Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 28 2018

what's up everyone are you worried about

What's up everyone! Are you worried about what to say on social media?

Are you afraid of going LIVE because you don't

know what you need to be talking about?

Are you just creating mediocre social

media and you're just tired of not

getting the results you're looking for?

Look, I'm going to give you my number one

secret for creating content that

converts. I'm sitting here today at the

Hilton reporting LIVE at a workshop on

helping empower women to leverage

marketing to grow their business and

manage the ups and downs. The number one

thing I'm hearing is that, people are

afraid of what to say, they're afraid of

how they look, but they're also afraid of

not sounding articulate. They don't want

to check out, they don't know how to

market their business in general. And I

want to be able to give you this one

mistake that I see entrepreneurs make.

We've been talking in the last couple weeks

about stop talking about

yourself and start talking about your

ideal client and their transformation. So,

this is the number one thing that people

are doing, but even bigger than that is

the fact that they're creating a vague

approach to how they're helping their

clients and how they're changing their

clients lives. Look, right now, I need you

to let it sink in and if you don't get

it, watch my last two on Donald Miller

building a story brand and how you

position yourself as the guide and make

your client the hero and have a very

clear call to action of how you're going

to help your clients. So, in order to do

that, you need to be able to say, what it

is that people want, your ideal client

want and then what is it

that there's challenged with, what are

their struggles. So, that's how you

connect in the intro but today, my number

one secret in terms of how do you create

content that converts is that you then

will layer-in a case study. So, I've been

talking to women here at this conference

and it's the energy is palpable.

Let me tell you, when I ask them, who's

your ideal client and what questions do

they ask you? Each one of those is an FAQ.

Isn't that great? If you think of that

each FAQ is a live video and all you

have to do for a live video

is go ahead and lead with what the

client wants, what they're struggling with,

give them an easy three-step path on how

you can help them and then say, for

example, I worked with a client who. Now

today, I'm giving you a seven step

process that will connect all of this. So

you will then be able to go live with

confidence and know exactly what to say

and you'll never run out of things to

say, as long as you know the questions

that people are asking you. So, this is

your chance to be able to clarify your

message and understand your client's

problems and through that, demonstrate

how you can solve them by using case

studies. Now, all right, are you ready for

that seven step process. I promised you a

seven step process to creating content

that converts. Now, this is a seven step

story arc based on Donald Miller, Amazon

bestseller and his book, 'building a story

brand.' Definitely recommend, go out and

get it. It is changing my life as a

marketer and I've been following his

podcast for years but I'm getting so

much out of this book. So, I highly

encourage you to get it and this is my

little spin on what he's teaching

because I'm bringing it to live video

and specifically how to create live

videos that convert. Now again, before I

give you the seven step process, I want

to give you an example here. So, you can

use this process to be able to go live

and create content, create a video asset

that you can then repurpose to email

marketing and that you could then

repurpose as a Facebook ad and do lead

capture. The sky is the limit. So, take it

from me, you just need the seven step

process to be able to start generating

leads. I do this everyday for

entrepreneurs and real estate agents. So,

step one, who wants step one? Anybody? Look,

step one is, you need to define what your

client wants. I've said this three times

already on this broadcast. I'm going to

say it ten times more. If you don't know

who is driving your business, who's your

ideal client and what they actually want,

you're going to be stalled out. That's

something that you need to figure out

even beforehand if you haven't already

figured it out, is again, figure out who's

your ideal client and what it is they

actually want.

This opens as Donna Miller says, a story

arc, okay, it opens a story loop that

invites the client in. So, do you want

this? Are you struggling with this? People

say, yes. Yeah, that starts the

conversation. The next thing you were in

to do is, step number two is, you need to

articulate the daily challenges that

this type of goal creates in your ideal

clients life. So again, I kind of gave the

example. Let's talk about

live video, do you want to be successful

on live a video? Do you want to break

through the noise and put the gasoline

on everything you're doing on social? Do

you want to start generating leads? Look,

the answer is yes. That's why you're able

to be able to generate leads. Now again,

what I did was, do you want this and then

I gave some challenges with it. So step

three is, in order to get them to take a

step you need to be able to create a

compelling call to action. Okay, but in

order to do that, you have to show that

you need to define the mistakes and what

has to happen and for the client to be

able to take action and direction in

their life. So again, you need to be able

to help them take action and then when

they met me, so let me give you an

example, so again you say, 'are you

struggling? Do you want this? Are you

struggling with this?' then the next step

is, we're great, here is a three step process

of how you're going to overcome that and

then you finish with, and then when they

met me, I was able to help them. This is

step four, okay. Step four is, now you

provide a simple plan on how you were

able to help your client. You slip into

the client case study but

initiate the initial thing that they

wanted. So again, we go back to what they

want. So you started the broadcast with

what they wanted, you gave them the

struggles and then you gave them an easy

three-step process to solve their

problem. Then, after that, you transition

into why I once met a client who, and say

what they wanted, and then give their

challenges, alright. So that's step tip

number five, you slip into their

challenges and you talk about an exact

client case study that you actually did

and what were their struggles before

they met you. Alright, then its tip

number five is then, now

they're able to overcome these

challenges by, right? So in order to do

that, you talk about how you

worked with that client specifically and

then tip number six, and this was the

biggest one, big eye opening for me in

the book is, you need to help them

overcome these challenges and become

their aspirational self. This is a little,

I was just talking about this in a

breakout group with some other women and

they were like aspirational self, hold on,

slow down, what does that mean? And Donald

Miller gave me a great example. If you

don't know what this is,

ask your client or consider what your

client would want their friends to say

about them. Yeah, what their friends would

say about them or what they want them to

say about them is who they really want

to be. So, if you can help them be who

they really want to be, then you're not

only selling products and services which

you will but you're bettering their life

and that's what Donald Miller keeps

talking about in his book. So powerful,

and then again bonus on this, is that it

actually improves how the client sees

himmself. Now, tip number seven, if you're

struggling with, okay, bring it

back to the struggle and do a clear

call-to-action. So, this is where you

would say, if you're struggling with, you

know, getting hurt on social media and

and not knowing what to do, then I want

you to be able to give me a call at,

right, so again, a very clear call to

action on what somebody can do to get

involved. This is important,

remember, your client is the hero, you're

the guide and always the hero is looking

for a guide to help them win the day. So,

this is your chance

to be able to step up and show what you

have to offer and how you're going to

better their lives by showing a client

case study of how you better their life.

Is this making sense? Alright, so your

clients, remember a hundred times, your

clients want to win the day. This is your

chance to show them so that they will

see you as the thought leader, alright. So,

with that, I want you to throw out client


Okay, maybe, don't need to throw them out, but

stop focusing on getting client

testimonials and start getting client

case studies. So, what I described today

is you talking

about your product or service and about

a client case study. But why not

interview your client on a client case

study and be able to use that instead of

a testimonial? Let me give you an example.

Instead, if somebody says, 'you know, oh

yeah, I love Crystal at 333 Social Media,

they're the best, they they really

helped me when I was down and out. I

highly recommend you work with her. Now,

you may hear that and feel inspired, you

may not but the reality is, it's just

kind of falls flat but instead if you

heard a client case study, say on video,

wow, I wanted to work with Crystal

because when I met her, her energy was

through the roof and she helped me

believe that it was possible to make a

splash on social media and generate leads.

But I was overwhelmed and stressed out

and didn't know what to do and where to

turn and nothing was working

but then when I met her, she was able to

help me specifically decide who was

driving my business, what were their

needs and challenges, and be able to set

me up for success with her strategy,

coaching and know how to use the

technology to go LIVE. And now, I'm able

to generate atleast one lead every

single week when I go LIVE and live an

incredible life and build up this life,

and I'm going to Hawaii next month and I

thank you so much Crystal. Now, in that

case, that is a much more

compelling case study that's going to

create more business. And, if you have

those client case studies, shoot them

horizontally and run a Facebook ad for

lead capture. Alright, so remember, Donald

Miller says, everybody wants to change, so

how are you going to help your clients

change? Think about it. You can do this by

using storytelling branding and case

studies. So, then the sky's the limit.

You want to take that video asset and

you can do anything with it. You can take

it and go ahead and put it in your email

marketing. You could put it in a Facebook

ad, you can get it transcribed and begin

to put that out as blogs on your website

or a full article on LinkedIn. You can

repurpose it to other pages. You can have

collaborators or strategic partners

repurpose it. Once you have a video asset,

you can do so much with it. So, if you're

struggling to get seen on social media

and you want to be able to take the next

step, you have to be able to go LIVE.

Even if you just go LIVE once a week on

your channel, that's enough to keep your

channel fresh. So embrace live video, it

is here to stay.

Studies have shown within the next three

to four years, it's going to make up 80%

of our communication. So break in now and

get seen and earn. Now, with that,

I'm Crystal Lindsey and I'm keeping this

short today as I'm at the conference and

I want you to know that this is about

using storytelling branding to create

client case studies in live video to

generate results. So if you got questions,

comment below. I'll see you in the next


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