AF Madara • Shadow Fiend • 942 GPM — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2
SevenKnight ท้าทายหอดิน Ep.28 หอดิน Season 6 ชั้น 27 (เเอบส่องชั้น 28) - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
10 Shocking Habits That Make You Age Faster and Look Older - Duration: 4:06.-------------------------------------------
Pensando del chill: Deja de fumar - Duration: 2:44.Today I'd like to talk about why do people smoke
Smoking is the process when someone breaths a product in order to enjoy short-term benefits
Such benefits can be "Looking cool", "Being a badass", "Pissing your parents off"
or "to die prematurely since life sucks"
There's different types of smokers
There's basic level smokers, usually looks like this
These subjects usually smoke due to their fathers beatings
Then there's second level smoking: "I smoke because I want to, not because I see other people do it"
Of course you do!
They'll usually look like this
These are the introvert type who have a hard time blending in any social activity.
They smoke so they can blend in, but then remember how awkward they are and how much they don't like being around people
So they found out they're addicted to smoking for a pointless goal from which they instantly regretted
*Definetely not talking about me*
Then there's level 3 smoking "I smoke because I have anxiety, but I have anxiety because I smoke"
These subjects are usually over 30 and they just smoke because life still sucks.
And if they find any scientific evidence on "a cig a day takes 11 minutes of your life away" they'll start crunching those numbers to see how fast can they die
I'm not saying there aren't more levels of smoking, but these are the most common
Let's overview some more specific examples
We got the tumblr girl
We got mr pretentious gifs
We got mr naked girls black and white pretentious pictures
We got mr "I can't deal with my job anymore"
We got mr "Mom I'm an adult okay??"
We got mr "beer, cig and a beating to my kid"
Holy sh*t
We got mr "I only smoke at parties"
We got "Smoking is not as bad as they frame it on the media"
We got mr "Hehe I only smoke ironically, I'm so rad dawg"
And then we got the rest of the people that doesn't know why do they even smoke
We all got friends that hate smoking
Probably you should listen to them, they are worried
But sometimes they are just behaving like karma wh*res and try to take the high road on you
There's also those guys who will tell you drugs are bad and then stuff down their body an awful lot of junk
Today's conclusion is that smoking is bad, you should quit.
At the end of the day, It's all happening in your mind and external pleasures are pure hedonism.
It's not bad to try them out once in your life, but not in a way for these pleasures to ruin your life.
It may happen that a lot of the viewers take these video personally for which I have to say, don't be offended, you gotta chiiiiiiiill
If you liked this, consider liking, subscribing, and hitting that bell so you can be notified by skynet when my videos come up.
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칫솔청소기..!!신기한동영상과 생활꿀팁의 재미있는과학 하우투[HOWTO] - Duration: 4:19.Brush cleaner! ... fun science howto videos and miraculous life kkultip [HOWTO]
"ЕВРОВИДЕНИЕ" ПРОЙДЕТ В РОССИИ?! (30.03.2017) - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
Unstoppable Surfer intro to Freedom-Preneur - Duration: 0:41.Hey there, Brian Swan, the Unstoppable Surfer 🌊
I just got out from an amazing Session at
Keramas in Bali 🌊
I want to give you access to
Be sure to check your email 📧
you're going to find out what's allowed our Family
to travel the world for the past 8.5 years 🌏
I was a Robotics Engineer for 10 years...(No Joke )😂
My Wife retired me into this
"Digital Economy" and now we've been
traveling for 8.5 years 🌏
We get to do this pretty much whenever we want...
so down below👇 make sure you check
what the "Freedom-Preneur" movement is all about.....(👇Click below👇)
we'll see YOU somewhere surfing 🏄
around the world's best waves 🌊
Cheers, guys...over and out! (👇Click below👇)
The ABCs for Adults | Ecchi's Play Place - Duration: 3:19.hello and welcome to eegees play place
where we do adult education today we are
joined here by Winnie the pity that's
wafer you have some issues anyways what
are we doing today with with the ABCs EJ
let's get started a is for Apple and
asshole B is for ball boy and booty or
what you say when you can't see
c is for crabs as well as chlamydia and
Quattro disgusting what the capital D D
is what that a whole big wolves but you
shouldn't give her because she's got all
breezy stuff that let me do a couple e
is for elephant ecstasy existential
enlightenment f is for flower and first
and a four letter word that would make
this hard way
googly moogly H is for a house hammer
and Derby I give up I is for inside and
tense intercourse j mr. jackal jiggled
and Jews boo like the band and Star Wars
hey is for keister kinky and kiss ass
L is for Lacey lady love M is for
mind-melding are you through yet that's
all for today folks whoo wait we're only
halfway through the alphabet hey don't
get ahead of yourself mouths in another
video I
you are the static when we go by what
you are
6 Reasons Not To Buy Yamaha R15 | MotorBeam - Duration: 3:30.Hello everybody and welcome to MotorBeam.
Yamaha first launched the R15 in 2008 and it was a revolution, they updated it with
the Version 2 in 2011 and we are now in 2017 with the bike now feeling dated.
While still a fantastic bike to ride on the twisties , here
are reasons not to buy one. Here are six of them
The R15 is just not suited to tall riders and isn't a comfortable bike at all, causing
wrist and lower back pain after a long ride due to the hard seat and sporty riding position.
One really doesn't need a track bike for daily use.
Pillion comfort is poor on the R15 and the pillion sits very high.
A heavy pillion can't sit as the plastic of the tail lamp would break.
Performance of the Yamaha R15 is mediocre in the city and you really have to twist your
wrist to get going quickly.
Service cost of the Yamaha R15 is on the higher side and cost of part replacements can surprise you.
Even though the R15 has twin headlights, the throw is very poor and high beam doesn't illuminate
the road ahead properly.
One of the biggest reasons not to buy the R15 right now is that Yamaha has unveiled
the Version 3.0 model which gets drastic improvements and is headed to our shores.
We hope this video was fun to watch, can we cross 5000 likes MotorBeamers?
Иностранцы, как борщ ? Россия и Китай тает лед, монгольские девушки ИНОСТРАНЦЫ ПРОБУЮТ РУССКУЮ ЕДУ - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
Мультфильм Для детей Свинка Пеппа мультик на русском языке - Сюрприз! Мультики для детей 2017 года. - Duration: 3:58.-------------------------------------------
Medienberichterstattung über Demonstrationen ist USA/NATO-konform und ... | 29.03.2017 | - Duration: 7:24.-------------------------------------------
#7 Should I Call in Sick or Show Up To Clean? - Duration: 7:15.Hi there, I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is where you get to ask a house cleaning question.
I get to help you find an answer.
Today's question comes from a house cleaner who is sick, and she wants to know;
"Should I call and cancel on my client?
Or should I go ahead and just try to work through being sick at their house?
She says, "My boss is counting on me, and she expects that I'm going to show up to work
the houses that we have today.
If I don't, it's going to put my team partner in a bind.
Because she won't be able to clean the house's all by herself.
What am I supposed to do?"
Okay, that is a fair question, and here's what it comes down to.
When you're sick, you transmit germs to the people whose house it is your cleaning.
I know the intent is that you're there to clean the house, but when you're sick, you
transfer germs to that house.
So it's possible, that a perfectly well family could get sick because you came to
their house to clean.
So that's super crazy.
Now on day one, when you do your initial walk-through with a customer you need to explain,
"If you're sick, I need you guys to cancel on me."
And be really emphatic about it.
Because here's the problem, if you go to a customer's house and they are sick, you're
probably going to get sick too.
You are meandering through the house.
You're cleaning things, and you're moving around, you're touching everything.
And even though you have gloves on, and you might even have a face mask on, you're still
going to pick up some of those germs.
Either through your eyes, or breathing, or in your ears, or scratching your face, or
whatever it is.
You're going to transfer those germs, and you might get sick.
If you get sick, this is not you just missing one customer's house.
This is you missing all of the customer's houses while you're sick.
This could throw you out for an entire week.
Now the problem is this: a lot of the housecleaning accounts that we have, are on a biweekly basis.
Meaning I do this set of customers this week, and I do that set of customers next week.
If I miss an entire week worth of customers, I can't bump them into next week.
Because I already have all of those time slots filled.
And so, I don't have anywhere to move all of those people to.
So what happens is, instead of cleaning your house every other week, now I'm cleaning their
house every, third week or whatever, I got to wait, they've
got to wait until I come back to do their house again. Because if I missed a period in
between, instead of every two weeks now it's going to be four weeks between house cleanings.
Does that make sense?
So then what happens is, the house is like super dirty when you come back.
And it's not just one set of customers.
It's all of the customers that you missed that week.
So instead of working maybe an 8-hour day, you're going to end up working like 10 or
12 hour days.
Trying to hurry and fill in all the gaps of all the people who now haven't had their houses
clean for an entire month.
So if you are coming back every other week and you missed that week because you're
sick, this really throws your schedule off.
I can't speak enough for the fact that as a housecleaner, number one, you cannot get sick.
You cannot get sick it is not an option.
Yeah, it inconveniences your customers and your clients.
It inconveniences your boss and guess what?
It inconveniences you.
Because in housecleaning, you don't get paid for the time that you don't work.
So if you're out of work for an entire week, that's an entire week's worth of money that
you have coming in, that you're not going to get paid.
Nobody pays you for staying at home and being sick.
Customers and clients don't write you checks and go; "Oh yeah you're sick.
Here's the money."
They don't do that.
They pay you for a service rendered.
And so, what we have to really take care of is that you, as a person, your whole physical
being, you are your biggest asset in this business.
And so you have to take extra care that you don't get sick.
So for me, I tell my customers; "I cannot get sick.
It is not an option for my business.
So if you are sick, you must call me and cancel.
Some people charge a cancellation fee; some people don't.
I don't. Because if somebody is sick, I don't want to penalize them for having been sick.
If I get sick, I'm going to have to call and cancel on them.
And I don't want them to expect me to give them some kind of remuneration for that either.
Does that make sense?
So if you get sick, everything kind of crumbles.
So for me, and this is just going to great extremes, for me personally,
I drink apple cider vinegar every single day.
And I mix it with lemon juice, so I take a water bottle.
Hang on, I have a water bottle here, and I drink about this much (4 oz.) off the top
of it.
And then I fill about that much (2 oz.) with apple cider vinegar.
And I fill the rest of it (2 oz.) with lemon juice.
And I just shake it up, and it is the nastiest drink that you could ever possibly imagine.
You would think that after drinking it for years that you would build some kind of immunity
to it, that you can get used to it, that you will grow accustomed to the taste.
I don't.
It's the nastiest drink I've ever had, but it completely purifies my system.
It clears my sinuses, and it keeps me from catching a cold.
Now I have not called in sick and 14 years.
So there's something to be said for that.
Now I also send it with my husband to work in his lunch.
I know you're going think that's so nasty to do that to my husband, but you know, he
hasn't called in sick once in 21 years.
So there's something to be said for it.
It works, I'm telling you it works.
It's a nasty drink, but if you are a housecleaner, and you get sick, your business falls apart.
So trust me there are there are things to be said about taking care of yourself.
Create an open communication with your clients right up front, that if they get sick, they
do cancel on you.
So for today, if you're home sick today, stay home.
Stay home and get better.
Because if you drag this on, it's going to go on for a week, two weeks, three weeks,
and you're just going to be drained, and the flu, and you're not going to feel well, and
then you give it to your clients.
And then they give it back to you.
And it's just this a never ending story.
So if you're sick, stay at home and get well.
If you are well, do not go into a house where there sickness.
I showed up, and people are like "Well, I've got my kids in the other room and they're
sick so…"
"No, I'm going to leave.
I'm not staying if you're sick.
That's a rule from day one.
Those are my rules.
I'd rather not have your money for one house, then lose all the money for all the houses
for the entire week."
So that's it for today.
If you like this tip.
Please pass it along.
Share it, tweet it.
Re-pin it.
Repost it, whatever you do on social media.
If you have a question, head on over to and ask your questions and we will be happy
to answer them.
Until we meet again, leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
Pepite Rabhi - Duration: 1:53.Our spiritual wake-up call was aimed at each individual
regardless of political inclination.
Each of us has to ask ourselves : What can I do?
-- and then to go do it.
Making peace with your partner, your neighbours, or your children...
This is what will build a better future.
It's easy to eat organic, and use solar power,
and then go exploit your neighbour
Alternative solutions will not change the world.
I'm involved in organic farming, but this will not change the world.
To change the world, humans have to change
and embrace intelligence.
Not academic intelligence.
By intelligence, I mean light, clarity.
That which guides our actions and lights the way.
BRAILLE FA STREET SKATE! - Duration: 17:39.-------------------------------------------
How to make toner at Home for summer | diy toner | control sweating on face (in Hindi) - Duration: need 1 spray bottle
aloe vera gel
take some rose water into spray bottle
add 1 table spoon aloe vera gel with rose water
shake it well
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