Thank you so much for watching this inclusion video series.
The purpose of this inclusion video series is to help teachers,
parents and coaches include children with visual impairments in after school sports and in physical education.
We would like to thank the Lavelle Fund for the Blind, Inc., The College at Brockport, Camp Abilities,
and the Institute of Movement Studies for Individuals with Visual Impairments for their support for this video series.
Welcome to our video on how to include individuals with visual impairments into inclusive swim classes and teams.
In this video, you will meet several athletes with visual impairments who are successful swimmers and teammates.
You will learn teaching strategies and accommodations, equipment adaptations, appropriate environment modifications, and valuable resources.
Let's start by meeting Martha.
Hello. My name is Martha Reuther and I am a 2016 Rio Paralympic Games Paralympian.
I have been competitive with swimming for 12 years and six out of those 12 years were in high school.
The adaptations and techniques shown in this video were extremely helpful in the early stages of my career
to help me understand how to adapt my swimming later and to help me communicate better with my coaches. I hope you enjoy it.
Hi Coach, I'm Addie and I'm interested in being on the swim team and I'm a very good swimmer.
Hi Addie. I'm really glad you want to try out for the swim team, but I have to learn how to make you the best swimmer first.
If a student with visual impairment, blindness, or deafblindness is interested in joining your swim team, take the dive
to embrace inclusiveness and allow the student, the rest of the team, and yourself the opportunity to learn together.
As a swim coach, you have many questions, including, "How will our student Addie do any of the workouts or be in the swim meets
if she can't see the workout sheets or the lane lines?" Relax, Addie and her friends are happy to show you.
Orientation and Mobility in the Aquatic Environment
To learn navigation from the locker room and around the pool deck, Addie's orientation and mobility instructor
suggested that they make a tactile map of the pool deck so she would have an overall view of the environment.
To learn the route, they place mats from the locker room to the ladder. Once learned, they can remove the mats.
On the pool deck, Addie identifies ladder pool drop offs, and unpredictable items frequently in the way, such as goggles, pull buoys, or kickboards.
She discovers where the lifeguard sits and learns to identify lifesaving gear.
Addie "shorelines" the edge of the pool, which means that every time she sweeps her cane, it touches the edge of the pool.
Addie trails her cane along the pool edge to Lane 1. Outside lanes are easiest to find, but some swimmers prefer inside lanes,
which are free of hardscape obstacles such as protruding ladders. Swimmers can count starting blocks or lane lines to a designated lane.
Instructional Strategies for Skill Development: Pre-teaching on deck
Whether on the deck or in the pool, always combine the chosen instructional strategies with clear, concise, and respectful verbal
Our coach here predominately uses verbal instruction with minimal physical guidance to introduce arm and face positioning when using a
Leg positioning can be taught using a bench.
Breaststroke is extremely difficult to demonstrate in the water.
On the pool deck, coaches and peers can tactile model breaststroke by lying prone on an exercise ball.
To teach the correct arm movement for sculling water, use coactive movement.
Start by having the swimmer feel the instructor or peer, then slowly fade touch cues. Transfer this skill to the water.
Instructional Strategies for Skill Development: Pre-teaching in Pool
Peers can be teaching partners as shown here using coactive movement for backstroke arms.
Use coactive movement to practice form on backstroke legs.
First, position the student's back flat against the pool wall.
The student practices kicking with straight legs by moving in tandem with a partnerher left leg touching partner's right leg.
For a swimmer with a dual sensory impairment, small gym mats and lifeguard rescue tubes
are useful props for a swimmer and intervener to lean on if they need to stop and exchange information while in the deep end.
For example, if an intervener has to give tactile signing about how to improve a skill, it is impossible to do that and hold the side or tread
Access to practice schedules
It is a good policy to send each day's practice in advance to all team members.
Students with visual impairments can access the practice on their phones using a screen reader.
A low-tech option is to type the practice in a sans serif, bold type font in the point size needed for your student.
If sent the night before, the student can print it out and then stick it to a wet kickboard to keep on the pool deck.
Here are some additional orientation strategies to use in the pool.
As stated earlier, many swimmers with visual impairment prefer to swim in outside lanes
particularly if those lanes have recessed steps for getting in and out of the pool.
However, many pools have ladders that extend into the lane. If this is the case at your pool,
suggest the swimmer choose an interior lane. Here are some suggestions:
Our swimmer here squares his shoulders to the pool wall and places both feet evenly on the wall.
This helps him push off the wall in a straight line.
To practice swimming straight, we see our swimmer occasionally perform a light finger touch to the lane line when her arm prepares
to leave the water.
Watch again, she does not push off the line, which is against competition rules.
A breaststroke swimmer can periodically perform a light finger touch using the right arm.
Sweep the tip of the finger just as the arm begins to return to breast position.
Directional cues such as tapping a cone to the side of the pool or clapping hands not only
helps the swimmer directionally, it lets her know the end of the pool is close.
Many swimmers have a person on each end of the pool holding a wooden dowel about the size of a broomstick
with a tennis ball or portion of a pool noodle attached to the end.
The "tappers" tap the top of the head or between the shoulder blades, depending on the swimmer's preference,
to let the swimmer know it is time to extend an arm to reach for the wall or to designate it is time to flip turn and push off the wall.
If you can designate one lane for the swimmer, use the Adaptap, which is a lane navigation system for swimmers who are blind.
It is important to know what accommodations are allowed in competition.
It is recommended to let the head official of a swim meet and other coaches know if a swimmer needs an accommodation prior to the start
of the meet.
This courtesy benefits the swimmer and allows for a smooth running meet, which helps all involved.
Swimmers with VI may have assistance to the diving block or to the starting edge of the pool.
In competition, it is beneficial that coaches are the tappers since they "know" the athlete best.
Tappers may not encourage or coach, only instruct regarding surroundings.
A suggestion is to have the swimmer with visual impairment or deafblindness be the first leg of the relay team.
If your swimmer is interested in swimming in local competitions or on the national and international level,
The United States Association for Blind Athletes provides information on techniques, training, accommodations, and equipment on their website.
They outline the official vision specific swimming classifications.
Acceptance and full inclusion result from embracing all differences and comes from the tone set by the coach
and supporting members of leadership, including the team captains.
It is the coach's responsibility to set the tone by expecting their swimmers with visual impairment to meet the same challenges as all
treating everyone equally and setting a no bullying web of kindness throughout the entire team.
Emotional safety is as important as physical safety. Coaches are role models.
The American Foundation for the Blind website has excellent information on this topic.
Thank you for watching this video and learning about including students with visual impairments in swimming.
Athletes with visual impairments should be welcomed into physical education class and aquatic programs.
When you make appropriate accommodations, and use the strategies shown in this video, you will help all your athletes reach their full potential.
Hi, my name is Sean and I live in New York and I'm going into sixth grade.
I learned to swim at camp. I went home and I really wanted to be on our town swim team,
so I talked to the coach and he said that he would try to figure out something like how we could adapt the strokes.
I am now in the town or club swim team and it's really fun and I feel like every person whether they have a ton of vision or no vision at all,
they should all be able to be on the same swim team together because it's a lot of fun
and it's good exercise for people and everybody needs exercise so,
and also they're equal so everyone can pretty much do the same thing if they put their mind to it.
Support for this video provided by: The Lavelle Fund for the Blind The College at Brockport Camp Abilities
Institute for Movement Studies for Individuals with Visual Impairments and the American Printing House for the Blind
Special thanks to all the talent who made this video possible.
Executive Producer Dr. Lauren J. Lieberman
Content Specialist and Script Writers Dr. Monica Lepore Dr. Pamela Haibach-Beach Tristan Pierce
Martha Reuther
Narrator Dr. Ruth Childs Video Producer Ann M. Giralico Pearlman
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