Learn Colors with Disney Cars Lightning McQueen - Learning Colours bowling balls
FINAL FANTASY XV Live Play Through Part 1 (FACE CAM) - Duration: 1:03:36.-------------------------------------------
Eerie 'apocalyptic sounds' heard all around the world mystify scientists - Duration: 4:30.Eerie �apocalyptic sounds� heard all around the world mystify scientists
For years a mysterious trumpet-like noise coming from �above� has been heard by
people from all around the world.
Scientists have failed to understand what causes the eerie noises which have been heard
in the United Kingdom, Australia, Ukraine, Germany, and even North America.
The mysterious sound�which has been successfully recorded dozens of times�has been heard
all over the planet.
People in the United Kingdom, Australia, Ukraine, Germany, and even North America have heard
the sound which is decried by many as �grinding metal� or �trumpets� from high above.
The sound can last at least 35 minutes.
The most recent �apocalyptic sounds��which have been identified by some as the sound
of alien spaceships, have been heard in England.
A witness in the UK told the Nottingham Post: �It was coming from the direction of the
Victoria Centre but from the sky.
�I was at home with my partner and we could both hear it � it was really weird.
On the video, I am quite shocked.
It was strange.
I have no idea what it might be.�
But the enigmatic sounds are not isolated to one place and have been heard all around
the planet.
Many witnesses have heard the sounds but failed to explain them.
Theories ranging from Earthquakes, aliens and the apocalypse join the long list of the
many �possible� explanations that try to put an end to the mystery.
The enigmatic sounds are heard across numerous continents and scientists have failed to agree
on a single explanation.
For nearly a decade people have posted recordings of the eerie sounds which are identified as
unexplained trumpet-like noises.
Even more strangely is the fact that on some occasions, the eerie sounds are accompanied
by shaking window�s which have left people frozen with terror.
The sounds can be heard on numerous videos which have made their way onto YouTube.
Kimberly Wookey from Terrace, BC Canada has recorded the creepy noises several times.
Some of her videos have been watched over 6 Million times on YouTube.
In a video recorded in 2013 (below) Kimberly Wookey writes, �This is NOT a fake or hoax.
What I recorded is what we woke up to that morning.
We still have no confirmed proven source, yet.� Interestingly, Honn Kao of the Geological
Survey of Canada said the noise is not related to any seismic activity in the region.
Kimberly Wookey has ruled out trains or building work, believing the cause of the noises may
be �geophysical�, such as atmospheric pressure or tectonic plates grinding together.
NASA explained that our planet makes background noises but in order for humans to pick them
up, we would need radio antennas.
The mysterious noises around the globe can be heard without them.
A NASA spokesmen said that: �If humans had radio antennas instead of ears, we would hear
a remarkable symphony of strange noises coming from our own planet.
�Scientists call them �tweeks�, �whistlers� and �sferics�.
They sound like background music from a flamboyant science fiction film, but this is not science
Earth�s natural radio emissions are real and, although we�re mostly unaware of them,
they are around us all the time.�
Interestingly, some scientists believe the creepy noises are the result of a space quake
after the droning-like wail shook trees
in Slovakia.
Plane White Noise: 1 hour Airplane Cabin | Great for Sleeping, Studying, Reading & Homework - Duration: 1:00:00.GREAT NATURE SOUNDS
Banned Version Of Outlast 2 Will Not Be Released Anywhere - Duration: 2:01.Hello everyone, Tom from Censored Gaming here.
Recently the developer of Outlast 2 issued a statement in which they confirm that there
will be only one version of the game available worldwide.
This left us with the question of whether Red Barrels had censored all versions of the
Speaking to Kotaku Australia, the Australian classification board explained that they had
received a modified version of the game for it to recive it's R18 rating.
As we have previously covered, the title was originally refused a rating in Australia due
to scenes involving "sexual violence", hence the confusion.
Well, in a statement to IGN, Red Barrels have attempted to clarify the confusion.
They write that, "The original submission of Outlast 2 sent to the Australian Classification
Branch contained the final game code and a video file for reference taken from an Alpha
version of the game.
This video file should not have been sent along with the game code, as its content was
not representative of the final game.
In the second submission, the same game code was submitted with a video file reflecting
the final game content.
The game was then approved for release with an R18+ rating."
So this gameplay video from the alpha version of the game seems to be what got the game
banned in Australia in the first place.
In a previous video, Censored Gaming had read a detailed description of the scene that was
the main contribution to its ban.
The scene contained implied sexual assault, which is deemed not suitable for the R18+
rating by the Australian classification board.
So has this scene been completely removed from the final game or has it been altered
in some way?
There are many possibilities here and Censored Gaming can only speculate until further information
is either provided by Red Barrels or until the game finally releases April 25th.
At any rate, Red Barrels stresses again that "there will be only one version of Outlast
2 available worldwide".
As always, we'll be sure to report on any new information on the title as soon as it's
I've been Tom from Censored Gaming.
Thank you for watching.
9 Coisas que Você Precisa Saber sobre o Tesouro Direto - Duration: 4:40.-------------------------------------------
Rifle de Aire vs Adaptador Calibre 22 - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
Los "sonidos apocalípticos misteriosos" oyeron todos en todo el mundo desconcertar a científicos - Duration: 4:57.-------------------------------------------
IT 2017 trailer released - Duration: 1:36.HEY TRIPPSTERS
ok, Stephen King
the trailor has officially dropped
and this thing will absolutely scare the shit out of you
2 or 3 different times
ok, but that's just my opinion, it may not scare you guys
but it looks like, it is gonna be
absolutely unbelievable
now why they dropped the trailer so early i do not know
because it doesn't come out for 6 more months
it doesn't come out until September
ok, but they did drop the official trailer for it
and this thing looks like
i mean if you're a fan of the book or you're a fan of the first movie
i, honest to God, i think this one looks like it's going to be
really scary
i mean, that's just my opinion
but, the clown
in this one, just scares the shit out of me
now if you haven't seen the trailer
i will link to it, in the descrition below
the Official IT trailer
if you're a fan
you're probably gonna wanna see this
But i just wanted to let you guys know that yes the official trailer has dropped
and if you haven't seen it, check the link in the description below
because if you're a fan of Stephen King and you're a fan of IT
i think you're going to like this trailer
But that's just my opinion
Ok, and that is gonna do it for now
and i am
No-Cut Confessional Tag - Duration: 6:00.Hi. Um, so in the last month I've been
tagged in a couple of videos so I'm
going to try to knock one of them out
today. Today I was tagged - not today -
A while back I was tagged by Liz for the
No-Cut Confessional Tag, which if you're
not familiar is a tag started by Nanalew
where you have to answer four questions.
Um, I feel...? I want...? I fear...? and I am...?
But you have to do it all in one take. No cuts.
Which if you know me [laughs] is terrifying me
right now. So... and I keep looking down
here because my computer's down here so
that's why I'm doing this. [gestures between camera and computer]
Anyway, let's get started. "I feel..." Currently I feel
self-conscious because in the last week
my face is broken out in acne because I
am apparently a 15 year old school girl
who still deals with this stuff.
And I only break out when I'm stressed.
There are possibly some changes happening in
my professional life. Possibly, it's too
soon to tell whether things will change
or stay the same. But that uncertainty is
is stressing me out because I'm the kind
of person that I need to see the end zone.
Like, if I can't see where I'm going
then that stresses me out.
So that's how I'm feeling right now. "I want..." I want to
know where I'm going! Not knowing where
I'm going, uh, is really stressful and
frustrating and I just I want to know
where I'm going to be a couple months
from now. I want to know where I'm going
to be a year from now. And the fact I don't
know, um... Yeah, it's a little stressful
right now. Um, I also want better
equipment. I want better lighting
equipment, better audio equipment to make
the stuff that I want to make. And I
know that you don't need fancy equipment
to make some really cool stuff. I've seen
some really cool stuff done with cell
phones. Um, but for the stuff I want to make
I know that I need better equipment to do so.
And so that's sort of been on my mind recently.
And I also want to travel!
"I want adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere!"
I've always wanted to travel,
but recently because it's March and
students are on spring break, my mind is sort
of in that wanderlust mode. And then you
find yourself scrolling through kayak.com
at two in the morning looking at plane tickets to Iceland.
I mean, all I really want to do
is travel and make cool stuff while doing it.
That's... that's what I want.
And "I fear..."
I fear that my fear will keep me from reaching my goals.
I have this terrible habit of, when a
really good opportunity presents itself,
I... I don't act right away on it.
I get scared and step back and spend hours or
days thinking about how to approach it
correctly, and that hesitation... I fear
that that hesitation will cost me.
Yeah, it sucks, and then you're sort of in this
downward spiral of, like, you're upset
that you didn't act right away or you
did act at all. And, and, and that just sort of
like, it loops around, and you just feel
awful about yourself because of that.
So yeah... I fear that, that my fear keeps me
from, from achieving what I want.
And "I am..." Well, in spite of all the fear and
uncertainty that's going on in my life,
um, I am grateful. I'm grateful for all
the opportunities that I've had so far
doing this whole video and YouTube thing.
I've gotten to do some really cool stuff
because of it that I would never been
able to do otherwise. And I'm so grateful
for the support of my friends and family
and, and...
and obviously The Road to Nerdfighteria team.
I don't know. It's really cool when... [laughs]
"It's really cool." That's the best way I can
describe it. I don't know. It's... It feels very...
I don't know. I'm overwhelmed when, when I
think about how, how support...
how supportive people are in my life.
And I'm very grateful for that.
Okay! Tagging...
I'm going to tag Ute. I'd love to
hear your answers to these questions, I'm very curious.
I'm going to tag Ahsante.
I'm always curious to hear about your
answers to this stuff, and I think you'd
have some really insightful answers.
And I'm going to tag Mike Martin.
I know that you're busy, and YouTube videos
aren't the highest priority right now
and that's fine, but if you ever feel
like you want to answer these questions
at some point in the future, I would love
to hear from you.
And obviously I am tagging the We Are St. Elmo's Fire
crew. I think this would be a
really great thing if you guys also
participated in this tag. I'd love to
hear from you, too. Okay!
I hope that wasn't as painful for you as it was for me.
"That's what she said?" No.
Okay. Alright. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.
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