not really. that video somehow became corrupt. Maybe it watched to much porn.
video 1490712681 1 - Duration: 1:17.-------------------------------------------
জেনে নিন ক্রিস্টিয়ানো রোনালদো এর জীবন কাহিনী ও ছোটো বেলা Life History Of Cristiano Ronaldo Biograph - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
Personal Users Part 2 - Registration - Duration: 2:57.In this video, we'll look at registering your personal My Tax Account.
You can only access personal account management if you have received one of these four notices
from the Department of Revenue: Statement of Account, Notice of Amount Due, Notice of
Overdue Tax, or Notice of Referred Debt.
If you have a My Tax Account profile for business, we recommend you create a separate, personal,
My Tax Account profile to ensure privacy and separation between your accounts.
To register as a new personal user, select the My Tax Account icon from our homepage.
Find the link "New user?
Create new username" and follow the steps.
Step 1 - enter your profile information.
Create a Username and password and enter an email address that is not currently used in
My Tax Account.
We may use this email address to send notifications such as system outages and filing reminders.
Enter the requested information and select a secret question and answer to help you log
in to My Tax Account if you get locked out or forget your password.
Unless you are managing someone else's account, select "No" to the "Are you a third party
preparer" question, and click OK.
Step 2 -
Select the identification type you want to use.
Most people will use their Social Security Number.
Enter the last name and zip code as it appears on your letter, even if the letter is incorrect.
You'll be able to change that information once you set up your profile.
Click OK.
Verify the information on the summary screen and submit your registration.
You must agree to terms of use for My Tax Account.
You will receive a confirmation by email that confirms submission of your registration.
It also includes an authorization code you will need to log in the first time.
Click Home and prepare to login for the first time.
In order to Login you'll need to include the authorization code you received in your confirmation
You will now be asked to add a Security Contact cell number or email address.
You will receive a new security code each time you log in.
Use this security code the same way as you used the authorization code in the previous
log in.
Also, enter your options for mail delivery.
We recommend receiving your mail electronically through your personal online account.
Click Save.
You have now set up your profile, contact information, security information, and mail
delivery options.
At this point, you are ready to add access to your personal accounts.
Continue to video 3 for Using My Tax Account.
Burning 12 Matches. Slow motion | CrazyRussianBulbasaur - Duration: 1:01.Music: Club Thump
Personal Users Part 3 - Using My Tax Account - Duration: 3:11.In this video, we'll look at setting up access and managing your accounts in My Tax Account.
Make sure you have either a Statement of Account, Notice of Amount Due, Notice of Overdue Tax,
or Notice of Referred Debt letter from the Department of Revenue in front of you.
Step 1 - log into My Tax Account.
If you aren't logged into My Tax Account, do that now.
You will receive a security code that you need to enter with your username and password.
Remember, you will receive a new security code each time you log in.
Here's a tip: Check the "Remember My Computer" box to avoid requesting a security code each
time you log in on this computer.
However, if you log in with another browser or another computer, you need a new security
Step 2 - add access to accounts.
From the "I WANT TO..." list in the upper right hand corner, select "Add Access to an
Select "Register Personal Accounts" to add access to your personal account with a balance
Refer to your letter from the Department of Revenue.
Select the tax account type, enter your social security number and a letter ID or collection
case number mentioned in your letter.
Click Submit.
You will get a confirmation that you have added access to that account.
Repeat this step for each tax account you want to add to your profile by clicking Home,
and then Add Access to an Account.
If you are a first time user, after you have added your accounts, it's important you log
off and log back in to get all the options to manage your accounts.
Step 3 - managing your accounts
After you log back in, you can now manage your account.
Your "I Want To" options are customized for your account.
You can do things like pay toward your collection balance, view your payment details, and more.
Here's an example of what you can do.
To pay toward a collection balance, click on Pay Collection Balance.
Select the collection you want to make a payment on today.
You will see a payment authorization that looks like a check.
The amount box displays the total amount due for the collection you selected.
You may change this to the amount you want to pay.
Select either checking or savings as the account type, and add the routing number and account
Save this payment source as default to use for the next time you want to make a payment.
The View Payment Details screen shows you details of how your payments have been applied
to penalties, interest and tax.
You may change the date range to look at your most recent payment, or all payments over
If you have questions about your accounts, contact the agent listed on your letter.
Personal Users Part 1 - Overview - Duration: 2:23.This My Tax account training series is divided into three videos.
This video is an overview of My Tax Account, focusing on its navigation and help features
for managing your personal tax accounts.
Currently, personal account management is only available to those who have a debt with
the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.
Each video starts at the My Tax Account Login Screen.
It's located on our website at
Select the My Tax Account icon on our homepage.
Here are three tips to help you get started:
Tip 1: Use the help features
On the login screen, we have links to other help videos and resources for you to manage
your personal accounts.
As you navigate in My Tax Account, you'll see tips in gray boxes at the top or right
side of the screen.
If an entry field is red, there is an error.
Hover over the field for a brief description of the error.
If the corner of the entry field is orange it is a required field.
Tip 2: Prepare your computer
Make sure your web browser is updated.
To avoid issues with My Tax Account, use these minimum versions as your web browser.
Next, disable your popup blocker.
Since My Tax Account opens new browser windows for some functions, you may want to disable
the popup blocker on your browser when using the program.
You may also need an up-to-date version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view PDFs in My Tax
Tip 3: Use the menu on the left and the tabs in the middle of your screen.
The panel on the left has action buttons that change depending on the screen you're on.
On the tabs across the middle of the screen you'll see your accounts, requests, notices,
mail and balances.
Under "I Want To" on the right side of your screen, you can do things like view your profile,
pay your collection balance, view payment details, add access to an account, and more.
Continue to video 2 to learn how to register for My Tax Account.
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