Bonduelle frozen vegetables
Hello !
Today, I'm going to explain how we prepare our frozen Bonduelle vegetables.
We'll be looking at peas as an example.
This is my kitchen. Behind you, yes, turn around !
We are in our Bonduelle factory.
Alright. Everyone settled ?
Then let's get started !
It all starts in the fields of our partner farmers, who plant and grow the vegetables.
When harvest times comes, this huge machine,
automatically separates the peas from their shells,
directly in the field !
Once they are harvested, the vegetables are delivered by truck to our factory.
Where they are received by our certified agents.
The vegetables undergo several quality controls troughout the preparation process
to verify their taste, size and stage of ripeness.
As you can see,
our products are selected to ensure you only have the very best on your plate !
Since we don't waste here at Bonduelle,
the vegetables that don't pass inspection will be used in other ways, such as for animal feed, for example.
Next, the peas are separated from any remaining leaves and shells using pressurized air.
As a final step, and to remove any foreign materials,
such as dirt, dust and insects that come from the fields,
our vegetables are washed with pure water in a stream of cold, running water.
Let's go !
Time for a bath !
The next step is to calibrate the peas.
They are separated by size using perforated cylinders.
The largest peas are categorized as small, followed by very small and extra small for the smallest peas.
The peas are then dipped in very hot water or steamed
for a few minutes to preserve their qualities, such as color and texture.
This is called blanching !
Alright ! Now it's time to freeze our vegetables.
To preserve as many of their natural qualities as possible, the peas are sent
through a freeze tunnel that blows -30°C (-22°F) air !
Over the reach the center of the product in just a few minutes.
They are then stored troughout the year in warehouses at -18 C° (-0.4°F)
Depending on orders from distributors,
the vegetables are weighed and placed in hermetically sealed packets.
They are then sent to stores on refrigerated trucks.
You can find them in the frozen food section, where they are ready to be added to your dishes at home !
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