Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 1, 2017

Waching daily Jan 2 2017

You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance.

Of things and ideas.

You just crossed over into…

Al Dente Creepypasta, horror stories cooked to perfection with a splash of red sauce.

My name is CZ, and I will be your server this episode.



Amid the flash and the flare of a bustling young amusement park at the peak of it's

growth, the Hollywood Tower Hotel was a star in it's own right.

But like all shining stars, there came a time it would be eclipsed by a newer franchise.

With the Tower on it's death bed, people flocked to go experience it, before it was

too late.

Let's dig right in.

When I heard that The Tower of Terror at Disney's California Adventure was being remodeled into

a Guardians of the Galaxy ride, I immediately made plans with my friends, Joey and Matt,

to go pay the ride one last visit.

We all decided to take a Monday off, and visit the park on the last day of the ride's operation,

in hopes that there might be some kind of special send off.

If you've never been to Disney, Tower of Terror was a part dark-ride part free-fall

ride themed around an abandoned Hollywood Hotel.

Guests are told they are entering a special episode of The Twilight Zone.

Five people riding in an elevator on one Halloween night in the 30s were struck by lightning,

causing them, and an entire section of the hotel to disappear into another dimension.

Let me make one thing clear: I was never the type of guy who believes in ghosts.

That's part of what made me love The Tower of Terror though.

The theming and effects were so well done that you really did feel like you were stepping

into a dimension where ghosts do exist, and it was a lot of fun.

As we walked through the Hollywood Blvd area of the park towards Hollywood Tower, I couldn't

I was disappointed to see that they had already stripped off the walls, leaving behind a tower of scaffolding


construction workers were already at work transforming the outside appearance of the ride.

As we turned the corner to the street where the tower was located, we were met with a

huge line, pouring way outside of the ordinary queue area.

Understandably, it seemed that lots of other Disney fans had the same idea that we did,

and wanted to give the ride a proper send off.

We decided to hit up some of the other rides first and return to Tower of Terror once the

sun had gone down.

This turned out to be a great idea… or so it seemed at the time... because most of the

rest of the park was relatively empty in comparison.

We ended getting on just about everything else that we wanted to do before returning

to The Tower of Terror that evening.

The tower was lit with those ominous glowing blue lights as we approached it for the final


There was still a very long line when we got there, which we expected, so it was getting

pretty late by the time we even hit the front gates to the attraction's official queue.

Joey was starting to get nervous about us making it in before the park closed, even

though they were open late that night.

We were actually one of the last groups to get through before they started turning people


After welcoming us to the Hollywood Tower Hotel, a man in a bellhop uniform with dark

circles under his eyes closed up the giant metal gates behind us, presumably never to

be opened again.

At first, I was feeling relieved to have made it in time to go on the ride, but I was quickly

overcome with an uneasy feeling…

Something was off.

Before entering the building, the line winds through the main level terrace leading up

to the building's entrance.

I know the area is supposed to look worn down by the elements, but it looked even shabbier

than usual.

The plants were all overgrown, and some of the lamp posts were broken, making it very

difficult to see.

I even came close to stepping on some broken glass on the ground!

But the strangest part, was the screaming.

These were no ordinary theme park screams though, they sounded like screams of agony,

like someone was being tortured.

We were wondering what was getting such violent sounding reactions out of the riders, but

eventually came to find that the screaming was coming from the speakers hidden around

the area.

I'm not sure if that made me feel any better to be honest, why would they be playing such

disturbing audio for their guests?

It all just seemed so weird.

When we got to the covered area just outside the building, it seemed like the pillars holding

up the structure had some considerable decay… and all the windows were broken.

I couldn't remember exactly what this area looked like last time I was here, but I was

fairly certain it was at least a little bit more put together than this.

After what seemed like forever, we finally made it into the hotel.

This when things really got weird.

Normally, the hotel lobby is made to look like it was abandoned in the 30s.

Which it still was.

Only this time, the room was filled with 15-20 Disney employees, all wearing the same Hollywood

Tower Hotel bellhop uniform.

They were standing straight up like soldiers around all the major set pieces in the room,

and every single one of them was just staring at us.

It was almost as if they were guarding something, but none of them said one word the entire


Matt even tried asking one of the employees how much longer it would be until we reached

the front of the line… to which… the guy made eye contact with him and just stared

into his soul with a completely straight face.

I'll never forget the look of those blue eyes with the dark bags underneath piercing

at us from his pale, almost greyish skin.

At this point, I was thinking that this all must be part of the park's special going

away present to the fans of this ride and they were really going all out to make the

last night as creepy as possible.

I let myself think that they were really outdoing themselves, and I was really enjoying the


I also noticed that the iconic owl statue in the center of the lobby was gone

and it was replaced with a sign that said "The Silverlake Sisters. Live at the Tip Top Club."

Only Tip-Top Club was crossed out in red ink and replaced with the word lobby.

At some point some construction workers came in and started to remove the

sign and some of the other furniture.

This was the first time I saw one of the bellhops react and speak up.

He grabbed the construction worker's hand and said, "sir, please.

The hour is not yet upon us."

I assumed that this was also part of the show…

I mean, they wouldn't really be clearing the place out minutes after the closure, right?

At this point, riders are taken in groups to the Hotel Library for a briefing video.

Matt and Joey walked ahead into the library, but when I tried to pass through, the bellhop

stopped me and told me to wait for the next group.

I tried to explain that I was with those two guys, but the bellhop wouldn't let me pass.

Matt and Joey didn't seem to notice I was gone, but I figured I would catch up with

them before they boarded the elevator.

When it was my turn to go see the briefing video, there were only a couple of a people

left in line behind me, so the three of us went in.

We get into the orientation room and the lights go out.

We sit there in the dark for what seems like ages.

That's when I hear someone shuffle around behind me…

I could SWEAR, it was just me and those two other guests who had come into the library.

I was positive they were the only ones behind me in line.

I had to to think that whoever was behind me was just one of the employees, but then,

seemingly just to disprove that theory, they guy moves closer to me, and starts breathing

down my neck.

I was getting very uncomfortable, but then just as I was about to say something…


The orientation video starts, so I just take a step forward, away from that creep behind


"You unlock this door with the key of imagination.

Behind it, is another dimension.

A dimension of sound.

A dimension of sight.

A dimension of mind."

I wasn't sure if there was something weird going on with Rod Serling's voice, almost

like it was off pitch or something…

"You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas you just

crossed over into…

The Twilight Zone."

The rest of the introduction video went on as it normally does…

That is, until it got to the part where Rod addresses the audience.

"Tonight's story of the Twilight Zone will be your last."


Now that was definitely not normal.

They must have changed up the intro video for the final night or something.

"This, as you may recognize, is a maintenance service elevator.

Still in operation, but not for long.

At midnight tonight, normal operation of this machine will cease and at that moment

the Stars…

Will come out to play.

When this happens, you will have to fend for yourself and your safety is not guaranteed.

You are about to embark on a ride through history, and your destination?

The Twilight Zone."

All right!

This is exactly why we wanted to come on the last day!

I was so excited.

I couldn't wait to find Joey and Matt and get on this ride.

The doors opened and we continued onto the boiler room, the last part of the hotel before

we get into the elevator.

The creep who was standing behind me didn't join us however.

I looked back and saw him just standing there in the dark.

I couldn't see him that well, he was basically just a silhouette in this lighting, but

I think was an outline of a bellhop uniform…


I scanned the boiler room for my friends, but didn't see them anywhere.

I hoped they hadn't gotten on the ride without me.

The more I searched around for them, the more I realized that the entire room felt kind

of empty, at least considering how many people had just been ahead of us.

It was also freezing cold down here.

I was getting goosebumps.

I know it was January, but we were inside and it was Southern California after all.

It doesn't usually get this cold.

The two other guys from the library and I were directed past the usual boarding stations

to a creaky stairway leading up.

This was completely new to me…

I mean, I remembered seeing these stairs before but I always thought they were just a decoration

to make the hotel feel more fleshed out than it really is.

Or maybe one of those secret entrances for the cast members to access their changing

rooms and whatnot.

Apparently, I was wrong, and there are more elevator entrances up above, as well as more

pipes, machinery and theming.

The only thing that wasn't wasn't up there was people.

I tried to text my friends to see where they were at, but my phone was dead from a long

day at the park.

One of the employees led us to a station that was completely empty.

We didn't have to wait long for the car to arrive.

The elevator shaft doors parted, and we entered the ride.

I chose a seat towards the middle, and the other two guys filled in on either side of


The Tower of Terror starts by traveling up to the first floor, where the doors open and

the guests see a mirror.

The narrator then asks them to wave goodbye to the real world.

When the doors opened for our ride I saw a man sitting directly behind me with what appeared

to be a hunting rifle!

This REALLY startled me!

Thinking it might have been some kind of effect, like the hitchhiking ghosts in the Haunted

Mansion, I turned back to see that there really was someone there!

It was the creepy bellhop guy again!

At this point I started to freak out.

Not only was this the second time this guy inexplicably appeared behind me, but he was

carrying a weapon?!

I know Disney can have a dark side at times, but this is still Disney we're talking about

A family company.

I was truly getting scared that something was very wrong here… but what could I do?

I was strapped into the seat.

So I start to scream and panic, I don't really remember exactly what I said, but I

do remember the ride violently jolting down a floor.

The next scene is the hallway full of guest rooms where riders are shown the ghosts of

the five hotel guests who disappeared years ago.

Only this time, the holograms look shockingly realistic and they don't seem to notice


They are just standing in the hotel talking.

The audio isn't that loud, but they seem to be arguing with the employee about something

and the woman is sobbing.

Again, it was difficult to hear over the rain and thunder, but she said something along

the lines of, "don't make us go".

She's crying, begging and pleading, and the employee is just standing there with a

disgusted look on his face.

Before I can gather any more information, a huge flash of lightning fills the room,

This may have been a special effect, but I distinctly remember feeling the heat of this

lightning strike.

What I saw then the smoke cleared, completely devastated me!

I saw all five of the the bodies sprawled out on the floor, in a disturbingly realistic

death scene.

The man seemed to have vomited blood all over himself, and the little girl's hair was

standing up on end.

But the creepiest part, had to have been her eyes, which had rolled to the back of her


Her eyelids seemed to be sparked open and it was almost as if her blank stare was pointed

right at me.

I was completely at a loss for words, sounds… anything, when the ride jerked upward again

to the top level.

The ride stopped at the top, like it always does.

It was dark, there were only a few main lights left on in the park.

I guess the other major attractions were already shut down for the night.

Instead of the usual audio, the narrator was just laughing like a madman.

After a while, it went quiet and nothing happened.

I was beginning to think the ride was stuck, and to be honest it was almost a relief after

everything I had seen.

The moment of solace however, was short lived, when I felt the man behind me, who I guess

I had temporarily forgotten about in all the chaos, grab onto my shoulder.

At this point, I knew that there was nobody who could help me, but internally I was freaking

out, and I didn't dare turn around or acknowledge what he was doing.

I know people are going to call me out and say that I made up this story for attention.

And I know people are going to try to prove that most of these occurrences are absolutely

impossible, and I really can't blame them for that.

But what I saw next… even if it was just for a fraction of a second, has stuck in my

mind perfectly since that night, and I am 100% sure of what I saw.

As the ride started to drop and the man behind me increased pressure on my shoulder, the

on ride photo camera flashed, and for a split second I saw three construction workers hanging

by the neck from the top pole upon which the camera is mounted.

These were not holograms, and even though I only saw them for a split second, I'm

quite sure that they were not props.

After that first drop the elevator continued to bounce up and down at nauseating speeds.

Between the G-Force and the pressure of the man grabbing my shoulder, I felt like I was

about to pass out.

I actually started to black out and closed my eyes when I felt the ride come to a screeching


I was ready for this horrific nightmare to be over, but apparently, the ride had other


Once I opened my eyes and regained my composure I found myself back on the second floor, the

one with all the guest rooms.

The dead bodies were still there, but now they had the ghosts standing over them, motioning

for us to come closer.

This was actually probably the most normal thing I had seen since getting on the ride,

as it resembled the scene that usually takes place on this floor during normal operation.

Then, to my surprise our harnesses came off.

I was essentially frozen in complete shock.

What the hell was going on?

The creepo behind me continued to hold my shoulder, while the other two riders got out

of their seats and casually walked through the door to the right, which to this point

I wasn't even aware was a real door, I had always just thought it was a facade, much

like the stairs in the boiler room earlier.

After I'm not sure exactly how long, I snapped out of my daze and realized this was my chance

to get out.

I wriggled myself free of the man's grasp and made a b-line for the right side door.

It was locked.

I banged myself against it but it wouldn't budge, so I darted across to the left side

door, glancing at the elevator car in passing.

The man in the bellhop uniform was just sitting there, giving me this creepy, sadistic grin.

To my surprise, the door on the left worked and I slammed it shut behind me.

I stumbled down a seedy, narrow staircase at the end of which was another door.

I bursted through, hoping to make it into the lobby or something, but instead found

myself in an abandoned swimming pool.

What in the world?

I mean, how could this possibly exist here?

I know for a fact that the pool has never been part of the ride, the queue, or any of

of the theming surrounding it.

I vaguely remember a sign pointing to a pool in the beginning of the line, but come on,

it was just a sign.

Did I just stumble upon one of those crazy Disney secrets?

Like Walt Disney's New Orleans square apartment, or the fabled basketball court under the peak

of the Matterhorn?

Perhaps this pool was at one time an employee lounge area of some kind?

All the tiles were cracked and the pool was filled with rust and who knows what else.

There were a couple of dark objects at the bottom of the pool.

I had to force myself not to look and assume that they were pool chairs or something, but

I had a bad feeling in my gut about what they may actually be.

Whatever it was, it looked disgusting and I wanted to get the hell out of there.

I looked around for another exit, but the first thing I noticed, was a lump across the


My first thought was that it was a dead body… until I saw the guy stand up and start wobbling

around like a drunk.

He was wearing a hoodie, and tattered jeans.

My initial impression was that it was a homeless guy, who had somehow snuck in and was living

in here.

When he saw me, he started screaming at me.

He kept saying, "you can't take my home, and cursing at me."

He was clearly intoxicated.

As soon as I figured out where the door was, I made a mad dash for the exit, which may

have in fact been an entrance, because it led me into a dimly lit locker room.

I guess if that was at one time a pool for the employees, this must be the corresponding

locker room.

The lockers were pretty small, and all of them were open, and empty.

The only sound I could hear was that of running water on the far side of the locker room,

in the dark.

After all I had experienced, I thought it might be best to approach the door on the

other side of the room more stealthily.

I was also feeling very sick, and needed to catch my breath.

I still felt like I was going to pass out.

I walk over to the source of the water, keeping my footsteps as quiet as possible.

There are a few shower stalls up ahead.

I poke my head into the first, and it is empty.

I proceed, continuing on to check the second, third and fourth stalls.

But what I see in the fourth stall stops me dead in my tracks.

In the corner of the shower, an old man stands in the water's stream.

He is naked, senile and borderline deformed and he has his head buried in the corner.

Luckily he doesn't seem to notice me, so I decide to tip-toe past him to get to the


I make it across safely, but as I grip the door handle, I hear a terrifying cry out from

behind me.

"I see you.

You'll never get me out of here.

You're the one who has to go!"

I hear wet footsteps charging out of the shower stall behind me and waste no time yanking

the door open and fumbling my way through the next room in the dark.

This leads me back to the original mirror room.

The elevator car from the ride is now there, seemingly just waiting for me.

The creepy bellhop guy is in the same seat, continuing to stare me down!

I don't even bother to stop running across the mirror room and through the door on the

other side.

Now I'm in another hotel corridor, but different from the one upstairs.

At the end of the hall, I see a woman, and yet another bellhop character, this one wearing

a red pair of Mickey Mouse ears with an Iron Man logo on it.

The two are having a dispute.

She is screaming and grabbing onto the sides of the doorframe as he violently tries to

pull her out of the room.

She is screaming, "please, don't make me go." and he would just methodically respond

by telling her that her stay is up and she is welcome to check into one of their other


He then yanked her hard enough for her to lose her grip on the door and she flew across

the hallway, crashing her head against the wall hard enough to draw to blood.

She collapsed on the floor in front of him.

That's when he looked up and noticed me, with the same intense stare that the bellhops

down in the lobby had given us.

My vision was starting to get blurry, so I decided to try to go into one of the rooms

if I could to buy myself some time.

I assumed that all the doors were fakes, but was pleasantly surprised when one of them

actually opened, leading to yet another corridor.

I was too tired to try to comprehend how this was possible, given the layout of this ride

and given the fact that these secret rooms have no reason to exist in the first place.

Just then, the room went dark, and the walls, floor and ceiling became projection mapped

with the starry night sky, the same effect used in the 2nd floor of the actual version

of the ride.

At the end, was a single door.

I took this as the metaphorical exit to the Twilight Zone, so I ran to it as fast as I


As I was running I heard the narrator's booming voice one last time.

"Next time you try to mess with history, make sure you know just what kind of vacancy

you're filling, or you may find a few nasty surprises coming your way.

You may or may not have made it through tonight, but to close this door is to forever live

on in your head in…

The Twilight Zone."

And just like that, it was over.

The sound of the 30s soundtrack played in my ears and I was making my way down the exit

stairs, trying to think about if Joey and Matt had a similar experience to what I had.

And what happened to those two strangers?

What if I was the only one to make it out?

Who would believe me?

A light caught my eye.


At the top of the drop, that guy was grabbing onto my shoulder.

Not to mention the hanging bodies would also probably be in frame.

I ran up to the preview screen.

If I needed proof, this would be it!!

But when I looked at the photo, it was just me and the other two guys.

No creepy bellhop.

No bodies.

Just a regular ride photo...

The gift shop was completely devoid of any gifts or people so, feeling defeated I passed

through and met up with my friends.

As I had feared, they made no mention of anything abnormal and asked if I was OK.

A regular Disney employee in a yellow button down shirt informs us the park is closing

and to make our way to the exits.

We walk out of the park.

I turn back and see the lights coming down on The Tower of Terror one last time.There

are already cranes in place, ready to start ripping off pieces of the structure.

Other than that though, it looks completely normal from the outside.

No hanging bodies at the top.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Before turning back, I see a window open on one of the floors near the top.

I stop walking.

Joey asks what's gotten into me as I stare back at the ride for the the final time.

A light shines out of the window, and the silhouette of a bellhop sticks his head out

and waves at me.

I don't plan on going back to ride the new Guardians of the Galaxy ride when it opens.

I believe in ghosts.

Thanks for listening, to Al Dente Creepypasta.

Your total comes out to $19.39, but if you like this video right now I'll waive that

fee and give you everything you just listened to, absolutely free.

Remember to subscribe to CZsWorld for new horrors every other week and I'll see you

in the next one.

Assuming, we both survive.

For more infomation >> Tower of Terror Last Ride | Al Dente Creepypasta 03 - Duration: 21:40.


Top 5 des résolutions qu'on ne tient jamais - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Top 5 des résolutions qu'on ne tient jamais - Duration: 2:59.


Would Happen ifILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS were REMOVED from America - Duration: 11:33.

Top 10 Things that Would Happen if All Illegal Immigrants were Removed from America


Hundreds of Billions of Dollars Will Be Spent

For the purposes of these entry, we're just talking about the cost of collecting all illegal

immigrants and transporting them out.

We're not going to consider the added expenses of tightening security to ensure they don't

gain re-entry.

Even without doing so, the estimates of the cost for this process are extremely high.

As Newsweek reported in August 2015, even the lowest figure for hunting down, detaining,

and removing over eleven million people was $114 billion, and the American Action Forum

estimated that it would be a twenty year process to remove all these people. tells us that's more than ten thousand dollars per person and slightly

less than twice what the American government spends on traditional social welfare programs

a year.

But when you get into the higher end estimates and get into the wider economic impact of

a project like this, then you get into truly staggering numbers.

Those costs range to as high as $400 to $600 billion.

To put that in perspective, American military involvement in Afghanistan after 2001, in

large part hostile nation with contractors charging exorbitant fees, cost about $685

billion according to Time magazine and it which the Washington Post said was a major

contributor to the debt economy that led to America's major recent recession.

In short, the process would mean years of economic disruption even in a best case scenario.


Many White Collar Jobs Will Be Left Empty

The stereotype we have for undocumented immigrants is that they work unskilled jobs where the

focus is on manual labor.

A report by the Pew Research Center in 2012 showed that as it happens millions of them

buck the stereotype.

More than twenty percent of them work in business administration, management, sales, and general

office jobs instead of anything we would think of as blue collar work.

That might not sound like a huge amount, but it's much more than the number of undocumented

immigrants that work either on farms or in construction, the professions that would be

the first two to come to mind when it comes to undocumented immigrants for many people.

In fact, it's more than the number of undocumented immigrants that work in those professions


It goes to show that while we generally assume that it's the least educated in America

that are the only ones that want to see the undocumented removed for employment reasons

(hence the popular saying "they took our jerbs!") in a very self-centered way, educated

workers would also have many potential career opportunities too.


Homicide Rates will Likely Drop In Certain Areas

In the interest of trying to protect the ability of undocumented immigrants to stay in America,

in some cases their defenders go overboard in propping them up as contributors to society.

One of those ways sites like Immigration Impact do this is to argue that illegal immigrants

commit less crime than natural born citizens, if for no more moral reason than they feel

the need to keep their heads down.

One very notable area where this is not true in many places is murder.

National Review reported that in Arizona, a study by the Government Accountability Office

found that illegal immigrants were roughly 28% more often convicted of homicide-related

crimes than native born citizens.

In California the likelihood was approx.

33% higher.

If you think this is an attempt to characterize Mexican illegal immigrants in particular as

more inclined to murder because all the states mentioned share a border with Mexico, it is


In Texas, illegal immigrants were less likely than natural born to be convicted of murder.

However in New York, illegal immigrants were more than three times more likely to be convicted

in homicide offenses.

So this is hardly an issue limited to a specific region.


Real Estate Values Will Drop As we indicated in entry #9, many illegal

immigrants have jobs that pay well enough that they can live fairly affluent lives.

Indeed, in 2009 Pew Hispanic Center estimated 35% of all undocumented citizens in America

were homeowners, a rate which rose up to 45% for illegal immigrants that had spent a decade

in the country.

A big part of the reason that this is possible is that ITIN loans allowed for mortgages to

be given to illegal immigrants.

If they were removed, that would leave as many as three million homes unoccupied.

The number of abandoned homes will lower the value of many homes, make maintaining them

prohibitively expensive for banks, which warns will encourage crime on top of sanitation

problems like wild animals infesting the abandoned homes.

On top of all those other financial problems it will remove much of the demand for the

homes in growth area in America.


Repatriates Will Be Abused As indicated by the large number of homeowners

among illegal immigrants that have been in America for more than ten years, for many

of them America feels much more like home than Mexico ever could or like many Mexicans

want it to feel for them.

Guardian magazine reported that by 2015, nearly 500,000 who were children when their parents

took them across the border had been deported to Mexico.

Although in 2014 the Mexican government founded an organization called Somos Mexicanos in

an attempt to ease the transition, there is still clearly a massive amount of prejudice.

A study of more than 300 interviewees brought to light that 85% of them had experienced

discrimination since being deported.

Roughly fifty percent of them reported experiencing mental health problems such as depression

as a result of the deportation process.

Considering that it can mean the equivalent of being instantly homeless, jobless, cut

off from your family, and broke in a country where you many might not speak the official

language and many people will be prejudiced against you, that's very understandable.

They also can expect a ten year ban from returning to the United States.


Billions of Dollars in Government Support would be Freed

Returning to the issue of the sheer cost of deporting millions of people, people that

favor the idea will likely cite the expense the government brings on itself by keeping

them around and often providing them with financial support.

During his campaign, reported that Republican candidate Donald Trump claimed

that illegal immigrants cost the government $113 billion in services and benefits.

In Los Angeles alone in 2010, services for children of illegal immigrants cost $52 million.

It may seem counterintuitive for welfare to be provided to illegal immigrants since they

don't have social security numbers and other identifiers that you'd imagine would be

necessary, but it's one of the reasons that the average illegal immigrant household was

estimated to cost $24,721 in 2010 according to The Fiscal Times.

It should be noted that illegal immigrants paid about $14 billion in taxes (about twenty

percent lower than the average natural born household with a similar level of income)

during the same period, but obviously that's a large net loss as far as direct expenses

versus taxes are concerned.

Still, as we'll see, illegal immigrants in the labor force allow for lowered expenses

that go a long way towards making them essential for America's economy.


The Dairy Industry Would Be Devastated

For many people who live paycheck to paycheck, it may seem as if illegal immigrants are used

as labor just as a pure cost-cutting measure out of greed.

It turns out that for many of them it's more a necessity for survival.

A study by Texas A&M University in 2015 reported that pulling out immigrant labor would result

in the closure of 7,000 dairy farms.

Hiring natural born citizens would require too much in wages.

Automation isn't really an option either.

At present, the LA Times says a milking machine costs more than $250,000 and thus automation

will not be a viable replacement for the illegal immigrant workforce for some time.

If dairy farms were to attempt to pass the added costs onto the consumer, they would

have to double the cost of milk, which would would very quickly hit many working class

families pretty substantially in the food bill considering how many American eat cheeseburgers

and pizzas on a regular basis.



Farm Businesses would be Destroyed As we said in entry #9, a surprisingly small

number of illegal immigrants work on farms compared to white collar environments.

Nevertheless, in agrarian states that have stepped up their anti-immigration campaigns,

there were significant problems with harvesting crops.

Even Georgian parolees couldn't be motivated to take the jobs and $15 an hour wages couldn't

convince citizens to take it, or even $20 hour.

That's how hot and humid summers in those orchards could get. tells us that as a result, in 2011 alone Georgian farmers lost $140 million on

unharvested crops.

Still, that did not stop Alabama from passing a similar law.

In 2012 the Washington Times reported that the training costs alone for getting replacement

farmhands lost farmers millions of dollars while Georgia struggled again and many farmers

simply chose not to plant crops.

Not that these financial disasters prevented similar campaign promises from being a central

point of the 2016 Republican presidential campaign.


The Construction Industry will be Hit Hardest As we mentioned previously, removing millions

of homeowners from America is inevitably going to vastly undercut the demand for new houses.

In one area, however, it will raise housing costs.

North American Building Trades Union informs us that 25% of the total construction labor

force in the commercial sector is illegal immigrants.

The rate for construction workers in the residential sector is even higher than that.

Now, considering how it required millions of dollars to train all those farm workers

to replace the illegal immigrants in Alabama cost, imagine how much more it will cost to

replace these workers in an industry where they're much more prevalent.

That's only part of the reason two thirds of professionals in the construction industry

believe it would drive up prices according to Consumer Affairs, and forty percent believe

it would be enough that many companies would shift focus to working on luxury homes.

Not only will many buildings no longer be made, but many homeowners will be more hesitant

to have repairs done which will drive down their value and cost the government a lot

in lower property taxes.


Unskilled Worker Wages Will Increase On the other hand, Harvard University economist

George Borjas has reported that low-skilled workers born in America have suffered financial

damage across the board.

The Wall Street Journal published a study in 2013 that over the prior twenty years the

desperation and willingness of undocumented immigrants to work for less than natural born

citizens has cost unskilled worker a 4.7% loss in wages over twenty years.

In 2013 the generally more progressive New York Times published an article that was less

definite, but stated that it was as high as 7.4%.

Now over the course of two decades this might seem too substantial to people who aren't

in that income bracket, but this was during a time period where unskilled laborers needed

their wages to rise considerably to be able to match inflation rates.

And as we learned from how natural born citizens weren't satisfied with $15 to $20 an hour

wages as a means to get them to do that very hard labor in sweltering hot conditions.

That's a very strong demonstration of the immense power they will have to negotiate

their wages up substantially.

For more infomation >> Would Happen ifILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS were REMOVED from America - Duration: 11:33.


What the Bot? | Dog Pound - Duration: 0:58.

As you can see there are plenty of wonderful dogs to choose from.

How about this one?

Cute, but...

Not really for me.

Of course! Who wants that old thing?

Here's a true beauty.


I need something a little less crazy.

Of course! Forget that crazy dog!

Now, I wouldn't recommend this one.

I'll take it!

You want that dog?

It's perfect!

It's the best dog I've ever seen!

That dog?

The one foaming at the mouth with the razor sharp teeth?

That dog?

Oh... Those teeth?

They aren't that sharp.

He's so cute!


It's your life buddy.

Alright, here you go!

Come to papa!

Ah! What the Bot?!

For more infomation >> What the Bot? | Dog Pound - Duration: 0:58.


Toucher - Crème de main au beurre de Karité | L'Occitane - Duration: 0:15.

For more infomation >> Toucher - Crème de main au beurre de Karité | L'Occitane - Duration: 0:15.


Ep 1(1/3)Poznajcie Javiera - The Walking Dead: A New Frontier PL NAPISY - Duration: 24:40.

For more infomation >> Ep 1(1/3)Poznajcie Javiera - The Walking Dead: A New Frontier PL NAPISY - Duration: 24:40.



For more infomation >> ĐI ĐỂ TRỞ VỀ - SOOBIN HOANG SON MV OFFICAL ,PULL HD,(VEVO producer) - Duration: 3:38.


HELLO NEIGHBOUR & FNAF ??? | Five Nights at Hello Neighbor (Deutsch/German) - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> HELLO NEIGHBOUR & FNAF ??? | Five Nights at Hello Neighbor (Deutsch/German) - Duration: 3:18.


How to lock a folder without any software Window 8/Window 7 - Duration: 5:10.



For more infomation >> How to lock a folder without any software Window 8/Window 7 - Duration: 5:10.


Обучение заработку в интернете! - Duration: 13:56.

For more infomation >> Обучение заработку в интернете! - Duration: 13:56.


December Wrap Up | 2016 [CC] - Duration: 7:50.

hey guys I'm Mel and today I'm going to do my

December wrap up today is literally the

first day of 2017 so happy new year


december was super-weird month for me I

think it was the worst reading month of

the entire 2016 I read ten books which

is less than I normally read but I don't

care about that the problem is that the

books weren't that good, weren't that

memorable. So the first book i read is

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon. This

is about two people who meet on the day

that the girl is going to get deported

to Jamaica and how they let themselves have

that day of adventures this book

presented a lot of deep topics with a

cute plot but with magical undertones

It's an unique novel that makes you think

about how your life intertwines with the

people around you and it also makes you

think if you're realistic or a dreamer

and I think how you think of the ending

is going to solidify that thought for


Apart from that the representation on

heritage, culture, identity and the

difference between being an immigrant or

minority in the US was lovely done and

so thought-provoking my only problem is

that not a lot happens

apart from the romance so if you don't

like the romance you're not going to like

this book so I give it 4 stars then i

read The Hammer of Thor this is the

second book in the Magnus Chase and the

son of Asgard series by Rick Riordan the

Magnus Chase series is about the sons and

daughters of the North gods and their

lives in immortality with this book

Rick Riordan raised the bar for the

representation in fantasy with a

non-binary character with characters of

different cultures and sexualities you

can't assume anything about these

characters but he also raised the bar

for books with adventure with brilliant

pace and a lot of research

the only thing is that it felt a little

bit too long so overall it was an

enjoyable book so I give it 4 stars as

well then I read Of Fire and Stars by

Audrey Coulthurst. It's about a girl who

travels to a different kingdom to get

married to the future king but who ends up

falling in love with his sister the romance

in this book was at times adorable and at

other times super steamy and the romance

was so well written. The thing with this

book is that I wanted more from the world

and the magic system it seemed that it was

always building up to something but it

always fell flat. So I gave it three

stars. Then it read Some Kind of Perfect

by Krista and Becca Ritchie. This is the

tenth book in the addicted series and

the conclusion to these characters' stories

this was definitely a feel-good book

where you know all of these characters

and you're happy that they are happy i

also loved getting to know their

families how their children were sp

different from them but at the same time you

can feel that they were part of their

family and I'm very glad we had

distinctive personalities and hobbies but

also things like different sexualities

mental illnesses and also things like

learning disabilities in a family where

everyone is super smart so I give it 4

stars. Then I read Heartless by Marisa

Meyer. This is the origin story for the

Queen of Hearts and it's about a girl who

has to get married to a king, but who only

wants to bake

I thought this was so well written as

Marissa Mayer always does, even though i

love the idea of an origin story for the

queen of hearts and I was totally on

board with that there were other things

that didn't need an explanation and that

took me away from the story because the

thing of Alice in Wonderland is that

nothing makes sense. Also I was

absolutely loving the ending but it came

so quickly and it didn't end up in a

good note for me because everything was

super predictable so I gave it three

stars. Then I read Female Chauvinist Pigs

by Ariel Levy- This is an essay on raunch

culture and how women contribute to

patriarchy this book had some amazing

points and it

opened my eyes to a lot of things it was

obviously really well researched and the

analyses and the journalist style was

incredible but overall I found it really

boring my main problem is that it put a

lot of the blame of the patriarchy in women

when i think is a bigger problem than

that and she didn't put things like

operation race or class into the mix so

the point became blurry so I give it

three stars. Then I read Let it Snow by

John Green, Lauren Myracle and Maureen

Johnson these are three Christmas

stories that intertwine with each other

this definitely got me into the

Christmas spirit I love the connection

between the stories but i definitely

like some more than other the one that I

liked the most was the one by lauren

myracle then the one by maureen johnson

and finally the one by John Green there

were problems with all the stories

especially the objectification of women

and in other of the stories was the trope

of I'm not like other girls but overall

I liked the character development and

the progression of the stories so i

gave it three stars, Then I read Devil in

Winter this is the third book in the

wallflower series by Lisa Kleypas. this takes

place in the eighteen hundreds and a girl

asks a guy for marriage because she needs

his protection and he needs her money

this book was cute, witty and funny i

didn't think i would like these

characters but i ended up loving them

my problem was that some of the kissing

scenes and most of the sex scenes felt

forced by one of the characters so there

were definitely problematic things in

here i'm going to leave my review in the

description if you need more details

but just think about it before you read

this book so I gave it three stars

Then I read Brave New World by Aldous

Huxley. This is a dystopian book in

which the government managed to create

the perfect society but there is this

guy who begins to see that everything is

not as amazing as it seems

even though the start of the book was a

bit slow i enjoyed the ending

very much i must admit that the entire

idea and execution was so well done was

fantastic and genius but for some reason

I didn't feel surprised by anything i wasn't

invested in the characters or the story

even if I could appreciate everything

that was happening so i ended up giving it

three stars. Finally I read the Fate of

the Tearling by Erica Johansen this is

the third and final book in the queen of

the tearling series if there's something

I hate in books is when they changed the

protagonists in the final book even though I

appreciated the fact that they continued

with the tone that they had set in the

second book that it was much more adult


the reality is that it felt like a

completely different book and the ending

came too quickly and too easily

honestly it was a cop out of a lot of

books series and movies we've seen before

it left so many holes in the plot and I'm so

sorry to say that i gave it two stars

everything was so complicated but so

easily solved for such a complicated plot

ok that's everything for my december.

Hope you liked this if you

subscribe and I will see you when I see you. Bye!

For more infomation >> December Wrap Up | 2016 [CC] - Duration: 7:50.




For more infomation >> CONSTRUCT INDIE MIND GAME #4 BASIC NAVIGATION & A2 CORE - Duration: 10:49.


Parodia FNaF: Enchufe sin visa parte 2 - Duration: 12:56.

For more infomation >> Parodia FNaF: Enchufe sin visa parte 2 - Duration: 12:56.


Показала трусики в прямом эфире. Ведущая забыла, что сидит за стеклянным столом (02.01.2017) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Показала трусики в прямом эфире. Ведущая забыла, что сидит за стеклянным столом (02.01.2017) - Duration: 1:09.


This Game SOCKS - Izuna Legend of the Unemployed Ninja - Duration: 4:01.

Dungeon Souls es one of those games about exploring dungeons where you only kill the same 3 or 4 type of enemies in underground rooms that are generated at random

But change so little in design that even Pitfall 2 on Atari seems to have more changes in the map

It isn't just that the game is repetitive as a generic Beat 'em Up from the early 90's

The f'n minimalistic blocky style graphics are butthurting

They're only liked by squakers that play minecraft, and by putos, which is about the same thing

Awesome Games about killing a bunch of enemies in the besements of medieval castles are:

Gauntlet, Black Tiger, Knights of the Round, The King of Dragons and Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom

Bro, a chingón Dungeon Crawler is Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja, 'cuz it has lolis and waifus :B

To make things worst, here there aren't any morras buenas

And just so you like it more, in Izuna 2 there's a loli oppai kawaii neko maid moe sugoi desu with yuri tendencies

What more do you want?

That she's futanari

Yep, that's righ... WTF Man! Don't shit with me :v Fucking sock dude...

Watching Hentai with Futanaris is much better since you don't have to see dudes

Socky, you're losing an eye for saying so much bullshit man

It's like watching girl-on-girl action with strap-on

I won't argue that

That's why the best samples of Anime for Adults are Nosewasure, Futabu! Mix, Angel Blade, Space Pirate Sara and Tsukiakari no Raspberry Tsun Dere

I don't care about the wang, these shemales are hotter than any model that does slutty cosplay to get likes on Facebook

Especially compared to swarthy blobs gorillas with ham legs thighs, flaccid arms, hair in the ass and face of an olmec head

that not even with plastic surgeries and lots of filters on Photoshop stop looking like pork tamales; and without Cheese

But someone as ugly as that thinks she's such a diva 'cuz of pendejos that started 2017 jerking to the hentai I mentioned, like you

They'll comment sissy stuff on her photos like "Good Morning Gorgeous"

Have some decency and stop trying to approach on facebook any spawn that says it's a woman just 'cuz it watches Anime

It's better to talk to hot chicks on the street, and after dating for a while watch together chinese cartoons on Netflix...

...than trying to find an otaku chick that looks half decent. But there's no case in being picky sonny

The ones that really resemble the waifus of the current season, want a Senpai like the guy from the series about homosexual skaters

or the one about gay swimmers, or that one with the butler that likes it from behind

And you look way more like a tuna cactus than one of those dudes, so resign yourself to sell gasoline next year, maybe with money some slut will look your way

Well, she will look at your money, be sure that the day you die, she won't even shed a tear

Instead of wearing red briefs at night, wear yellow ones to attract money and buy a Zelda, so you see how a kick ass game with dungeons should be

An Action/Adventure RPG is much better than a Dungeon Crawler. That shit is made for wankers whose greatest accomplishment on 2016 was not to die

Just like in 2015 and 2014

'cuz pendejadas like Dungeon Souls are only played by lazy fat asses like the ones that are currently asking for links to the futanari hentai in the comments

And whoever says otherwise, es puto

Oh, and if you haven't played it , stop fantasising with the shemale teacher of Bible Black, and watch Pixel Past dedicated to Izuna

You watch crap like this, and you even wonder why nobody sent you a message about starting 2017 with you

For more infomation >> This Game SOCKS - Izuna Legend of the Unemployed Ninja - Duration: 4:01.


# # Action-militants a matter of honor! What's New Warriors 2017 Crime Movies! - Duration: 1:33:55.

# # Action-militants a matter of honor! What's New Warriors 2017 Crime Movies!

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