Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 2 2018

The University Housing Residents Life department works really hard to try to

make students feel like this is a home away from home.

Welcome home Brave. We have seven different co-ed residential communities

here at UNC Pembroke: North, Belk, Pine, Oak, Cypress, Courtyard, and Village. All of our

communities are fully furnished. All you need to do is bring your bedding and

some decor of course. North and Belk are our traditional styles and typical

first-year communities. This includes a community style bathroom and more

close-knit living. Males and females are separated by floor. Living in these

communities tends to be a hit for freshmen as they make more friends and

feel more at home. "What makes North and Belk so special is

that the community and the way that it's structured allows for people to get

more close with each other because of how the residence hall is structured."

Pine, Oak and Cypress our suite style communities.

These include double and single rooms. Whether you have a double or a single

you will live with three others in your suite and share a bathroom with them.

Cypress houses UNCP's leadership learning community and oak houses the

UNCP Manor Honors College Living Learning Community. "Living on the first

floor of Oak in the honors community has been a really wonderful experience. I'm

surrounded by other Honors College students. We all have similar goals so we

all stay very motivated. It's also great being surrounded by people that you go

to class with and you're comfortable around."

Last but certainly not least courtyard and village. These are upperclassmen and

international student apartments. Courtyard features two and four bedrooms

single rooms and Village features three-bedroom doubles. Both Courtyard and

Village have fully equipped kitchens, including a stove, refrigerator,

dishwasher, garbage disposal and oven. Village houses our global learning

community. Courtyard has an outdoor pool, volleyball and basketball courts, and a

community building with a fitness center and game room. All of our residence hall

communities have their own laundry room with numerous washers and dryers.

Don't forget your quarters or Braves dollars on your Braves card. Courtyard

apartments have a complimentary washer and dryer in each apartment. Safety is

important to us as this is your home away from home. Each residential

community is equipped with fire alarms and routine fire alarm testing for

proper evacuation planning. Each resident hall has key swipe access to ensure that

no unwanted guests enter the building.

"There are people who go to seminars throughout the country, pay thousands of

dollars to learn how to be good leaders and really the simple piece about being

a leader is taking a step to get involved." There are various ways to get

involved with your on campus community including becoming an RA or joining

your community's hall counsel or the RHA Executive Board. Becoming a resident

advisors is one of the most enriching and rewarding experiences you could have

during your collegiate experience. RAs help enforce policies and procedures

in the resident hall, help negotiate roommate conflict, and help create a

sense of community within their floor. Besides compensation RAs say one of the

biggest perks is getting your own room. The Residence Hall Association is a

student organization. They are charged with implementing change in the

residence halls. Think of them as the government for the communities. They plan

social programs to bring everyone together and help make it an

unforgettable experience. Joining RHA gives you the chance to gain

leadership experience, attend state regional and national conferences, work

with a large programming budget, and be the voice of students in the residential

communities to enhance and improve on-campus living.

SPIRIT! Pembroke power! Let's Go!

We can't be beat. We will defeat.

Pembroke power! Let's go!

[upbeat music]

Once you have received your acceptance letter from UNC Pembroke and set up your

Bravemail username and password, submitting your housing application and

deposit is easy. Go to and click housing application.

Click new and transfer student housing application to be redirected to the

housing application. If you haven't already logged into Braveweb it will ask

you to sign in. During the application you will have the chance to tell us a

little bit about yourself. Include your hobbies, your interests, your

major, your musical preferences and if you're a morning or late night person.

This will help us pair you with the best roommate. If you already know who you

want to room with, you can request them during your application. You will be able

to list your first and second choice of our seven wonderful residence

communities. These are not guaranteed but we do try our best. Once you have

finished the application you will be redirected to a payment screen to pay

your $150 housing deposit. Once paid, you're all set you will receive an email

during the summer with your housing assignment. We look forward to seeing you.

For more information visit

or contact Housing and Residence Life at 910-775-4253 or, Our main office is located in Belk Hall, room 119.

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