Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 30 2018

My name is Jack and I'm the co-chair for National Student Pride

Hi I'm Georgie and I identify as a Lesbian

My name is Nikki I identify as a transgender woman

So do you know what you are about to do?

No I don't

I do not and I'm a little scared

I think I'm gonna have to write something

okay I'm sorry I'm just judging you

Hi what's your name?

Q: Do you listen to Britney Spears? A: I have listened to Britney Spears...

Q: Do you like Britney Spears? A: She's alright

First off, can I hug you?

Q: Cher or Christina? A: Neither

Okay a quite manly hug – the trainers I don't know I have a thing with white trainers

Please don't be offended

Q: Hi what's your name? A: I'm Hatti

The boots are a little lesbian-y

Q: Do you have cats? A: I've got a cat yes

Q: How many cats do you wish you had? A: Hundreds...

There is a masculine presence

So if I'm sterotypical I'd say straight

Q: What's you name? A: Marzia

Can I get hug?

Q: Batman or Wonderwoman A: Wonderwoman

I'm seeing slightly different coloured hair – I'm seeing the nose piercings



God saves the queers top, love that as well

again I'm judging

posture as well quite relaxed

so a lot of young people I feel identify as queer if they're a little alternative and the green hair screams alternative

Bi – Bi – Bi – Bi

I'm shocked that I was so wrong on some of my answers


WellI got one of them right – kind of

I am interested in the difference between the bisexual and the bi+

Not a lot of people know what pansexual is. Sometimes when you are haveing a conversation about sexuality

it can be easier to say bi because it's 'in the acronym.' But pansexuality – I see it as a branch of bisexuality

I like people for that personality rather than their gender or anything like that

I'm like Hatti, identifying as Pan and you were right because I also identify as queer

in that wider arcing way – but pan because you can be attracted to multiple people

Does that mean those who identifies pansexual – are you attracted to trans people?

Yeah, yeah! 'Oh...'

I think it's nerve-wracking because you make judgments about people about their

appearance as soon as you see them but you don't usually tell them to their face

just because somebody is dressed a certain way does that mean that you

should judge them and their sexuality

Have you ever found that when you've been with someone isn't the same gender

for example if I've had a relationship with a woman and then had arelationship with a man – it's like oh so

you are straight yeah? no that's not how it works! – Sorry guys

What was it few guys growing up there because for me it was really

confusing because one day I was a guy and the next I want a girl and I'd be

like well I don't want it and eventually I was like you know what I like someone

I like someone full stop. At that age there's that pressure and like puberty

is like running a mop – like my lord

I came out as bi, then had relationships with both men and women

for years – had a really bad relationship with a man defined as

lesbian for a couple years I think pansexual defines for who what I am

But I think it's also quite easy like I've probably done it myself where I see a woman

with another woman I'm like oh she's gay they're lesbians and it's not always the case

I'm not why, because he's rather softly spoken? 'Okay'

For more infomation >> Can you guess who is Bisexual in this video? - Duration: 4:39.


NO EXCUSES | Motivational Video 2018 | MORNING MOTIVATION - Duration: 13:22.

what did you give up on your dream

why did you say why why did you let that

dream go the dream that meant so much to

you why did you let it go

was it because you listen to those

around you

those who didn't reach their own dream

that you listen to them when they impose

their limits on you they said be

realistic they said take that job was it

because you had no examples close to you

of anyone who actually went after their

dream and refused to settle for less why

did you give up

when you're young you know without

question there are no limits there's

nothing it cannot be nothing you cannot

accomplish no Heights

you cannot scale you know that but as

time wears on for most people like tips

away a little ward at their soul just

way in their business just wait and

their belief in themselves opinions get

inside and poison their soul

this world is filled with smart people

who didn't make smart people they lost

hope smart people they gave up smart

people who lack the courage to listen to

the voice inside that says yes I came

and instead listened to society who said

most people don't most people fail it's

too risky play it safe

I will not play it safe I refuse to have

said less than my potential no it is not

too late it's now time to regain your

power no it's not too late if you're

breathing there's time if you're


the time is now the time is now to live

the time is now to go after their

experiences you want to leave the tree

you want to see in your reality

don't pundits you discern the joy and

potential that's been laying dormant

inside it's time to wake up you are

capable others before you have done it

with less intelligence with less

resources with less education with less

help there's no excuse

that is fat you just need to sum up the

courage to go for the strip to fight

through setbacks the persistence to keep

going until you say and the crap to

enjoy when it comes

two times now and years to come

make sure the question they ask you is

not why did you give up on your dream

but how did you make your dream become

every gap




devote yourself to something bigger be

decisive about what you're gonna do say

I'm gonna do it and that's it and then

be disciplined about getting it done

every single day whether you be like it

or not


if you're willing to decide what you

want believe it's possible consciously

envision the future feel the feelings of

what it would feel like if you'd achieve

this goal you can have anything and then

you take action both obvious actions and

inspired action you can do anything

force yourself to do it say you're the

general the brain is the general the

troops of the body the troops I want to

listen beagle you you listen and you get

up and you do it and then you get to

write it down write that down just do it

just do it make yourself do it


focus on one thing one area put all of

your energy into water in one area if

you spread the water across many many

seeds you don't have as much water

fluency so focus on one thing making

your priority and stick with it no

matter what


remove temptation you must remove

temptation if you are going to have

self-discipline your perception of


will either make you or break you if you

think you're nothing I promise you this

you will be nothing if you think there's

nothing better in life than a better

life is something that you will never

find start believing start believing is


self-belief self-respect believing in

yourself all these things are critical

elements to you foraging pollard all

these are key ingredients are you

putting one foot in front of the other

continuously day in and day out and

never getting so down on yourself


you keep biting you keep the favor

there's better days ahead I promise you

no storm lasts forever


once you get out there now you begin to

see things as they really really I dare

you to take a little pain I dare you I

dare you not to go home some I said I

thought home go home I feel bad go throw


you may go die at the end of pain and

success don't just go through it grow

through it that difficulty is an

opportunity to get stronger to develop

character to gain new confidence anybody

can give up anybody can let it overwhelm

you but you know what that's doing

wasting your pain that pain is not there

to stop you it's there to prepare you to

increase you to develop you the only

thing is if you're trying to get there

you cannot stop believing in any way no

matter what anybody said no matter what

anybody tells you you have to know it

beyond knowing it

do more be more do more become more stop

being the coward that you were yesterday

start getting after it stop

procrastinating stop sitting on the

couch telling yourself you're gonna get

up and go do whatever the hell it is

that you're gonna do in ten minutes or

fifteen minutes so your body responds to

your thoughts what's going on is gonna

show up in your body

your lightness is found in your pain

embrace it love it and grow from it

we all lose self-control when we lose

self-respect and the more discipline

that you can learn and the more

discipline you could pattern into your

life the more that you can keep going

around those corners and picking up

those points they're stronger that

you're going to become and the less

likely you are to slip down that giant

rabbit hole

don't defeat yourself stop talking down

to yourself stop beating yourself up

stop being your own punching bag and

start telling yourself I will get there

it is possible

I do have purpose you have to be equip

mentally to endure this process knowing

what you're about to go into a step one

knowing it's an uphill battle but a

winnable one and one that's achievable

every transformation always gets worse

before it gets better

so don't build up so much anxiety and

make yourself feel so bad if you're not

reaching some of your goals so those

either feel unmotivated you feel like

you're not determined and you're beating

yourself up over it you need to stop

because you need to have time to explore

your path

when there is opportunities in the day

to cut a corner you stop yourself and

you say how does this help how does this

hurt how does this help how does this

hurt if you care about your success more

than anyone else in the room I promise

you this you will be successful at some

point in time if you change your mindset

and really focus it on what discipline

really is you start to welcome

discipline you welcome self discipline

into your life


you are at where you're at because

you're choosing to be there I want you

to think about that and you might have

all these excuses all these reasons


justifiable right you're at where you're

at but I want you to understand you are

at where you're at because you're

choosing the beter

stop buying into the bullshit story you

tell yourself that you can't do it and

just go for it and see what happens

you've got to win you got a tape

responsibility for where you're at

sometimes even if it's not your fault

and then you've got to go get after


it's time to readjust how comfort zones

it's time to figure out whatever

majority is doing imma find myself doing

the office

figure out in your life all of the

short-term pleasures that you are so

used to giving into and start

challenging those starts shaking them up

a bit your future self will think your

present self later so learn how to

control your focus learn how to think

about what the end result is learn how

to use the natural momentum and energy

you have the secret and the key is

consistency you have to work extremely

hard also I know that you can do it but

you have to stay committed to the

process guys

if you don't believe it you won't

achieve it it's so simple so we have to

understand what is the ambition and have

great clarity to it

you have got to put in the time you've

got to put in the hours and guess what

it's the one thing we can all control

regardless of our skills regardless of

our talents it's the one thing we can

control and it's how hard we work so I

challenge you today get out there and

work hard




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