Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 31 2018

- Hey, welcome to the Tom Ferry Show.

Today, the table was flipped.

I got interviewed by a former sales associate of mine

on the power of video marketing.

(uptempo rock music)

- As you all know, online video marketing

is a super powerful tool.

Today, I have the pleasure of being with an innovative

and very dynamic coach who happens

to be a master in this department, Tom Ferry.

- I was like, I'm so happy it was me.

I wasn't sure who you were talking about for a second there.

(Jeannine laughs)

- Thanks so much for having me.

- Yeah, thank you, appreciate it.

- Today, what I'd like to touch upon is the do's and don'ts

of video marketing, and also I want for you

to share some ideas of how to captivate the client,

not interest or, you know, engaging the client,

but actually captivate them and bring them in.

- Sure, sure.

- So can you share with me a few ideas

of what, what we must do to stand out in video marketing?

- So, lemme give you a little back story first.

So in 2007, I was on the golf course with a buddy of mine,

and a guy who has absolutely no personality

gets introduced to me, and I'm like,

hey, so who are you?

He was like, oh, my name is David.

I'm like, where you from?

He's like, I'm from New York.

I'm like, what do you do?

He's like, I work for this little company called Google,

and I was like, Google, let me carry your golf bag.

I wanna talk to you, right?

Like, what do you do?

And he's like, basically,

I'm in charge of media and content.

Think about that title.

He's in charge of media and content for Google

in New York City.

So we're talking, we're hanging out, and I'm like,

I just finished 30 days of my new podcast, Everyday Audio.

And the guy looks at me and he says, podcasts suck.

Podcasts suck.

I had spent 30 days of my life creating this content,

super fired up, was actually talking to Blackberry

about having the exclusive real estate contract.

Remember the Blackberry?

- Yes.

- Like, yeah, thank God I said no to that one.

(Jeannine laughs)

But here's the deal.

He said to me, if you're not on YouTube today

and in the future, you will be out of the game.

The stats now show that more than 80% of consumer behavior,

the way that we're consuming content, is all on video.

So the first thing I would say to an agent

is rather than looking for like the crazy, innovative stuff,

it's just be there.

Like, be there.

The most important thing we talk about is, be consistent.

By creating consistent content,

you're going to win over an audience.

You're gonna bring value.

You're gonna deliver fresh ideas, new ideas,

or maybe just what's going on inside the market in houses,

and by doing that, you're gonna win.

- Wonderful.

One thing that we were talking about previously

was three E's that I see in you.

- Yeah.

- You engage, you entertain, and you educate.

- Yes.

- So talk to me a little bit about that.

If you were to put those in a particular order,

would you say that all three are essential?

- You know, here's the thing.

So, you know, we were also talking about people

that don't have a, like, do you know someone

that doesn't have a personality, right?

Like, if they try and fake energy

'cause they don't have energy, then when the client

meets them, they're like, what happened to the gal

that was all fired up and bubbly?

So I think you need to be who you are first and foremost,

right, and recognize that you're not here to, you're not

here to convince people that they should work with you.

They either like you or they don't.

They either feel that

sense of trust with you, or they don't.

So I've got clients that are super entertaining,

and I've got clients that just sell a lotta houses.

And you know what?

They're a little more analytical, little more quiet,

little more reserved, but you know what happens is,

people get to know their style, get to know their

personality, and you know, they fall in love with them,

and it's okay that they're not the razzmatazz,

you know, Frederick, all that kind of stuff.

So, energy's important if you have it.

You with me?

Now, education, that is the game changer.

If you look at the last couple years,

what's happening is, it's now the have's and the have-not's,

whether we're talking about YouTube

or Facebook or Instagram, via video.

The agents that are consistently doing video

stand out in the marketplace.

They are the ones that have a weekly show

where they're saying, you know, hey, it's Tom,

and I'm with Banana Real Estate, and, you know,

we're talking about what's going on here in Bixby Knolls

in Long Beach, California, and by consistently

creating that content and educating both buyers and sellers

on what's happening in the marketplace, you stand out.

You become the trusted voice.

You become the trusted advisor.

So that education part is critical.

Entertainment, it's speculative, right?

Like, I mean, it's, you know, like, what is art?

Like, some people are entertained by like,

people punching each other in the face,

and other people wanna watch a ballet.

So, I think the most important thing

is to stay in your lane, to know who you are.

Like, don't try and fake it with clients

and have them then meet you and go, what happened?

Does that make sense?

- It does.

So let's talk about the don't.

Do not do these three items.

Do not, for instance.

- Oh, there's probably a hundred.

- Before we jump in.

- Sure, sure.

- Don't brag.

I mean, there are some brag videos out there,

and it's like, for the love of God, right?

So what are the three don'ts, do not do?

- Well, I certainly like that one.

But at the same time, there is some, you know,

some shameless self-promotion that can be done in a more

elegant way, like I think one of the hotter videos

right now to pay attention to is taking an old method

that always got the phone to ring, AKA a just sold card,

and turning that into a just sold video,

where you could literally say, you know,

hey, I recently sold this property, 1234 Banana Street,

and I wanna tell you about it, right?

This was a complex transaction.

You know, the sellers, you know, they really wanted to move,

but they had to get a certain price point,

or it wasn't going to work.

So they relied on our services to really market

and expose the property in a different way.

So rather than just putting the home on the market,

we actually spent 47 days,

so you describe almost in a case study

how you were able to drive x number of traffic to YouTube,

x number of traffic to Zillow,

how many properties were saved.

So you're sharing that success, if you will,

versus, you know, like hey, I'm just number one.

- Right, right, right.

- And it was only about the client.

It was about the strategy that you chose.

So I like that way.

- Okay. - Right?

Versus just the straight-up, look at me.

- Yeah, right.

- So, I would say don'ts, in today's day and age,

like, it's don't have bad lighting.

You know, don't have bad sound quality,

and probably the most important thing that most of you

maybe will pay attention to, especially if you're doing

stuff on YouTube, is you can't have a bad thumbnail.

Like, you have to have, like, you know

when you look at YouTube and you're scrolling down,

you're seeing all these videos that are available,

or even now in an email, if I'm sending out a video

to someone, right, inside of an email,

that thumbnail photo is super important.

If it doesn't captivate 'em, engage 'em, make 'em curious,

right, think about it.

You're walking through the grocery store,

and you're like, thin thighs in 30 days or less

without diet and exercise.

You know, Michael Jackson's alien baby.

Like, it shocks you into saying, what is that?

I wanna find out more.

That thumbnail photo, our numbers show,

if the thumbnail photo isn't right,

it's not even gonna get opened.

So that would be another thing.

If you're not testing these things, you're gonna lose.

- Okay, wonderful.

Thanks for that feedback.

What about the do's?

What must you do in a video, in order to captivate

the audience and keep them engaged, because, you know,

with the millennials, they get disengaged right away.

- So, are we talking about like, like,

a video, like a quality video where I'm producing something

like doing this, or are we talking about live?

- Either/or.

- But it's very different.

- Let's talk about live, let's talk about live.

- Okay, yeah.

So, so, live, it's all about the headline, right,

what are you gonna talk about?

- Awesome.

- 'Cause remember, like, you know, everyone's sitting here

on their news feed like,

I don't know if we're engaging you right now.

Like, are you watching this?

Are you gonna make a comment on YouTube?

You're looking down your news feed.

You've got 15 seconds.

You're in your car and you're driving.

You know you do it, right?

You know you do it.

And you're like, oh, I can see, ooh, what's that?

If that headline doesn't pop, if it isn't something

that's interesting to me,

I'm probably not gonna click on it, right?

- Right.

- So, so, some people would say, you know,

you're always testing around that headline.

I agree with that theory.

- [Jeanine] Okay.

- The second thing is, once you go live,

if you don't recognize people,

if you don't go, oh my God, hey Mark, what's going on?

Patrick in the house from Germany.

Like, if you're not giving people shout-outs live,

you're gonna miss 'em.

If you're not saying things like, hey, do me a favor.

Could you give me some thumbs?

Could you give me some hearts if you like what I'm saying?

Does this make sense for you?

And what happens in, they start to hit likes,

and they start to hit hearts, and Facebook and Instagram

pick up on that algorithm, which actually gets you

out in front of more people.

- Okay.

- So there's ways that you can actually hack

getting more viewers, if you will, by doing

just some of these simple things.

Remember at the end of the day, right,

people like to be recognized.

- Yeah.

- So even if there's four people on there, and you're like,

mom, I just wanna say thanks so much for watching!

And oh, look, my aunt's on there too!

- Right, right.

- You're better off doing that than not recognizing anybody.

- Right.

- Does that make sense? - Yeah.

- So those would be just a couple things.

You can test certainly length of show, right,

so if you're live, you know, sometimes,

it takes a couple minutes before people

even engage and get connected.

I got Facebook mentions a million years ago,

like I was one of the early innovators when everybody

was like, hey, check out this live opportunity,

and I remember thinking to myself, oh my God,

like, I'm gonna, I'm gonna totally interrupt their day.

I was actually thinking that.

And then I reached out to a guy named Gary Vaynerchuk,

and he's like, congratulations, you got that.

Hit live, go now.

The first live show we did was a one-hour live show.

We had over 500,000 views in like the first 24 hours,

'cause it was new and innovative, right?

It was different.

Today, you have to do stuff to stand out.

So, headline first and foremost,

what you're gonna cover content-wise, super important,

and then engage, right?

Engage, ask for thumbs, ask for hearts, right,

get, you know, say people's names.

It just makes 'em feel good and keeps 'em activated.

- Right.

One thing that we're seeing that is standing out a lot

is that the videos are very common.

They're very cookie cutter.

It's boring.

Everyone's like, just scrolling through it,

avoiding watch the video, the same, the same.

- Here's another listing,

and here's another good-looking guy.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.


So to share with you something totally cool

that I saw yesterday on YouTube, but it was this guy.

He's showcasing his home.

It's a beautiful luxury home, and all the sudden,

he walks in the bathroom, walks out with his swim trunks.

Yeah, swim trunks. - Love it.

- Dives in the pool.

- I hope he was a super-fit guy.

- He's like, does anybody, yeah, he wasn't.

It was hilarious, he wasn't.

- That's even better.

- So, he dives in the pool, and he's talking about,

how would you like to come home and unwind to this, right?

He's in the pool, Jacuzzi, ends up in the sauna

with a nice old fashioned.

- Yeah, creating an experience.

- Exactly.

Creating an experience.

- He should have laid down by the fireplace.

(Jeannine laughs)

Could you imagine living here with me?

- Exactly.

So, what advice could you give to us,

for those that don't have that huge marketing budget?

For instance, another agent

that I met with was endorsed by a Shark Tanker.

- Yes.

- His business flew out of the park, seriously.

- Was it Corcoran?

- [Jeannine] Yes.

- Yeah, Barbara.

She was doing that.

- So, for those people that can't afford a camera guy,

or they can't afford to get endorsed by a Shark Tanker,

what's a good starting point?

- Look, I think at the end of the day, it's very simple.

Today, you need to decide,

are you gonna be in the game or not, right?

When Google and, when all the major players,

Facebook is saying 100% of our content

is gonna be video by 2019.

- Okay.

- It's like tick, tock, tick, tock, that's tomorrow.

So, if you're sitting on the sidelines

and you haven't engaged yet, I would just have you recognize

that you better get really good at writing and blogging,

because it's gonna be really hard for you to get noticed

unless you're playing in this new world,

which is video first.

From there, assuming you're in,

I would say, create a weekly show.

Like, that would be my most important piece of advice.

Is it, you know, real estate in five?

Is it what's happening in Huntington Beach?

Is it Huntington Beach homes for sale?

Whatever it is you decide to do, create an anchor show,

and then make the discipline, whether it's

from an iPhone on a tripod, you with me,

where you boom, and you just do your thing,

or getting a buddy to hold your phone, or like we've got,

a couple guys with cameras,

you gotta do whatever you gotta do to be in the game.

Once you create the anchor show,

then it's about taking that one piece of content

and repurposing it multiple times.

So you can take one three- to five-minute show

saying, hey, we're driving through this beautiful community,

and I wanna educate you on what's going on, and, you know,

the builders and how long it's been here,

and what are home prices, and who's building,

and who's not building, all of that kind of stuff,

and then take that same piece and take some snapshot photos

that end up on your Instagram page, your Facebook page,

your Twitter feed, you with me, like, repurposing,

and then taking that three- or four-minute show

and carving out 30 to 45 second snippets,

or clips, they refer to them as.

And by the way, those clips and snippets

get more views, 'cause they're 30 seconds, 45 seconds,

an interesting little piece.

You do that from one piece of content.

You end up with seven, eight, nine, 10

additional pieces of content to promote

throughout the week and stay top of mind with your clients.

Do that 52 times a year, and guess what?

You're gonna walk through grocery stores,

and people are gonna be like, oh my God.

Like, they're gonna wanna get selfies with you,

because you're gonna become a celebrity in your town.

Does that make sense?

- I love it.

- That's my advice.

- One thing that I think that really attracts me

and that has always been one of your highlights,

one of your personal traits, is your passion.

- Yeah.

- And humor I think also engages people.

Prompts, like can you please kindly.

- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Yeah, prompts.

So, these guys help.

- I could really screw with people

and shoot some Air Detox in the middle of the show.

(Jeannine laughs)

- Do you feel that these

are attention capturers or distractors?

How could we utilize this to engage?

- Yeah, I mean look at the, at the end of the day, you know,

you do wanna have some level of entertainment,

something visual, something stimulating.

For me, this was just, this was a gift,

and this was a gift, and they just mean something to me,

so they're just sometimes inside my show,

and sometimes they're not.

Be mindful you don't wanna have distractions.

- [Jeannine] Right, right, right.

- You know, like I did shows in downtown Chicago

on a Flip video camera.

Do you remember flip video cameras?

Like, full ghetto style, me holding it like this

with wind blowing and like, trees blowing in the background.

It was too distracting.

A few little prompts like this, no big deal,

but be mindful of your setting.

- Okay.

Be mindful of your setting, wonderful.

What are the essential platforms?

Where should we go?

We were talking about earlier.

Some people are confused or they're more inclined

to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.

What would you recommend if you're getting started?

- I think a huge mistake for people is getting myopic

and saying, I only like or my friends

are only on or my clients are on.

Like, there's too many things happening, right?

Instagram, if you talk to people at Facebook,

and we're, you know, we're pals with people at Facebook,

Facebook obviously has two billion people on it, right?

Instagram, smaller number, 700 million people,

but all the eyeballs are on Instagram.

You with me?

Like, everybody's there.

So does that mean that I'm not posting things on Twitter?

Does that mean I'm not paying attention to LinkedIn?

No, you gotta spread those kind of,

those like, Easter eggs everywhere.

So somebody's gonna find you someplace and go,

oh, I like LinkedIn, that's my platform,

or I love Twitter, I'm still there every day.

So, I'm not attached to any one of them.

They are all like pieces of paper and a pen.

They are tools, and you have to use every single one of 'em.

- Interesting, great.

In regards to people that just don't wanna step

into this game, they're reluctant to, they're scared,

what do you recommend?

You know, what do you recommend?

Is it, whether it be a coach,

someone that can guide you through the process?

- Sure, sure.

- Is that possible, for you guys to tailor

to the necessities of okay, we're gonna focus on this,

because if you don't, you're losing out?

- So, so here's the thing.

You ready?

So it's all about fear, right?

- [Jeannine] Right.

- Fear of the unknown, fear of not looking good.

I've had people say to me, I don't wanna do video,

because, you know, like my hair is always wrong,

and I'm like, I just remind people, like,

your past clients know what you look like, right?

So if you've got bad hair, they already know that.

If you've got bad teeth, they already know that.

If you don't dress well, they already know that.

They don't care.

Be authentic; be yourself, right?

You gotta get over your story,

'cause what you're basically saying is, look,

I got a chance right now to buy a whole bunch

of Blockbuster stock, and I know this little Netflix thing,

this upstart's coming up here, but I'm going all in,

and you took your entire nest egg and put it in Blockbuster.

What happened to you, if you made that decision?

You're out of business.

- Yeah, totally.

- You're gone.

You've lost everything.

I'm telling you that in today's modern world,

if you're not paying attention to the most important

social phenomenon of our time, right, video, social media,

maybe you just picked the wrong profession.

- Okay. - Right?

Maybe you should, I don't know, the DMV's probably hiring.

- And here's the thing.

It's not just the video marketing.

We could incorporate the old ways, right?

- 100%, 100%.

- You know, and the new.

- We still do direct mail.

You still knock on doors.

You still hold open houses.

- Exactly, so you're not promoting, because the other day,

someone said, oh, Tom's really huge on video.

What about the old, like, roll up your sleeves

type of hustle?

No, no, no. - No doubt, yeah.

- We incorporate both, right?

The best of both worlds.

- We have historically been two-thirds tried and true,

one-third push the envelope, right?

And today, my clients will say, no, it's 50-50, right?

So we still, like, we call it the core four.

I'm working my past clients and sphere.

But where are they today?

I'm texting them.

I'm doing BombBomb videos.

They're seeing me in social.

I'm staying top of mind.

Plus, I'm making phone calls.

Maybe I'm doing drop-by's.

I'm inviting them to open houses.

Secondly, you're working your geographic farm,

right, 'cause you look at all the studies.

Everybody wants to work with a hyper-local agent, right?

They wanna work with that community expert.

So, geographic farming.

Open houses.

Open houses done the right way can be listing attraction.

But see, all these things supplement, add to,

and extend your reach for all the things that we

all know we have to do, knocking on doors, et cetera.

Does that make sense?

- Let's talk about that real quick, open houses.

That's huge, right?

- Yeah.

- But preparation is huge as well, and I'm noticing

that if we don't prepare, we have to repair.

- Yes.

- The other day I watched a video.

This guy's like, okay, coming in with his assistant.

They're walking through the property.

He hadn't done his preparation or his homework,

and all of the sudden, the lady, the wife is like,

oh, I'd like to take a look at the backyard.

So they open the sliding door, and he's like,

here's the tranquil back yard,

and all of the sudden, the train passes by.

(Tom laughs)

Oh, my God.

- Yeah, yeah.

- [Jeannine] It was horrible.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And it was like, live on Facebook or something?

- [Jeannine] And he actually posted it, yeah, live.

- Oh, that's even better, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- So what a bridge burner.

For the love of God, prepare, right?

- Yes.

- So how much preparation do you do?

Because I know that you do this every single day,

and that people would ask me,

when I was working here, is he really like that?

- Yeah.

- Is he like that?

I'm like, he is like that.

I swear to God.

I don't know, whatever he drinks.

I'll have some of whatever you're having later.

- Bourbon.

- But yeah.

He prepares, and now he's the expert,

but you have to get started.

So my mantra is just do it.

- Yeah.

- Seriously, just do it.

Get started, and with time, with time, you're gonna

get as comfortable and become as a pro as you are.

Is that correct, or not?

Just get started somewhere.

- No doubt.

- But do your homework, right?

And so, talk to us about that,

when you started, and when I started, too,

and as a matter of fact, every single time

I'm on the camera, I get jittery, you know?

The beginning was like.

I know that didn't happen to you,

but it did happen to me, and for one of my first interviews

with Jack Canfield, I think I sweated, I don't know,

a couple of buckets.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- And he's like, you know, it's okay.

- It's like, chill.

- I'm proud of you.

I'm glad you're doing this.

You have, you know.

- Jack's a good guy.

- So, it was interesting, and then,

that opened a lot of doors.

But if I wouldn't overcome my fear,

if I wouldn't have stepped outside of my comfort zone,

and that's something that I learned with you,

then it wouldn't have happened.

This wouldn't be happening right now, 'cause right now,

I'm like, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

- Yeah, yes. - I swear.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Very diplomatic.

But anyways. - I love it.

- So tell me about you.

I mean, when you got started with this, now,

you could do it in your sleep.

But who taught you?

- Well, so no one really taught me video, right?

Video was just a natural extension of doing a live event,

or in the early days of my career, making a phone call.

I used to envision with the headset on talking

to a thousand people while I was engaging with one,

and anyone that's seen me speak before

sees me do that today.

Like, I have this audience of people, you know,

10 or 10 million, and I'm just focusing on the individual,

like, calling people out,

having those engaging conversations.

So it was a natural extension.

But in the very beginning,

you know, video was awkward, right?

Like, you know, oh my God, did I say that the right way?

You know, could I have done that better?

Oh, am I blotchy, or are my glasses on?

And I just finally realized, like, no one really cares.

Are you with me?

No one really cares.

In the beginning, it was like quality content over creative,

and a beautiful setting.

Today, though, I will tell you, you gotta have both.

You gotta have great content,

and you gotta have great creative, right?

You gotta have the right lighting, the right setting.

You gotta do it all, so that just probably

talked a whole bunch of people out of doing it.

You know what I would do?

I would actually, I would actually go very tactical and say,

check out a solution by my friends at, right?

So, BombBomb, there was a wonderful article,

Wall Street Journal and New York Times.

The headline was, the epidemic of facelessness.

The epidemic of facelessness,

that we get so many texts and so many emails.

We get bombarded every single day

that none of this stuff is standing out and engaging

me anymore, and you know, we've had this experience.

You're following up on a lead, and you're like, hey,

I sent you a text, and they're like, yeah, I never got it.

And you're like, no, I remember seeing the bubbles,

and then you stopped responding, right?

So, so, BombBomb did two things.

I wanna invest in the app that like,

actually like captures the bubble.

That would be awesome.

BombBomb did two things really well.

Actually, three things, ready?

Number one, they got you on video

in a really simple, easy to use app, right?

And what's great about it, the second thing is,

I shoot this little video, and I say, hey, Jeanine,

it was really great to meet you at the open house today.

Thank you so much for taking the time to connect with me,

and, you know, boy, I just, you know, I really hope

we get the chance to work together,

and I'm actually doing some searches for you right now

to see if I can find that ideal property.

I'll be following up the next couple of days once I find

something, and until then, you know, God bless, right?

Video ends, I email or text is directly to Jeannine,

and guess what?

When she opens that email, my phone goes ding,

and you're like, oh, my God, they actually opened it.

This is great.

And then ding, they just watched the video.

Ding, they watched it a second time.

Now I know I've got engagement.

You with me on this?

So, they did those two things really well.

The epidemic of facelessness, got our face out there,

but then secondarily, I know who's watching it

and who isn't, but the third thing they did

that I'm just super impressed by is last year,

they created a thing called Prompt,

where you actually pre-record 15 of 16 different videos.

- I love that.

- You upload it into their system and your email list,

and they send 'em out for you on your behalf.

So, the challenge that a lot of us have today

is the time to do it, right?

The time to shoot the video, the time to get it edited,

the time to do all these things.

You know, BombBomb Prompt solves that problem.

So if you're just getting started, right,

having someone pre-write a script for you

and just being able to read, you know,

hi, I'm Tom Ferry with Banana Real Estate.

I'm really, you know, thankful that you're watching

this video, and I wanna talk to you about, you know,

blah, blah, blah, 16 prerecorded videos.

It's kind of set it and forget it.

Does that make sense?

- Yeah.

- I would look at something like that

as just an easy solution.

There's a lot of, there's a lot of videos

you can watch on YouTube about how to prepare.

There's a lot of great presenters out there

that teach speaking skills, public speaking skills.

So you know, lean in.

I mean, you're in the communication business.

You make your money

because you engage and connect with customers.

You build trust, you bring value,

and you solve problems, right?

To be effective, you gotta be able to communicate, right?

This is just another medium.

Don't be afraid of it.

- Right.

FYI, you had me at hi, Jeannine.

Invest in yourself.

Can I borrow your phone real quick?

- Sure.

- So have you guys seen those videos

where people are walking in, and they're like taping

the house, and they're about to fall over and stuff?

- Yes, yes.

- Have you seen how ridiculous that is?

Those are, the little extras, those, what are they called?

- Yeah, the selfie stick

- To, to, not the selfie stick, the other ones.

- Which ones?

- The other little amenities for you to utilize

the video where the phone's not shaking or anything weird.

- Yes, yes, yes, yes.

- You have to invest in that.

- Well, the iPhone 10, there's no shaky.

- Oh, okay.

- I think the selfie stick is totally fine, right?

But at the end of the day,

like, having, like, your 12-year-old

just follow you around is probably completely fine.

- Okay, so, anyways.

- Especially 'cause you couldn't remember

what the name of the thing is, and I have no idea either.

(Jeannine laughs)

- I know, but anyways, there are so many extras

that you could utilize in order to.

- Microphone. - Microphone.

- Super important, plug it into your phone, you know,

put it on your blouse, put it on your shirt,

just for better sound quality, absolutely, yes.

- Awesome.

So, talk to me about your favorite videos.

I was sharing one of, when back in the day,

when I was working for you.

- Yeah.

- Tim Smith did an awesome video, awesome video,

but of course, he rented a helicopter, and I know that.

- Yeah. - The funds, you know.

- Probably not a good idea

for $175,000 house in Kansas City.

- Exactly. - Yeah.

- So, what are your favorite videos that some of our

audience could watch, get on there, and get some ideas,

if you could think of any right now.

- Well, I can think of hundreds,

just remembering all their names.

- Just a few.

- I actually, what I would do is

I would look at Chris Kwon, K-W-O-N,

from Douglas Elliman in Irvine, California.

He's doing some really creative stuff.

Now, he loves editing, he loves the production,

and he sells a lot of real estate.

- Okay.

- So he's sort of blended a passion with his

moneymaking machine of real estate, so Chris Kwon.

I think Christophe Choo, forever, Christophe

was with me in 2009 when Gary Vaynerchuk was on stage

at our summit and said, look, you need to start

a real estate in five show, and I watched,

you know, hundreds of people run out

and buy Flip video cameras and start.

Christophe was one of the early ones.

What he's doing now is he's getting in his car

every week with his iPhone, you know, putting it basically

in his, you know, Mercedes with the little

sticky sticky things, and it's on him, and he's like,

hey, everybody, it's Christophe Choo, Coldwell Banker.

Today I'm driving through Beverly Hills Flats,

and he describes the community.

Then he flips it around, so now the video's

now on the community of him driving, right?

And he just drives through the neighborhood

and describes everything about the neighborhood.

Well, guess what?

When he uploads that into YouTube and tags it

with, you know, Homely Hills, you know, new listings in,

all that great stuff on YouTube,

he's getting come list me calls.

Like, he's not even gonna like

that I'm saying this on video.

Like, it's so good, from a, you know,

from an SEO standpoint, and it shows that like,

you know the neighborhoods.

You are that market expect, kind of like geographic farming.

I would also look at people like Eileen Rivera.

Eileen Rivera in Long Beach, California does a fantastic job

with using videos like this video, this listing

is coming soon, making announcement to people.

That's always a good idea.

Or the interview series that she's been doing for years

about people inside her community, right?

Her focus was, I wanna be one of the most well-known,

connected, like, approachable people

in the geographic farm that I serve, right?

So she's become that by interviewing people

in their book club, by, you know, getting someone

that was a for sale by owner, ended up listing with her

and selling at a high price and interviewing them,

you know, talking to the mayor in town,

local politicians, all the restaurant owners.

You know, the school people.

Like, she's gotten so embedded on video in her community

that like, you can't help

but not think of her name in that area.

Does that make sense?

- [Jeannine] Yeah, it does.

- And then look at people like Kyle Whistle,

who won BombBomb's like, number one video influencer

out of, you know, a gazillion videos that were looked at.

He does some things where, you know, he's showing,

like, restaurants.

- [Jeannine] I like that.

- And there's just something

about like, always starting with food.

It's just easy, bars.

And even though you say, well, like,

what does that have to do with selling real estate?

Well, he's wearing, you know, Whistle Realty on his shirt

and he's walking around saying, hey,

today we're walking into Jeannine's Restaurant.

You know, she owns blah blah blah,

and we love your hamburgers.

Let's get a photo of the hamburger.

He's just getting you engaged in the community,

and it's not just, hey, we're Whistle Real Estate,

we sell a lot of houses.

- [Jeannine] Okay.

- And by the way, all those people I just mentioned

are not just doing one thing;

they're doing multiple things, right?

Lots of different forms of video, which is

what is causing them to stand out and be recognizable.

- So, in that sense, there has to be a diversity, right?

- Absolutely, yes.

- It just can't be like, the testimonials.

- More of the same, more of the same.

- Right, right, right.

So, in that diversity, so we could end quickly,

because before we end, I want you to talk to me

about the summit for a couple of minutes.

- Sure.

- In that diversity or that display of videos,

what should we have?

Should we have an all about me, a couple of testimonials?

- Sure. - You know, I'm not sure.

- If I go to your website,

if I go to your IGTV now, it would be great

that I could go there, and you can say,

you know, I'm Tom Ferry, and I sell real estate

here in Newport Beach, California, and, you know,

here's the neighborhoods I specialize in.

Like, let me get to know you, you know?

I have a family, I've got two kids,

they went to this school, like, I'm in the community.

- Okay.

- At the end of the day, like,

people need to get to know who you are.

That's important.

Then, I'd have a first-time buyer video.

- Okay.

- Right, do's and don'ts of first-time buyer.

I'd have selling your home in Newport Beach,

selling your home in Corona del Mar,

selling your home in Shady Canyon, like, I would do

a bunch of area-specific or neighborhood-specific videos

about selling your home there and talking

about the trends, what works, what doesn't.

I don't think you can have enough.

If you can get clients to give you reviews on video,

bananas; otherwise, you know, Zillow and Google

are still really effective for that.

- Okay.

- Why not do an Instagram video of just 65

of your Zillow reviews, just the text?

- That's cool, I love that idea.

- Scrolling like that.

I mean, there's lots of, you know, creative ways to do it.

- Awesome.

- So I'd have all those and more.

- Great.

So, in essence, thank you so much for having me.

- Sure, yeah.

- And I want for you to talk to us

a little bit about the summit, because Finance of America

will be raffling out two tickets to your summit.

- Awesome.

- And we're excited about being there.

So talk to us a little bit about, you know,

what's going on this year.

I know you're always full of surprises.

- Yeah, yes.

Well, it's the 15-year anniversary.

You know, they say if you make it past 10 years

like in business, like, you're doing okay,

so, you know, 15 years later, having a lot of fun.

We're gonna have, you know, several thousand people,

plus our live cast with, you know, kind of thousands

of people around the world, with sort of the same mindset,

like, hey, the market's making a shift right now.

So what are the things that I need to be doing early?

It's kind of like that Netflix example.

You know, if someone told you three years ago,

hey, you should buy Netflix, right, basically,

you fell into one of three groups:

the people that were like, ah, I don't like

the stock market, it's not my thing, right.

Some said, oh, it's a really good idea.

They wrote it down; they did nothing,

'cause that's a lot of people.

They go, oh, they get all excited, do nothing.

And then, you know, the third that's like,

I'm gonna take advantage of that.

Well, in three years, that stock went from 350 to 700.

Then it split seven ways, and now it's back over 400.

- Wow.

- So if you bought, you know, $10,000 worth of shares,

that 10 is now worth about 80, right?

That was a really good decision.

The challenge that agents have today

is there's too many decisions.

- [Jeannine] Too many.

- There's too many things to do.

So by attending an event like the summit where we

really narrow the focus around what are the most important

consumer-centric decisions you need to make,

let's narrow that down, what are the behavioral decisions

you need to make, let's narrow that down,

what are the most strategic marketing decisions

you need to make, and let's narrow that down.

The goal is to leave the room with like,

six or seven things to do that can 2x or 3x your business,

and that's what the summit's about.

Plus the networking and the fun and the idea sharing,

and just, you know, the people we attract,

it's really extraordinary.

But it really is a Netflix moment right now.

- [Jeannine] Okay.

- And there's gonna be,

over the next 18 months to two years,

a whole bunch of people that fall in that camp of,

yeah, that's a good idea, right, and do nothing,

and some people, like we saw this in 2006, seven, eight,

when they were like, you know, I'm just not into that.

You know, short sell's not my thing, you know, forget it,

and they just tanked, and then a third of the people

that made the right strategic decisions, they dominated.

That's what the summit's all about.

- Awesome.

Well, thank you so much for watching us,

and thank you for being with us during all these tips

and resources. - Yeah.

- I'm so grateful for this time.

- Thanks for the opportunity.

- I'll see you soon.

- Hey, I'm Tom Ferry,

and I wanna say welcome to real estate.

Now, there's a pretty good chance no one's told you

there's an 87% failure rate every five years

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For more infomation >> Video Marketing Strategies to Captivate a Modern Audience | #TomFerryShow - Duration: 32:16.


MASH - Origami (Official Video) - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> MASH - Origami (Official Video) - Duration: 3:27.


Chatbot Explained - Animated Informative Video by Reptile FX Animation Studio - Duration: 1:19.

A chatbot is a software program...

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For more infomation >> Chatbot Explained - Animated Informative Video by Reptile FX Animation Studio - Duration: 1:19.


🔥Analyzer of the melting point of medicines RY 01 extra video - Duration: 2:49.

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