Hi guyz we are back with another video
which is gonna be on roblox i hope you guyz enjoy see at top left corner and get the tips:>
Sodium and Autoimmune Disease: Rubbing Salt in the Wound? - Duration: 5:15.-------------------------------------------
How to boost performance in Nier: Automata for a low end PC - Duration: 4:42.This is a game that is a bit hard to describe.
I had not heard of Nier: Automata before people started asking about it
I booted the game for a "short test" and 8 hours later I am realizing this is something
I am going to put more hours into.
So… if you are into hack and slash games, although 8 hours
in am not sure if this is just a hack and slash game anymore, you might want to give
it a go, and that is when you discover, like I did, that this game is GPU hungry beast
that causes problems on even newer GPUs.
Not to worry, because there are tools that you can use to tweak some small aspects of
the game, and on the right GPU can make a HUGE difference.
Welcome to the LowSpecGamer, the show where we explore ways to get more performance from
modern games on old or low end GPUs.
Let's go.
Neir: Automata, wait… all right.
Neir: Automata is a recently released game running on the Platinum Engine, the same Engine
used on most games developed by Platinum.
Also, its one of those Engine's that has no user readable configuration files.
While on the CPU department I saw the game doing the same with an i5 750 or an intel
celeron G1840 the real bottleneck is the GPU with the game requiring a GTX 770.
So, after setting the ingame settings to the lowest they go, I tested: first to my personal
favorite, the 2012 gt 640 budget GPU which gave me less than 25 FPS in any sort of fight
and this is on 800x600 resolution.
Next I tested with the GTX 460 which was considered a mid end card when it released on 2010.
This did quite a bit better, one again close to 25, something 30 but this time on 720.
Cool, what else can we do?
The first thing that I have to quickly mention is that you can add a custom resolution on
your GPU's control panel, specially a really low one and it will show up in the game's
This is a good way to force the game to a very low 16:9 resolution if you need it.
The main thing that I am going to talk about, however, is this mod.
DrDaxxy discovered the game utilizes a really performance intensive global illumination
method, and modder kaldaien incorporated his code into a mod that fixes some resolution
issues in the game to create this magnificent program linked in the description.
And you will be surprised to see how much a difference this can make.
To install this mod you simply run the installer and hit install, then hit yes when the files
are installed and then finish the installation
Then run the installer again and migrate the mod to the testing branch.
When you open the game you may get a dialog from the mod asking if you want to update.
Make sure to hit yes and go through all the instructions so you have the latest version
of the mod.
Once installed you can hit control + shift + O to show some information regarding your
computer, which is also a nice way of checking if the mod was correctly installed, and then
you can press control + shift + backspace to open this menu.
On the Neir: Automata section you can control the level of the Global Ilumination, going
as far as disabling it.
I did not notice any performance difference by changing the framerate limiter or the bloom
Disabling global illumination will cause some important visual differences on the shadows
of the game and some more dramatic ones on the illumination and coloring of some specific
But, what is the trade-off in performance?
On the 640 on a resolution of 768x432 a saw a generally more stable performance but…
I am not sure I would call this game playable on this state, so be wary if you are using
a really low end GPU.
The 460 was an entirely different story.
Un-modded this test section was around 35 FPS just standing still, but after disabling
global illumination it climbs to almost 55 FPS.
If you decide to jump into one of the game's creative boss battles you will notice that
when things get chaotic it can still drop to the 30s, but it was never unplayable, which
happened with the slightest hint of combat before.
Regarding the game itself… it can get a bit interesting, so if you have the GPU for
it give it a try and let me know how it works for you.
Thank you to the people in Patreon for making this kind of videos possible, see you on the
next video.
Chapter 8 - Section 3: Employer Benefits & Retirement Plans - Video 3.1 - Duration: 13:29.-------------------------------------------
Chapter 9 - Section 3 - The Importance of Life Insurance - Video 3.1 - Duration: 10:14.-------------------------------------------
Chapter 9 - Section 1: Protecting Your Wealth - Video 1.1 - Duration: 8:19.-------------------------------------------
Female Fitness Modeling Workout | Female Fitness Model Anllela Sagra Workout Motivation Video - Duration: 3:06.About 4 years ago Anllela Sagra was under going her studies in fashion design and she
was only a model for few times.
She was extremely thin since a muscular body is not something desired in the modeling world.
But she decide need to have something change her body.
One day she was at the gym and meting a trainer who would forever change her life.
The gym trainer knowledge and mentoring catalyzed changed her life style that she now live.
Everyday she would acquire more of an understanding and her body was starting to respond to the
As a result, her modeling career started coming to a halt due to the all the muscular mass
she was gaining.
Her very closed friends told her to stop training because she was hurting self and body, but
the passion she had for the life she was starting to live was incredible.
After a year and a half of discipline and dedication, she enrolled in a fitness competition
in which she came in 3rd place.
She was extremely surprised by the results and even more by the comments from big names
and judges, since she had only been in this world for such a short period of time.
It was during this time where she was torn between what she wanted in life.
Does she want to be a model like all the other ones in world or does she want to be the first
world fitness model?
Was it worth leaving everything she worked for behind and receive criticism for it?
Is all this worth it to chase what she love?
There are so many questions in her mind.
In life there is no such thing as luck, there are only opportunities and it is your decision
whether or not to take a chance on them.
She decided to take it and risk everything, lose everything and just jump into the world
of possibilities and the truth is that it was the best decision she ever made in her
Thanks for watching this video.
If you enjoy to watch please like and subscribe.
If you have any concern leave your message in comments box.
Video 31 03 2017, 14 04 01 - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
Chapter 9 - Section 2: Basic Types of Coverage - Video 2.1 - Duration: 7:47.-------------------------------------------
Chapter 9 - Section 2: Basic Types of Coverage - Video 2.2 - Duration: 9:57.-------------------------------------------
Boa (보아) - The Shadow reaction video (throwback) - Duration: 5:07.Hello. We are 릭스 둘 셋.
Now you are going to react to an older kpop song.
Boa -The Shadow.
Let's do this.
So good.
I know …
She is so beautiful and an amazing dancer.
Yeah I know it's so confusing.
Oh my god.
She is so beautiful.
That outfit.
Yeah I know, I know.
I love the song
Her voice!
I know …
Oooh my god!
Oh. Theres more.
Well …
I know…
Bye. Bye.
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