Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 2 2018

Youtuber Logan paul was forced to delete a video after he went to the famed suicide forest

in Japan and showed a dead body.

Now he's facing a ton of online hate, that may or may not be deserved.

I'm going to tell you everything you need to know, here for you on IO.

Happy new year potatoes!

Welcome back to the channel, For those that don't know me, I'm charlotte and no, I'm

not normally this tanned.

I just got back from cuba.

It was lovely, but I missed reporting the news for you guys.

So the world is talking about popular youtuber Logan paul and his extremely unpopular decision

to show a dead body on camera.

He and his crew went to japan, and at the base of mount fuji, theres this famous forest

that's known to the locals as suicide forest, aka aokigahara.

Its basically this place where people go to commit suicide.

Its supposedly really haunted because it is estimated that thousands and thousands of

people have gone there to end their life, despite the signs everywhere urging people

not to.

Obviously logan and his crew knew about suicide forest, yet they went there anyway.

They found the corpse of a dead man who had hanged himself from a tree.

The man, at this time, hasn't been identified.

The camera then focuses on logan paul who reacts to the situation as the crew calls

the police.

He cracks jokes, and smiles during the reaction as he wears a hat during this reaction that

I guess is one of those aliens from toy story…so it kind of brought light to a situation that

it probably shouldn't have.

After the video was posted, logan, understandably reieved a lot of online hate.

He posted an apology on twitter, saying that his intention was to raise awareness about

suicide, and suicide prevention.

He also said that he has never received this kind of hate before, and that he's human

and he makes mistakes.

Obviously being someone who posts vlogs every day, its difficult to filter out the stuff

that might be potentially offensive.

On the one hand, yes the hate was warranted.

Suicide is not something you should ever joke about.

On the other hand, everyone makes mistakes.

So, do you forgive logan paul?

Do you not forgive him?

Or, do you think he did nothing wrong.

Let me know in the comments below.

For now I'm going to respond to some of your comments.

On one of rons videos, Triple the power gaming said – are you charlottes


I don't have a boyfriend.

Why does everyone assume I'm dating the people I work with?

It is possible for guys and girls to be just friends you know.

Seamus – keep this a secret…I like u more than charlotte.

Im glad oyu guys like ron, we'll try to bring him back every now and again.

Da bomb 360 – why potatoes?

Why not gumdrops or squashes.

I do not identify as a squash.

I mean….do you guys want to be called squashes?

The video is over, and I'm kinda sad, hey don't worry, theres another io video, clickable

on the screen right now.

Don't forget to click the bell so you never miss an upload.

Later taters.

For more infomation >> YouTuber Logan Paul Forced To REMOVE Video After Backlash - Duration: 2:29.


YouTube Star Logan Paul Apologizes for Controversial Video - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> YouTube Star Logan Paul Apologizes for Controversial Video - Duration: 0:51.


Video: Participate in the BCPL #BWELLREAD challenge - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Video: Participate in the BCPL #BWELLREAD challenge - Duration: 2:33.


Reason Why You Should Travel To Tokyo Japan Guide Video 2018 – 5 Reasons 🇯🇵 🗾 🌏 - Duration: 7:10.

are you looking for a reason why you should travel to Tokyo Japan guide video

if so you're in the right place I'm going to share with you five awesome

reasons coming up hello I'm Christopher C Odom and award-winning

independent filmmaker and this is big trip to Japan every week I bring you a

new video about planning a trip to Japan and Japan travel destinations reviews so

if you're new here please subscribe and to bring home your own taste of Japan

each month check out my awesome Japanese candies subscription box value list kit

above or in the links and show notes in the description below if you've asked

yourself for a reason you should travel to Japan know that Japan is an amazing

country with a very rich and long cultural heritage what sites to see in

japan include metropolitan areas like tokyo are over the top and built up to

the sky you can spend half the day or more in a single block or even building

shopping in tokyo as most shops or built up and have eight or nine floors and if

you're in the Shinjuku district your favorite designer or brand will have a

store with a tour dyeing floors making it quite easy to forget about adding

diversity to your shopping experience reason number one traveling overseas to

another country if you've never been overseas or out of the country Japan is

an ally of the United States with US military bases when traveling in Japan

although Japanese of the official language you can find some English on

the street signs in the subways and scattered throughout local businesses to

help english speakers get by and when communicating in japan many japanese

people know some english if all else fails visiting another country and

learning about another culture is a life and witching experience and another

answer to the question why visit japan before I finished sharing more awesome

reasons to travel to Tokyo Japan don't forget to check out the links and show

notes in the YouTube description below to learn more about traveling to Tokyo

Japan or if you're interested in taking your own big trip to Japan click on the

link above or in the show notes below to check out the big trip to Japan travel

guide reason number 2 Japanese technology and lifestyle although a lot

of our consumer technology comes from Asia or is mass-produced in Asia Japan a

country of great pride and discipline is not a culture that is as obsessed with

convenience entertainment and pleasure as the US is obsessed an island nation

space is commodity hence everything in Japan a smaller much smaller the average

washing machine is probably the size of an extra-large bucket most people drive

their clothes on their clotheslines outside and in the winter and in the

rain the bathroom shower room is heated and used to hang dry clothes as well

the average refrigerator is probably the size of a giant dorm room with a drainer

in the US and I still have yet to figure out there are four or five types of

recycling I often had to leave stuff on the counter of my in-laws kitchen

because I just couldn't figure it out which been to use and I thought it was

rude to put it in the wrong bed but life and technology in Japan is not all grim

the Japanese internet is much faster as a matter of fact we rented a 183

megabits per second pocket Wi-Fi device with unlimited internet acces for up to

seven users and an eight to nine hour charge plus extra battery for about $250

for three weeks reason number three houses in Japan we usually stay in Japan

with family the houses and rooms are much smaller with the stairwells

oftentimes very steep I have diabetes and the bedrooms of my in-laws house in

Kisha ma area Takizawa City and Tokyo were upstairs

while these singular bathroom was downstairs I remember my first trip was

up the stairs and down the stairs several times every night as I

frequently had to relieve myself and in my mother-in-law's house the stairs were

so steep that I could use my hands coming up and down the stairs like using

a ladder when I asked my wife how they could possibly have gotten the furniture

up those stairs she said they actually wasted it through

the windows many Japanese homes do not have central air they have a different

type of AC unit located in the ceiling of the main rooms and bedrooms they get

pretty cold once you figure out how to work the remotes but it can be

sweltering in the hallways in the summer reason number four my favorite thing in

Japan Japanese bathrooms Japanese bathrooms are awesome the shower is more

or less the entire bathroom if a drain in the middle of the floor

Japanese people bathe either in the tub or squatting on a stool with the shower

handle but the handle could be raised high to shower western-style

many people have the hi-tech toilets on steroids in Japan that can warm the seat

and provide a cleansing squirt of various temperatures intensities and

patterns for both the rear and other parts it's actually better for your body

to cleanse with water instead of continuously scrubbing wet paper reason

number 5 developing an appreciation for America another answer to the question

why this is Japan is that it will help you appreciate America I love America

but I have my fair share of Wellington the complaints about my first visit to

Tokyo part of me was expecting to be blown away by what the Japanese may be

doing better than us never before in my life what I have thought that upon

returning to my humble abode from Japan just south of Kissimmee and in Disney of

Davenport Florida that I would consider my home

curious a spoiled American that was completely naive to the pleasantries we

take for granted even amongst other first world nations actually came back

with a greater appreciation for America and all of its modern conveniences and

opportunities thanks for watching this video subscribe here for more videos

like this watch another video about Japan travel guide hacks here or in the

link below in the description watch another video from big trip Japan here

now is the time to be something greater I'll see you in the next day

For more infomation >> Reason Why You Should Travel To Tokyo Japan Guide Video 2018 – 5 Reasons 🇯🇵 🗾 🌏 - Duration: 7:10.


Filemón, Español, Video 38, Aplicación, Principios Biblicos - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> Filemón, Español, Video 38, Aplicación, Principios Biblicos - Duration: 6:24.


Not another New Years Resolutions Video - Duration: 5:01.

It's 2018, and Resolutions, you're DEAD to me!

Happy New Year?

Heyyo, it's the 9to5 MisFits, back again to help you change the game and kick ass in your careers, baby.

Since it's our first video of the year, we thought we'd start with the obvious topic


But, guess what!

We came up with our own system, baby!

Why? Because we're sick and tired of that same cliched advice that does not work!

So keep listening if you want to make a change that actually sticks.

So first of all, look to the past.

We're so busy trying to create new habits that we forget to actually look in the past

even though that's the most accurate data we have.

So take a look at your resolutions from last year.

How did you do on them? Terrible. Me too!

If you stuck with it through the whole year, what helped you do that?

And if you failed at it, why did you fail?

And how do you make sure you don't repeat the same pattern this year?

What were our resolutions last year?Mine was to be minimalistic and go vegan.

So I did really good on the Minimalist front.

But with that vegan thing ... well my parents came in October, and that went to sh&$% and

also I realized Cheese is the one that got away.

*Tu cheez badi hai mast mast* No, I quit cheese again.

What about you, Nammy?

Ok, so mine were to wake up early and work out.

So I kept up with the workout thing for like 4 months, and you know that's a BIG deal for me as it is.

But totally dropped off after that.

Ya, coz I realized that I started it at a time when I didn't have much going on work-wise

and no one was in town because it was over the holidays.

But then the minute work picked up and people came into the picture, just kaput!

I did do the waking up early thing, though, so I kept up with that.

And now, the most awaited magical misfit formula.



Have just 1 resolution. That's it, guys.

For example, look at all the things you want to accomplish - eating better, exercising, being more productive.

What do all those boil down to?


So (in this example) make Discipline your 1 resolution.

Coz once you do that, everything else will fall into place.

But ok, discipline is a really vague term So how do you make more specific goals around that?

Ooh pick meee!

No, you always go. Someone else this time!

Ok, kids. Take out a piece of paper or open up a Google Doc and split it into 4 sections.

I like how paper's for you, Google Doc for me.

1. The Resolution 2. Why 3. What Success looks like 4. How to Implement it.

Now, time to fill out all these sections starting with WHY.

So in this example, why are you picking discipline as your resolution?

Maybe it's because you'll structure your life in a way that allows you to workout, eat right,

be more productive, get more work done, have more time for relationships, and most importantly,

make that money, coz Desis!

Next section - What success looks like.

Here, think about what results you want to achieve.

And this should include big and small wins, guys.

So coming back to the discipline example, it might be reading books on how to implement discipline.

Or being able to create healthy habits like proper sleep, time management, eating right, duh!

You can get super specific like how many lbs you want to lose, how many books you want

to read, how many hours you want to sleep.

Uhh, a thousand!

Next, the HOW section.

So here you want to spell out exactly how you'll get to those results.

Look at each of those milestones from the previous section and now get even more specific.

For example, if you said I want to read 2 books on discipline, what are those exact

books, what are the start dates and end dates for each.

By the way, side note.

I'd highly recommend the book Essentialism - I'll put the link below.

Ok, so keep going down the list.

If I said 8 hours of sleep, I'll say when I'll go to sleep and when I'll wake up.

If I talk about exercise, what kind of workout program am I going to do?

How many days a week am I going to work out?

Now remember, do not, I reapeat DO NOT do these all at once because you WILL fail!

Try to stagger these out, guys, coz you have the entire year to achieve this.

Ok, so now for the cliched part. You ready?

Tell someone!

Seriously, you need at least 1 person to hold you accountable.

Mine's Oprah, obvis.

Tag them on this video coz you're obviously going to share it, riiight?

Ooh but take it one step further.

Get them to do the same thing - write down that 1 resolution and how they're going to get there.

And hey, if you want to tell more people, that's awesome too.

Coz that's more pressure to accomplish your goals, amirite?

That's kinda why this is a great platform for us, coz we have more incentive to get

to our goals too!

Ooh so maybe we should share our 2018 resolutions then.

So my BIG goal is to beef up my copywriting skills.

What about you, Pavi? Uh, make more money!

Oh hayy! You know it!

So what about you guys? What's your 1 resolution this year?


I knew it!

We'll see you next Tuesday with a brand new 5-minute hack!


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