Before watching this video I recommend that you see the E-kon´s one If you happend to
understand English, since this is an answer to it and it is really good
In this video we can see the point of view of an elitist.
If you live insde a cave I will explain what this means, in simple words an elitist is
someone who is passionate about something and studies it in depth, to the point of knowing
almost everything about the medium they study.
In this case we have an anime elitist, and it tells us how bad they are seen, since they
are generalized due to a toxic part of this elitist community, which is dedicated to underestimating
the most mainstream animes and their audiences.
But in this video, e-kon goes on to defend his community and explain this relationship
of hatred that there is with the said normies.
One of the points he gives is that in other mediums such as cinematography, elitism is
not only accepted, but also celebrated.
Meanwhile in the anime community it´s not because according to him the way of thinking
of the audience is something like "we are all seeing shitty Chinese cartoons anyways".
But do you really want anime to be more like cinema?
In my case no, something that attracts me to this medium is that it does not take itself
very seriously.
My anime of the season is gokudolls which it´s about yakuzas that became idols,
you will never see something like that in a medium as serious as the cinematic.
Of course this also has its * cof * * cof * bad side, but that side is part of the whole.
Another point that makes the film world and series something bland to me, is that I feel
that everything is done to satisfy this criticism, doing what is said in the manuals, is the
most important thing, of course this does not happen at all the cases, but unlike anime,
where I notice that the people who work there are doing what they love, in the cinematic
medium, I notice that constant pressure of the criticism that makes the creators do not
have total freedom.
and i have to disagree with your statement about the casuals, and their rol in this hate
thing for elitisim.
The reason why the elitism in the anime is not celebrated is not because of the normies
thinking that "we are all seeing shitty Chinese cartoons anyways", but because most of the
people who watch anime did not feel identified with the mainstream media, and to discover
this world and feel part of it, they caught a special affection, there are people who
defend their animes to death, because they feel that they found a place to belong, after
being lost for a very long time.
And if someone comes to tell you that that special place for them is normie trash, clearly
they will be offended, and even feel attacked
Buuuuut, there are also many things in which I agree with you.
I don´t consider myself an elitist, nor close of it, I don´t know the name of all the staff
that was in each chapter of my favorite animes, but I don´t watch anime without thinking either,
I like to search for all the hidden messages, who is the director, his style and
what's behind the story, In this way I enjoy way more the medium, and I understand that
you want to show your knowledge and speak badly of what you consider to be bad.
And I also understand that we need you, that without the elitists many jewels would have
never been discovered, I am sure that without you none one would have read the light novels
of nisioisn or using the example that you gave, I am sure that jojo' wouldn´t be anywhere
near the success that it is now.
And not only that, although critical thinking can limit the creators at the time of doing
the work, I know that this limiter, is something necessary so that not all the animes will
become animes of idols or light novels transported to a world of light novel, where a writer
makes a world of light novels with his Smartphone.
You are the ones who prevent this medium from becoming totally mediocre, so please keep
doing your job, of shitalking and trying to lead this community for a better path
For more infomation >> respuesta a E-kon elitismo/response to E-kon´s video about elitism (activate cc) - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
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