from St. Petersburg Sergey Morozov.
Unfortunately, his magnificent idea did not receive state support, and then he built the museum at his own expense
Over the implementation of the idea over five years worked more than 100 specialists
From architects to electronic engineers.
I will cite the creator of the layout of Sergei Morozov:
The task I put almost unresolvable, that the museum was interesting to all: both the three-year and ninety-year-old, and the man and the woman
And an official, an athlete, a soldier, a teacher, a foreigner, and a Russian ...
So I had the idea that the layout should be a work of art,
Having its artistic meaning, exciting like a game or a movie. "
And in order for this idea to be realized, a great work was done,
First, a supporting sub-frame frame was laid, the foundations of railways and highways laid
Further along the whole model, wooden ribs were installed,
On their upper edge they pulled a metal net and applied a layer of gypsum
(Total 11 tons were used)
From which the final outlines of the desired landscape were created
The design of a square meter of the surface of the layout took about a month of labor of one specialist.
The museum was visited by the first visitors in April 2011.
The next 14 months the museum worked in a test mode, accepting guests only on weekends
The official opening took place on June 8, 2012.
A few months after the official opening of the museum, a robbery was committed.
On September 10, 2012, at 2 am, a local robbery was reported to the local police station.
Six unknown persons in camouflage uniforms, among whom were two women,
Infiltrated the museum, introducing themselves as law enforcement officers
Then they beat the guard, closed the five museum staff who conducted planned works in the basement,
And after that they penetrated into the director's office, took out safes from there with money and records of CCTV cameras
Director of the museum, Sergei Borisovich, said that the loss of money is not terrible,
Since it was a gain in two days, he was more worried about the fate of videotapes
They are imprinted with many works on the creation of a model of Russia.
Unfortunately, I still did not understand whether they found the attackers as a result or not.
As it was said before, the model lives its own life
And the impression of its vitality is created by the fact that the layout is not fenced with glass.
Just a barrier-fence and steps
Just a barrier-fence and steps
Of course, visitors because of this accessibility something is constantly breaking down,
Although they are closely monitored by the layout workers who are directly within the exposition
As well as from CCTV cameras
Labels are hung up, the alarm system is working.
And even the figures with a poster are asked not to touch them.
But, of course, a rather grown-up good, educated person will not leave a trace of his stay.
There are many such people, but there are other categories,
For example, disobedient children with an awl in one place or not sufficiently educated adults,
Who do not want to follow the rules of the museum
And there are rules and they are quite interesting,
Can not be in the museum in outer clothing, as well as with large bags or food and drinks.
It's all really not difficult.
But you can shoot for free and even with a tripod.
To use audio guides, for a fee of course, well, and watch, watch, watch.
The sense of time is created by the system "Day / Night"
A fabric of half a million LEDs, located above the layout.
Every 13 minutes they change the brightness and color of the lighting
And Russia plunges into the night for two minutes,
Gradually, from east to west.
At this time, the layout lights up with thousands of lights
LEDs are also hidden in the windows of buildings, lanterns, car lights and signboards
It looks very cool indeed!
It should be noted that the Grand Model Russia is the largest mock-up in Russia
And the second largest in the world, after the museum in Hamburg.
And you will not regret at all that you spent several hours in it,
And the clock flies inside unnoticed.
You yourself will be surprised when you bypass the entire exposition and look at the clock.
Well, still, on the territory of the museum there is a cafe and a souvenir shop,
In which you can buy a souvenir with the symbols of the museum and also some large model models.
On the way to the exposition behind the big glass
You will be able to see the work of the technical specialists of the layout on models or other mechanisms.
There is a paid parking on site
Well, you will find out about the cost of tickets on the site.
Here is such a short excursion of this wonderful museum.
Come to Peter and come to see, this is really an interesting place.
Thank you for watching,
If the information seemed interesting, then put your thumb up, sign up for the TechnoNot.
Kukuli - Evin Haylazları Tinky, Minky ve Kukuli Evinde Neler Oluyor ? - Duration: 3:17.What happened Minky? How are you doing?
I am trying to forget
Trying to forget money in my pant's pocket.
If I forget it in there and find it later, I will be as happy as a sandboy.
Huh! Good luck with that Minky.
Thank you
What was I trying to forget?
Ohh! the money in my pocket.
Forget the money, forget, forget…
Come on Minky. Come on…
Why did you bring me here?
I left my games unfinished.
Look at this. I drew it.
What do you think about it?
Did you bring me here for it?
Please… Share your idea? Do it for my sake.
Бывший муж Бузовой женится в третий раз (31.03.2017.) - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
1 YEAR BAR ACADEMY NEWS 31/03/2017 STERGIOS NENES (eng. subtitles) - Duration: 7:37.You have a few seconds to guess who the most famous bartender in Greece is
who is here to celebrate one year of Bar Academy News with us.
Let's go!
Hello and welcome to one more Bar Academy News!
It's the first birthday of Bar Academy News
and the most famous Greek bartender is here with us. Nikolas!
Stergios Nenes is on the set of Bar Academy News.
Hello, Michalis. Hello everybody, once more.
He stood out as a professional because he fought for the dignity of his bar.
Girls, could you serve the drinks?
Why? Will the whiskey get cold?
-Nikolas, cover me if the boss comes. -Of course.
-I either cover you or her. -Nikolas, the coverer.
-Bring me the whiskey. -It's coming, my boy.
Come help me, girls. I have to make leaps to make it.
Kitchen, bar, tables, kitchen. I'm not Voula Tsiamita.
Every bartender, active or not, has identified with him.
You're exaggerating.
-Nikolas. -Yes, Matina.
-Nikolas. -Yes, Matina.
My night, would you like a cool boy neither of us will ever forget?
Forget it.
-I'm going to wash the glasses. -You just did.
Yes, but it's hot, the glass is sweltering.
Stergios, after 20 years on TV as the most famous bartender,
we are honoured to give you the award of the National Bartender.
-I've nothing more to say. -I feel moved, Michalis.
OK, now, stop it.
I'm the most famous bartender who can't work in a bar.
Can you teach me how to throw bottles?
Stergios, tell us what you do these days.
I'm an instructor at a Motorcycle Safety School.
More specifically, at Yamaha Junior Academy.
Kids from four or five years old until they become adults or get a license
learn how to drive safely, with us.
It's different from the way we learned how to drive a motorcycle at the sandlot.
Therefore, I have nothing to do with bars.
Here, at the Bar Academy, everything is very serious.
I worked as a bartender in the '90s, as a student, without knowing the job.
-Will you teach me how to throw bottles? -I will.
-Would you like to talk about the news? -Of course, let's see the news of this week.
5th Gastronomy Fair. World Class Competition.
Driving and alcohol. New products and changes in the Greek market.
And eight year of Baba Au Rum.
First news for this week. Deals company held the 5th Gastronomy Fair
in order to inform the public about its products.
Visitors had the chance to taste the wide variety of Deals products
and attend masterclasses on chocolate, wine, beer and bars.
Some Deals products are Chase, Polugar and Grand Mezcal,
-which were presented at... -The Athens Bar Show 2017.
Last week, the trials were held for World Class 2017 by Diageo.
After two days of creativity in Athens and Thessaloniki,
the bartenders that go through to the semi-finals are...
I will announce them, but I have to read the names.
Viziinos, Gialitakis,
Yiehos, Ioannou, Kanatsoulis,
Krimpouras, Kiritsis, Konstantas,
Spanelli, Steptsenko, Tsakiris,
Christofanopoulos, Miglis and Sampatakos.
Congratulations and good luck in the finals, in May.
Next news. Driving and alcohol.
-Stergios will talk to us about it. -One moment. Will you change my attire?
Of course. Three, two, one.
That's it!
Kids, don't drink and drive. Be careful.
Especially you professionals should take care of yourself and your audience.
Don't drink and drive. Be careful.
Besides being careful, we should also be trained.
This is why I work at the Riding School of Ducati Riders Academy.
A Motorcycle Safety School for adults, for people owning a motorcycle
and having a license. What do we do there?
Our instinct leads us to the wrong things.
We take out the old, wrong programme and install the right one.
We take care of our head.
I will come too.
Wait for me. I'm not kidding, I'll come.
-We'll see. -But I will come.
And you'll say your opinion afterwards.
You've always had a tendency to driving schools.
That was a good one. He liked it.
Michalis, I found out that the exclusive distribution of Patron tequila
was undertaken by AMVYX in Greece.
-Patron means boss in Greek. -I thought it was named after Patras.
Moreover, LKC Premium Spirits is bringing a new product to the market
which we will disclose in the next Bar Academy News.
Are you kidding, Michalis? Will you teach me how to throw battles?
By the end of the episode, you will have learned the best trick.
-Fifth news. Baba Au Rum... -Celebrated its 8th birthday.
And it invited two of the 50 best bars in the world.
Baba Au Rum opened in March 2009
and, today, eight years later...
It is awarded once again by FNL Guide and Athinorama,
and it regains its place in the list with the 50 best bars for 2016.
-Well done, Baba Au Rum. -All time classic.
Will you tell me any news about Bar Academy?
Of course. We're holding our masterclasses in Thessaloniki,
on April 10, for gin and vodka,
and, on April 11, for rum and whiskey,
and you can go, if you like.
Bar Academy masterclasses in my hometown.
It's too far for me. I won't be able to go.
But, if you are interested, visit our website
for more information about the masterclasses.
-What's the website? -www.baracademy.gr.
-What are we celebrating today? -Eight years Baba Au Rum.
But, above all, happy birthday, Bar Academy News!
One year of Bar Academy News.
Will you teach me how to throw bottles?
I will, but first I would like to thank all my colleagues
who have helped in these episodes
and, above all, Stefania Kokali, with whom we did the first shootings last year.
Hi, Stefania. You brought them luck.
-Much luck. -Shall we show the trick I've learned?
-Of course, it's time. -I'll throw bottles!
Not exactly. You'll throw the shaker.
Do your magic tricks, Stergios.
Suspense music, please.
Bar Academy magic!
One more Bar Academy News is consigned to the dustbin of history.
For this episode, I would like to thank Maria Portokalaki.
I would like to thank Maria Portokalaki too.
Stergios, tell us where we can find you these days.
Yamaha Junior Academy. We teach our kids.
Riding School. Ducati Riders Academy. We are taught ourselves.
Don't forget to subscribe on our YouTube channel.
If you'd like to send us any news, news@baracademy.gr.
Till next time, we would like to say goodbye, but I have to leave earlier.
I hope you don't mind. I've left the dishes for you to wash.
Here they are. Is it OK?
It's my destiny.
НЕ МОГУ СКАЗАТЬ "НЕТ"! Как справиться с этой психологической проблемой. Практические рекомендации. - Duration: 4:52.-------------------------------------------
Learn Colors for Children with Lighting McQueen Truck and Crane Packman- Colors Videos Collection - Duration: 10:04.Learn Colors for Children with Lighting McQueen Truck and Crane Packman- Colors Videos Collection
كيف تحمي هاتفك من تطبيقات التجسس - Duration: 12:40.-------------------------------------------
🔒 Застежка "Молния" откуда она появилась История происхождения #ValeryAliakseyeu - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Маммопластика Увеличение груди Блефаропластика Общая анестезия - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
Success stories worth hearing | Curtin Alumni Achievement Awards 2016 - Duration: 25:48.Our alumni are our greatest asset.
Another 10,000 students graduated this year
to join the 210,000 Curtin graduates
we now have from more than 130 different countries.
Our focus is on ensuring that our graduates leave Curtin
with an openness to different perspectives and new ideas.
A desire to make a difference and the skills to leave,
to be innovative and to think big.
In doing so, we remain true to John Curtin's view that, and I quote,
"The pursuit of knowledge is far more important than even knowledge itself.
It involves discipline and training which, in turn, are molders of character."
Now careers, like life, take many twists and turns.
Some of those being recognized tonight
have achieved spectacular success in fields
that were far remove from their original studies.
We applaud and celebrate the achievements of all our award recipients tonight.
The Alumni Award Selection Committees had the honor and the daunting task,
I should say, of selecting this year's award winners
from an impressive list of nominations.
Each of the awardees should feel great pride in knowing that Curtin University
values their contribution and saw them as deserving of this distinction.
The first recipient of the Professional Achievement Award
for Curtin Business School is Benyamin Bin Ismail.
Benyamin Bin Ismail, the Chief Executive Officer of AirAsia X Berhad
has quite a crucial role in the airline's growth
by bringing a breath of knowledge from different industry areas.
AirAsia has become one of the most covered stocks
by domestic and international brokerage houses
and one of the most attractive companies on the Bursa Malaysia Stock Exchange
in terms of transparency, investor returns, and corporate governance.
Thank you very much.
Never in a million years that I thought I'll be up here giving a speech.
But I think, for me, I think it's been a very...
long journey for me in my career.
And I've always believe that I think, in life, that you should
always believe in your abilities whether you think you're good or not good.
And just work toward something that you focus on.
For me, airline is something that I've always envisioned to be working with.
Of course, the first ten years was...
working with an industry, which is banking, which pay good money
but, I think, the passion for love, for airlines, and seeing everybody
who flies with us every day makes my day.
So really, I think, for today, as it is flying in today with my daughter who's...
who's my strong supporter.
She's only six years old and she's here just with me today.
It's a great feeling that we can fly on my airline to Perth,
arriving at 3PM, and we depart tomorrow at 6AM back to KL.
So, Ali, thank you very much for coming. I love you very much.
And thank you CBS for…
and Curtin Business School for everything today. Thanks.
The second recipient of the Professional Achievement Award
for Curtin Business School is Alan Langford.
Following his graduation
from the Western Australian Institute of Technology in 1985,
Alan Langford forged a successful career in business
and has worked with Bankwest for the past 27 years.
As the bank's Chief Economist,
his primarily role is to advice Bankwest and its clients
on the implications of economic and financial market trends.
Mr. Langford is a board member for a number of organizations
including the WA branch of the Economic Society of Australia,
the Housing Industry Forecasting Group,
and Curtin Business School Advisory Network.
He's also a former State Counselor of WA branch
of the Committee for Economic Development in Australia.
Look, I'm deeply honored to receive this award tonight.
I've had long association with Curtin way back to my graduation from WAIT.
In fact, I was one of the very last graduates from WAIT
before it turned into Curtin.
And the association has been very strong ever since
and it's strong now as it was right at the beginning.
Just the last couple of months, I've engaged a lot of help from
key people out at Curtin who have [unintelligible] recently
and then some post-trip...
meetings with people out of Curtain as well
and, obviously, on the advisory boards there as well.
It's been a very rich and enjoyable association
and I really look forward to it being for many more years yet.
Thank you very much.
And the Professional Achievement Award
for the Faculty of Health Sciences is Noel Fosbery.
Noel Fosbery is a dedicated pharmacist
and owner of Friendlies Pharmacy in High Wycombe and Falcon
and works hard to ensure that his community receives high quality
pharmacy services.
Since graduating from Curtin in 1981 with a Bachelor of Pharmacy,
he's been instrumental in developing innovative solutions
to ensure access of Opioid Maintenance Therapy
and providing an easy to use solution for pharmacists across Australia.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
And thank you to the Curtin alumni for this amazing award.
I am deeply honored.
It's 35 years - and I added them up today and I thought,
"No, it can't be that long." Yes, it is -
since I graduated as a pharmacist from Curtin.
Even back then, it was renowned for its practical hands-on approach to learning.
And I feel that this style of learning has put me in good stead
to cope with the many, many changes
my profession has had to adjust to over time.
We had to adapt by not only providing first class delivery of medications
but also as a way to provide health services
which are making significant contribution to maintaining, improving
the health of our country.
I'd like to tell you a little story that sort of fits in with tonight.
It's about the night before I actually received...
I received the WA Pharmacist of the Year
and also I receive the Australian Pharmacist of the Year
early this year in Sydney.
My wife, Sue and I, had dinner at a Chinese restaurant
and at the end of the meal, we got a fortune cookie.
In the fortune cookie it said:
"Try not to become a person of success but rather...
try to become a person of value."
That really rang true for us as a provision of value to our communities
with the very core of our business.
There are many ways that we're providing this sort of value.
We're providing a lot more services.
For example clinical interventions, meds checks, home medication reviews.
They're having significant impacts on people's health.
Many of us are now going further.
We're providing proper health check
so we can get cholesterol screening, those sort of things;
flu vaccinations, health programs and other types of specialized services.
All of it requires extra training,
all reflects back on our grounding at Curtin University.
They're all having a positive impact on our communities
and indeed the public perception of what a pharmacy is.
So, in closing, I'd like to thank all of those colleagues, friends, and family
who have helped me throughout my career.
I have also the university to thank for introducing me to my wife
of 32 years.
We met in Pharmacy School.
Our name started with the same letter.
She's my greatest inspiration, my most important business partner,
and also my life partner, of course.
And that's my amazing and wonderful wife, Sue, sitting at the back there.
Again, I'd like to thank everyone involved in this award.
To all of you, an enormous and heartfelt thank you.
The Professional Achievement Award recipient
for the Faculty of Science and Engineering is Sabina Shugg AM.
Since graduating from the Western Australian School of Mines in 1993,
Ms. Shugg has held senior roles within some of the largest resource
and consulting organizations in Australia.
She's currently National Lead, Mining Performance with KPMG Australia
and specializes in business improvement, organizational development,
and mine management.
So, my name is Sabina.
That's Sabina the miner. Not Sabina the ballerina.
So that's not to say that I didn't have a ballet tutu in Grade 4
but I also had a chemistry set
and I spent much more time with my chemistry set.
And, thankfully, I still got all my limbs and my eyes even though
I spent many hours on that.
And I guess that was a good indicator that I would maybe one day end up
at the WA School of Mines in Kalgoorlie.
So I'm proud to be a second generation graduate from the institution.
The schools I learnt there held me in great stead
in what has turned out to be a successful mining career.
I think that's also been able to help me...
feed some of my passions in life.
One of those being diversity
and the ability for men and women to both be able to
get the same sort of opportunities in the mining industry and in other careers.
I think in tough time such as now with the mining industry,
it's even more important that people recognize that...
to have the right sort of creativity and innovation that we need in our industries,
to be able to whether these times, we need to have diversity of thinking,
diversity of people, and diversity of gender.
So, thank you very much for this award.
The recipient of the Global Impact Award is Mohammed Zaheer Allam.
Less than 5 years of his architecture and planning career,
Zaheer Allam has worked towards fostering resilient communities around the world.
He's currently the Island States Chapter Chair of the International Network
for Traditional Building, Architecture, and Urbanism.
And is the African representative for the International Society of Biourbanism.
A group dedicated to transforming architecture and planning practice
through the application of scientific theory.
Most of my work centers on the liaision of the built environment and the ecosystem.
The results are grim, appealing even.
We are the causating factor for climate change.
And I see its consequences every day on my own island in Mauritius.
I see how the rising sea is slowly erosing our land mass.
I see how the sea population is disappearing.
I see how stronger storms and droughts now plague us.
Unfortunately in this battle, it is often the most vulnerable
that are more at risk.
In this case, the Small Island Developing States.
The same developing nations that ironically
contribute the least to climate change.
Our search and ??? is paramount for our survival.
Our environment, our home, our very source of life
is being threatened on an everyday basis.
We are lucky to be part today of this institution
that produces critical thinkers that are hungry for change and for a better world.
Accepting this award comes thus at a great price - even responsibility -
as we are looked upon to pave the way forward.
Ultimately, this makes us accountable for our actions
or inactions hereon.
We thus have a global obligation to one another to take positive action
for the preservation of the environment that we all share
and to speak out on behalf of those voices who are silenced by inhumane politics.
Once again, thank you very much for this award.
It is dedicated to those who, at this very moment,
are fighting the fossil fuel industry and to those preserving our treasures,
the rainforest, the great barrier reefs, and remote communities around the world.
Thank you.
The first of our two recipients receiving the Young Alumni Award
is Ashlee Harrison.
Ashlee Harrison has positively impacted thousands of lives with her Perth-based
not-for-profit organization Zero2Hero
which aims to raise awareness
and reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues.
In doing so, she's worked to combat the prevalence of suicide in Australia
and encourage students to speak up about mental health issues
and support their friends if they're struggling.
I've always been a bit nervous speaking to academics
and now I'm in a room full of them which is very exciting.
So, firstly, thank you to Curtin University.
I truly loved my time at Curtin.
It was the only university I found that would fit in perfectly with my life
and all of my commitments including running the charity
which started while I was at university.
It was a university where I could fit 12 contact hours into one day
from 9AM till 9PM.
Then work full-time, still earn money, and do all the hobbies.
And it's also provided an endless supply of volunteers on our camps,
in our youth programs.
It's just been pretty cool.
I wouldn't be me if I didn't say a few things about why I do what I do
or why I love what I do.
Mental health is a serious issue that our country is currently facing.
Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians under the age of 44.
And what's most tragic about suicide being double the road toll in WA
is that it's preventable, in most cases.
So I ask you tonight
to think about people in your life, think about people you care about,
think about conversations that you could be having that can make a difference.
It's the challenging or confronting conversations
that are the conversations that will save lives and will make a difference.
And also look at yourself, and look at your life,
and how you could better support your own mental health.
Take time away from your computer, away from your emails -
as painful as that can be.
Take time to spend with your family, your friends, socialize.
There's so many ways that we could better support
our own mental health as a country.
We're constantly trying to achieve and in that sometimes
we lose what's really important
and that's the people around us, and ourselves,
and our mental and physical health.
So do something beautiful for yourself tomorrow and have a great weekend.
And thank you again to Curtin.
The second recipient receiving the Young Alumnus Award,
and now comes as no surprise, is Nick Maisey.
Befriend is founded by Nick.
It's a Perth-based social enterprise
with a vision of creating an inclusive connected world.
The organization has encouraged a strong community of 4,500 people
to breakdown social barriers and form new friendships at events such as
art and crafts activities, barbecues, outdoor adventures, and quiz nights.
I'm really honored that I can still sneak into the youth category - just.
I'm really honored to accept this award tonight.
I'm so grateful for the education that I've had.
Curtin, not only equipped me with incredible knowledge and skills
but it was really the values and the attitudes that are nurtured in me.
I really truly believe that a strong society…
The strongest society is an inclusive society
in one in which all of its people are included
and they are enabled to live a life to their full potential.
I met a young man when I was a student who...
who didn't feel like he was part of his society, part of our society.
And it was that chance meeting that wouldn't have happened
if I hadn't have gone through that Occupational Therapy course.
That really set me on this path of questioning
what does it mean to live a good life? What does it take?
And the answer is, I think, both simple and complex all the same time.
That a good life is a life built on good relationships.
So I wake up every day and I do something that I absolutely love.
I enable people to truly be present in their community,
to be connected to others, and to live a good life.
That's it. Thank you.
Recipients of the Volunteer Leadership Award
are the Curtin Graduate School of Business Alumni Chapter Committee.
The CGSB Alumni Chapter Committee is an active and enthusiastic group
committed to giving back to the Graduate School of Business,
its sponsors, alumni, and students.
In 2016, the committee played an important role
at the school's information evenings.
Inspiring prospective students with their anecdotes on how
Curtin degrees enhanced their careers and, in some cases, changed their lives.
Have also increased engagement with fellow alumni which has helped secure
the school's accreditation with several industry bodies.
The committee has an ongoing commitment to helping children in need.
Supporting Parkerville Children Youth Care for the past three years.
The committee includes President Steven Nicols, Vice-President Matthew Ong,
Treasurer Ian Williams, and Committee Members: Kaushal Jhaveri,
Eduardo Valenzuela, David Kam, Russell Friedman,
Erivanan Rao and Caterina Crucitti.
Congratulations to the Chapter Committee.
My name's Steven Nicols.
Over the past year, I've been the president of the...
Curtin University Graduate School of Business Alumni Committee.
The chapter's main initiative in the community has been a relationship
with the charity called Parkerville Homes.
And Parkerville Homes is a charity for at-risk youth.
Since 2008, the chapter's held a Christmas-based event
which has raised money for this charity.
It is estimated that since 2008,
the chapter has raised $10,000 for Parkerville.
This year, all members supported the graduate school
by giving up their own time
to speak of their experiences in the MBA program
to aspiring students at the school's Information Evenings.
We've also put on graduate employment type evenings
which this year involved EY and the ISA group.
An event involving Woodside has been confirmed for March 2017.
I proudly accept this award on behalf of Committee Members who have made
and are continuing to make a contribution to the community
and to the Curtin Graduate School of Business. Thank you.
And the recipient of the Community Service Award is Sherryn Reid.
After graduating with a Diploma of Teaching from Curtin in 1988
and working for a number of years as a teacher,
Mrs. Reid has furthered her passion for education
and poverty alleviation at AdoptASchool.
The organization was established in 2002
as a direct response to the first Bali bombings;
to enrich and support the educational environment
and community in both Bali and back home, in WA.
Mrs. Reid works as AdoptASchool's Sponsorship Coordinator
which requires her to manage private and company educational sponsorships
for Balinese children.
I say at 15 years old when I wanted to be a teacher.
Family circumstances dictated that I left school and went to work.
20 years down the track with two lovely boys of my own,
Curtin University gave me the opportunity
to go back and study and graduate as a teacher in 1988.
There it changed my life.
I had the most wonderful years teaching
and family life was pretty good.
And then after the Bali bombing,
my principal asked me to attend a meeting for him.
He couldn't go.
And that's when I've met the first people that were involved
in wanting to setup AdoptASchool.
I did value what they were wanting to achieve
and I joined their association which was soon after incorporated.
We start off very small, with sister school.
One school in WA becoming a sister school to one in Bali;
children sharing culture, writing to each other.
Some children from here going on holidays and visiting their schoolmates up there.
Very soon we found out that many of those children, because of the bombing,
were having to leave school because they...
their parents just couldn't afford to feed them, let alone keep them at school.
So we started a bridging program.
As well as sister schools, we had a bridging program
to keep children in education.
Now many of those children came off that program
as their parents getting jobs again, but many came on the program.
And after 14 years, we're seeing the value
of being able to provide those children with the opportunity for an education.
We've got children graduating again this year from senior high school.
We've had some children already graduate from university with degrees.
We've got another three children
graduating as math teachers in June next year.
So, it's been a really...
wonderful journey for us to see these children
who are now, also, wanting to sponsor poor children in their community.
So the circle is turning.
I'd like to thank Curtin and the alumni.
I'd also like to thank the wonderful committee with which I work
because without them and the people on the ground in Bali,
none of this would be possible.
So thank you everyone
and keep up the good work with this all. Thank you.
The recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award is Freda Jacob AM.
Freda Jacob help set the standards for the Occupational Therapy profession
in Western Australia,
leaving a monumental legacy.
She was a member of the first Occupational Therapy School Board in 1960
and founded the Independent Living Center in 1977.
She continues to provide information and advice, assessment, training,
and hire services
to enable Western Australian's of all ages and abilities to live more independently
and more fulfilling lives.
She's also the first WA member
of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists.
Ms. Jacob has already been extensively recognized for her contributions
to her profession
having been awarded the 2012 Freda Jacob Award.
Named in her honor, of course, from Occupational Therapy Australia
and inducted into the 2012 WA Women's Hall of Fame.
She was also the first occupational therapist in WA
to be awarded the Order of Australia AM
for service to the disabled which she received in 1981.
Well, I guess, my age says that I should be here at the end.
Thank you for the Life Achievement Award.
It's very much appreciated.
I'm a farmer's daughter from Bruce Rock area.
And during the war, my youngest brother and I ran the farm.
Then the post-war reconstruction year,
thought I'd make a good occupational therapist.
What a wonderful outlet for my energies.
Trained in Sydney, came back to Perth,
we eventually built up the numbers,
opened up departments.
But the thing that was necessary was a school.
You cannot do anything unless you have a really good…
lots of occupational therapists coming after you.
So we went around and we found that Royal Perth
would help us with the school and we went to… came to them
and some of the people here tonight were trained in the [unintelligible] Hotel.
And we started there in 1961.
In 1972,
the Western Australian Institute of Technology - WAIT as everyone knows -
over the education
and the institute became Curtin University
and we were delighted.
My next exciting adventure
was the development of the Independent Living Centre in 1978.
And after that came Bridge
and after that
came my marriage to my lovely husband.
So every...
So everything in its place.
But thank you Curtin University
and thank you Curtin alumni and my nominees
for this Life Achievement Award tonight.
I'm very honored to receive it.
Thank you.
As a group, you demonstrate the highest caliber of Curtin's alumni network.
We are proud of each and every one of you.
I'm delighted that you all were able to join us here tonight.
Thank you.
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