*sorry for headphone user
Лучший Реплей Недели Обидная ничья в World of Tanks T110E5 тащит 1 против 6 Лучший бой WoT - Duration: 15:14.-------------------------------------------
10 советов по контент-маркетингу для начинающих. - Duration: 11:40.-------------------------------------------
Chia Tay Bệnh Tiểu Đường Ngay Lập Tức Chỉ Với 1 Quả Trứng Luộc - Duration: 10:11.-------------------------------------------
The 100 4x09 Extended Promo "DNR" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:47.-------------------------------------------
Como Captura Copiar y Pegar en iOS iPhone y iPad - Duration: 7:37.-------------------------------------------
Mistel Barocco MD600 RGB mechanical keyboard unboxing - Duration: 6:57.[throwing box in the air]
Well hello again, all you
Jimmy's youtube viewers!
We have gaht... gathered here again, en masse
to do a new unboxing together and
this time we'll be looking at
this Mistel Barocco keyboard
and the first thing that undoubtedly catches the eye is
the small size of the keyboard box itself
that maybe isn't the size of a conventional
kybd box
let's have a look inside the box and
see for ourselves what in the world we can find inside!
inside, there are boxes
let's first take the lighter box
that probably doesn't contain a keyboard
there we have, ummm
the user manual, that contains instructions
for keyboard operation
like "press all the buttons" and other, probably slightly more technical stuff...
then we have a spare enter/return key
and rubber feet
USB cable for connecting the unit to a computer
and a tool for exchanging the keyboard [translator's note: it's a keycap removal tool]
then let's have a look-see inside the bigger box!
here we have the keyboard.... 's one half!
it's an interesting... interesting concept!
and on the other side, let's hope we find the... a cable!
....aaand the other half of the keyboard
like so!
and yes, this time we're dealing with
a very, truly compact keyboard design
and as you noticed, it's split in half
so it's two separate sides
which, in itself, is an interesting
we've had, in the past, different kinds of
ergonomic keyboard layouts
but not really ones that were truly cut in half
and even when we connect the two sides
it really is a very small keyboard indeed
this fits compat... compactly! along wherever
you choose to bring it, like when going to a LAN party or such
it's really convenient, and you can even just bring the QWERTY side
so you can really focus on just the gaming and just leave...
and if you really need to communicate, then you can just write without using all the chartacters
and now let's have a look at the unit in practice, so...
it's connected in the usual way, via USB
and in order to use both sides we
use this connector thingy [translator's note: välipala, "middle bit" really means snack]
that we use to connect this here bit
...to that one there!
like so!
so if you want to use the whole keyboard you connect
connect the USB from your computer
to the right hand side
the right hand side half of the keyboard and
and using the middle connector you
connect the other side too
and if you just want to use the left hand bit
you can connect the USB cable direct here, too
on the back there is also an extra USB...
...USB... spot. spot? place! port!
sticking-into kind of thingy!
that you can use to connect an external numpad
in case you feel the need for that
and yes, the keyboard can be brought along for lots of different activities
since it's so compactly designed
hardcore players that take gaming very seriously
professionals and the like
I have heard that they
prefer a more vertical angle to the keyboard
it can be a bit difficult to achieve when using a full-length kybd
and this here can be conveniently used in practically any position
and on any size of desk
even if there is very limited space
you can still game at "full speed"!
with your kybd in a very small space
if we want to discuss the aesthetics a bit further
yes, let's discuss it
at the bottom there are three different-colored lights
that represent, umm....
three different programmable modes
that you can use to store your preferred settings
other than that, there are really not much
external embellishment
at the top it says Mistel
on the bottom there are an assortment of stands
for the two separate sides
like so!
the bottom also features connecting instructions here
and yes, this is really nicely
personally I find this a really fun detail
that they haven't even tried to make the split look stylized
the split follows the key outlines right down the middle
I think that's a fun feature
now let's dim the lights a bit and darken the mood!
and have a look at the keyboard's lighghg.... lighting features
this is a backlit model and
the backlight is featured on both the keycaps and the body
the keyboard in question
supports marcos
it has macro features and
many keys feature a secondary function as well
well, what can i say at the end...
to run .... round up, let's use the correct term, that's better
as a final statement
the epilogue will be the following, so, yes
a very small, compact kybd
that can be made even smaller and compact if needed
admittingly losing the use of "some" keys might be a slight downside
and messages might be missing some characters
so it's probably not recommended to use just one half on a daily basis
then you can just put the halves together
even together like this the kybd is still very, very compact indeed
the switches... oops! the switches are mechanical
it is available with different switches
so you can find the right ones for your preferences
regardless if you like mx brown, or blue... or red
you should find ones that suit you!
the keys are RGB backlit
and also the body itself
so you can get some really nice effects with that
that type of gadget this time!
we'll return next time with something else
until we meet again! Bye!
PRONADJI SE ! - Duration: 5:36.Find yourself.
(Title: Find yourself)
Follow your dream, work, and think.
I have arrived to USA
to Lynnwood in Washington State
Don't walk on someone else's path.
Build your own.
Look at this. Look at the way you have to go to get to the park entrance.
What is this?
We are all different, don't judge.
If you have a problem, face it. Seek for help.
Don't lose motivation, just go forward, don't look at others.
Thank you Cile brother!
What you said really means a lot to me.
Thank you Cile from Serbia.
If you can help, help.
Take care of yourself and others.
If you get a change, use it.
If you think you can't go any further, try again.
You haven't lost until you've given up,
Let the last punch be yours.
If they are judging you, if they are telling you
that you can't, that you don't know how to, that you are incapable of doing it...
...Tell them: I can, I will and watch me!
The path isn't easy, but it's also not impossible.
When I started filming, I was using a phone that would now cost less than $50
Maybe even about $20
Because it's hard, it's precious, priceless, unique.
That's why it's yours.
When you succeed, a lot of them won't congratulate you.
And the guy that won (me)... I have no idea why... *butthurt tone*
A lot of them will deny your success, say how it was easy for you.
Don't mock them, teach them.
Someone's success shouldn't be the cause of your jealousy, but should be an example.
Another good news is that my friend, my classmate
from my school in Serbia has won an international
tournament in tennis.
I am very proud of you! I know that you're probably not watching this
but if you somehow stumble upon this video...
...Amazing job Teodora! Just keep on going!
All praise
Respect other's, build your own and stay fair.
Be a leader, try something new.
Constantly learn from others and you'll succeed.
You have no reason to fail. You have all information available right there. On your small screen.
Try getting under other people's skin to seek for the reasons of their actions.
We can all be good and fair.
It's only important if we want to choose that path, and if we want to stay loyal to that path.
Do thinks that make you happy.
You are not here forever.
Leave a trace.
Find yourself.
"DARK MATTER" & "LEVEL 1000" GRIND in BLACK OPS 3 w/ SUBS! (BO3 Road to Dark Matter) - Duration: 2:06:59.-------------------------------------------
【Looptopia 樂托邦必播單曲神預測😍】 - Duration: 6:16.-------------------------------------------
Надя Дорофеева & Команда Maybelline New York ➠ За кулисами - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Порошенко, отдохни! Леонид Радзиховский - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
Functional. Regional. Climate Neutral. | VAUDE - Duration: 4:45.Sustainability is a journey.
I used to think,
someday we'll be the most sustainable.
It's like a mountain peak and you look down,
but forget it.
It's a team sport and a journey. There's Hannah.
Hannah is the product manager for Packs 'n Bags.
And there's Rafa, here as well.
Rafa is the product manager for bike bags for all the bike products
that are made in our Manufaktur.
Made in Germany also means for me –
and it's really important for me –
having a holistic approach here at the company headquarters.
The entire product development - from the first sketches,
from the first ideas,
to the technology,
then to the actual production
and sales & marketing
having everything in a closed circuit here on site.
What's special about the Made in Germany products
is that from the very beginning,
you can get all the people
who work on a product involved.
Whether it's in manufacturing or in design.
You can share ideas much more quickly,
communication channels are shorter
you can incorporate feedback, adopt solutions much faster
and implement them in the product right away.
OK, to get to the Manufaktur you have to go through a part of logistics.
The merchandise comes here first, everything to Obereisenbach
and is sent on from here.
Our biggest goal at the moment
is to make the whole global supply chain transparent.
Knowing where things come from, down to the last button
and whether it was made under ecological and social conditions.
What's special about our Made in Germany products
is that they're made out of a robust tarpaulin material.
The tarpaulin is also PVC-free.
And all products that we make here in Germany
are made with climate neutral manufacturing.
Here we are in our production facility.
We mostly make products for the segments Bike and Packs 'n Bags here.
This what a bag looks like when it's been welded.
On one hand, at first glance you might think
that it's really anti-innovation
because we're the ones who say
we don't want to use these materials
that might include harmful substances.
We don't want to work with these suppliers
because we don't like their working methods.
But this always leads to the challenge
of operating as a pioneer.
We always have to come up with new solutions
that didn't exist before.
Here's the sewing area.
This is where the bags are sewn.
The edges hemmed.
Belts are sewn.
Buckles are attached.
Concentrating on these values of sustainability
is what makes VAUDE unique.
So you can really tell it apart from the competition.
I think in the course of globalization
the world is becoming more complex,
this idea, Made in Germany,
for a lot of people, it's really about trust.
You know the working conditions are good.
You know the quality is good.
You have the feeling you're supporting local business.
For years, this has been our strongest growing product group.
This is where our heart is.
It makes absolute sense to have the entire product development process here on site.
And not to have a part of it outsourced.
It does a lot for the identity of the people
who work here.
We see the core focus of VAUDE here.
And when I see my colleagues here working,
I'm really filled with pride.
It's just great.
I think it also creates a sense of purpose
for employees and also for me and for everyone who works here –
just a special pride in the product.
It's a value you can't measure with money,
but I think for the identity of the company
and employees, it's really important.
Call of Duty2 Франция Бельто Военнопленные #callofduty2 - Duration: 14:53.-------------------------------------------
70 #Aaltonen - Empatia auttaa sua - Duration: 2:41.Fanni, empathy helps. We need empathy.
Empathy is the ability to understand the other person (actually it's sympathy. Empathy is the ability to feel what the other is feeling. :P)
Empathy is the ability to put yourself into other person's shoes.
In sales and marketing empathy is very important.
Are you able as a sales prep, as a marketer, marketing director, sales director or as a CEO to step into the world of your customer.
So that you can understand them better. So that you can start serving them better.
Too often we're focused on wanting to sell something to someone.
Because it's played out like that it means we want to tell about us.
All those "good" things, like products, qualities, benefits, brand awareness, we have all that sorted. But we can't seem to be able to go into the world of the customer with what we're doing.
In the worst case we use a product catalogue behind a conversion. We think that our catalogue and product is somehow relevant to the customer so that they'd want to give something from themselves in return.
Name, phone number, etc. in exchange to the sales catalogue.
But if you're empathetic and consider of your buying process and you want to serve the customer. We want to believe in them and glue us together with them.
Then we have the ability to ask from the customer and hear them out, but also the ability to change our way of doing business in order to serve the customer.
That requires empathy.
So the ability to step into the other person's shoes and situation and see the world from their perspective.
25.4. Digital Sales Day. Join us to a whole day of webinars about digital sales, marketing and answer to a question, how can you align marketing and sales process digitally and succeed in it. Join us, link is in the bio.
Матовый дизайн ногтей/Стемпинг/Градиент/Дизайн ногтей/Мастер класс/Этнический дизайн ногтей/DIY - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
رائع .. ابنته تصصح له القراءة والإعراب .. ماشاء الله - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Data Center Work Orders Workflow - Duration: 7:26.-------------------------------------------
EO Satelites - Duration: 5:11.Remote sensing instruments that operates continuously in space
can offer information about the Earth, more precisely about lands, water and atmosphere.
These satellites can provide information about ocean salinity,
atmosphere temperature, pressure, or water vapor content,
aerosols, gas composition of atmosphere, effects of pollution,
sand and dust storms, or ice mapping.
Using the various instruments from the satellites payloads,
it can be observed fires scars,
drought or land variation or air mass transportation.
Earth Observation satellites are used for environmental monitoring, map making,
while daily meteorology analyses are using data provided from satellites.
First launched satellite occurred in 1957, lasted 3 months in orbit and end up burning in Earth's atmosphere.
There are more than 4200 currently orbiting the planet, from witch around 1500 are operational satellites.
Half of them are in low – Earth orbit, at an altitude of a few hundred of km
20% in medium orbit, at an altitude up to 20.000 km,
while the rest of the satellites are in geostationary orbit, at an altitude on 36.000 km.
The global information that covers long periods of time offered by EO satellites
can help scientists to make predictions of climate evolution
and to understand how the climate is changing.
Not all the dots from this images are functional operating satellites,
about 95% represents orbital debris.
More than 700 are Communication Satellites,
approx. 370 are Earth Observation Satellites,
160 are Technology Demonstration Satellites
100 are Navigation and Global Position Satellites
and 60 are Space Science Satellites.
Numbers of Earth Observation satellites are: 165 Optical Imaging,
34 Radar imaging, 7 IR imaging, 37 Meteorology,
53 Earth Science, 47 Electronic Intelligence
and 31 with other purposes.
88% of them are in low orbit.
More than 200 satellites are in a sun synchronous orbit,
80 in non polar inclined orbit, 16 in polar orbit,
and the rest in elliptical, equatorial, molniya orbit or don't have a recorded orbit.
In 2014 were launched 240 satellites, while in February 2017, 104 were launched in a single mission.
NASA is operating now 16 satellites for Earth observation,
first one launched in 1997,
while the most known are the ones from the A-train (Afternoon Train).
The A-train is a satellite constellation of six Earth Observation satellites to measure:
radiation from ozone, water vapor, CFCs, methane and nitrogen compounds (AURA).
radar for clouds (CloudSat),
vertical profiles of clouds and aerosols (CALIPSO)
cloud properties, sea surface temperature, near-surface wind speed, surface water, ice and snow (Aqua)
water cycle (GCOM-W1 "SHIZUKU")
and CO2 Column (OCO-2),
The orange colors represent very warm sea surface temperatures. (image aquired using NASA's CrIS satellite)
A vertical profile from the CALIPSO is overlaid on an image from the Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer.
A vertical profile from space shows the smoke plume June 3 from the wildfires currently raging in Arizona.
CALIPSO data curtains depicting dust in the atmosphere, shown in a flat map projection. Each curtain represents one pass of the satellite.
CALIPSO data (from 3/25/2010 to 4/2/2010) with two sets of back-propagated dust routes over the same period.
Earth observation satellites remain in place for long periods of time,
hence can observe and can highlight the environmental changes.
Among the observation so far are: clearing of the world's rainforests
an annual rise in sea level approaching 2 mm a year
and the depletion of the ozone layer by atmospheric pollution.
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