Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 3 2017

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Thank You For Watching Please LIKE - COMMENT - SUBSCRIBE to see more interesting new Videos!

For more infomation >> Amazing Cakes Decorating Techniques |Satisfying Cake Style Video Season 9 |Tutorial Style Cakes 2017 - Duration: 11:46.


Ethnique Punch - Dravdan (Official Video) - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Ethnique Punch - Dravdan (Official Video) - Duration: 3:46.


Airsoft Mosfet Math - 1 First Video - Duration: 14:35.

Hello and welcome to

In this episode I will be showing some of the math that goes into selecting what mosfet to use.

And how much power it needs to dissipate.

To do math we need of cause, a pen, and some paper.

In the past i have been using

The IRL7833 N-Channel power MOSFET

It has some characteristics...

It can handle up to 30 volts

It has an internal resistance of 3.8 milli ohms

It can handle up to 140W of power

This is milli ohms, this is just ohms.

Airsoft motors

Has some characteristics

Current draw, peak value of up to 75 Amps

I will be showing you how i got this value, in another video later.

Average value: It draws 15 to 25 amps.

Right now you just have to trust my words. The peak value is just when the motor starts spinning

We can draw a curve

At time zero the trigger is pressed

What happens is that immediately we get a very high current spike, right when the motor starts spinning.

That spike quickly drops down.

the current then fluctuates a bit

Then at some point in time ...

... we get a shot. And the bb comes out the barrel.

The spring releases and then there is no load on the motor and the current drops almost to zero.

Some times even below zero

Then the motor starts spinning up

doing down, and then we have the same cycle again

untill a new shot accures

And then again we have the same behaviour

And for each shot we have a bit less of a spike

untill we reach a point where the cycle just reppeats it self ...

over and over and over for each shot ..

The initial peak value will be roughly 40-75 amps.

Then we take the average value of all the values in this area...

You will get an average that will be:

15-75 Amps

Teaser: This graph is what I will be generating in another video later on.

We have the values from the mosfet

Now what we want to know is how many watts does the mosfet have to handle

The mosfet has an internal value of: Lets round up to say 4 milli ohms

To calculate this we use the formula saying:

Recistance times current squared equals power. R*I^2=W

The resistance is 0.004 ohms

Because mosfet's almost never get's to the absolute lowest value it's okay to always round up.

Times the current squared of the peak, that is 75 amps

If my calculation is correct that is 22.5 Watt of power

For the average value, let's say 25 amps to be safe.

because these values will of cause depend on what airsoft gun you use.

When we use the 25A value, the calculation is basicly the same. 0.004 times..

25 amps squared ...

Equals 2.5 Watts of power ...

So the mosfet alone will have to disapate 2.5W of power

And power equals heat .

The peak value is just initialy

So it's only for a very short amount of time that we need to handle that much

And we are talking milli seconds here

So the most correct thing to do is to use the average value ...

... And assume that we need ti handle that ammount of power.

Then what we do is to go to our mosfet datasheet

For the IRL7833 we have another value listed

And that is the "Junction to ambient temperature "

that value is listed as 62 deg centius per watt

What this means is that:

This mosfet will rise 62 deg C per watt of power

To estimate how hot the mosfet will get

We calculate the avreage heat it has to disipate and calculate the...

2.5 watt of power

Times 62 deg C per watt

equals 155 deg Celsius

So that is very hot

But as i just showed you on my curve:

When running it will in average dissipate that much

But we also have periods with very low values and ...

.. each time you stop shooting you will have periods where you don't touch the trigger ...

... and then the heat can be dissipated..

But is you just pull the trigger and continue shooting...

the mosfet will get very very hot.

One thing that you can then do is to add a heat sink.

it is basicly a peace of metal that you attact to the mosfet that will then dissipate some of the heat.

I have found a heatsink where the specification say that it can dissipate heat down to 18 deg C per watt

that means that instead of the 62 deg it will lower it to 18 deg C per wat

using that value instead you can calculate that the average value will be:

2.5w times 18 deg C

Equals 50 deg C

That is hot to the touch but still acceptable...

So with the heatsink we should have no problem running the gun continuesly ...

for a verry long time, and it will not be the mosfet that gives up ...

If we do not have a heatsink we need another way of getting the heat away...

One thing that we can do is to add thick wires to the mosfet and have that dissipate some of the energy.

Another thing that we do is:

When we make the mosfet it looks kinda like this:

We have a mounting hole up here and the 3 legs down here ...

we remove the middel leg so that there is some more spacing between the 2 legs we need ...

and we use this up here to add the wire

so we have the incomming wire up here, and the outgoing wire down here.

We add a huge fat connector here with a screw on it, that we bolt to it.

As you may have seen in my other videos this screw connection here

This screw and the hole plate here will transfer the heat to the wire

The same will happen at the source pin

The wire is connected with a big fat lump of solder to help transter som of the heat to the wires instead of the mosfet.

so all of this area and the wires as well will be used to dissipate the heat

that of cause helps allot

so that we will not get to 150 deg, but ...

... instead we will get a lower temperature of ...

... perhaps we will get down to 40-50 deg per watt...

... so we will get perhaps 100-120 deg max ...

... and the mosfet should be able to handle that ...

... But the best thing to do is of cause to add a heat sink...

And with a heat sink on you will have no problem what so ever :-)

For more infomation >> Airsoft Mosfet Math - 1 First Video - Duration: 14:35.


How To Make Video Marketing Work For You - Girls On Film - Duration: 4:26.

Girls On Film - it's a song by '80s new wave band Duran Duran. The song,

released in 1981, is supposedly about the exploitation of fashion

models. Simon Le Bon, the band's lead singer later married Jasmine Pavaneh who

latterly became better known as the top fashion model Jasmine Le Bon...coincidence

perhaps? However, did you know that the song is, or was, better known for the raunchy

video that was produced.

Hi, my name's Jeff Laming from Video Cashflow and in this video we'll cover

the second part of: "How To Make Video Marketing Work For You". In this instance,

we're going to cover production i.e. filming and editing whilst dispelling some

myths along the way. Before we do so, and if this is the first time you're

watching a Video Cashflow video and you like what you hear, see and read then

please click the Subscribe button beneath the video to get access to more

video marketing and business videos on a weekly basis. Girls On Film - it was one of

the first, if not the first, extended pop videos ever produced. Duran Duran were

relatively unknown outside of the UK, however, when Music Televisions i.e.

MTV as they're better known now, started up in 1981 MTV had very few videos to

show to their television audience - just clips of recorded concerts. And

Duran Duran subsequently provided MTV with high budget quality videos which

projected the band to stardom in the U.S. The band used video to market themselves

in a big way and it wasn't long before the likes of the Rolling Stones,

ZZ Top and Van Halen jumped onto the video bandwagon (oh yes,

that pun was intended!). Now, bearing in mind that we're 35 years on from that

video and the massive boost that gave to Duran Duran's success, that video

taught everyone a lesson about video marketing and yet, here we are today, and

most business owners still don't get it! When the term video production is

mentioned most business owners start getting the he-be-je-be shakes! You

can almost see the fear in their eyes light up. And you can almost read what's

going through their mind too - "the cost; the time; I'm ugly looking; I've got a squeaky

voice". But did you know you don't need George Clooney to star in your

60-second production. It just needs you - warts and all! And if you really are that

paranoid about being on film, there's ways around it. But the impact of your

message may well suffer as a result. The choice is yours. Are you also aware that

many, many videos - if not most videos - are not filmed in Technicolor Panavision the "moment"....on a smartphone? Depending on the message you're trying

to convey or the type of video you want to produce, you have the choice of using:-

1. A local videographer; 2. Your smartphone; 3. A local film production company; or

4. A mixture of the previous three....and all at a fraction of the investment you

originally thought of. So start thinking how video could help promote your

business. If Duran Duran led the way in the music world all those years ago, just

think of the potential rewards that video can bring to your business today.

In the next video in this mini-series on video marketing we'll cover Delivery

i.e. delivery of your message and marketing content. Thanks for watching.

Hope you found this video useful. Look out for another video on video marketing

and YouTube coming your way next week. And if you like this video please click

the Like button underneath the video, feel free to share the video with

friends, family, business colleagues and associates, and by all means leave a

comment or ask a question in the Comments section, again, underneath the video. And

don't forget to hit the Subscribe button if you'd like more videos on video

marketing and business tips, tactics, techniques and strategies that could

help you with your own online business. Until next time......bye for now

For more infomation >> How To Make Video Marketing Work For You - Girls On Film - Duration: 4:26.


How To Make Your Own Subtitels For A Video On You Tube In Urdu Hindi With English Subtitels - Duration: 6:28.

Start from the name of almighty Allah and Asalam O Alikum

Today i am going to tell you that how to make/create your own English subtitles on You tube Video

Basically i am making this particular video on request

Inshallah i will guide you properly that how to make your own

English subtitles on you tube for your own videos easily

From You Tube

So lets get start Now

Now You are watching Entertainment Education Channel

For learning this topic you just need to watch this video from start to end

Then you will learn easily

If you left this video on mid then you do not understand that

inshallah i will teach you properly

Then you can make your subtitles easily

Before starting if you did not subscribe this channel so please subscribe this

For that you will receiving latest videos update

i make videos on request also

So lets begin

Like here is my latest video

Which is How To Delete Undeleteable Files

Which is very useful video to learn

was an important topic

i just go to my info and setting option

i just open this

here you clearly see the option subtitles cc

then choose this one

after click on this

Firstly you will just select your video language

Because video language not selected so that is why

you first select video language which is Urdu and you just select Urdu

and then click on select language

Then it will be lading for some moment

Then simply you just click on add new subtitles or CC

And then click on English

Because you want to make/create English language subtitles

Then two options for making subtitles here

if you already have file then choose upload file

apart from that create new subtitles or CC option also available for you

For making decent subtitles you have to choose create new subtitles or CC

Here the 2nd Option You just choose this one

and click here

Which i am using

this option is very best for working

so you have to use this option and create your own subtitles

And now screen open here in front of you

for create subtitles

here you have to make your subtitle from that particular bar

and you just need to hear your own video voice

You have to make your subtitles according to your video audio

And i just make/create one or more English subtitles for you

Then you will learn easily that how to make this

This is 1:58 Video

Friends we just make subtitles here

after doing that you just need to click on plus button over there

and done from few seconds video

you can make large this bar easily according to your own choice

now create others subtitles for your video

And now create the second subtitles here

I hope that you will understand

that which word you use in your video

you just translate these words while making your own subtitles

i am telling you that

i created 2/3 English subtitles sentences in front of you similarly you can make your own subtitles

you just need to play your video or run and pause for a moment then create your subtitles simply

and you have to make your own subtitles relating your video

you just translate your words simply

and finally you just click on save changes option here

then your video will be publish with English subtitles

Then CC option mentions in your video

i hope you will like this kind of method to make your own subtitles in your video

Thanks a lot Allah Hafiz

For more infomation >> How To Make Your Own Subtitels For A Video On You Tube In Urdu Hindi With English Subtitels - Duration: 6:28.


Aprender Colores y Números con el Cráneo - Video Educativo para Niños! - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Aprender Colores y Números con el Cráneo - Video Educativo para Niños! - Duration: 2:09.


Satisfying Slime Stress Ball Cutting #2 | Most satisfying slime videos in the world | part #2 - Duration: 5:18.

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Satisfying Slime Stress Ball Cutting #2 | Most satisfying slime videos in the world | part #2 - Duration: 5:18.


First Impression is Last 😎so Upload Perfectly your First VIDEO on YouTube|Using📱📽|Errors & Solutions - Duration: 7:33.

Subscribe MI Tech n click on BELL icon n get Notification on Smartphone

Log in with your User name and Password

Know click on Upload icon on top for upload new video

Here down number of options like Title, Description, Tags, Add Playlist, Video Thumbnails, Translate, Monitization, advance Setting

Add proper Text and Photos in related sections

if any problem write in Comment BOX below

For more infomation >> First Impression is Last 😎so Upload Perfectly your First VIDEO on YouTube|Using📱📽|Errors & Solutions - Duration: 7:33.


Video: Crisp day, cooler along coast - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Video: Crisp day, cooler along coast - Duration: 2:20.


When to Use Organic vs. Professional Videos - Duration: 1:12.

I truly believe that there's a time and a place for organic videos, and for professional


The analogy I like to bring out is you wear pj's, and there's a time to wearing pj's.

And you wear professional suits, and there's a time for wearing professional attire.

It's the same thing with video.

You want to create this natural, organic conversation and connection with your audience, but at

the same time, if you're trying to attract high-paying customers, and you want to portray

your brand as something professional, then you should behave and treated as such.

Create professional content so it can live longer.

Use organic, but also have the time and place to put in to your professional video productions

that have a strategy to it, and have a purpose to the end.

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Give me two thumbs up, share with your friends, and remember to subscribe.

Also, visit us at, where you can find amazing information and resources

on video for businesses.

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