Omnibus salūtem! / Hello, everyone!
ego sum Lūcius / I'm Luke
et haec est 100a pellicula / and this is the 100th video
canālis ScorpiōnisMārtiānī / of the channel ScorpioMartianus
papae! centum pelliculae! / wow! a hundred videos!
vōbīs omnibus grātiās agere vellem / I would like to thank all of you
quī subscrīpseritis / for subscribing
partīrī vōbīscum hās rēs Latīnās / sharing these Latin things with you
est mihi grātissimum / is a pleasure for me
paullum dē duōbus pelliculīs meīs / I wanted to talk a bit
jam factīs alloquī vellem / about two videos of mine already made
nūper duās īnsolitās pelliculās / I recently published two
in lūcem ēdidī / unusual videos
prīma Jūrassicōrum Hortōrum / the first, Jurassic Park
Doctor Grant
cāra Doctrīx Sattler / my dear Dr. Sattler
vēnistis / welcome
ad Jūrassicōs Hortōs / to Jurassic Park
altera / the second
dē Kermitō illā Rānā canente / Kermit the Frog singing
quondam inveniēmus / someday we'll find it
īridis connexum / the rainbow connection
amantēs / the lovers
somniantēs / the dreamers
egō / and me
'Lūcium sānē īnsānīre!' / 'Luke has gone insane!'
vōs vērīsimiliter putābātis / you probably thought
sed ratiō fuit! / but there was a reason!
sī bene meministis Jūrassicōs Hortōs / if you remember Jurassic Park
recordāminī dīnosaurōs / you'll recall that the dinosaurs
technicā geneticā / were created using
creātōs esse / genetic engineering
auxiliō māteriae geneticae rānārum / with the help of the genetic material of frogs
cūr? / why?
quia lacūnae magnae / because large gaps
in cōdice geneticō dīnosaurōrum / in the dinosaurs' genetic code
replendae erant / needed to be filled
loquī linguā antīquā / speaking an ancient language
"mortuā" / "dead"
"exstīnctā" / "extinct"
mihi vidētur simile atque / seems to me to be similar
resurgere facere / to resurrecting
dīnosaurōs ipsōs / the dinosaurs themselves
ē Periodō Jūrassicō / from the Jurassic Period
nōnne? / don't you think?
ego quī vivī Latīnā / trying to speak
loquī conor in living Latin
grammaticōs antīquōs / I follow the ancient grammarians
sagācēs praeteritōs / past wise fellows
sīcut Sidneium Allen / like Sidney Allen
atque Franciscum Lord / and Francis Lord
sequor ut fundāmen īnstruō / as I build my foundation
prōnūntiātiōnis meae / of pronunciation
nihilōminus lacūnae īnsunt / nevertheless there are holes
spatia vacua sunt / there are sequence gaps
in cōdice geneticō / in the genetic code
linguae Latinae prōnūntiātiōnis / of Latin pronunciation
quid ergō faciam? / what to do?
excipiō partēs ūtilēs linguae Italicae / I extract the useful parts of Italian
ejus vōcālēs / its vowels
melōdiāsque / and cadences
necnōn / and also
partēs aliārum linguārum hodiernārum / parts of other modern languages
ut creem hoc meum mōnstrum / to create this monster of mine
rūrsus vīvum / again living
sīcuti dīnosaurus quī / just like a dinosaur
denuo in terrā ambulat / that again walks the earth
nē megalomaniā nimis afficiar / not to be too much of a megalomaniac about it
et quā dē causā / and why
Kermitus Muppetus cantāvit hōc in canālī? / did the Muppet Kermit sing in this channel?
Kermitus est rāna / Kermit is a frog
nōnne? / right?
haec pellicula sī vultis / if you like
hīc īnspicere potestis / you can see that video here
hōc in annō / this year
MMXVIII / 2018
celebrō vītam P. Ovidiī Nāsōnis / I celebrate the life of Publius Ovid Naso
quī abhinc duo mīlia annōrum / who two thousand years ago
mortuus est / died
Tomīs / in Tomis
quae hodiē dīcitur Cōnstantia / which today is called Constanța
urbs in Rōmāniā / a city in Romania
sita apud Euxinum Pontum / situated on the Black Sea
aestāte praeteritā / last summer
Ovidiī statuam meīs oculīs vīdī
Cōnstantiae / in Constanța
Ovidius est mihi amātissimus poēta / Ovid is my favorite poet
quia oriundus est ex eādem regiōne Italiae / because he comes from the same region of Italy
atque avia avusque meus / as my grandparents
id est ex Aprutiō / that is from Abruzzo
nātus est Sulmōne / he was born in Sulmona
ubi orīginālis statua Ovidī / where the original statue of Ovid is located
eadem atque illa cōpia in Rōmāniā / the same as the copy in Romania
ab Hectore Ferrari sculpta sita est / sculpted by Ettore Ferrari
itaque cōnstituī Ovidiī / so I decided to record Ovid's
Artis Amātōriae / The Art of Love
librōs tōtōs recitāre / the entire books
et hōc in canālī impōnere / and to put them on this channel
cujus tabella hīc est / the playlist for which is here
ecce / here it is
passer! / a sparrow!
Ovidius ē vītā discessit / Ovid passed away
annō XVIII post Christum nātum / in the year 18 A.D.
sōlus et tristis / alone and sad
in terrā aliēnā / in a strange land
exsul factus / having been made an exile
due mīlia passuum / 2,000 miles
domō suā / from his home
programma audībile novum / I have started a new a new podcast
id est "podcast"
ūnā cum illustrissimō / with the famous
Magistrō Jūlō Craft coepī / Magister Jessie Craft
nōmine Legiō XIII / called Legio XIII
nisi jam scītis, Magister Craft / if you didn't already know, Magister Craft
lepidissimās facit pelliculās in Tūtubulō / makes terrific videos on YouTube
quaeritōte "Magister Craft" / search for "Magister Craft"
et inveniētis / and you'll find it
aut apud
in programmate audībilī nostrō / in our podcast
dē librīs legendīs loquimur / we talk about books we are reading
e.g. dē hōc librō / for example about this book
Ad Alpēs
ēdidit nūper / recently put out by
Daniel Petterson
necnōn dē Caesaris / and also about Caesar's
Dē Bellō Gallicō librō
haec est versiō dē / this in the version from
Hans Ørberg
bene! gratias sescentās prō respōnsīs vestrīs / all right! thanks so much for your responses
hūmānissimē relātīs / generously given
gaudeō nōs potuisse / I am glad we have been able
tantam Latīnitātem partīrī / to share so much Latin
centēnae pelliculae nōbīs contingant / here's to hundreds more videos
ego sum Lūcius, agnōmine / I'm Luke, a.k.a.
valēte! / take care!
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