Learn Colors with Car Parking Street Vehicle Cars Toys - Learning Colors Videos for Kids
СДАЁТ АНАЛИЗЫ Маша и Медведь Мама Барби Укол Доктор Играем в больницу Мультик с куклами Для детей - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
Produits finis de Mars en créole avec Mr CERISE 🍒 - Duration: 13:02.-------------------------------------------
Spiderman with Fire truck for Toddlers | Educational Videos for children with Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 13:03.-------------------------------------------
Chuyện ấy/ phụ nữ hiện đại và chuyện đánh rơi trinh tiết - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
The Formula of Everything - XYZ? - Duration: 15:53.What can we benefit from the implementation process of ALAMTOLOGI knowledge?
What is the aim and what can be done with ALAMTOLOGI knowledge?
While the world has been occupied with so many disciplines and knowledge
in various fields including technology, science, social, economy and so on.
ALAMTOLOGI is not introduced to give a rival to any conventional knowledge
but it focuses on gaining an optimum result by humans or X.
When the understanding process is different, so is the implementation process.
The difference is not measured by pointing out who is the reason for anything to happen,
and yet difference is looked by how beneficial the process is for the people.
We implement and study any particular
formula or existing theory so that we could witness the benefit it brings to all.
From such process, we will bring that particular value forward.
For example,
we invest certain amount of money into any particular companies.
It might be a few billion or trillions.
But, what is the real outcome? This concept applies the same in all other industries like oil and gas,
technology, medicine and so on.
Therefore, ALAMTOLOGI has no intention to start a new concept or mission to be achieved by academicians or researchers,
but it focuses on gaining an optimum result by humans or X.
Basically, that is ALAMTOLOGI's final aim too,
but the only difference that we have is on how do we do it.
From there, comes the formula of XY and Z.
Technically, there is a lot of things and ideas that could be brought into discussion through ALAMTOLOGI
In this book.
This is the book that I have organised its main layout of explanation to verify the theory of XY and Z.
There are 7 specific chapters or topics as the syllabus of ALAMTOLOGI.
ALAMTOLOGI is a formula XYZ.
ALAMTOLOGI emphasising on adding the value for the current industries.
As for instance, the study about space.
ALAMTOLOGI could reveal the hidden secret of space and time through XYZ formula.
Nonetheless, agriculture sector also has no less benefits from XYZ formula
ALAMTOLOGI also studied and discovered the adding value or system for agriculture food sector.
Maybe ALAMTOLOGI could be a helping hand for the scientists and great scholars
to discover a bigger secret in a more clear and apparent method.
Through this combination, we could produce.
10 times more than the usual production.
This is the closest mechanism of ALAMTOLOGI
in medical field for instance,
ALAMTOLOGI has already come up with the syllabus.
There are orders for each topic, first, second and so on.
Thus, this is the first book that we publish for all,
and there will be a lot more books to be published.
This book has the value of knowledge and it is not any novels.
This is not a novel book.
Neither a fiction or mystery book.
It is a scientific book with technical references.
Calculations are also compiled to explain the disciplines discussed in the book.
On how ALAMTOLOGI view creation process, elements and so on.
This puts ALAMTOLOGI as a new discipline that
could be benefited by the current systems
That is the main difference between ALAMTOLOGI and conventional.
So, do we need to learn ALAMTOLOGI?
ALAMTOLOGI is introduced after seeing the current situations. It has nothing to do with emotions.
The reality or problems from an economic point.
The problem on finding solutions or cures in the healthcare system.
In social point too, it is too chronic.
For me, it does not matter if we agree or we do not.
We have to look for the solution for all of this problems.
ALAMTOLOGI is proposing a perspective
about what i said earlier on all those factors that
it is time for a change on how we look at every single thing
and it is time to resolve the puzzles and problems that have been haunting all of us for decades.
ALAMTOLOGI is a combination of two root words, ALAM and TOLOGI.
When both root words are combined, ALAMTOLOGI is named.
ALAMTOLOGI analysed and explains what is in the region or space of Z.
Z is the Universe.
X is located within the Z.
X moves only within the Z region.
This means we are living in a nature, space. The universe.
No matter of where in the Universe we are at, we will still be in the same region,
so ALAMTOLOGI is the combination of two root words, ALAM and TOLOGI.
Then comes the knowledge about Universe.
It is knowledge of the Universe, but why did I choose ALAMTOLOGI as the terminology?
This happened in the year 2006 or 2007.
In that year ALAMTOLOGI was introduced by its name.
Previously, ALAMTOLOGI was not given any names
What is being called ALAMTOLOGI today is not just a specific name
It was an implementation operation that I do
in my efforts to complete all the process that I witnessed and studied.
For example, when I am involved in the aviation field.
I was able to see how to apply the system that I have I understood
and eventually led me to think of what I should be doing next.
I used the knowledge that I have at that particular time
to find for solutions in developmental process and that is ALAMTOLOGI.
Until then, in the year 2006 or 2007,
ALAMTOLOGI was introduced. And today ALAMTOLOGI is complete with its syllabus and disciplines.
It becomes the specific guidance for individuals or groups
who would like to have a direct study or research of ALAMTOLOGI,
or it could also become the specific guidance for who would like to have a study of other things
but using ALAMTOLOGI as a reference.
It will become an adding value for the research or finding of theirs.
is the formula of XYZ.
I have explained a little bit about XYZ in my part 1 video.
Who is X?
Who is Y?
and who is Z?
How about their positions?
In this situation,
ALAMTOLOGI does not look at conventional as core approach.
ALAMTOLOGI does not use conventional discipline as its core system.
Because, conventional core system is based on opinions
It happened thousand years back
and it will always have a developer.
A developer from a perspective of one person.
Say from Socrates
and Aristotle.
Socrates developed a thought or philosophy to express
to the world what he understood.
His understanding is then learned and explained by his student, Plato.
Then, Plato develop his own philosophical thought based on what he understood from Socrates.
The method of explaining might differ but their base or core system was still the same.
It was then continued by Aristotle and the next few other philosophers.
Finally, it reaches to the level of nation beliefs
like the Chinese dynasty, Indians, Greek, Arabs and Parsi.
They were the old-time scientists.
They had their writings in orders,
as well as spectacular achievements.
Also, how did they understand the structure and position of stars?
How did they understand the surrounding as the answer or solution for what they were seeking for?
That is how evolution process happens.
It is just that, based on what I looked from ALAMTOLOGI point of view,
everything is connected to the same thing.
In mathematics for instance,
The basic of Mathematics from the early stage starts on the concept of logic.
The common factor that is being used is logic. It goes back to the concept of logic.
Then, there were some changes made, and yet it still goes back to the same concept.
Everything goes back to the same aspect.
At the end of the day,
every researcher started to produce their own logics,
with their own ideas
Algorithm, algebra and more.
And it is based on the mentioned situation,
which these theories was created with its own followers, then becoming an academician
For example, Einstein had his own theory,
Al-Khawarizmi had his own theory,
Ibnu Sina had his own theory,
Stephen Hawking who is still alive now, also has his own theory.
What is happening now is the fact that their theories are being studied by their students.
The students research and studies on what they understood and translated by the founder of the theory.
In this book, there is a discussion of this issue that I will be focusing on.
It will not be a lot, but, it can still be read.There are explanations regarding.
differences in ALAMTOLOGI
ALAMTOLOGI does not take the basis concept earlier.
ALAMTOLOGI looks at XY and Z as the core concept,
which is by looking around.
Look and think about the occurrence of day and night,
and how the stars are moving around
or look at the position of the star as a reference of a navigation
for the purpose of moving from one place to another
ALAMTOLOGI does not look at the correlation to what is being developed to X.
Conventional knowledge looks at X as a lesson that is different which gives different inputs
But, is it being used as a whole in general?
Then, a theory called Probability Theory came to existence and was being utilised.
The probability of this, and that.
Teachers, Lecturers, scientists will translate the their own theories and philosophy of it
Then, we have a group of people that creates their own philosophies.
So, they will all have their own specific philosophies.
From there knowledge is evolved and the people will see what they have achieved.
This concept differs from ALAMTOLOGI,
ALAMTOLOGI looks at Z.
Z is the source to the development of ALAMTOLOGI knowledge
When we look and observe Z, what do we get?
We will get,
The natural occurrence is very perfect to its own position,
we look at how the stars move around,
other planets move in such coordinations with no collision between one another.
It has its own specific position that is accurate.
Location of the sun for instance is so perfect for the well being and survival of humans.
Everything occurs in order including the sun. If it moves 1 inch away from the nature pattern of Universe,
disaster for the humans will definitely appear.
That is how ALAMTOLOGI looks at things.
That is how ALAMTOLOGI elaborates,
and that is how I elaborate it as the founder of ALAMTOLOGI.
Do I have teachers who taught me about ALAMTOLOGI?
I was not taught by anyone, I learned from my surroundings.
Therefore, my teachers to the Universe itself. This is because it refers to the Z factor.
The process and configuration of Z factor will show
if we have done the right and accurate operation within the right position or vice versa.
There, Z has eventually verifies its role to human, as the reference for their survival.
لما ابوك يقولك نكتة بايخة وانت متضحكش فيضربك | حازم محمد - Duration: 0:06.-------------------------------------------
到了澳洲才知道#工作篇 |澳洲打工度假經驗分享|改變工作室|柏格 - Duration: 4:45.-------------------------------------------
Pj Masks Duda & Dada COLLECTION more 15 min for Kids 두다다쿵 Finger Family Learning Video 2017 - Duration: 16:40.Pj Masks Duda & Dada COLLECTION more 15 min for Kids 두다다쿵 Finger Family Learning Video 2017
Ashes to Palms - Episode 22 - Take the Narrow Path - Duration: 1:01.There's something more meritorious we think when the suffering we embark upon is self-appointed.
When we choose to give up this or that.
When we choose to endure one thing over another.
But we all know that when a burden is placed on us prior to our consent, there is something
inside each one of us that makes the sacrifice all the greater.
Just think of Simon of Cyrene.
Travelling along his own path, his story becomes inexplicably entangled with our Lord's, and
before long, Simon is carrying the weight of another's cross.
And when that happens, when the burdens of others are placed on our necks and there seems
to be no sensible way to put them down, we like the man from Cyrene have a choice.
Will we offer this too up for our Lord and the sanctification of the whole world, or
will we spend much energy trying to pry ourselves free?
This Lent, I have no doubt you carry burdens that you never saw coming.
Take the narrow path.
Choose what you have already been given.
And lift with all that you have.
PIZZA CON BASE DE PAN - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
How to Hear Sound in Space | Comment Response to What Space Sounds Like | SSFX Space Sound Effects - Duration: 7:43.Back in November you might remember I
asked you for your comments on what space
sounds like, in particular what you think
you can hear when you listen to this.
Well now we've learned a little bit more
about what we these sounds actually are, as part of
my SSFX or Space Sound Effects
videos, I thought it was about time to dive into
those comments. First up though, a little
more technical detail about how I
produced these sound. The recordings have
been taken from NOAA and NASA's
Geostationary Operational Environment
Satellites or GOES. Now as the name
suggests these satellites are placed
in geostationary orbit, so they go around
the earth some 35,786 kilometers
above the equator meaning it takes them
exactly one day to complete a single
orbit and so from our point of view
here on Earth they just hover in the
same point in the sky. The GOES satellites
in fact sit just above America and
are mostly used for their weather
forecasts, but they also monitor the space
environment in various different ways.
Now while the satellites can't actually
measure sound directly, I've use the trick
mentioned before by taking measurements
in the magnetic field as a proxy for the
fluid waves in space. But to make these
sounds audible to us not only do we need
to amplify them from about -100dB
sound pressure level to something above
our healing threshold of +60, we also
need to change their frequency. The way
to do this is by squashing the data in
time... a lot! If you make a whole year last
just six minutes, then you can actually
hear these sounds from space. And once
you can do that you can try and pick out
the musical notes of the magnetosphere,
sounds triggered by the solar wind, and
all manner of other different things
that are happening in space
right around us all the time. So with
that in mind, let's have a look at those
comments. Now I've collated all of the
comments into this infographic and it
just goes to show the breadth of
different things people can hear in this
zoo of sounds from space. There were,
howeve,r a few common themes which I
would like to explore. One of the most
common comments was that there was the
sound of wind blowing into the
microphone or hitting an object like say
a canvas or a metal sheet. And you know
what, you're not wrong. These very loud
sounds seem to in general comes from
variations in the solar wind. That causes
the size of the magnetosphere to either
squash or expand in the process and
sends ripples, sound waves, throughout our
magnetosphere, which are then picked
up by the GOES satellites. So what you're
hearing there is in fact wind, it's just the
solar wind. The other most frequent
comment was that it sounded a lot like
things were zooming past. To get more
technical here, there are frequencies
which sweep from high to low which is
exactly what you hear when something
speeds passed you, it's the Doppler effect in
action. Unfortunately, that's not what
actually is going on here in this case.
Remember that the magnetosphere is
something like a massive musical
instrument, what's happening here is as
our satellite orbits around the earth
it's encountering magnetic field lines
which have different notes, just like as
you strum a guitar your finger triggers
the different notes of the different
strings. It just so happens that these
notes in the magnetosphere tend to go
from high to low frequency during that
orbit. So it was fooling into thinking
objects were whizzing by when in fact they
weren't. Another thing I saw quite a bit
of was people trying to attribute
scientific meaning to the sounds
given the small amounts of detail I actually
told you about them. It's funny that
armed with such little information we
try and make connections to interpret
these sounds, whereas maybe if we'd not
been told anything we might perceive
them in a different way. Human brains are
weird. OK let's get on to a few select
comments. CK says "from my perspective as a
human being it sounds like a bunch of
birds flapping their wings. However, I
must consider the fact that these might
be a sound that we humans are not
familiar with on earth. It might be a
language, a repeated message out of space".
Well CK, good to hear you're a human
being and not a bird, though I might have
been more interested if you were in fact
an alien. Now I'm no linguist, but I'm
pretty sure there aren't in fact any
alien messages being picked up here
otherwise someone at SETI probably
would have said something by now. But
maybe all we need is Amy Adams from Arrival
to crack the code. Sav Fruci reckons it
sounds like space debris whooshing and
crashing into something occasionally. Now
while there is huge amount of space
debris in orbit around the Earth and it's an
increasing problem for us who operate
satellites or even the International
Space Station, all that space junk that
exists around the Earth is far too
small to be producing these sounds.
Remember only things on very large
spatial and time scales can create or
support sound in space. But you should
check out Project Adrift because
they've created an electromechanical
sound instrument that tracks the
positions of 27,000 pieces of space
debris and transforms them into sound in
real time as they passed overhead. It's a
fascinating hybrid of science and art,
which is kind of what we're hoping for
with SSFX as well. OK Uke Bloke
thinks he can hear mini lightning
strikes and you know what, that might not
be as crazy as it sounds. Some recent
research suggests that there is a link
between what's happening in the solar
to some lightning storms at least. So
whilst you're almost definitely not
actually hearing lightning hear, these
sounds may in fact be somehow related to
lightning in some circumstances. Pretty
cool right? Beast 1951 writes, "it sounds
like an octopus complaining to a
porpoise" I bet they're having a whale of a
time. And finally Couchpot asks "the
Earth is surrounded by dubstep?". Does this
really sound like dubstep to you?
yeah I guess it does. Thanks very much for all
your comments on the sounds, they have
been really interesting and in fact
helpful for the whole SSFX project.
Make sure you subscribe to the channel
for more space sound and physics stuff.
Hyvässä Helsingissä ei ole hyviä ja huonoja kaupunginosia | ANJA MALM 676 - Duration: 0:35.Helsinki is an absolutely wonderful city.
I want to be on the Helsinki city council in order to take care of this city, and to improve it even further.
The suburbs of Helsinki are especialy close to my heart - they have always been my home and I enjoy living there.
I want that Helsinki does not have so called good and bad neighbourhoods, but that they are different, unique, and fun neighbourhoods.
Which have good local schools, good services, so that people thrive.
তথ্যমন্ত্রীকে এগিয়ে আসতে অনুরোধ করলেন | শাকিব খানের বিরুদ্ধে আন্দোলনের ঘোষণা দিলো নায়ক রুবেল - Duration: 2:08.The film world is a memorable one-time superstar actor rubles.
Dhirgha break, he came back again, the film arena.
However, the movie gathers Khan confused about many things rubles.
So the reality of the character of the defendant as he pardaya.
He has the reputation of "combative" in the name.
Featured in the film and expressed dissatisfaction with the activities of the popular actor Shakib
Khan rubles.
Rubel said in an interview on Saturday, March 11, in the film industry, working conditions,
according to the ruble is narrow.
Dhaliude now been brought in other artists and businessmen.
It seems to him, which is a non-profit.
The most successful and popular hero Shakib Khan and Venkatesh Films production company
in the country to be a lot of penetration in Bangladesh has expressed despair.
Masum Parvez Rubel 56-year-old actor said: "How strange it is!
We do not know where they stand, and to create the position of others were busy studying.
It will not be allowed to be.
I have spoken openly about these things before.
Again, the movement will be necessary.
Kinkhana hero known actor Shakib Khan raised questions about the recent activities of rubles.
He said, "There is no gain saying Shakeeb.
I do not want to say anything about him.
A day after the shroud to protect the interests of domestic films had movement.
Maybe he forgot it, others are not forgotten.
The release of the film a different language or a foreign policy that should be done, he
The movie is not in accordance with the rules any more.
There is a lot of precision, the film is co-produced by the Dhaliude Rubel said.
The producer association has been responsible for such a situation.
According to him, there is no unity among the leaders of the Producers Association.
Rubel said, "if the government within three months the situation will be in our favor.
The minister's brother (Inu) can come forward.
I always have to work in the interest of the film, will be in the future.
Until his death, I will fight for the country.
Rubel said about himself, he returned to acting after a break again.
He is working on a variety of roles.
'Crashed', 'Bir Bangali', 'crime world, "including actor is currently busy with the shooting
of the film.
MARKIPLIER WALLPAPER - YouPaper [#10] - Duration: 8:00.Hello Squatters and welcome to this new YouPaper !
The last week, I left you with this clue
[ Clue of next Youtuber (warning is short) ]
So, you have find ?
[Markiplier intro]
Yes, it's Markiplier !
[Who is Markiplier ?]
Markiplier is a videotape of 27 specialized in gaming on any kind of game in general independent
From the top of his 16 million subscribers
Mark is mainly famous for his let's play on Five Nights At Freddy's
Who are his most popular videos
Also, his video named "MEOW" is the one of his popular videos
Accounting in total
29 068 025 views
Of course, Mark doesn't make always FNAF,
He did other games in all genres whether they are horror games
Like Tattletail or Sara Is Missing
Or Indies games like Octodad or Happy Wheels
But sometimes, Markimoo make short film
Or interactive videos like "A date with Mark" [*Markiplier]
Oh this accent xD
Where we are on a date with Mark
Well, pass to the YouPaper, Enjoy !
Penis *
[ Clue of next YouPaper (he has 200 000 subscribers) ] ( I am lazy to translate the text in red, lol)
This YouPaper is finished !
I hope you enjoyed it !
And, as would say Mark
Penis *
Rise of the Tomb Raider | 古墓奇兵:崛起 | #END - Duration: 27:40.Rise of the Tomb Raider
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