Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 28 2018

hello everyone this is Wesley McKinley and today I am coming to you with video

number three yesterday I shot a video and I was gonna start

this but the video had some content that was a little bit hard to do so I stopped

early music is very near and dear to my heart I helps you through a lot of hard

times you know I we all remember growing up throwing on

some headphones and stuff just sort of melted away

well today I'm talking to you about my favorite band and the name of this band

is Pearl Jam Eddie Mike Jeff stone Matt if you are listening hit me up next time

you are in Texas I'll show you a good time around town but this band I been

with them the whole time the been listenin to him the whole time

I first first heard this band I think I think it was in sixth grade and my my

friend he had some tape that he wouldn't meet Alyssa too and his his family was

you know very strict they were that his dad was a Baptist preacher so he didn't

get to listen to much music but he got this one and so he shared it with me and

I just I fell in love and it was there and that was ten it's so I started

listen to ten and you know Tim is a very solid solid

there's not a song on there I'll listen to it elicited from beginning to end

every time it's just it's a very very strong I actually I have a lot of

stories about that and you know I I

never had you know going out Halloween throwing water balloons and

listening to songs of this I remember getting tattoos listening to even flow

it was just a great album great album it was Jeremy was probably

the biggest song of this album it was on TV the video of course I was my favorite

song I liked with quite a bit but not my favorite song off government but they

didn't do many videos so and then you go and do the next album which was your

versus versus was amazing him I love that that album that's very good you had

elderly woman behind the counter in a small town which is one of my all-time

favorites but this this album was just filled with stuff that you could just

watch it to you like I said you know I had a weird childhood so I can remember

listened to the rear view mirror with my friend and his dad arriving around and

it was it was actually pretty pretty amazing album so I I love that I love

that that one that album this is is it very good

after that you have Vitalogy Vitalogy it was a fair

very get out I mean I love them all I remember singing karaoke to spin the

black circle which is I think I did a pretty good job I mean I'm not at sin

learning and but I think it did a pretty good job and nothing man was very very

very good song course better man well exactly house X when I think of that

song I think of riding in the car with my best friend to to to my really really

good friends and sing this song and it's kind of funny but you know no code no

code was awesome sometimes probably Devlin Devlin my favorite song of this

album is this it's very solid album as off he goes and smile smile I I have a

funny little story about smile I was I was in high school and I was in art

class and I got the hot glue gun and on the back cabinet of the classroom I

wrote smile on in clue so you couldn't see it was no big thing

but actually one of my friend one of my friends they he passed now but he came

over and he poured you know laundry detergent or something on it which made

it very visible to everybody in it the teacher storage got on med and you know

it got mattered and everything but hi I was being a kid

and you know and then you're going to the yield yield was awesome awesome

Melville has very good steps faithful faith was definitely my favorite offer

that out and I could listen to that all the time but they did do that with

Leticia and everything it was phenomenal this was actually this outing when full

jim was doing a tour for this album I had I just got a car so I throw my buddy

in the car the same guy who sort of introduced me

to Pearl Jam and I took him to Dallas and we saw Pearl Jam I'm a at Reunion

Arena and it was amazing I remember the guy you know the guy sitting next to me

he ain't gone minis I dude I've just seen he run up and down the aisle like

30 times singing these songs and everything it was pretty amazing Dennis

Rodman actually came out on the stage and threw a tea up on their shelters

it was pretty phenomenal and that that was that one didn't get by Nara Penn

Arnold was amazing amazing how amazing I was I stayed up this is back when they

still had you know music stores and everything

I stayed up with my friend until and we could go get in a line at the Nerdist CD

store what was he called town tower record-setting and we bought this album

and the newbie brent went back to our friends house and just listen to it all

all the way through was amazing and after that get right act what's

right Ike was a very cool album also I I'd like to do was a different fuel

there's you know thumb in my way was amazing

Green disease was a very good song I don't like that I like this at them

quite a bit quite good and yeah so I I think no it wasn't yet but um actually

we program has been very very big in my whole life I wish it was kind of a cool

trip we my friend and I we were just like okay we're gonna we're gonna go see

you know Pearl Jam's 10th anniversary show and Las Vegas

and so he he actually lived in Burbank at the time and so I flew I flew to

California from Texas and then we drove from from Burbank to get to Las Vegas

where I had another friend that was staying at the Luxor and we actually

stayed with him and when checked out the show on it was just amazing it was

amazing but you know it's every album is this amazing amazing from

them we have Pearl Jam, the Avocado album

which is a great album it's just awesome can't

can't say any bad things about them that's just so so amazing I I wouldn't

you know Pearl Jam just has so many albums so it's actually sort of hard to talk

about these in a short little video actually this is going a little bit

longer than I wanted but you know it's it's it needs to be said they're a great

band and if you haven't ever listened to Pearl Jam I want you to listen to them

they it has been a huge part of my life and I if it's not a part of your life

then you are missing out you also have you know backspacer came out and yes which it's

I was yeah it was backspacer I saw them in Austin at the ACL it was pretty

phenomenal but you know it's just it's just this amazing, everything

there are so many good albums and I I really like y'all lightning bolt

lightning bolt was amazing um I I really dug everything about that and that might

be no no I I went to the last time I saw Pearl Jam was actually 2015

I actually did a little trip I saw him in Texas and then I flew out to LA and I

saw him in LA where was it in LA but it was it was like USC then I I caught the

the train from LA and I skipped I didn't go see him in Oakland I probably should

have but I saw men Portland and Portland a great great city and

another great show and actually the city I'm a skater myself so I dug the

city I get to go to you know the skate park and everything which is really cool

and then for finale I took the train from Portland to Seattle and I got to

see him in Seattle which ever since I was you know when I first first heard them

in sixth grade you know I was always like well I want to see them you know in

Seattle now now that was a big thing and so 2015 I finally got to see them in

Seattle at the Key Arena it was pretty amazing stuff next of course I want to

go see them at Wrigley Field that would be so awesome

let me wrap this up

because I'm going way too long on this video but um

Pearl Jam Pearl Jam is by far my favorite band I recommend everybody

listen to them they evolved quite a bit through their time and they're

still making great music I heard their new song the other day what

I can't wait for the new album to come out it's gonna be awesome and I invite

you to listen to Pearl Jam I hope I hope this video shed some light on the just

awesomeness that is Pearl Jam they have added so much to my life and I hope that

it can add something to your life so that's that's that's what

so I hope you found this video to be enjoyable I had a great time talking about

this and actually reminiscing about some of the stories that Pearl Jam was with

me on it's amazing so I want you to give me a thumbs up or you could give me a

thumbs down whatever you feel I mean sharing your thoughts and

subscribe to the channel remember I am trying to get a hundred subscribers in

two weeks this is video number three out of those so and then also the part

that I found I find very very valuable is your comments you know just let me

know what you thought about the video what do you think about what I said and

something that you would like to hear or me talk about in the future just you

know or you could just say hi if you want to I just insist leave a comment

down below and until next time my friend have a great day thank you

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