Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 1, 2017

Waching daily Jan 2 2017

Hey there booktube, Katie here and you're

watching Katie loves to read today i am

here with my 2016 reading stats video.

Hello to my new subscribers! I know a lot

of you came over from Marines'

channel after seeing me take part in her

collab. If you're new here you might not

know that i do stats videos every

quarter because i really enjoy stats. The

spreadsheet that i use is the

spreadsheet that Brock from let's read

has created with a few kind of minor

tweaks and adjustments. I will link the

2017 reading spreadsheet he created down


First things first i read a hundred and

sixty-one books this year that's including including

books under a hundred pages and graphic

novels. On goodreads it says that I've

read a hundred and thirty-two books and

that's because it hasn't counted

some rereads because i read some books

twice this year and also because I don't

count graphic novels towards my Goodreads

goal for some reason. I just decided not

to this year and I don't count books

under a hundred pages. The shortest book

that i read this year excluding short

stories that I read on the internet that

didn't have a page count was

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar

Wilde which is actually a play as

opposed to a book. If we're looking for the

actual shortest book i read it was

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by

Lewis Carroll and then the longest book

that I read was the way of kings by

Brandon Sanderson which comes in a

little over a thousand pages maybe 1100

pages. As you can see I've moved over to

create room for the graphs. So one thing

that I tracked this year was where I was

getting my books from and I actually only

created this chart for for this video. I

haven't tracked this in previous

quarters. One point two percent of the books I

read were free. 11.8 percent of what I

read were gifts and i would imagine they

were like mainly from my parents for

birthdays and Christmas. Then forty-one

percent of the books I read were new, I

don't know how many of those were the

books i had at the start of the year or

the books that i acquired over the

course of the year. That's something I'm gonna track

next year.

27.3 percent of books that came from the

library which is really good because

that means i saved a lot of money.

The only downside to reading library

books is that it means i neglect the

books that are already on my shelf which is

a little bit problematic when you're

trying to cut down you TBR and then 18.6

percent of the books I read were arcs and

this meant that they were either books

that were sent to me by publishers or

arcs that i read

netgalley. I'm probably going to create

two separate categories for those next

year so that i can see a better spread

and workout like what percentage of what

i'm reading is netgalley arcs and what

percentage is books publisher sent me.

Sorry about any angle changes i just

had to sort something out that I was

anticipating having to deal with. So now

onto genres of the books that I read. 14.9

percent of what I read were graphic novels.

This really dropped over the course of the

year as I read a lot less graphic

novels because i wasn't going to the

library and i have read a lot of

what the library had that interested me

so I suppose I may have to try to

acquire more graphic novels as gifts

next year for my birthday or something.

Then nine point nine percent of what i

read were science fiction that amounts

to 16 science-fiction novels. That's

lower than i would have expected if Im

honest while i am more drawn to the

fantasy side of sff I would have thought

i was reading more science fiction than

that this year so hopefully I will be

able to improve upon that in 2017. Then

speaking of fantasy 26.1 percent of the

books i read were fantasy novels and by

that I mean adult fantasy novels and that

was 42 of the books that I read. Next

then a measly six of the books that i

read were historical fiction novels

which amounts to three-point-seven

percent which is appaling because i

really enjoy historical fiction. Then 28 of

the books i read were ya which amounts to

17.4 percent which is higher than I

would have thought it would have been to

be honest. I didn't realize that was

actually reading that much YA. Then 15

of the books that i read or nine point

three percent were just straight

fiction so mostly literary fiction

obviously. Once again i thought i read

more literary fiction this year than i

did so i will try working on 2017. Then

eight of the books I read were nonfiction

which amounts to five percent which is

much improved on 2015 and i would like

to see that number even rise next year

because I enjoyed nonfiction so much

this year and two of my favorite books

were non-fic. Then six of the books i

read or three-point-seven percent were

classics. Three of the books I read were

middle grade novels which is like one

point nine percent and then seven of the

books i rather mystery or thriller

novels that amounts to 4.3 percent. Yeah

that's genre breakdown, i mean i would

like to inch some of them up but I I'm

not to overly anxious about

that for 2017. Next onto the length of

the books that I read: three of the books

i read where under 100 pages. 25 of the

books I read were between a hundred a hundred

ninety nine pages. 27 of the books I read were

between 200 and 299 pages. The

largest chunk or 56 of the books I read were

between 300 and 399 pages. 21 of the

books were between 400 and 499 pages.

16 of the books I read were between 500 and

599 pages. Ten of the books I read were

between 600 and 699 pages. One of the

books I read was between 800 and 899

pages and two of the books i read were

over a thousand pages. Then in terms of

the format i'm reading in, 35.1 percent

were trade paperbacks which makes sense.

Only one-point-three percent or two

books were mass-market. 23.2 percent were

ebooks I'm hoping that number will go up

next year because I've so many unread

books on my kindle and then 18 of the

books or a 15 point nine percent of

the books were on audiobook which is

a huge amount! Then 15.9 percent of

the books i read were graphic novels and

then 19 of the books or 12.6 percent

were hardcover. In terms of books read

per month, in january i read 13 book. In

February i only read seven books. In March

i read 19 books. I have no idea how i

read that many books! In April which was

exam month i read 13 books - still don't know

how I read that many. May was also exam

time and I read 17 books, that was because

my exams finished on May twentieth and I

think I went crazy for like 10 days and

read everything. Then i read ten books in

June. Then in July I was off and read 18

books. In august i read ten books then in

September I read 9 books. Then in

October i somehow read 20 books i

presume those were mainly graphic

novels or something bizarre. Then in

November I read seven books and now in

December I read 13 books and that

amounts to an average of thirteen books

per month which is a lot. Then in terms

of years published - six of the books i

read were published before the twenties

and they were all classics. Three of the

books I read were published in the sixties.

I read one book published in the

seventies, I read two books published in

the eighties, I read eight books

published in the nineties. I read 27

books published in the 2000s so between

2000-2009. Then most of the books I read, 64

books were published between 2010

and 2015 but a close second was 50

books i read were 2016 releases. And

actually in the last quarter I've read

17 2016 releases. I blame this on net

galley and publisher sending me arcs. In

terms of author gender, this is one

that I was really working hard at

because i saw that my stats had shifted

into me reading mainly male authors

which was not something I was ok with. It

ended up the 48.8 percent of the books i

read were written by males and 48.8

percent of the books i read were written

by females. 1.9 percent or three books

were written by both so these are kind

of like men women writing duos,

anthologies or graphic novels where

maybe the illustrator is a men and the

author is a woman etc. Then point-six percent

or one book was unknown. In terms of star

ratings of books i gave out a lot of

five-star ratings this year probably way

too many if I'm honest. I gave out 33 5

stars, 12 four-and-a-half stars, 47 four

stars which seems bizarrely high. Then

seven three and a half stars, 23 3

star books, 9 2 and a half stars book and I

gave two stars to 13 books which is

actually quite a lot. I didn't give any one and

half star or 1 star books and that's just

because DNF the the books and don't

really record that I would have given them 0

stars. Anyway that concludes my reading

stats. I hope that you enjoyed, thank you

guys for watching and I'll see you in my

next video bye!

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