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Roblox by tao tao 1472ep3 - Duration: 14:01.-------------------------------------------
Transformers Legends LG35 Super Ginrai (Takara Tomy) - Duration: 24:28.Hello boys and girls, young and old. Welcome to yet another action figure video review.
Today we'll take a look at Transformers Legends LG35 Super Ginrai from Takara Tomy!
And as you can see, Ginrai comes with a medium box. You see him here in his vehicle mode.
Here you see his Headmaster. Top and right, Takara Tomy.
A nice artwork of Ginrai over here, in his robot mode.
On the top side and bottom side of the box, nothing special.
On the side of the box you see Ginrai in all of his modes.
On the other side a nice artwork of him in his robot mode.
And on the back side of the box you see him in all of his modes.
Enough with the box, let's see the accessories of the figure now.
Super Ginrai comes with this leaflet.
He comes with the instructions, here they are.
Tech specs on the other side of the instructions.
Here you see a small story about Ginrai.
On the other side you see his transformation.
Enough with the accessories of the figure, let's see the figure from close now.
And here we have, ladies and gentlemen, Super Ginrai in his vehicle mode.
As you see, he rolls fine.
He has ten wheels. They are made of plastic. They're not made of rubber.
This is the storage place for his weapons. You can also store them here on the sides.
You can also combine them. You can also open these bits.
A deluxe figure cannot fit in here but a legends class figure can fit in here.
The cabin can turn this much. That's very good.
Finally, you can open these bits from here. As you can see, his Headmaster is stored in here.
This is it.
So this is his Headmaster.
This is the face of Ginrai. It's nice, a typical Headmaster figure.
And a size comparison. Here you see Super Ginrai next to Legends Blurr.
Blurr is a deluxe class figure. Super Ginrai is a leader class figure.
You can see the difference.
So let's see his transformation now. My buddy Stefanos is near me who will show you the transformation. Stefanos?
- Hello from me as well. Most of the leader class figures from this toyline are triple changers.
Super Ginrai has a base mode. In the cartoon he didn't have this mode but anyway.
So let's see his base mode now. First, open these bits from here.
Disconnect his arms.
Rotate them upwards, like this. Bring the cabin backwards.
Rotate this stand from here. Bring this bit up so it won't get in our way.
Bring these bits down. Disconnect the legs. Open them slightly.
Rotate this piece like this.
Rotate the leg like this.
And bend it like this. And bring these pieces down. Close this piece as well.
Bring the toe to the front. The heel also.
One side is ready. Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Bring this piece down. Let me lift this piece up as well.
Place the two guns here.
These guns are stored in the hands of Super Ginrai.
You can place the Headmaster in here.
So this is the base mode. Nothing special, they just included it for something extra.
It has the typical pegs where you can place the Powermaster. The Headmaster, sorry.
Or you can place it in the guns. The typical functions.
So let's see his robot mode now. Remove the guns.
Rotate the legs. Bring the heels back.
Bring this bit down. Rotate the foot like this. Rotate this piece to the front. And bring it up, like this.
And now bring the heel down again. These pieces will wrap around the leg.
It has a peg here, it will connect in here.
One leg is ready. Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Bring the legs down. Open this piece. Bring the torso up.
Close this piece. Bring this bit up so it will give some space to the cabin.
Bend it slightly. Rotate it. Bring this piece down.
Bring the cabin in here. Open these pieces.
Bring the head out.
Fold this piece inwards. Close these pieces again.
Bring the chest up. It will tab on the sides.
As for his arms...bring this panel backwards, it will tab in here.
Compress the arms inwards. And this piece will stay backwards, like this.
Rotate the fist to the correct side. Bring the arm down.
Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Place the guns here on the sides.
Take the Headmaster. Transform it. Place it on the body.
And bring the mask down. And Super Ginrai is ready in his robot mode.
- So this is Super Ginrai in his robot mode. I must admit that I like this version more.
It's more cartoon accurate. The representation of Super Ginrai from the Takara version is more cartoon accurate.
As for his articulation...his head can rotate 360 degrees, it doesn't move up and down.
The arms can rotate 360 degrees. You can bring these panels up, like this.
The arms can move up and down, they rotate at the elbow, bend at the elbow, there is also wrist rotation.
There's no waist rotation. The legs can move back and forth, up and down, they rotate at the thighs.
They bend at the knee, the toe can move slightly up and down, left and right.
Also, the heel can move only upwards because of the transformation.
Well, the articulation is not bad.
The only drawback on the figure is that his legs disconnect sometimes when you "play" with them.
Also, he doesn't have waist rotation. I don't know if such thing
could bother someone but as a leader class figure, he could have waist rotation.
Also, he can hold his guns very easily.
He can also store them in here.
Or you can store them here on the back. And they will look like this.
Ok, the storage place exists but I think he looks better when he holds his weapons.
So let's see a size comparison now.
Here is Super Ginrai next to a voyager class figure, Generations Roadbuster, and next to a deluxe class figure Generations Hardhead.
Here is Super Ginrai next to Masterpiece MP10 Optimus Prime.
As you can see, Super Ginrai is a liiiitle bit taller than MP10.
And here is Super Ginrai next to Mastermind Creations Overlord. As I told you before, Super Ginrai is a leader class figure.
So let's transform Super Ginrai back into his vehicle mode, Stefanos?
- First, remove his weapons. Remove his Headmaster as well.
Disconnect the chest. Open these pieces. Put the head inside here.
Close these pieces again. Bring the cabin up.
Bring this piece a little bit out and then bring it up.
Rotate the cabin 180 degrees. These pegs will tab in these holes here.
Bring this piece down. Bring this piece up so it won't get in our way.
Bring the legs up, like this. We will work on the bottom section now.
Open these pieces like this. Close the heel.
Open this piece. Rotate it backwards. Now close it. This piece will be stored in here.
As you can see.
Open this piece. Rotate this piece in this direction. Connect it.
And leave it like this for the time being. Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Now connect the legs.
Bring the chest-piece down and bring these side-bits up so it will be stored in here.
His arms now. Disconnect them. Rotate the fist in this direction. Extend it.
Excuse me.
Bring this panel down. This one as well. And bring the arm down, like this.
Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Now connect the arms. These bits will tab in here.
It's a little bit hard to line up everything.
Close these side-bits like this, they will tab in here.
This is the only drawback. It has very soft plastic over here and with some pressure it will disconnect.
Close these bits as well. Place the weapons.
Transform the Headmaster. Place him on here so he can look forward. :P
Let me put these weapons as well.
And Super Ginrai is back into his vehicle mode.
- Final thoughts... Super Ginrai is a very nice figure.
For sure I prefer the Takara version over the Hasbro one. It's more cartoon accurate.
His drawbacks are: he doesn't have waist rotation and the legs disconnect easily if you 're messing with them.
Other than that, he has very simple transformation, the plastic quality is normal, it has some hollow parts here and there
but ok, I find it logical because of the engineering that it has. That's all from me, Stefanos?
- Personally, I liked this figure very much. I don't care if he doesn't have waist rotation.
As for his legs, indeed, I'd prefer that they would be connected more securely so they won't disconnect so easily.
As for the truck mode, as you saw during the transformation,
he has some issues with the trailer if you push them too much because his trailer is hollow.
Generally, I am satisfied with the result and how cartoon accurate he is.
Thank you all for watching, if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment or hit the like button and subscribe.
We are Stathis and Stefanos, and until next time, I'll see you around! :)
Are Runescape Players Going To Be Banned For This? Rank 1 OSRS Harassed Live, P Mod Scandal? - Duration: 11:46.j
ladies and gentlemen I want all of you
to be really really careful with what
you do and how you play the game because
you may run the risk of being banned and
you don't even know it yet so the one in
control itself down it will move the
mouse a certain number of pixels when i
press the key
this is that windows marques has always
worked people have been using windows
nice keys for over a decade in runescape
and they've always said that it's
acceptable to use Windows monkeys and it
does allow you to jump a certain number
of pixels instantaneously with a single
key press so i can go like this and i
can drop inventory that quickly that is
using Windows mouth keys see every has
windows muskies settings right here have
one ski turned on and you can adjust
hope for the most will move by the
adjusting the slider so if i move it
over to here and hit apply then when i
right click and drop to undergo but look
further down this
well mr. automatic g and others i
believe you guys should all be careful
because you can still get bad for this
to make it clear and understandable to
everybody we have to come out of this
world which was basically you can only
use box under mouse keys that you get
your operating system mainly because the
whole point about miles keys was that it
was that help people have difficulty
using a mouse difficulty playing on the
computer to actually access the game if
not there to help people play the game
easier is there for people who find
difficulties more salt difficult to play
the game are in a normal way to access
the game and just basically behind it so
yeah that is why we got to where we are
and I think that's gonna be people upset
yeah we understand that when we see
honored with particular a lot of people
upset with a decision but the end the
day we've got to think about what's best
for the game the team we're going to
think about what's best for the longtime
successfully a long-term health of the
game this is what we think is the best
thing to out that one really has to hurt
because in terms not only are you
shopping people playing the game
regularly you're also kind of taking the
make of disabled people because mouse
keys like Mikey just said is met with
people who maybe have
a difficulty accessing the mouse or
maybe people who can't access the mouse
and the fact that you are tampering into
this and not only are you doing this but
you're doing it to abuse the game and
not only shaft regular players but to
also make the game more XP its kind of
shameful isn't it
now the problem with people like this is
that the only one here
what they want to hear oh my god mouse
keys allowed
ok maybe because the whole point about
my house keys was that it was that
helping to have difficulty using a mouse
difficulty playing on the computer to
actually access to guys if not that help
people play the game easier if not that
help people play the game easier if not
there to help people play the game
easier so i can abuse it
no they said mouse keys allowed to play
he didn't say you could abuse it now
that's why that's my warning to you guys
so if you guys do what automatic geez
doing and you guys start getting banned
i want you
it looks exactly the same as a bottle
was like them so so suddenly thought
what we've effectively done with HK by
allowing it to be used as we've created
this legitimate way of Boston because
the impact is exactly the same as the
ball so why does my k exactly say that
this is like using a bot well take a
look at this part of automatic geez
video explaining the clarifications
between HK and mouse keys that is
acceptable to use Windows monkeys and it
does allow you to jump a certain number
of pixels instantaneously with a single
key press so i can go like this and i
can drop inventory that quickly that is
using Windows mouth keys he ever has
windows muskies settings right here have
one is already turned on and you can
adjust how far the most move by
adjusting the slider so if i move over
here and hit apply then when i right
click and drop down it'll go like
further down in the drop-off so when
automatically make statements like jagex
is clueless and doesn't know what
they're talking about in which she did
apologize for being you know grood in
his new video i will link that down
below but it's the point that
you are not understanding what he's
trying to tell you guys that literally
time to tell you guys who are abusing
the game to stop abusing the game and to
play it normally you literally said in
the video that you're using mouse keys
to now make your mouse jumped down a
student pixel that removes the whole
purpose of clicking on this game because
that is unhuman like do you see how fast
you dropping your inventory a regular
player can't do that because that the
human and they're playing the game
normally because when your mouse is
jumping down a student pixel and it will
jump down the same pixel every single
time you click it you just removed
because when you move your mouth moving
it up and down running around like a
no human can mimic the same action over
and over again that is why I take
someone so long to drop the inventory of
items because i have to look at it
clicking up to make sure they're
clicking right and that's why takes them
so long but when you have a program with
your position to the top of your
inventory and then you spam button and
it drops a whole row that is abuse dude
its abuse that is why mark my case that
it looks like body because you guys are
automating the same movement of your
mouth every single time you press one
button like that of a box that's how
about work right bad Bart anyway good
boxwood randomized their movements looks
like the human being but a bad but would
repeat the same action over and over and
over again that is what you guys are
essentially doing and that is
essentially what he means not only are
you shafting players who played a game
regularly and spit in the face kind of
because you're abusing the system and
for disabled people but you're also just
like being oblivious to the fact of what
jagex is trying to tell you
so if you do get that to this I want you
anyway I do believe i'm done with these
kind of people because one thing I've
realized about them is that they're not
really reasonable people at all because
when i did read my frustration in
automatic use video she simply replied
by saying well guys i just wanted to let
you know that what you said was kind of
misinforming and I just want to clarify
and wherever know what I'm doing is tree
I don't really care about that's kind of
what he told me and it's also kind of
hypocritical because eight months ago he
was I believe complaining that jagex
wanted to add like a new wood cutting
tree and that would give really really
good XP is kind of
about that which is kind of hypocritical
because i want you guys to save people
abusing the game with HK scripts and you
know mouse key not only is but he was
also upset about a new training method
in 0 involved in crafting which would be
really really a of cable
he was also upset with that because i
believe he's got a lot of encrypting XP
and the fact that people would be
getting more XP that he did in the past
kind of upset him and he didn't find
that fair when again you're still
abusing HK so I I guess that's kind of
hypocritical but yeah that's the first
story that we're going to talk about is
his new video and I guess people are
kind of set at that because he did make
a new video clarifying the whole
difference between HK mouse keys but
people were kind of upset because not
only abusing this but he's also kind of
being hypocritical him and other people
that share the same view and who also
upset about the new update its kind of
like they only want updates to happen
that only benefit them if jagex gives an
update to panic for everyone they don't
want it when I guess tried to take day
abuse of the game they get upset so
that's just the people with the way here
so again i'm done with them i guess
there's no point it's just not it's just
not that we're not dealing with
reasonable people I guess what guys
welcome to another episode of runners
what we do have a bunch of stuff going
on if you're interested when items you
should comment something down below and
to give this video a like and let's talk
about the news so the first thing I
believe we should talk about is linux
tighten the number-one runescape player
in all of old-school he had the most XP
and I believe he's the most efficient
according to the XP he has and he's
today for the first time decided to
stream over on twitch which went
horribly because people were crashing
him as you can see he's doing something
I believe I don't know what it's called
i think it's called three take uh
woodcutting don't quote me on this but
it involves birds attacking you and you
clicking on the tree i don't i'm gonna
talk about what I think this is fair not
because i'm pissed off a lot of people
but the point is people were crashing
him because people were killing the
birds that he you know that was helping
him do this technique is doing so he had
you know and the stream which sucked i
feel bad for him
I hope you're streets again it's really
really interesting watching him because
the way he plays the game is pretty much
unique what he does is really really
cool and a lot of people agree with that
and the fact that the place had to ruin
you know it sucks next now we're gonna
be talking about is a potential corrupt
player moderator on the loose and it's
kind of a weird and funny story because
it involves a dicing clan on old school
runescape and some of your like wait did
in a bad dicing years ago
yes they did but for some reason dicing
clients still exist but they got bad
like every single dates kind of I don't
know how to get away with it they have
like mules it's really a complex thing
but these guys got into some beef huh
with a player moderator because
apparently they will play they were
paying this player moderator money to
meet people i guess they fell out or
something they got to you know do a bit
of a disagreement and now these guys are
exposing each other i believe the player
moderators like getting abs he banned
over and over again and I believe
they're exposing the player moderator
for taking bribes to meet people
now someone on Twitter sent me a lot of
information about this video URL link as
much information down below so you guys
can check out this crazy and weird a
twilight story is pretty interesting and
pretty funny and it's also weird that
this same play a moderator had some
stuff to say about be I guess the guy
who sent me the information said look
I'm going to show the soap dice and that
that play moderate got upset and beside
talking crap about me
wow ok nice i hope you lose your play
moderator status your mother fuka but
yeah that basically conclusions episode
of really hope you guys enjoyed is your
host dies by tuning out oh no let's talk
about the giveaway section alright let's
make this brief so there's tons of
Giveaways going on on this channel some
of the winners from yesterday one of
them won a Robin Hood had the other guy
won a nominal play or chest which is
amazing and i do believe the runescape 3
when they're only one at over how well
you know that kind of sucks sorry about
that buddy but with that being said
let's go ahead and quickly picked New
and so the one of today we're gonna be
using the random comment comment
generated the winner is laser he says
stop advertising you stop advertising
your garbage as giveaways most of the
people watching you don't play runescape
oh i thought you all he's not hating
okay i don't--hey was like hey even
still behaving i think i might still
give it to him but I don't know this guy
plays and i will see our messages you
want to win and the winner of the old
school giveaway is someone who says well
what about fletching with
a touchpad because you guys know you can
spam your touchpad with your fingers all
day and you can you know get XP haha is
all i'm going to say about that yeah if
any of you are confused how to give
works i have a video down below which
will give you most of the information
you need to know by entering a simple
all you gotta do is like this video and
comment down below that simple up guys
enjoy your day life
Big Band, Arrangement, Head-Arrangement verständlich erklärt (Musik) - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
[ENG] #LuHan interview from Tencent Video after CCTV 2017 Spring Festival Gala - Duration: 3:45.Hello everyone I'm LuHan. Here I pay a New Year call to you, wish you all lucky and healthy in the Year of the Rooster.
And most importantly hope things will go smoothly as you wish.
(Could you tell us when you were invited to join the Spring Festival Gala, what was your first reaction or feeling?)
Well… Of course happy, and very excited, and hoped I could perform well this year.
Because previously I… Because after all the stage of the Spring Festival Gala is quite large, and many people wish to perform on it, me included.
I feel honored and excited, and my parents can see me on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala on TV.
(Your partner is William Chan. Are there any sparkles between you two in this cooperation?)
Yes, I think it is a pleasant experience to cooperate with William this time.
This song was also originally had made by him, and our collaborated song is performed right at the time of the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland.
This song was rearranged – one of the songs of our big brother Andy Lau – "Love you for Ten Thousand Years". And during our discussion we thought…
He rearranged this song into the style of a band, and then we thought how to perform it in a youthful way on the stage,
to make the old song full of vitality, and we added some gestures. We had pleasant discussions. Yes, we cooperated very well.
(Since you are joining the Spring Festival Gala this year, you cannot go home and celebrate Chinese New Year with your family. Will your family feel sorry or pitiful?)
No I can go home. After going off the stage I can get in the car directly, and in 15 minutes' time I'll be home, haha, and I can also have dumplings in time, because I am lucky, and my home in just in Beijing.
(So will your family get the New Year's Eve dinner ready and wait for you to have the meal together?)
Definitely yes I think, right, if they don't… maybe I were not their biological child… no no no, haha, just kidding just kidding.
(How long will your Spring Festival holiday be?)
Well… as long as our national Spring Festival holiday, is it? Yes.
(How will you spend it? Because the performance is done now, and how will you spend the next a few days?)
I think I just stay at home during holidays. At most visit relatives and hand out red packets. Finally it's my turn to hand out red packets, yes.
(Did you receive many red packets in childhood?)
Yes, and I can understand, understand the feeling when you receive a red packet. It is your pocket money, right.
(So when they meet you, do you think they'll be happier to see you, or to receive your red packet?)
According to my previous thoughts… I think red packets will make them happier, right.
(In 2016 you make many achievements in many aspects. Could you tell us your expectations and plans in 2017?)
In 2017, I haven't thought much yet.
In 2017 I think… music, I'll focus on music first, and then films… for films and TV works, I hope I can do well in this field too,
and act some roles that are, like repeatedly said before, totally different from, or in contrast to me. Right, I hope my acting skills can be further improved.
(Take some examples of roles that are different from you?)
Well… no more singers, yes, I don't want to act as singers any more, or get hit by a car, hahaha,
because I've been hit for many times… and no more scenes of playing the guitar. I want to act common roles, small potatoes, or bad guys, I won't say no to villain roles either.
Cocktail parrots Video In Pakistan 😍 - Duration: 1:09.Thanks For Watching &Subscribe My Channel
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