Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 30 2018

For more infomation >> Amazing Cookies Art Decorating Compilation 2018 Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Videos #11 - Duration: 10:02.


HYPE VIDEO: The Secret Admirer will Reveal Himself at GWF Revolution 8! - Duration: 2:40.

[ROM] Welcome to Women's Wrestling Revolution 6.

Making history as usual and Audrey Bride looks to do such a thing tonight.

Melanie Gray - she is looking more vicious than ever.

And hooks it I believe, yeah she does!

The Cloverleaf!

Audrey taps out!

Melanie Gray - she just picked up a W.

[VIRGILE] It seems like we have a little present here from a secret admirer.

You are the sweetest little princess I know.

When you start to wrestle my eyes start to glow.

To me you are perfect, so sweet and so kind.

You are the most beautiful thing in my mind.

And... it's not for you. It's for Audrey!

[ROM] Gray is irate!

[MELANIE] I won the match, so I deserve the flowers, right?!

Secret admirer... secret admirer? Ha ha ha ha.

When I'm done with Audrey, there won't be much left to admire.

[DAVE] And for the sevenths time GWF brings to you

a Women's Wrestling Revolution.

She is magnificent, marvelous,

mad: Melanie Gray!

Here comes her opponent, this is Kati Libra.

The roll-up by Libra, got both the shoulders down and...

does she gonna get...? Yes! Yes she has!

Libra has defeated Melanie Gray.

Big suprise there.

For my money I thought that Melanie Gray would be the strong favorite.

Oh Gray is having another tantrum.

Melanie Gray has lost it. Melanie Gray has absolutely lost it.

[MELANIE] Ahhh! Arrrrgh!

Really? REALLY?



[DAVE] And what a match this should be between Veda Scott and Audrey Bride.

That's Melanie! Melanie Gray is here!

Melanie Gray assaulting Audrey Bride! Gray has a chair, what is this?

Gray with a chair across the back of Audrey Bride.

This is an assault. An absolute assault by Melanie Gray.

Don't do that! Oh my god!

Bride may be concussed!

Melanie Gray has absolutely lost her Mind here.

[Melanie] Secret admirer, heh? Where is he, your friend? Where is he, Audrey??

For more infomation >> HYPE VIDEO: The Secret Admirer will Reveal Himself at GWF Revolution 8! - Duration: 2:40.


Pac Man Challenge OST Phase II half way update video - Duration: 2:02.


This is the Pac Man Challenge half way status update video for the OST Kit Alpha Phase 2.

My name is Daniel.

Before we get in to the update video lets take a quick look at what Pac Man Challenge


So Pac Man Challenge is a "multiplayer" pac man clone.

It allows players to buy in to and compete in a single elimination tournament against

other players and hopefully win a share of the prize pool.

There will also be a market place that will allow users to buy & sell cosmetic items,

as well as purchase tokens directly from the site.

Like I said before, my name is Daniel, and as you can see: I am the only team member.

I studied Computer Science at the University of Wales in the UK, and have been making websites

and web applications for the last 18 years of my life.

After a delayed start, development is moving ahead as planned.

We have a functioning website that allows users to register, which in turn creates a

user in OST Kit and transfers 100 tokens to them.

They can then use those tokens to register in tournaments.

Obviously, this requires integration to OST Kit, so I spent a few hours on Sunday and

created a PHP wrapper for the OST API (there's a link to the repo in the description).

Well, right now I'm working on the tournament logic - creating lobbies, recording gameplay

data, determining outcomes of games, and also distributing prizes accordingly.

I anticipate there may be some speedbumps along the way, which is why I want to get

it out of the way as early as possible.

After the tournament logic is done, I'll get stuck in to the marketplace.

To start with it will just be a basic marketplace with user listings.

The currency of the user marketplace is the in game token, PMC.

Users will also be able to purchase more tokens directly from the site if they run out, or

just want more.

Finally, if there's enough time, I'd like to add in some non-essential features, such

as various stats, a replay feature, and more mazes.

I'd like to take this moment to thank the OST team for giving me the opportunity to

be a part of the development process.


Stay tuned for my proof of concept demonstration video in a month.

For more infomation >> Pac Man Challenge OST Phase II half way update video - Duration: 2:02.


EQUITY Video Series: Self Employment - Duration: 10:59.

ELIZABETH: Hi everybody, and welcome to the EQUITY video series!

I'm Elizabeth.

ALEX: and I'm Alex ELIZABETH: and today we are going to talk

about two self-employment options: entrepreneurship and freelance work.

ALEX: That's right, the employment opportunities that many people don't even consider – but

can be great ways to earn money!

ELIZABETH: So Alex, when I think about work, I think about going to a job.

You know, like a desk in an office, or a server in a restaurant, or a cashier at a supermarket.

But that's not usually what entrepreneurship or freelance work is, is it?

ALEX: No, it's not, this is a whole different story.

With entrepreneurship and freelance work, you get to choose the jobs you take, your

own schedule, and often set how much you're paid.

It can take more organizing and dedication than conventional employment, in a way, but

it provides freedom that many regular jobs can't.

That means you can more easily hit the bank or the post office when they're open in

the middle of the day, take time for yourself if you're feeling overstressed, or really

go into overdrive when you want to earn some extra cash one month.

ELIZABETH: If you do things right, it can even help you get ahead of the pack.

So let's explore these great options, and what you can do to make them work in your


ELIZABETH: Now, entrepreneurship and freelance work are closely connected, but they are not

exactly the same thing.

With entrepreneurship, you start your own business and build it up from the ground level,

offering a service to the public in exchange for a fee.

This can be anything from a dog-walking service, all the way to building up a company where

you are the boss.

ALEX: For example, my buddy John started a company that helps people test tap water to

see if it's safe to drink.

It took a good few years to get going, but now it actually has investors and is really

growing fast!

He's even making a decent salary now that it's going full speed.

ELIZABETH: that's awesome!

And freelance work is a little different, right?

ALEX: Definitely, although sometimes they can overlap.

So freelance work – which some people also called "gig" or "contract" work – is

when you keep an eye out for individual, one-time, part-time jobs or contracts and get paid for

them one at a time.

This could be something like freelance journalism, where you write articles or blogs for a magazine

or a website and receive money for each one.

You could even help those companies improve their websites if you know how to do computer


I also know a few people who do acting gigs for commercials or little company videos,

which can pay pretty darn well for a one day job.

ELIZABETH: I bet that's a neat option for people with disabilities, if companies are

looking to add diversity in videos.

ALEX: Absolutely!

ELIZABETH: Now that we know the basics of self-employment, let's look at the steps

to get started with your new jobs!

ALEX: So, let's say that you're considering starting a business or doing some freelance


Step one is just to ask, "is self-employment right for me?"

ELIZABETH: That's right.

Because let's face it, any kind of work takes, well, work.

It's just that self-employment takes a bit more of your own motivation, as well as handling

all of your own business details such as paperwork, advertising, and even taxes.

There isn't a boss or manager handling operations ALEX: Or nudging you about deadlines…

ELIZABETH: spoken from true experience.

ALEX: You may also want to consider what it will mean for your benefits.

If you're one of the many folks who receive SSI, Medicaid, or other benefits, self-employment

can provide an opportunity for earnings that might not affect their income limits, which

is great.

And there are even government programs for people with disabilities that can help you

get your business off the ground.

For example, a Plan to Achieve Self-Support – or PASS Plan - lets you save money toward

a business goal without affecting SSI or Medicaid's $2000 asset limit, and the Department of Rehabilitation,

if you're interested in this, can provide guidance and even financial support for starting

your own business.

ELIZABETH: But either way, reporting business income to the Social Security Administration

and any other agencies that manage your benefits is super – I mean super – important.

If you don't, you can endanger those supports.

It's also important to keep your taxes in order, which means recording business income

and expenses, then finding the right forms.

We aren't exactly tax experts, so you can either do your own research or find a professional

that can help you come tax time.

ALEX: For more details about programs to support self-employment and how to report your income

and taxes, check out the self-employment chapter of EQUITY online!

ELIZABETH: Okay, so let's say you are confident that you can handle all the details, from

schedules to taxes to reporting business income, and ultimately keeping yourself motivated


The next question is, "do I have the right ideas and skills to make some money on my


ALEX: See, the basics of a business are coming up with a product or service, selling it to

businesses or the public, and taking in enough money to cover your costs and pay for your

time, or what they call make a profit.

A good entrepreneur will come up with something to sell that enough people are willing to

pay for, then finding enough customers to buy it at the right price.

If they manage their own costs and create a quality product, they can usually make money

in the end.

ELIZABETH: You might feel like you already have the ideas and skills to do self-employment

without a problem.

If you do – or if you're just exploring the option – the first step to really getting

the business off the ground is developing a solid business plan.

This doesn't have to be set in stone, but it provides a vision of what you want your

business to look like, and a roadmap to success.

It helps guide you along the way – and if you are looking for people to provide finance,

such as government agencies, some crowd-funding, or even bigger investors, it can give them

a reason to help you out.

Let's say you come up with a good business idea, like a dog-sitting service for all your

neighbors that go to work on the weekdays.

You have a big enough backyard, and all of the dogs will get to be friends and get to

play around with each other.

You plan to charge a fee that's lower than the other dog-sitters in your area, so plenty

of people will be coming your way.

Better yet, you'll be more than able to cover the costs of dog food and make some

money for your time.

A business plan breaks this down and sets a roadmap so you can really get started.

ALEX: That's right, and a business plan usually has 7 parts.

The first is an executive summary, which provides a snapshot of your company, explaining who

you are, what you do and why.

ELIZABETH: The second part is a description and vision.

This includes your mission statement, the company vision, the business goals and objectives,

and the history of the business, if you have one.

ALEX: The third piece is a definition of the market.

Basically, you might be providing something completely new, or there might already be

some businesses like it.

Show who your competitors are, who your potential customers are, and why people will purchase

what you're providing.

ELIZABETH: The fourth piece is a description of your products and services.

It's usually useful to provide enough detail to really show the idea in full, as well as

why your products or services are competitive compared to others.

ALEX: And fifth, show your business's organization and management.

This includes everything from the structure to legal details, any licenses or permits,

a description of yourself and any other managers you might have on board.

ELIZABETH: Next, show your strategy for sales and marketing.

It's always good to read up on marketing strategies, especially in an age when so many

people are online.

Show who your customers are and how you will reach them over time.

ALEX: And finally, show your estimated finances.

This includes startup costs, projected income, expenses, and overall cash flows.

If you think it might take a little time to really build up some revenue, look forward

into the future and figure out when you start making a profit!

ELIZABETH: When you have your business plan in order, you can start looking for funding

and really get things rolling.

Always remember to stay organized when you do!

ALEX: So, business plans are the way to go for many entrepreneurs.

Sometimes freelance and gig work can be a bit more relaxed, and you don't necessarily

need a business plan in the first place.

Here's a fun story: personally, back when I was in college, I was looking for some extra


I always loved writing, still do, and knew this guy from college – from a little while,

we had some overlap – and he ended up going on and working for a magazine once he graduated.

I asked if the magazine was looking for any contributors and he said yes, and talked to

the editors and actually even offered money if I wrote for them.

The pieces paid anywhere from $50 for an opinion column to a few hundred dollars for a full


When I started tracking my time of doing researching and writing, I realized I was making $20 or

more per hour.

Not bad for a college kid working on his own time!

ELIZABETH: And all you had to do was reach out and send a writing sample, right?

ALEX: Yep, that's all it took!

And of course, making sure I met those deadlines, mostly…

ELIZABETH: I'm glad you did.

ALEX: So, that's the story of self-employment.

If you'd like to learn more, head on over to the EQUITY webpage at

ELIZABETH: Thanks for joining!

For more infomation >> EQUITY Video Series: Self Employment - Duration: 10:59.


Elsa Pataky's Response to This Video Tribute to Chris Hemsworth's Body Is Perfect - Duration: 1:41.

Elsa Pataky's Response to This Video Tribute to Chris Hemsworth's Body Is Perfect

Chris Hemsworth's body was put on display during his appearance on The Ellen Show earlier this week…and Elsa Pataky has something to say about it!.

Ellen DeGeneres posted a tribute to Chris' body on her Instagram page with the caption, "@ChrisHemsworth is more than just a beautiful body.

He has talent and brains, kindness, is an amazing dad, and so much more, but here's a montage of his body.".

Chris' wife, Elsa, had the absolute perfect response to the video and said what we're all thinking!.

For more infomation >> Elsa Pataky's Response to This Video Tribute to Chris Hemsworth's Body Is Perfect - Duration: 1:41.


Meet Avicii girl Kristina Romanova, star of his Wake Me Up video - Duration: 8:04.

Meet Avicii girl Kristina Romanova, star of his Wake Me Up video

From his most recent collaboration with Rita Ora, Lonely Together, to his debut track Levels, the Swedish DJ dominated the airwaves.

The biggest and best names were lining up to work with him, from Robbie Williams to Madonna.

His sudden death aged just 28 shocked the world, with millions of fans flocking to social media to pay their respects.

One of his biggest videos, Wake Me Up now has an eye-watering 1.5billion views on YouTube.

While Avicii – whose real name is Tim Bergling – isnt in the clip, fans lapped up the visuals fronted by model Kristina Romanova.

Kristina may not have turned the video into Emily Ratajkowskis infamous Blurred Lines moment, but she is still a success story in her own right.

The luxury fashion model has walked the catwalk for the likes of Marc Jacobs, DSquared2, and Jean Paul Gaultier.

"The scene was not for me.I took on board too much negative energy" Avicii Born in Russia, the brunette beauty has over 241,000 devoted fans lapping up every new pic on her Instagram account.

Kristinas page is a hot-bed of flesh-flashing and tiny outfits.

During a recent trip to the Bahamas, the slender gal regularly turned her many trips to the beach into a fashion shoot opportunity.

In one shot, Kristina can be seen relaxing in the surf.

Rocking a tiny bikini, the model flashed her toned torso as her pal snapped away.

Meanwhile, in another shot Kristina topped up her tan on a swanky private yacht.

Clearly loving life, the starlet captioned the snap: We will not have another life so make sure you enjoy it fully..

Slipping into a cheese-wire gold bikini, Kristina allowed her perky booty to take centre stage.

Pushing out her behind, she sent fans into meltdown with the saucy snap.

Last week, Aviciis family statement appeared to confirm their son had tragically taken his own life in Oman.

The message read: Our beloved Tim was a seeker, a fragile artistic soul searching for answers to existential questions.

An over-achieving perfectionist who travelled and worked hard at a pace that led to extreme stress.

When he stopped touring, he wanted to find a balance in life to be happy and be able to do what he loved most – music.

He really struggled with thoughts about meaning, life, happiness. The heartbreaking post continued: He could not go on any longer.

He wanted to find peace.

Tim was not made for the business machine he found himself in; he was a sensitive guy who loved his fans but shunned the spotlight..

Avicii quit touring in 2016 after a string of health problems, including having both his gallbladder and his appendix removed.

He explained at the time to Daily Star: I probably still drink far more now than I should.

The scene was not for me.

It was not the shows and not the music.

It was always the other stuff surrounding it that never came naturally to me.

I took on board too much negative energy. In his 2017 documentary True Stories, the true extent of Aviciis unhappy life was revealed, with the superstar appearing emotional and drained as he battled to get through his epic schedule.

He turned into a shell of the guy he used to be, one of his pals explained during the Netflix doc.

  During the summer of 2015, Avicii hit out at the media in a string of explicit tweets and Instagram posts following an interview about working with Madonna on her Rebel Heart album where he admitted he wasnt happy with how their tracks turned out after she changed his demos.

At the beginning we were all on the same page and then.

I wasnt.

happy with the final product, he told Daily Star Online before adding: I thought it [the demos] was better.

It was more me. Shortly after the online meltdown, the superstars pals stepped in to help get Avicii on the straight and narrow.

We shut off Tims email, we shut off his phone, his friend continued during True Stories.

That was a really good time for him, it was a very, very nice period..

Avicii later told Rolling Stone he felt he let the Queen of Pop down.

He explained in 2017 after announcing his return to music: Id love to work with her again, but that was right when I was busiest, and I think she might have been disappointed in me for not being able to put in as much time as she wanted.

A lot of things start suffering when you dont have the energy or time to do things properly..

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