Oddly Satisfying Video That Frees You from Your Worries
Oddly Satisfying Video That Frees You from Your Worries
Oddly Satisfying Video That Frees You from Your Worries
SWTOR Cantina Music: Spice Is Nice (Gameplay Video Parody) - Duration: 3:34.Spice is nice,
You get spliced,
Pass the glitterstim,
Spice is nice,
It's a good laugh with giggledust.
What's Membrosia?
It's not spice, but it's so good,
It's addictive,
So will you (just) pass me some more.
The best spice comes from the spice mines of Kessel,
But the workers are more like slaves,
And the energy spiders could swallow you whole,
So I must confess, I'm unimpressed.
And as for this Killik milk, those big bugs,
It's rare and costs way too much.
But I'll go broke if I have to I swear,
Just for some more Membrosia!
I'm a bit high! I'm a bit high!
I'm a bit high!
Smuggler's Delight for some counter effects.
Yeah! Huh, come on! Yeah! Uhuh. All right. Come on.
You think I'm a glit(ter)biter,
Because of my addiction,
A little more glitterstim,
Won't make much a difference.
(So maybe) I can't stop myself now,
But maybe a little later,
I just need a bit more,
Just another fix.
Booster's Blue is so much better than Spliff, yes!
Have you tried the Milia Flower yet?
I'm addicted.
I'm addicted.
To Engspice!
(I'm) Addicted (and) I don't care.
Spice is nice,
You get spliced,
Pass the gli-itterstim,
Spice is nice,
It's a good laugh
With giggledust.
What's Membrosia?
It's not spice, but it's so good,
It's addictive,
So will you (just) pass me some more.
I want more.
I want more.
Hey, what's up with that act, you can't even be timed with the last note!
Dude, I think they're high on spice.
Yeah, well if you ask me, they're always high on spice.
Learn Colors with Fun Cars in Spiderman Cartoon - Learning Videos for kids - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
Dürfen Betriebsräte bei der Einführung von Anwesenheitsprämien mitbestimmen? | Betriebsrat Video - Duration: 5:07.-------------------------------------------
Story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and the Fire | Stories of Prophets for Kids | Islamic Kids Videos - Duration: 13:47.Assalamu Alaikum!
Walaikum Assalam!
I was waiting for you Baba!
You look so excited!
Yes Baba! I really want to know
what happened to the Prophet!
Did the people throw him in fire?
What happened to him?
Haha.. Alright, I will tell you the rest of the story now.
Listen carefully.
Prophet Ibrahim (as) and the great fire!
When people realized that it was Prophet Ibrahim (as)
who had destroyed the idols,
they were really angry!
They decided to burn him in the biggest fire
anyone had seen before!
First they dug a deep hole,
to put the firewood.
They gathered all the wood they could find
and started building a fire!
The people kept adding the woods for days and days,
and the fire grew stronger and stronger.
It is said that the fire grew so strong
that no one could go near it because of the heat.
It was so tall that not even the birds could fly above it!
Many people heard about this huge fire in Babylon,
and travelled to the city to witness this phenomenon!
Then one day, the people tied the hands and feet of Ibrahim(as),
and placed him on a catalpult,
so that he could be thrown into the fire.
It was then that an angel from heaven appeared before the prophet,
and asked him if he wanted any wish to be granted.
The prophet could have easily asked the angel
to save him from the fire,
but he did not.
"I only wish for Allah (swt) to be pleased with me"
he said.
What followed was a miracle!
When the prophet landed in the fire,
the fire suddenly got cold.
It only burned the ropes that tied the prophet,
and no harm came to the prophet!
The prophet sat there amidst the fire,
as if he was sitting in a garden!
He sat there and sang praises of Allah(swt)!
The people couldn't see what was happening,
so they waited for the fire to finish burning.
And finally, when the fire went out,
the prophet walked out of the fire with not a single burn in his body!
The people were shocked to see this.!
This was a miracle!!
"The God of Ibrahim(as) must be the true god"
some of them said.
But most of them were still angry
with the prophet for destroying the idols!
They decided to take the prophet for a trial to the king's palace.
The soldiers came and arrested the prophet,
and took him to the palace of King Nimrod
He was taken to the palace,
with his hands chained.
Nimrod had heard that the prophet had shattered
the idols he worshipped.
"Tell me why you smashed the idols we worship"
He asked the prophet
'They were false idols,
they were not God"
replied the prophet
"Then who is the true God ?" Nimrod asked
The prophet politely replied
"There is only one true God,
Allah (swt), He gives life and death"
The king got angry when he heard the prophet.
He stood up angrily and said,
"I can give life and death too.
Wait and I'll show you"
He asked his soldiers to bring two of his slaves to the courtroom.
He asked the slaves to kill the first one.
The guard, on hearing the order
struck the sword and killed one of the slave.
"You see, I can give death"
said Nimrod proudly.
"Now kill the other one too"
said Nimrod to the guard.
But before the guard could strike the slave with his sword,
he asked him to stop.
He then shouted to the guard,
"Don't kill him, let him live"
" He then turned to the prophet and said
"I can give life too, you just saw that"
The prophet replied
"Allah(swt) make the sun rise from the east,
can you make the sun rise from the west.
Can you do that?"
Nimrod was speechless!
He was really angry with the prophet for confronting him!
Prophet Ibrahim (as) called the people to worship Allah(swt)
for a long long time.
There were nobody willing to listen in Babylon,
except for one man and a woman!
The woman's name was Sarah,
and later she became his wife.
The man's name was Lut,
who would later become a prophet as well!
After years of calling people to Allah(swt),
the prophet realized that nobody else
was going to listen to his words.
So, he decided to migrate to another country.
He wanted to spread the message of Allah(swt) in another nation.
The prophet then asked his father to join him,
but he refused.
The prophet, the woman and Lut (as) then started
their long long journey!
They travelled through Syria,
Palestine and Egypt calling out the people to Allah (swt).
They helped the poor they could find on the way,
and they did many good deeds that made people happy!
In the meantime,
the prophet Lut (as) migrated to the Dead Sea
and settled down there.
And after a few months,
the Prophet married Sarah!
She was a good believer
and they wanted to have children,
who would spread the message of Allah(swt) after their time.
The prophet and his wife travelled again for many days
through the desert.
One day, they happened to enter the territory of an evil king.
The evil king came to know about the beautiful wife of the prophet,
and he wanted to take her.
So he send one of his soldiers to bring the prophet to him.
The soldier brought the prophet before the king.
"Who is the lady accompanying you?"
asked the evil king,
The prophet replied that she was his sister.
The evil king then asked the prophet to bring Sarah to his court.
He said that he wanted to meet this beautiful woman
that everyone in his kingdom was talking about.
The prophet went to his wife and said
"The king wants to meet you"
"Do not ever tell him that you are my wife,
because I've told him that you are my sister"
the prophet told his wife.
When Sarah went to the King's palace,
the king was struck by her beauty,
and he tried to take hold of her with his hands!
But the moment his hand got near Sarah,
it became stiff, and he could not move it!!
The king was scared that he requested Sarah
"Please pray to Allah (swt) for me,
and I will never harm you"
When Sarah prayed to Allah (swt),
his hands got cured miraculously!!
But the moment he realized that his hands were cured,
the foolish king tried to take hold of Sarah again!!
And for the second time, his hands got stiff.
The king couldn't move his hands at all!!
"Please pray to Allah (swt) for me..
I shall never harm you again!" said the king.
Sarah prayed to Allah again,
and his hands got cured for the second time.
This time the King realized that Sarah
was no ordinary woman.
So he gave Sarah a gift!
He gave her one of his Egyptian maid servant,
and her name was Hajar!
When Sarah returned home,
the prophet asked her what happened?
"Allah (swt) taught that evil king a lesson,
and he gave me maid- Hajar" replied Sarah
Years passed and the prophet grew old.
His hair grayed,
but he continued to call people back to Allah (swt).
Sarah too had grown old,
and she realized that she would no longer
be able to give birth to a child.
So she asked the prophet to marry their servant Hajar.
She then prayed to Allah(swt) to bless them with a child!
After a few months,
Hajar gave birth to a child,
and they named him Ismail!
By now, the prophet had grown very old!
One day the prophet woke up,
he felt like Allah(swt) wanted him to do something.
So he went to Hajar.
"Get Ismail" He said
"Get ready for a long journey"
Ibrahim (as) and his wife with the baby in her arms
kept travelling for a long long time.
They walked for many days till they reached a dry valley of the desert
near the Al-Marwah mountain.
There were no fruits,
no trees, no food, and no water either!
No signs of any life could be found in the valley
The prophet then left his wife and son
with a small amount of food and water.
This was hardly enough for both of them to last for two days!!
The prophet then turned around and started walking away.
His wife hurried after him
"Where are you going,
leaving us in this barren valley?"
she cried to him.
But the prophet did not answer her,
and kept walking away.
She called him again,
but the prophet remained silent and walked away!
Finally she understood that the prophet was not acting on his own.
She realized that Allah(swt) had commanded him to do this.
"Did Allah(swt) command you to do so?"
she asked him.
The Prophet shook his head and continued walking.
Then his great wife said
"We are not going to be lost,
since Allah(swt) who commanded you is with us"
The prophet was very sad
as he had left his wife and his son in a barren desert,
where there were no other people.
He prayed to Allah(swt) to give his wife and son enough food.
And he asked Allah(swt) to send people with good hearts to them
Oh no.. Why did the Prophet leave his wife and son?
Why did he do that?
It was because Allah(swt) had commanded him..
Hmm.. What happened next?
I will tell you the remaining story tomorrow.
Ok baba.
Before I leave,
let me ask you a few questions.
Are you ready?
I am ready!!
Alright. Now tell me why was the prophet thrown into the fire?
Here are the options:
Option A- Because He had smashed the idols they worshipped,
Option B- He stole their idols,
and Option C- He burned the idols
That's an easy one,
The prophet was thrown in fire
because he smashed the idols the people worshipped!
Masha Allah.. that's the right answer.
Thank you Baba
How did the prophet challenge King Nimrod?
The prophet asked the king if he could make the sun rise from the west!
Isn't that right?
That's right again.
Now tell me who accompanied the Prophet when he left Babylon
The prophet's cousin Lut joined him,
and another believer Sarah too accompanied him
That's very good!
Hmm.. What was the name of the Prophet's first son?
It was Ismail (as)!!
Masha Allah..! That's right again!
Its time for me to leave.
Insha Allah..! I'll tell you the remaining story tomorrow.
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