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AkilisMusic Live Vlog 002 | Preview de proxima pista - Duration: 11:34.-------------------------------------------
Minha playlist de musica ELETRÔNICA (ATIVEM AS LEGENDAS) - Duration: 12:47.-------------------------------------------
Learn Colors with Bowling Balls for Children, - Colours w McQueen Cars - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
いよいよ始まるバーチャルユテュボ G.J. - Duration: 0:33.-------------------------------------------
Cartoon Hook-Ups: Sonic the Hedgehog Compilation (Every Sonic Hook Up) - Duration: 15:06.Well, that was fast.
Um, yeah. That's kinda my thing.
No, but I mean, that was like, REALLY fast.
I...I don't know what you want me to...
We could do it again?
No! Noooo.
That's okay.
You know I'm never going to ask you to marry me, right?
I lied. I'm not on birth control.
What's up RAW DOG?!
Is it hot in here or am I just ovulating? Heh.
Oh, my god. That was... I mean...
It was amazing!
Yeah. Just awesome.
Nothing. It's just... getting late.
You're joking, right?
You expect me to leave this crappy hotel in the middle of the night?
*Clears throat*
Get out of here!
*Phone Ring*
Who is that?
What's up, pretty lady?
Oh, my god! Is that HIM!?
It's SO good to hear your voice.
*Clearing throat* *Moans*
Looks like someone remembers you.
I am downright damp.
And I am SO glad I called!
One more time!
C'mon, babe, please!
Once was enough, twice was too much, and the third...
Come on!
Stop it! You're like a child!
I'm not in the mood.
I'll get you in the mood...
Stop it...
Dammit, stop it!
Ow. Owww!!!
Oh, put it out. Put it out!
I'm going to sleep.
God, I'm excited! Are you? Cuz I am! This is gonna be so much fun.
Alright, let'€™s shoot this! Oh boy! Here we go! Hey, do you want a drink?
Um... Hungry?
Sonic, get that off the bed! We'€™re rolling! Yeah, that'€™s kind of my thing! I don'€™t
know what you want me to. You want to do it again? Huh? Yeah?What do you think? You think so?
How the *bleep* are we going to do this scene? Sonic, she has lines in-between your lines.
You have to slow down! Oh yeah yeah, sure!
Well that was...fast. **Twitch** Yeah, that'€™s **twitch** kind
of my **twitch** thing? No, but I mean, that was...
No but I mean, that was like, really fast. God *Bleep* Sonic!!!
Cut the Cameras! Cut the Camera! Sonic! Give Amy her bra back!
That was incredible.
I never thought that you might have two of everything.
Ladies, what can I say?
Wait. Did the internet really request this Hook-Up?
Aren'€™t we kids?
No, see, as a parody this video is completely non-canon
and isn'€™t affected by any real timeline.
We'€™re much older now.
That makes sense.
You know that they are still going to bitch and say we'€™re kids, right?
Yeah. I know.
So there you have it. A two dick joke.
That'€™s all you got, Winky Dink?
I'€™m here for the menage a quad!
Well, that's creative.
Thanks for watching everyone...
And Action!
Oh, god, that was I mean...
It was amazing!
*Farts* What?
Oh my god, what the *Bleep* is that smell?
I'€™m so sorry dear, my dinner’s not sitting well with me.
Did that come out of your *Bleep*?
That couldn'€™t have possibly come out of your *Bleep*!
You *fart*, expect me *fart*, to leave this crappy hotel *fart* in the middle of the night?
Oh come on! How do you expect me to be attracted to this!?
Shadow try to stay in the moment, please!
*Holds Breath*
You *fart*, expect me *fart*
Oh god, I'€™ve got to get out of here.
I am downright damp. *farts* *sighs*
Oh, no, no, no. 'Fraid not!
Thanks fo rwatching, everyone *Static*
Alright. Another stupid hook-up video
Wait, Amy? What are you doing here?
Isn't it supposed to be Sally?
A... Amy? Are... Are you okay?
Oh! Holy! Oh...
I am WInk.
I'm in control now.
Let's see what Shadow's up to.
What the?
Why the hell am I here?
The hell happened to your eyes?
*Heavy Breathing*
Get away from me!
Ahhh! Ahhhh!
*Splatter sounds*
Do you know how many X-Box generations I've been through?
I'm a big deal. I'm a very big deal.
Oh, yeah! I mean, I don't know anything about multi-generations or platforms...
I'm sure you're a REAL BIG DEAL.
Let's get going, Chief.
Hey there! My name's Sonic.
The hedgehog. You might have heard of me.
Anyway, I couldn't help but notice that we're both a little blue.
Where the hell is he?
Yo, yo, yo!!!
You'€™re 2 hours late.
Chill yo!
I can'€™t work like this.
Blaze, I'm so sorry. Silver can we just get you into position please?
Are we ready?
Cameras rolling. Sound speed. And.... Action!
Check it, I'€™m trying to start my hip hop career...
Alright cut! Silver, please get it together. We need to get through this scene.
I get that. But I think at some point in this, I should start spitting bars.
No. No.
Aren'€™t you supposed to be purple?
This is how I look with no clothes. Relax.
Please continue!
Once was enough. Twice was too...
His name is Silver the Hedgehog. Spitting lyrics like snoop dog
Using telekenisis to exploit all her weakness
If you ain'€™t heard about me - In your main youtube sub feed
Hit the search bar and look-up - Silver Blaze cartoon hook-up. What!!! Yeah!
I can'€™t wait to set you on fire.
...and we were so scared,
but I knew that he would take care of us...
Listen, this has been awesome. Like, REALLY awesome,
but you keep talking about him...
You know, HIM.
Ohhhhhh. You know, that reminds me.
You know, you kinda look like Sonic.
I mean, you aren't blue, but you're still pretty handsome.
Have you ever thought of dyeing your hair?
There was one time Sonic was thinking of bleaching his hair...
I was like, 'What do you think this is? The 90'€™s?'€
I mean, it was the 90'€™s.
He would have looked SUPER cute, but I don'€™t know.
I wonder what Sonic is up to...
Don'€™t mind me. I just forgot my toothbrush.
Good luck dude.
Who does he think he is!? He'€™s not all that great.
With his stupid voice...
Yeah! There ya go!!!
...and that perfect sexy smile.
Oh my God!
...I love that boy...
*Making out Noises*
What is it?
I just think I might be falling for you.
I hate to admit it, but I think I am too.
Sucks, huh?
Yeah. Well, we might as well enjoy it then.
*Making out Noises*
Whoa, Knuckles,
is that the Master Emerald in your pocket,
or are you just happy to see me?
Oh, that actually IS the Master Emerald.
*Footsteps and Door Slam*
Son of a...
What are you doing here?
It'€™s my hotel room. She steal the Master Emerald?
What a *Bleep*.
Beast Boy.
Oh, sorry. Wrong room.
I just don't know about this place anymore.
He'€™s late. He'€™s never late.
Sonic probably just fell asleep, again.
Hey, Rogue. Sorry I'€™m late.
It'€™s okay. I'€™ve been waiting so long
and now I'€™m really ready for your speed.
Oh, yeah. My speed... I'€™m really fast.
What'€™s wrong? Does my little hedgehog have the sniffles?
Do you need some rest?
No, no. I'€™m fine. Let's do this.
Ah... oh yeah...ah...oh yeah...
Ahhhhh Choooo!
Are you... Are you done?
Sorry, that's... Never happened to me before.
It'€™s.... Okay...
Hey guys! Anything arbitrary I can help with?
Actually... why don'€™t you bring those tails down here, little guy.
Ohohokay! Here I come!
Wait! No! Come on! Why can'€™t I control these things!?
That'€™s it... I'€™m calling Knuckles.
Worst birthday ever.
What was that???
What? I'm fast. It can't be that big of a surprise.
REAL original, Winky Dink.
That... was...
Awesome! ------ Awkward!
Yeah, that'€™s what I was going to say too.
That was awkward.
I don'€™t regret it though.
You know what they say...
Once you go black...
Right. Yeah, I get it.
I think we better keep this a one-time thing.
Was it too fast or something?
Nah, Winky Dink’s made that joke already.
What is it then?
Honestly, I was thinking about Amy the whole time.
I could dress up in pink?
Thanks, but I don'€™t think that would help.
Well, there'€™s no reason she couldn'€™t be part of this.
What do you mean?
**Door open & close**
Hey boys, I hope you aren'€™t all tired out!
I'€™ve brought some presents.
Ummm... What are those for?
Oh, come on. I think you know.
Sonic, we need to talk.
What's up?
I'€™m starting to feel guilty that we keep doing this.
What do you mean?
This affair has been going on for ten years now.
I don'€™t know how long Amy is going to believe that we'€™re just really awesome friends.
But we ARE really awesome friends.
Riiiight. And I, like, totally respect you.
I just don'€™t think people are going to buy it forever.
You don'€™t have to be mean.
I guess you'€™re just in it for the sex, huh?
That'€™s a good point. The sex isn'€™t THAT great.
Unfortunately, I get that a lot.
Why do we keep doing this? I guess it'€™s because Silver is so immature.
Look, you don'€™t have to feel guilty.
You're not the only one I've been messing around with.
We all know you'€™ve gone back and forth from Amy to Sally.
This is kind of different.
No, there have been others...
I don'€™t believe it.
Just recently I slept with a particularly busty bat we both know.
No way! Who else?
Pretty much everyone.
Not everyone. You haven'€™t slept with Shadow.
Oh my god! Wait... Silver?
Not yet.
I feel like I don'€™t even know you.
Blaze, don'€™t get heated. It'€™s 2016.
I don'€™t discriminate. Anyone they bring into the universe is fair game.
There. Feel Better?
[Baby Crying]
Not this again.
Sonic, we need to talk.
Oh, Sonic's not here.
I think he went on break... or left the country.
When are you going to stop avoiding me?
I'm telling you, Amy, it's not mine!
Aw, let's see the little cutie.
I don't know, Sonic. She has your eyes.
Welcome to Cartoon Hook-Ups Rap Battles!
The contestants will be battling today
to see who's going to hook up with the sexy, Black Widow.
Listen, bro. I bang b*tches. Alright?
Oh, yeah? Well my fingers vibrate.
I'm so cute and cuddly
but on the weekends I'm tapping ass.
My game's over 9000
multi consoles raking cash.
So, on your turn just pass.
Your red suit makes me laugh.
Is that bird, a plane?
No, it's just the Flash.
Oh, great, he want's to scrap.
Got a TV show and a it's crap.
Most of us have never heard of you,
but you friends with superman?
I loved you in all those Marvel movies.
Oh right, you're DC.
Marvel wouldn't use you
'cause their out of your Justice League.
What the hell are you supposed to be?
some kind of cuddly blue furby?
You look about as much like a hedgehog
as Master Chief looks like Kirby
Are you a pokemon, a gremlin?
Watch out, he's on the loose!
You're a character made for children!
Why are you only wearing shoes?!
I'm sorry, yo. You ain't mario.
I've played a hundred better games on Atari, bro.
All your TV Shows and your Sega consoles,
just landed your ass on nintendo.
So tonight if you're pickin a fight so you can make your Sonic Boom.
Better put your little hand on your 16 bits or your balls'll be turning blue
Hey, Flash?
I can see your dick.
Uh, do you even have one?
Yeah, it's down there.
You sure? Does it go inside of you, like a dog's?
No, man. It's hanging out and flapping in the wind right now.
well, put some god d*mn pants on.
Made you look.
I can kick your ass then travel back in time
and kick it again.
You're so weak, one little hit,
you lose your jewelry like Kim Kardashian.
I'll beat you so bad,
by the time I'm done, Knuckles'll bruise.
Even if we're just flipping a coin, guess what?
Tails. You lose.
Wow, dude, you didn't say a thing about your speed.
I'm fast like Netflix streaming...
you're still mailing DVD's.
Well let me slow things down,
so you can catch the memo.
Sally Acorn, Amy Rose, and soon to be Black Widow.
Thank you so much for watching
please hit the like button, subscribe to the channel
and suggest your favorite characters in the comment section below.
Alright fols, we will see you next time. Peace out, homies!
This Is What Happens When You Go Within - Duration: 2:42.This Is What Happens When You Go Within
by Tanya Rene,
It is time to go within for answers my friends.
If you are looking for answers, searching the net, card readings, psychic readings or
whatever� there is a simple truth you need to know.
The truth is: validation is what you will find.
The truth is: go within.
Every answer for your hearts desire is within you.
All of the answers have always been within you.
Trust your knowing if it is from a place of love, the love within you.
This Is What Happens When You Go Within Before you came to this place and life, you
sat down with your guides, angels, higher self.
You came to agreements and possibilities that you would like to experience.
I find it very ironic that people choose to not go within and see a solution, but will
easily blame someone for what they have created.
You are the co-creator of your life experience.
Something to think about, right?
Do what is right for you!
What feels right!
Doing what others expect of you and not what you want for yourself is not living in your
authentic truth.
Be authentic.
You can never go wrong by being your true self and speaking your truth.
Your story, your life
What beginning and what ending that you choose is all up to you.
The next time you hear someone say the phrase, �You have to!,� remember that you don�t
have to do anything that you don�t want to do.
Control will only control you if you allow it.
We are infinite beings with infinite choices.
Take control of your life instead of being controlled.
You are the author of your story.
What will you write today?
Case199 Minecraft(マインクラフト) ホームズの日常 - Duration: 11:34.-------------------------------------------
Top 10 In the Name of the Father Quotes - Duration: 2:53.The whole industry's gotten gutless. It's not about the quality of the books anymore. It's only about the marketing.
Get the strides down now.
'Cause you'll get cloth in the wound and lose your leg, that's why.
When can I go back to Belfast?
Next time you see Belfast, they'll be flying day trips to the moon.
I always wanted to be an astronaut.
Honest money goes further. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
I know how to look at people without blinking as well.
Our rule: No property. No law.
Just love.
So why don't you just let it (anger) off your chest
before it starts to mess up with your mind?
"Justice." "Mercy."
I literally don't understand what those words mean.
I think they ought to take the word "compassion" out of the English dictionary.
All they've done is block out the light.
They can't block out the light in here.
I want you to have some respect.
Aye, respect for who?
For yourself.
Weekend - Lamborghini Huracán lp 610 Fun ( Frankfurt- I see it coming) ) - Duration: 5:44.Yo guys wad up ?
Namaste .
It's me Anup .
This is my first YouTube video so please forgive me if it's not so good .
I'm here with my friend Nico
What's up Nico ?
What's up Bro ?
Today we came here to visit Frankfurt City .
Check this out .
That's my friend Nico .
Guys listen to its power .
Commonnn !
Yo bro what's up ?
I got the keys .
Leave my glasses somewhere around here .
Yes just throw it somewhere .
Let's go Frankfurt City .
Here we go .
I would say you can start the Beast now.
I think you always have a right as a Lamborghini Pilot .
Haha that's true Bro .
Frankfurt City!
In 600-700 Meter take the right lane.
Traffic Jam .
In 600 Meter take the right-hand lane .
Then it's all good.
Frankfurt City !
Right turn ?
No still 400 Meter .
200 Meter .
Just hold on to the right and simply continue on the right track .
What's up Lamborghini ... 610 hp !
Let's Fuel up the car .
So guys we drove almost 4 hours .
We arn't there yet in the City , but it isn't so far now .
Maybe an hour .
We'll get something to eat now .
I won't find Nepali food here so I guess we'll get some fast food .
Drive straight ahead .
Straight ?
Yes just go straight ahead
Finally, Frankfurt exit .
So guys we've decided to get some Chinese food.
Restaurant is right there .
Let's see how the food tastes .
So guys this is our food .
Nico my friend .
What's up ?
Let's go bro .
Let's gooooo .
Driving on full belly feels good ;)
Oh Holy Lord !!!
All the best iinniiii .
All the best .
Yo what's up ?
The children are going nuts .
Finally, we reached our destination .
Frankfurt City
Introducción a Tosca de Puccini (1900) - Duration: 9:28.-------------------------------------------
El despertar entre 3 5AM puede ser una muestra de despertar espiritual - Duration: 5:17.-------------------------------------------
😱최초 건물 전설 카드!? 스파키 공장 공개!! [클래시로얄: 업데이트 미리보기 ] - Clash Royale "배틀로얄 X PAPADOG" - Duration: 1:37.What's up Everyone! This is Papadog.
Sneak peak #2, Today I'm going to introduce second legendary card.
You can unlock this new legendary card from Ice peak arena.
This Legendary card is literally, THE MOST awesome card ever in CR, It is Sparky Factory!
(Explaining CARD INFO)
This card is most expensive card ever in CR,
And it is even the first card ever as a legendary building card!
Because of that, It has enormous hit points and life time.
So it's design is very similar looking like sparky.
Sparky is coming out from Sparky Factory right now!
Comparing to other buildings from CR, it has huge size of it.
But I'm not sure that it will be good card in CR.
Thanks for watching Sneak peak #2, SPARKY FACTORY.
If you want to see more SPARKY FACTORY Clip,
Check out the link below!
Please subscribe and like if you liked it,
Thank you for watching!
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