Hello everyone!
Japanese Try Indonesian Snacks and Treats (Food Haul) - Duration: 11:35.-------------------------------------------
Experts in Mexico unearth Ancient Maya statue depicting an 'Alie - Duration: 3:48.Experts in Mexico unearth Ancient Maya statue depicting an �Alien� figure
Experts have unearthed a mysterious statue belonging to the ancient Maya civilization.
The curious artifact depicts �an alien humanoid� holding a human head.
The statue consists of a snake that seems to surround the figure of a small �ALIEN
humanoid� seen in a profile view holding a human head.
Notice the strange head and oval-shaped eyes.
Directors of the museum of Xiutetelco�Puebla, Mexico� have revealed the discovery of an
important archaeological piece belonging to the ancient Mayan culture, which inhabited
the area sometimes during 400 AD.
The �controversial statue consists of a snake that surrounds the figure of a small
�ALIEN humanoid� seen in a profile view, holding a human head.
Notice the strange head and oval-shaped eyes.
The fascinating piece contains four inlays of mineral such as obsidian, turquoise, jade
and shell, and was found by public workers in the Maxtaloyan community� in the upper
part of the mentioned municipality�while improvement works were being carried out.
According to �El Sol de Puebla�, the discovery is �a fundamental sample of the Mayan culture
that for a long time inhabited the region, settling in the present day municipality,
leaving important vestiges.�
Rafael Juli�n Montiel, in charge of the museum of Xiutetelco, said that since this
area is adjacent to the archaeological zone of Cantona, among other communities, more
pieces of this type could be found.
In the near future�and especially during construction works�experts will monitor
the area in hopes of discovering similar artifacts and preventing damage to possible future discoveries.
Likewise, the director of the museum added that Maxtaloyan is home to a volcano, similar
to that of the community of �Los Humeros� in the municipality of Chignautla, which has
already erupted in the past, warning that there is danger of the volcano erupting and
burying an entire pre-Hispanic settlement.
Monitel concluded:�At the moment, more than 5 thousand pieces have been discovered in
several points of this municipality.
All of them have been taken care of and are exhibited in the museum, which receives a
large number of visitors who are eager to learn more about the ancestral wealth that
Xiutetelco has.�
Experts have not yet concluded what exactly the newly discovered figurine represents,
embodied in the ancient Mayan sculpture.
This has led to the emergence of several theories among those who have had a chance to see it
in person.
Some people undoubtedly see a classic �gray� alien that holds a human head while others
add that the serpent may symbolize an ancient �reptilian deity.�
Many would agree that the ancient statue clearly depicts a gray alien�with his elongated
head, and
oval shaped eyes.
[京都] 鹿肉好似劉翔大脾咁韌?! - Duration: 4:59.-------------------------------------------
Fernanda Costa: a nova aposta de Bruno e Marrone | #SRTNJ - Brahma Sertanejo - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
08. ROCKSTARS - Crown & Romo [VIDEOCLIP] - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
Kurti Fashion Design Collection Indian Dresses for Women in amazon shopping online - Duration: 0:30.Kurti Fashion Design Collection Indian Dresses for Women in amazon shopping online
Game of Thrones Season 7 "Long Walk" Promo Explained - Duration: 4:20.There's a new Game of Thrones Season 7 promo out now called Long Walk.
Let's have a quick look.
So the promo focusses on three main characters – Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen and Cersei
Lannister, who each walk and take their place at their respective seats of power – Jon
as King in the North in Winterfell, Cersei as Queen of Westeros on the Iron Throne, and
Dany at her seat on the island of Dragonstone – from there she hopes to invade and conquer
Dragonstone has a lot of history and symbolism for Dany and her family, the Targaryens.
Dany was born at Dragonstone, and centuries before, her great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather
Aegon the Conqueror left from Dragonstone to take Westeros and establish the Targaryen
dynasty – go watch that video.
So Dany is walking in the footsteps of her ancient ancestor, it's by the right of Aegon's
conquest that Dany means to claim her crown – though Cersei might have something to
say about that.
Cersei has walked too, she's been shamed and beaten down for her crimes, but this seems
to have only made her angrier, crueller, more dangerous.
After the deaths of her three children, Cersei has nothing to lose but her Throne – so
she won't easily let it go.
Jon Snow is also walking, which is impressive given the state he was in last season.
Jon has experienced death, felt the cold, and he knows about the real threat to Westeros.
He'll be using his power as King in the North to try to convince everyone to stop
with the political squabbling and to focus on the true enemy – cause when the candles
go out, and the eyes all close, a blue eye opens, an eye of the white walkers.
This particular eye looks like it belongs to a giant – look at the big nose – so
this might be Wun Wun, the giant who died at the Battle of the Bastards.
Looks like he's been raised as a zombie to fight for the walkers.
In the books, all sorts of creatures join the army of the dead – there's a zombie
bear, zombie birds , talk of dead things in the water . It seems that anything that can
die can become an undead servant of the walkers.
Some fans speculate we could see a zombie dragon – George Martin did write a book
called The Ice Dragon, after all.
Point is, the walkers are clearly set up as the main threat to Westeros this next season.
So this promo, the Long Walk evokes not only where the characters are going, but also where
they've been.
Jon, Dany and Cersei have each come a long way since Season One.
Jon Snow was a know-nothing naïve baby-faced bastard boy, not so long ago – but soon
became a battle-hardened leader of the Night's Watch.
He was a corpse for a bit but is now the King of all the North.
Dany was the political pawn of her crazy brother Viserys, but became the dragon queen of Meereen.
She was for a while a Dothraki captive, but is now a powerful conqueror.
Cersei started as a cruel capricious incest queen, and now she's, well, she's about
the same really, but she certainly is angrier, and now is the Queen of Westeros.
These three have all walked a long way.
They've each been brought low, but are now more experienced, mature, and powerful than
ever were before.
This is like the point in a video game where your character's fully levelled up, maxed
out, and ready to face the final boss – in this case white walkers, and winter, and the
night that never ends.
Thanks for watching.
Make sure to subscribe and to turn on post notifications so you don't miss a video
– just press that bell button.
And thanks to the Patrons, including Sarun Pinyarat, Cole Handel Lane, Debby Lu, Molly
Manning, Tony Onodi, and nynke.
Table Tennis Training: Ma Long Forehand Loop Against Heavy Backspin - Duration: 3:37.Welcome to the channel of coach EmRatThich.
This is the training video of Ma Long forehand loopkill the backspin ball from
a chopper.
The original footage is filmed by zzglily.
In the previous video, Ma Long practices his backhand attack against the
backspin ball of a chopper, but can't finish the point with his backhand.
However, it's not a problem for Ma Long when he uses the forehand to loop kill
this ball.
He has trained like that a thousand time.
Furthermore, the mechanism of the forehand attack is different from the
backhand attack.
The forehand topspin is much more powerful because there is no obstruction of
the body in the hitting direction.
Now look at the technique of Ma Long, you will understand it more.
Ma Long has dropped the racket very low, lower than the knee.
And then most of the power comes from his waist and the
As I explained in my previous videos "Power from the ground", you can clearly
see that Ma Long does the weight transfer from his right foot to his
left foot.
This action will lift the ball.
And then he rotates his waist to hit the ball forward.
This force will add the speed to the ball.
Sometimes, this action is called as a "follow through".
The more you rotate the waist, the more the ball goes
And the forearm is only a tool to transfer this 2 forces to the ball: "power from
the ground" to lift the ball, and waist rotation to hit the ball forward.
I have explained these concepts previously, today
you can see it clearer.
There is no chance for the chopper.
With this Chinese technique, you can loop kill the backspin ball more
powerfully, and much more consistently than just folding and lifting your
forearm around the elbow.
These techniques analysis are summarized on my official blog:
https://emratthich.blogspot.fr/ You should check a look on it.
See you, EmRatThich.
Ways To Look Younger Naturally Without Makeup - Best Anti Aging Foods - Tamil Health Tips - Duration: 2:24.Foods that can make you look YOUNGER Tamil Health Tips
All of us wish that our look should be young always.
But what to do, our face shows the ageing as we grow older
If we wish to be ever youth, then we should prevent cell damage
We have to some healthy foods to prevent cell damage.
We are going to see what are those foods
We should eat yellow and Orange colour fruits and vegetables
For example Pumpkin, Mangoes, Sweet potato are rich in beta carotene.
By eating these types of food you can stay young
We have to take more soya food in our diet.
For example Soya beans, soya flour, soya milk are low in fat as well as rich in calcium
It helps to fight cancer. But it is best to have non transgenic soya food
Tomato is a vegetable we normally add to our food
Tomato is rich in lycopene and carotenoids.
So when we add this to our food it helps us to be young
In spinach varieties Palak, Fenugreek leaves, Celery etc. Contains more beta carotene.
So it is good for our health. It contains Calcium, Iron, Folic acid, Vitamin C in it.
We should often add Cabbage to our diet.
Not only Cabbage, we cana also add Cauliflower, Broccoli as it improves our immunity power
These vegetables are rich in beta carotene and so we should add them to our food.
Green tea is the best food as it contains more anti oxidants
It is good for our heat and Liver and Help us to be young
日本人不知道什麼是LV? 這些品牌日本不這樣念!! - Duration: 12:09.-------------------------------------------
Trump Erases Job Protections for LGBT Workers: March 31 Debrief - Duration: 3:27.Just this week the Trump administration revoked job protections for LGBT workers, kept queer
people off of the Census, and started dismantling the Office of Civil Rights.
Plus, North Carolina just repealed its bathroom ban -- and then replaced it with something
even worse.
First up: the census.
Why does it matter so much?
Well, it's used to allocate billions of dollars in spending, and also to determine whether
policies are helping or hurting various different groups.
For years, LGBT advocates have been pushing for the census to ask about sexual orientation,
so we can know how many queer people there are in the country, where they live, and how
laws affect them.
And for a moment, that was going to happen at last, with a draft version including a
question on sexual orientation.
And then, it was removed -- it was an error, they said.
In other words, sorry LGBT Americans, you literally don't count.
Also this week, Donald revoked an order that protected LGBT employees of federal contractors.
Under Obama-era rules, contractors had to prove that they weren't discriminating against
LGBT workers in order to get federal money.
Now that requirement has been eliminated, so companies can get federal money without
having to prove anything.
So what does this mean?
Well, there are as many as 28 million people working for federal contractors, and since
we don't have census data we don't know how many are LGBT.
But now companies can fire them, or pay them less, or deny them work and still get taxpayer
And there's more: Donald just appointed a new head of the Office of Civil Rights at
Health and Human Services.
This office protects health care privacy, trains employees on what is and isn't discrimination,
and investigates complaints when someone's civil rights are violated.
So who did he appoint?
Roger Severino, who opposes marriage equality, says health providers should be able to refuse
service to queer people, and doesn't think anyone should have to acknowledge the existence
of trans people.
People count on the OCR to protect them from civil rights violations.
And now, the office is being run by a guy who says that LGBT people don't deserve equal
This means the Office of Civil Rights might not respect marriage between same-sex couples,
could support doctors who refuse to treat LGBT patients, and could make it harder for
trans people to access treatment.
Meanwhile, North Carolina is finally moving toward repealing the "trans bathroom ban"
But they're replacing it with something worse: a bill that blocks any city from creating
a trans-inclusive bathroom policy without getting permission from the legislature -- and
since the legislature definitely isn't going to give its permission, this will continue
to prevent trans people from using bathrooms in public spaces like schools, courthouses,
and government jobs.
It means that trans people can't fully participate in public places.
Plus it bans any new LGBT nondiscrimination laws, even at the local level, for the next
three years.
Republicans are calling it a compromise, but banning nondiscrimination is just a way of
continuing discrimination.
So this so-called compromise repeals HB2 in name only, and then goes on harm even more
Equality North Carolina isn't giving up on repealing these laws but they will need your
This week's action item: go to EqualityNC.org where you can donate or volunteer to help
them continue to fight for equal access to facilities.
That's it for this week.
Subscribe to stay up to date, check out more videos about LGBT issues, and let me know
your thoughts in the comments and @mattbaume on Twitter.
And I'll debrief you next week.
REACTING TO.. #2 (FIN/ENG) - Duration: 10:30.Hi everyone and welcome to my second reacting-video!
I will continue with the same subject than last time, music
This time I'm gonna listen to some cover of hardstyle track
Great prenouncing.. I said hardstyle really good and then 'piisi' (=track) with p instead of b
This original track makes me feel emotional everytime
I noticed that he made piano cover of this track
I found this guy couple months ago
I was rightaway taken, these are insanely great covers!
I hope that this camera doesn't fell down again..
That was really bad drop, but I hope this still works
When I first time heard some of his track
what he made with a piano, I was mesmerized!
I got goosebumps, it was something unbelievable beautiful!
I completely fell in love rightaway when I heard first cover!
I'm not even wondering, why they wanted him to play at Freaqshow last NYE
He is so talented!
I recommend this to everyone of you, no matter if you don't know these original tracks
These videos are so great and pleasant to listen!
I accidentally say that word in a wrong way..
He is making videos to Youtube as a Hardstyle Pianist
He have atm little bit over 8K subscribers
All of these videos are piano covers of some hardstyle tracks
One video is about he performing at the Freaqshow, so cool!
This cover what I'm gonna listen now.. I haven't heard of this cover ever before
The original version of this cover make me everytime emotional
It have really big meaning to me
..and everything what hardstyle even means to me
I almost cry already.. I try to save these tears if I feel emotional while listening this cover
But this track what I'm gonna listen now is Max Enforcer - Lost in paradise
Those people who know me or anything about my relationship to hardstyle..
Those people know, that I cry almost everytime when I hear this track or atleast scream and go crazy..
This track is couple years old, but this guy made cover of this track month ago
I already clicked this video, but I never watch it before so..
Let's start..!
I'm excited
Let's load this for a while..
I'm little bit nervous
I got goosebumps!
Oh my..
I'm so mesmerized!
This is so beautiful..
That bouncing looks funny
Lovely.. So lovely, help..!
This have only 4K views (deserves way more)
I can't say anything.. That was so incredible!
I heard that all who knows this guy, thinks the same, it's so beautiful
Specially for me, when this track means so much to me.. This became my favourite track now!
I'm speechless.. I'm little bit emotional right now. So great, omg!
I actually send message to him at FB that if he wanna join my project
And I really hope he joins, because well.. he's really cool!
I'm not that kind of person who listens piano covers or piano playing at all..
But he make piano covers of hardstyle tracks, which means the whole world to me..
And that works so good for me.. It goes straight through my heart
That was so beautiful and I was expecting something like this, because I know that he is really talented
I don't know if there is someone who knows something about pianos and music, that is this really like professional..?
But to me.. This hits really hard!
I wanna see this guy sometime LIVE and I wanna say to him face to face..
'You make soooo great and incredible piano covers that... I can't even describe it!'
I know that I have some followers/subscribers who listens HS and knows this track
What do you think about this cover?
You really should watch his videos, here is really much different piano covers..
Last reacting-video I made in english and you guys didn't like it..
I made it in english, because I'm working in english and these people doesn't understand finnish so..
But you didn't like it, I made this in finnish but this have english subtitles so everybody can watch this and understand what I'm saying
Thank you for watching this video, thumbs up if you want more reacting-videos!
Leave a comment, what you wanna see me reacting to..
See you next time, byeee!
Se Sentindo PODEROSA | #SRTNJ - Brahma Sertanejo - Duration: 0:46.-------------------------------------------
Atapattama Dadibidis HASANTHA HETTIARACHCHI Live Funny Speech | TALKSFIRE #1 - Duration: 6:42.Atapattama Dadibidis HASANTHA HETTIARACHCHI (හසන්ත හෙට්ටිආරච්චි- අටපට්ටම- දඩිබිඩිස්) Sinhala Speech
Изготовление решеток, оград - Duration: 2:41.Production could be established in the garage. First you need the following tools: welding machine (household, worth from 50 to$ 100, but better than semi-automatic) rotary hammer (about$50) the grinder (about$50) electrodes, cutting wheels and other cheap trifle By the way, some tools you can borrow from friends. Rotary hammer and grinder definitely someone there, and use them a couple times a year. Material is purchased in the metal. 100-200 dollars to buy a square or rod 14 mm and strip 13х3 mm. I recommend to begin not with the cheapest grills (the sun, brick). Their price is about $ 10 per square meter, the demand is weak and a gain of only 50%. Good demand is a lattice of bent metal (bar, rod), they are not expensive (20 $ for 1 sq. m), and the flow rate of the material is the same as in simple lattices. For manufacture of curved grilles use special tools. I purchased a set for bending at the exhibition the Russian firms. Now these tools are manufactured in the Ukraine (I think they are cheaper than Russian). See the features here - www.metalcraft.kiev.ua . I do small orders (preferably urgent, then the price increases by 50%). And in the spring you can make good money on the fences, one set of standard fencing costs about 100 dollars (in winter, a few orders, so I do about 20 sets of fences, and in the spring they will sell for sure and there will be more orders). About half of the orders pay by Bank transfer, so it is advisable to become a PE (private entrepreneur, preferably on a single tax) and open a Bank account. By Bank transfer convenient to buy the metal. To advertise enough to give ads in Newspapers 2-3 (but should be). That's all tricks. I wish you all good luck and prosperity.
Clash Of Clans - EPIC TH8 BOMB TOWER HYBRID WAR BASE!!! (Trophy and farming build) coc ,queen walk - Duration: 10:22.Clash Of Clans - EPIC TH8 BOMB TOWER HYBRID WAR BASE!!! (Trophy and farming build) coc ,queen walk
TOP 5 Lidé se zvlaštní barvou pleti - Duration: 5:38.-------------------------------------------
Colonial Viper vs Earthforce Starfury (Battlestar/Babylon 5) - Spacedock Versus Short - Duration: 7:54.-------------------------------------------
Today on English Express, finally, the five worst swear words in the English language.
And this time we're filming in a TV studio so that Aguinaldo doesn't bother us.
Amigo...GRINGO! Amigo...GRINGO! Amigo GRINGO! You're a GRINGO!
Aguinaldo, how did you find me here?
I'm tracking you on GPS. I hacked your cell phone. That's what happens when your password is so obvious,
"puta babaca" with @'s stead of a's?
But today, I don't have any English questions. I'm here just to insult you! Gringo! Gringo!
But, that's not an insult. It means "foreigner."
Of course it is! My gring...I mean American girlfriend says it's terrible to call someone a gringo.
Ah, ok, I understand. OK, "gringo" in Portuguese is not too offensive.
But in Spanish, it can really be an insult. It's how Mexicans insult Americans, those Yankee imperialists!
Ah, it's only in Spanish. But where does the word "gringo" come from? It's weird.
Ah, ok, the majority of linguists believe that it comes from the Spanish people, who, centuries ago
called any foreigner "griego" [=Greek] because they saw the Greeks as strange people.
It's more or less like in the expression "It's all Greek to me."
Another possible explanation is that it came from the word "peregrino" [=PILGRIM], "pere-GRINGO":
a traveler from another land.
Others say it came from "green go" - and it refers to protests against American military presence
in Latin America. But that can't be right, because the term existed long before that.
OK, but the most important thing is that when one says "gringo" in Spanish, it's an insult.
Well, then, ¡Adiós gringo! ¡Usted es un puta babaca!
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