Hello everybody, Gabriela from Tarot Wonderland here.
Thank you for joining me for another weekly reading.
This reading runs from January 30th to February 5th 2017.
This week I'm using the DaVinci Enigma Tarot.
I've never used this deck for one of our weekly readings before.
it is really special.
It's very unique.
You'll see when I turn the cards over.
It has a very quiet, subtle, deep energy about it.
I think you're going to like it ... so let's get on with the reading.
Our first card is Major Arcana 15.
It's called Pain and Pleasure in this deck but this would be The Devil in the Rider-Waite
As you can see, these cards are all based on Leonardo DaVinci's sketches.
They are amazing.
This deck comes with a just absolutely incredible book and I'm going to be reading you what
it says in the book as well as giving you my own interpretation because I was looking
through this book and it's written so beautifully I just wanted to read it to you.
So let me start off with what it says in the book first and then I'll get into my spin
on the card.
By the way, this card came up reversed for us and I'm showing you the card upright so
you can see the image.
This sketch is titled Two Men, Conjoined From the Waist.
It says, This extraordinarily curious image occurs in Leonardo's notebooks with the following
description: "Here are pleasure and pain together.
They are shown as twins because one is never separate from the other.
They are created back to back because they are opposites to each other, existing in the
very same body.
They share the same foundation, for pleasure's origin is labour with pain and pain's origins
are vain and wanton pleasures.
Pleasure is shown with a reed in his right hand to signify uselessness and lack of strength.
His twin is shown with a scourge in his hand representing pain."
It says for the reversed definition here: You become free from a bondage that has trapped
you in a nightmarish slavery.
You have the will and determination to overthrow temptations and tendencies of yourself and
others that have led you astray in the past.
By casting out fear, you access the power to live with energy and discernment.
How awesome is that.
So you see why I wanted to read the definition from the book to you because I could never
state that as eloquently myself.
Anyway ... so the sketch is showing a man that is two different ... two different sides
of this person exist in the same body.
That is very much what The Devil is about.
We all have our dark and our light sides.
Sometimes the dark side takes over ... we make negative choices.
We exhibit negative behaviours.
We can get into addictions, false belief systems, all of that.
Then we have our lighter side, which is all positive, where we're moving forward with
positivity and acting in a positive way and speaking positively and having positive beliefs.
We're constantly kind of ... it's like a balancing act.
We're humans, we all tend to tip one side more than the other at certain times, right?
Especially now, with the political climate and everything, but we're not going to
get into that in this reading.
So with this card reversed, what it's saying is that you are breaking free of some kind
of negative behaviour pattern.
Maybe you have been struggling with some kind of addiction and you are really doing well
with that.
You are well on your way to changing your habits and changing your lifestyle.
Maybe this has to do with diet and exercise, maybe it has to do with alcohol ... whatever
has been a negative substance or behaviour in your life, you are overcoming that.
You are realizing that you have the power to overcome it and you are not letting your
darker tendencies take you over as much as maybe they once did.
So this is great, this is a really great card and let's move on and see what else we get.
Our second card is Major Arcana 11.
It's titled Experience in this deck but this would be the Justice card in the Rider-Waite.
Isn't that image beautiful?
I just love how it's kind of ... smudgy and blurry and it's just so ... I don't know,
there's just a real lightness about it but anyway ... I will refer to the book again
and read you what it says here.
It says, this drawing ... oh, this sketch is titled, A Girl Points Into a Mysterious
This drawing from the end of Leonardo's life shows an enigmatic pointing girl gesturing
into an unknown region leaving us to explore the truth of experience.
Calling himself "the disciple of experience", Leonardo held that experience alone was the
common mother of all the sciences and arts.
It was in nature and in the observation of everyday experience that an artist might learn
what everything was about.
Those who failed to learn from their direct observation and experience were merely living
a lie, in Leonardo's book.
And it says for the upright definition here: Truth will prevail.
Balance and equity bring harmony to your project.
Honesty and integrity help establish the right of a matter.
Your own inner sense of rightness is justified.
Things fall in your favour.
Agreements, contracts, and legal matters have their outcome on your just desserts.
So again, this is a fabulous card.
Following that reversed Devil card, or Pain and Pleasure card as it's called in this deck,
I think this is an offshoot of that, of your taking a very positive outlook and taking
positive action.
You are reaping the rewards of that.
Good things are happening.
You are getting good things coming to you.
This could refer to a legal matter.
Justice often refers to legal issues.
So if you have something going on in court, or there's some kind of official or formal
dispute going on, it's showing you this is likely to go in your favour.
Again, the Justice card is about truth.
It's about living your truth and the truth coming to light in a good way.
So I think this card really flows well with that reversed Pain and Pleasure card or Devil
It's showing that good things are happening.
You are on a positive road and you are reaping the rewards of your actions.
Okay guys, our third card is the Page of Water or Page of Cups.
I think this is my favourite card of all three ... I love them all, of course, but this one
... there's just something about this that is so sweet.
When I looked at this card I just thought, this guy is just adorable.
:) I'll read you what it says in the book here.
This man that you see in the sketch was Gian Giacomo Caprotti, nicknamed Salai or Little
Devil, entered Leonardo's service in 1490 as a model and general assistant.
So this is a guy who used to work with Leonardo.
Salai was a roguish urchin who initially stole from his master but later became his trusted
How cool is that.
Here is what it says about the definition.
You are devoted, trustworthy and likeable, willing to be of service.
Apply yourself to research or study with loving enthusiasm.
It is appropriate to support someone or be a confidant.
Keep a light, playful attitude if you are starting a relationship.
Okay, so the Page of Cups is somebody who is very likeable.
Somebody who is really lovable.
A sensitive, sweet, naive maybe, innocent ... the kind of person who is very open about
themselves, who wears their heart on their sleeve.
They are incapable of hiding who they are.
They're just so expressive and just sweet and innocent and everybody loves them because
of that.
So, this is either you this week.
This is you feeling this way, feeling like a kid again, feeling like ... just very .. very
excited, adventurous, willing to try new things, willing to experience new things, loving to
be around people.
This could be you beginning a new relationship.
This could be a child as well.
Pages often refer to children or messengers.
This could be a message of love even, from somebody who is like this sending you a message
of love.
Valentine's Day is coming up so that could be coming into play here.
Or maybe you sending .. maybe you thinking about who you ... who your Valentine is.
It's just a very sweet card.
it's a beautiful card.
It's all about just being trusting and open and loving and innocent and enjoying life
and learning.
And just being open to everything.
So, let's put all three of these together and I'll sum up.
Okay guys, so looking at all three of these cards together, the first thing I notice when
I look at this spread is notice how the girl in that middle card ... the Experience card
or Justice card is pointing right at that Page of Water or Page of Cups.
It's like, showing a result because of truth that has come out or truth that you have acted
You have now become this Page of Cups or it is leading you to become this Page of Cups.
Or as a result of this, this Page of Cups is coming into your life.
And I think it's all due to that reversed Pain and Pleasure or Devil card at the beginning
of the spread showing a reversal or negative habits, of negative belief systems.
You taking control of that and you making the necessary changes.
You realizing your truth.
You being true to yourself and being honest with yourself and realizing, hey, this negative
behaviour has really held me back, or this negative situation has really held me back
and I need to change it.
And because you've made those changes, you have ... you might even be feeling like a
kid again with this Page of Water or Page of Cups card.
You could be feeling reborn and you've got such a positive outlook and such a positive
energy about you and people are responding to that.
Good things are coming to you as a result of that.
Another interpretation that I just got is that this spread could be calling your attention
to .... if you have been in a negative situation or engaged in negative behaviour ... with
that woman, that girl pointing at that Page of Water, it could represent a child in your
So it's telling you, she is pointing right at that child, at that Page of Cups.
It's drawing your attention to that.
This negative situation or this negative behaviour has really affected your child.
She is pointing at that ... she is emphasizing that for you.
So it's telling you that a child in your life is really being affected by this and this
situation needs to be changed.
It needs to be reversed.
It's very important.
So if you haven't already made these changes, that could be affecting your child.
This spread is telling you urgently, you need to do that.
It is just.
It's about justice.
It's not fair for this child to witness this stuff or be around it.
So you need to change.
You need to make changes in order to be fair to your child and to give your child that
justice .... that fairness in their life.
Yeah, this reading suddenly became kind of heavy.
There is this interpretation to it.
It could even have to do with abuse.
I'm getting a feeling like, this child is witnessing something that's going on and it's
I don't know if this child is being directly abused or if they're witnessing abuse or if
they ... just stuff is going on around them that is not good for them to see.
It's not a good environment for them to grow up in.
So if that's the case, this spread is calling your attention to that.
It might not be you.
It might be somebody in your family or somebody you know who's in that situation and you kind
of know about it peripherally.
This reading is calling your attention to that and telling you this child needs help.
The child needs somebody to do something because their innocence is being compromised here.
They are not ... they're not getting a chance to be a child.
I think that's one really strong message I'm getting from this reading.
So if this is not you, if you suspect .. if there's somebody that you know or is in your
life that you suspect that something is going on negatively that's affecting a child, I
would look into that more.
I would definitely look into that and see what you can do about it because this child
may really need help.
But the Justice card is in the upright position so it's positive.
It's showing a good outcome here.
So .. yeah, I'll just leave it there but that's one thing I definitely wanted to say because
I just suddenly got that spin on it.
If this is not referring .... if this is not resonating with you, if it doesn't refer to
you, then what I'm seeing here is really positive changes that you are making that are leading
to a whole new outlook and a very bright .. a very bright, sunny future for you with this
Page of Water card coming in here.
It's showing you completely turning something around that was previously very negative and
very stifling and very stagnating and really detrimental to you.
You've turned that around and as a result you are getting your just rewards, good stuff
is coming to you, and you are feeling like a brand new person and you've got a really
positive outlook.
So that's awesome.
So that's it you guys, that's our weekly reading.
I hope you enjoyed the reading and that this is helpful to you and that it resonated with
Do join me again on Wednesday for our You Pick the Card draw.
I hope you guys are enjoying those.
And if by any chance you would like to order a personal reading with me, I will put my
website link below.
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It's a lot of fun over there and yeah ... so thank you very much for joining me.
All the best to you.
Enjoy your week.
I will see you again soon.
Bye for now.
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