Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 1, 2017

Waching daily Jan 29 2017

Ah, Adidas, the brand of choice for slavs across the world.

It's kind of ironic once you realize that the brand was started by a German guy named

Adolf, but hey, that's life.

What'll surprise you even more is the fact that Puma was started by the same family.

That's why, this week on Behind the Business, we'll be looking at the dramatic history

of Germany's premiere sportswear brand, Adidas.

Our story starts in the early 1920's, in the quiet Bavarian town of Herzogenaurach.

The town was a shoemaker's delight, and many of its former textile mills had been

converted into shoe workshops.

In fact, out of the town's 3500 residents, there were 112 cobblers.

One of them was 20-year-old Adolf "Adi" Dassler, the poor son of a shoemaker and a

laundry worker.

His family was too poor to give him a formal education and so he had to follow in his father's

footsteps by making shoes.

The years after World War 1, however, were some of the harshest in recent memory, and

it was hard to make a living as a cobbler.

Adi couldn't even afford a dedicated working area, and so had to do his business from the

back of his mother's laundry.

Electricity was so unreliable that Adi had to power his machines by hooking them up to

his bike and pedalling.

The materials for the shoes themselves were also expensive.

To make ends meet, Adi had to scavenge leftover military equipment from the war.

He repurposed everything he could get his hands on, from military uniforms to sacks

and vehicle tires.

Adi's first products were bedroom slippers, with rubber soles made from tires.

As an ardent sports fan, however, Adi had always wanted to make sporting shoes.

He experimented by adding small metal cleats and spikes to his footwear in the hopes of

creating something sports-worthy.

Just as Adi was starting to making a name for himself, he was joined by his brother

Rudolf in 1924.

Rudolf was two years older and had formal education, which made him the star of the


He was also more experienced, having previously worked at a porcelain factory and a leather

enterprise in Nuremberg.

Rudolf was a charismatic, extroverted salesperson who was very successful in making good deals

and getting customers.

The two Dassler brothers made great partners and together they started a joint enterprise

called "die Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik".

With Adi handling production and Rudi doing the marketing, their business became very


By 1926, their sports shoes had become popular enough to allow the Dasslers to finally move

out of their mother's laundry and to build an actual workshop.

Adi and Rudolf's father joined them at this new location and together with about a dozen

other employees, the brothers were now capable of producing up to 100 pairs of shoes every


Adi was eager to expand beyond Bavaria, and to this end he took it upon himself to visit

every major sporting event he could find to get athletes to try out his footwear.

His efforts paid off and in the 1928 Olympics in Amsterdam, Dassler shoes graced the feet

of many top German athletes.

Adi's shoes appeared again in the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles, this time worn by sprinter

Arthur Jonath.

Arthur managed to win several medals, proving that the Dassler's shoes were worthy of

even the best athletes.

This Olympic success gave the brand great recognition, and so Adi decided that, for

the 1936 Olympics, he'd want to sponsor nothing less than a gold-medalist.

Adi packed his best shoes and personally drove to the Olympic Village in Berlin, where he

talked to the American runner Jesse Owens a few days before the Olympics.

It's a mystery how, but Adi managed to convince Owens to wear his shoes in the competition.

When Owens ended up winning four gold medals, Adi was beyond ecstatic.

The Dassler brand continued its stellar performance in the 1930s, and to gain the government's

support Adi and Rudolf ended up joining the Nazi Party.

Unfortunately for them though, that other Adolf decided to invade Poland, and once the

war got underway demand for civilian goods plummeted.

By December 1943 Germany was starting to lose on the Eastern Front and in desperation it

began repurposing the few civilian enterprises left, among which was the Dassler business.

Their shoe factory ended up producing anti-tank weapons - the much feared "panzerschrecks".

In April 1945, however, Herzogenaurach received a healthy dose of liberty in the form of the

advancing American troops.

The Americans initially wanted to destroy the Dassler factory, but Adi's wife somehow

managed to convince the soldiers that they actually just wanted to make shoes.

Eventually, the Americans stationed near the town became one of the company's first international

clients, especially once they heard of Dassler's link to Jesse Owens.

Despite their business surviving relatively intact, World War 2 devastated the German

economy and the Dasslers had to go back to scavenging old war materials.

Sometimes workers didn't even get paid in currency, but rather through barter with items

like firewood or yarn.

Most serious of all, however, was the immense personal schism that ocurred between Adi and


While the exact reason for their falling out remains a mystery, the most prominent theory

is that Rudolf thought Adi had informed on him during the war, which eventually landed

Rudolf in an Allied POW camp for several years.

Whatever the cause, World War 2 ended up causing irreversible damage to the Dasslers' relationship

and in 1948 Rudolf left the family business.

He took a large part of the workforce with him, and assumed control of what was supposed

to be a new factory building.

Thus, he founded Puma and vowed to never speak to Adi again.

The rivalry spread to the town itself, and to this day citizens of Herzogenaurach are

known as "Bent Necks" for their tendency to crane their necks to look at what shoes

other people are wearing.

The supporters of the two brands became very territorial, since each enterprise was situated

on opposite sides of the river.

Depending on their allegiance, workers claimed various bars, restaurants, and even schools.

Adi renamed his share of the enterprise to Adidas and focused on technical innovations

and sponsorships.

He would end up revolutionizing shoe designs for a variety of sports while giving away

his best creations to star athletes and Olympians.

Adidas made their big break in the US during the 1950's, and over time their fame trickled

down from professional sports into everyday life.

Puma was also doing well, but the Dassler brothers continued to hate each other with

a passion.

Their feud would haunt them to their graves, and today each brother is buried at an opposite

side of the Herzogenaurach cemetery.

Adi died in 1978, and that's when Adidas finally started to lose some of its steam.

They lost ground in North America to upstarts like Nike and Reebok, and in 1989 they were

forced into bankruptcy after losing nearly $80 million.

Ownership of the company passed through several French businessmen until 1993, when Robert

Louis-Dreyfus managed to restore the brand by moving production to Asia.

Under his guidance, Adidas staged a dramatic reappearance in the US in the late 1990's,

despite stiff competition.

Since then, their sales have been steadily rising and they've acquired several other

brands, most notably Reebok in 2005.

Recently they've taken notice of the growing role of technology in sports and in 2015 they

made a landmark acquisition by buying the fitness tech company Runtastic for $240 million.

Despite the fair amount of twists and turns in their rise to fortune, Adidas has definitely

secured its place as one of the great German enterprises of the modern age.

Thanks for watching and a big thank you to all our supporters on Patreon.

If you want to vote on which company we do next or if you'd like early access to our

future videos, do check out our Patreon page, where your support will be more than welcome.

You should also check out our subreddit, where we hang out quite frequently to talk to you


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In case you missed it it, do check out our previous video on the history of the Trump

family business, from its origin in rural Germany to its rise as a billion dollar real

estate empire.

You can also check out the full Behind the Business playlist, in case you'd like to

see some of our older videos.

Once again, thanks a lot for watching, and as always: stay smart.

For more infomation >> Adidas: A Tale of Sneakers, Bazookas, and the Olympics - Duration: 8:14.


10 Awkward Fails Streamed Live by Mistake - Duration: 8:25.

10 Awkward Moments Streamed Live by Mistake

Sure, we've all done something embarrassing before, most of us on multiple occasions.

We get into fights for the wrong reasons, say things we regret, and write awkward love

letters or bad fan fiction.

It's a part of being human.

But thanks to the magic of the internet, the mistakes that we used to be able to quietly

live down can now be preserved forever, for the entertainment of the masses.

We're not a hundred percent sure why it's so fascinating to see other people at their

most awkward, but it sure is.

So here, submitted for everyone's enjoyment, are ten of our favorite awkward moments streamed

live by mistake.

Too Much Now, look: we don't blame the popular live

streamer KittyPlays for getting excited when one of her followers sends her a truly enormous

four-figure donation.

That kind of money is enough to make anybody jump up and down for joy!

But what makes this clip so awkward is the way she processes the overwhelming emotions

of her sudden windfall.

Over the course of several minutes, she shrieks in higher and higher tones until her voice

cracks, curls up in a ball and mutters "no, no, no" over and over again, and rolls around

on the floor, among other antics.

Don't get us wrong: it's heartwarming to know that KittyPlays has stumbled into such good


But at the same time, her extended inability to come to grips with it quickly becomes about

as comfortable to watch as a supercut of politicians hugging each other.

Bathroom Break It's one thing to be a bit out of it after

some heavy drinking.

Alcohol is a depressant, after all.

It makes people tired and slows their response times.

But one live streamer took blackout drunk to a whole new level of awkward embarrassment

in this video clip.

After drinking on camera and then falling asleep for a while, he seems to wake up when

he gets a phone call – but it quickly becomes clear that he's not entirely lucid, as he

stands up, opens his fly, and proceeds to pee all over his own keyboard.

Thankfully, viewers can't actually see any of the explicit details – but the sound

is unmistakable, and thanks to his webcam, the shame is everlasting.

Trash Fire You'd think that 40 years of life would confer

some amount of common sense, but this streamer is living proof that age and wisdom don't

always go hand in hand.

A Japanese streamer, Yoshihiro Mazda, was a product reviewer who decided to review a

lighter for his audience.

With the camera running, Mazda tosses a lighter fluid-soaked tissue in the trash, tries to

light a match, catches the entire matchbox on fire, and throws the still-burning match

and the flaming box in two different places, making it impossible to keep an eye on both

fires at once.

The results are as predictable as they are awkward – The garbage behind him catches

while he's looking at the other flame, and things quickly spiral out of control.

Soon he tries to extinguish the trash fire, but his efforts are unsuccessful.

Reports from Japan indicate that the fire eventually spread to three apartments.

In fact, one woman eventually died in the blaze.

Let this be a lesson: if you're too awkward to know what to do with a lit match, don't

play with fire.

Cringe Fight!

People don't look good when they lose their cool.

They either come off seeming rude and unpleasant, or belligerent and aggressive.

So what could be more uncomfortable than a live streaming video with both kinds of awkwardness?

In this infamous clip, the e-sports streaming channel ESL is running a talk show-style discussion

of a Starcraft 2 tournament, when one of the hosts, Paul Chaloner, notices that someone

is about to walk in front of the camera by accident.

The host quickly warns the man not to block the camera, but the warning comes too late,

and the man walks by without realizing he's stepped in front of a live show.

It's over quickly enough, though Paul has the bright idea of calling the guy an idiot,

which makes him come off as a bit of a jerk.

But that's not the end of it – after hearing the insult, the screen-crosser comes right

back up to the host, leans into his face, and starts getting into it.

Paul keeps his cool, but refuses to acknowledge that he said anything rude, making the other

guy even angrier.

Between Paul's obvious discomfort and the interloper's unnecessary anger, the clip is

enough to make any viewer squirm.

Candid Camera Bjergsen is a popular competitive League of

Legends player and Twitch streamer who suffered a very awkward moment while live streaming

at his family home.

Unaware that her son's camera is on, Bjergsen's mother, who's apparently just finished with

a shower, walks past his room and stops briefly to check on him.

Unfortunately, she's in her underwear when she does so.

Of course, it's not unusual for someone to be dressed down in their own house, but Bjergsen

finds himself in an extremely awkward situation, getting embarrassed on his mother's behalf,

since a lot of people are watching and she doesn't know it.

He shoos her away and quickly pushes his door shut, but he's still clearly mortified.

At least he has a laugh about it afterward.

Accidental Exhibitionist Boys do it.

Girls do it.

Most people old enough to think about it do it at least sometimes.

But much like what we do while we're sitting on the toilet, what we do when we're feeling

frisky is something most of us keep strictly private.

So we can only imagine the embarrassment that Twitch streamer Darksyde Phil felt when he

decided to limber up for his daily streaming session with a quick... uh, massage, and only

realized afterward that his webcam had been on the whole time.

Mercifully, nothing can be seen on camera except Phil's head, shoulders, and forearms,

but even watching those parts of him in motion is still more than enough for a viewer's imagination

to fill in the blanks.

Darksyde Phil took his embarrassment in stride, and we're glad for that.

But it's still unbearably awkward to even think about.

Hardware Fail Twitch user Silent Sentry, like many Twitch

gamers, has been known to use silly gimmicks to encourage donations.

At the time of this awkward moment, his gimmick was putting on a horse-head mask and spinning

around a stripper pole beside his chair.

It sounds embarrassing, but since Silent Sentry was doing it on purpose, it was all in good


However, the gimmick – and Silent Sentry- soon fell flat when he jumped up in his horse

mask for a quick spin around the pole, and the pole came loose, crashing into his gaming

rig and cutting short the festivities.

Maybe next time, he'll spend some of the attention he gives his fans on doing a better job installing

his props.

Epic Freak-out Outlast isn't a game for the faint of heart.

It's a horror title full of dark spaces, creepy rooms, and some of the most startling jump

scares in the genre.

Many a streamer has been laid low by the sudden shock as a ghoulish horror pops up seemingly

from nowhere in the pitch darkness and viciously attacks them.

And let's be honest: if you've played Outlast, you know this monster attack is such a good

scare that anybody would jump.

Some people might even yell.

But one man went overboard into straight-up awkward territory when his character was ambushed,

flailing wildly before jumping completely free of his chair and screaming "what is

that?!" at his computer.

Dude, it's a horror game.

What did you expect?

School's In Session Nobody gets along with their folks a hundred

percent of the time.

But – much like yelling at children in the grocery store – it's bad form to disrespect

one's parents in public view, especially when the parent in question is clearly on the right

side of the fight.

That's what makes this clip of the Twitch streamer Rexy so incredibly awkward.

Rexy has told his mother that he's too sick to go to school, but he's actually just making

up an excuse to get more time to sit at home and stream games.

Needless to say, mom quickly discovers what he's up to and schools him all on her own,

threatening to rip all the wires out of his computer if he doesn't get right back into


What makes this exchange even worse is that Rexy fights back despite having no good excuse,

coming across as lazy, petulant and disrespectful.

Ouch, dude.

Not a good look.

Native American For those who don't know, Poe's Law is a truism

that states that it's impossible to make an online parody that at least some people won't

think is serious.

In other words, on the internet, it's really hard to tell when someone's joking, unless

they come right out and say they are.

That brings us to Twitch streamer AshleyMarieL, whose replies to viewer questions seem to

prove Poe's Law.

They're so unbelievably dense that she... she must be joking... right?

Our favorite gaffe comes when someone asks her if she's Native American, and she mixes

up the term with North American, talking about how she obviously must be, because they're

playing on an "NA" server.

She goes on to make all kinds of other embarrassing mistakes, but the way she doubles down on

this one without a second thought makes it stand out as the most awkward moment of the

whole terrible exchange.

Those are ten of our favorite awkward moments streamed live by mistake.

What are yours?

Do you have one to share that's always stuck out in your mind?

Give this video a thumbs-up and tell us about it in the comments below.

And don't forget to subscribe to CBR for more entertaining content about everything interesting,

from comic books to movies and much, much more.

For more infomation >> 10 Awkward Fails Streamed Live by Mistake - Duration: 8:25.



For more infomation >> FOR HONOR UBISOFT ВСТАЕТ С КОЛЕН ОБЗОР ЗБТ ФОР ХОНОР - Duration: 10:14.


Mope io all animal || New record || SpeedRun || New update - Duration: 11:43.

For more infomation >> Mope io all animal || New record || SpeedRun || New update - Duration: 11:43.


THE BÄRKROTH BROTHERS w/ Nicklas and Marcus Bärkroth - EPISODE #8 - Duration: 10:48.

Nicklas Bärkroth.


Right Wing.

IFK Norrköping.

A really hard question, both of them are fantastic.

Big bro.

Marcus Bärkroth.


Left Wing.

BK Häcken.


Lil bro.

"Where are we right now?"

We're at Förbovallen in Balltorp.

Mölndal, also called Bernabeu.

For us who played here.

Yeah, you have seen Koffes episode.


Yes you have.

I've never heard anyone call it that.

Yes, we do.


San Siro as well?



No, just Real Madrid here, white.

"What are we up for today?"

Some challenges.

Skill tests between the brothers.

I'm not worried, but..

It's going to be fun to compete against my brother.

I think he's more nervous than me, I have nothing to lose.

We'll see how it goes.

We'll see how it goes.

"Should we start with a Crossbar Challenge?"


"Who dares to begin?"

Youngest first.

No? Rock Paper Scissors?

No, youngest first.


So you're a little nervous? Good to hear.

If you're ever going to win against me it should be when the cameras are on.

Great timing.

It's really sad if I lose.

Nicklas: He hit...

Nicklas: Are you kidding me?

I said that 2 out of 3 would be OK.


"Any comments?"

As I thought, bad focus on the left foot but 2 out of 3.

That's good.

Now we'll see how he will handle it.

It's so close, OMG.


Congratulations. It's good to see.

It's me and Ronaldinho.

Get that ball behind as well!

May I try it out before?

Ready, set, go!

Nicklas: 20?


How many? 30?

Ready, Set, Go!

Nicklas: He says "Ready, Set, Go!" to himself!

Remove your tongue.

How many?

I'm happy with that.



Should I continue Marcus?

How many was it Viktor?

"40 something"


Marcus: 47?

I'm just kidding, we got video proof.

Something like that.

One last try for you.


Get in!

"Any comments?"

It feel good. He outclassed me in the first round so it's great to level the score, 1-1.

Now it's time for a penalty shoot-out.

And I think he will have some trouble, I used to be a Handball Keeper.


It's even. Time for some penalties.

Nicklas: I know where you'll shoot!

You should not forget that I've learned you everything you can do Marcus!

Marcus: NO!

Nicklas: What a save!


Next one!

Marcus: It wasn't even human. That was Spiderman.

Nicklas: If a haven't been just 1.5m tall I could have been a goalie!

Marcus: Now it's just power!

Yeah, great.

Marcus: Are you kidding me?

Nicklas: What a save!

"Is it to late to change position and to be a keeper?"

As I said. If I haven't been 1.5m short, I should have been the best keeper in Northern Europe, I think.


No, he shot straight at me actually..


This will be the winning goal Marcus!

Just kidding!

You were there 15 seconds after the ball.

Nicklas: I've already won. Just so you know.

Marcus: Do something funny then.


That was it.

How does it feel Marcus?

Good for you to win 1. Or wait.. You won 2..

Nicklas: You won one. You're talking about yourself.

2-1. Good job!

It was even!


I was just a little bit better.

I'm coming.

Yeah, you're coming. You got 9 years on you.

I think that you will outshine me then.

You think?


"A new year is here, what do you think about 2017?"

It's going to be exciting both for me and my brother.

He enters a new phase in his career with a new team, BK Häcken.

I think it will be fantastic for him.

He fits in perfectly there, little Marcus.

Also he just got selected for the U15 National Team and so on, he got great times ahead of him..

Yeah, but I just got selected.

What I mean is that it's now it really starts.

It's going to be fun to follow his journey and personally I'm looking forward for another year with IFK Norrköping.

And to see where it leads.

It feels great to start the year with another "January Tour" with the National Team and to kick start the season.

For me it's the same. It's going to be fun to play for BK Häcken.

And to follow my brother. Especially with The National Team since he has been with them twice before.

He does it well.

We are doing it well.

But we are going to do it even better, right?

Just forward.

Never stop.

Step it up.

"See you this season!"

We do!

For more infomation >> THE BÄRKROTH BROTHERS w/ Nicklas and Marcus Bärkroth - EPISODE #8 - Duration: 10:48.


STRONG 2017 war film "the Wolf"! RUSSIAN MILITARY FILMS # # NEWS 2017 HD! - Duration: 1:34:35.

STRONG 2017 war film "the Wolf"! RUSSIAN MILITARY FILMS # # NEWS 2017 HD!

For more infomation >> STRONG 2017 war film "the Wolf"! RUSSIAN MILITARY FILMS # # NEWS 2017 HD! - Duration: 1:34:35.


STRONG war film "Sinful Apostles of Love"! Films about the war! # 1941-45 Movies! - Duration: 1:36:18.

STRONG war film "Sinful Apostles of Love"! Films about the war! # 1941-45 Movies!

For more infomation >> STRONG war film "Sinful Apostles of Love"! Films about the war! # 1941-45 Movies! - Duration: 1:36:18.


Combining Macro Recording and Excel VBA Statements to create Complex Macros - Duration: 5:45.

Sometimes we need to create more complex macros.

We will make an example in the workbook CombineMacros and in London Worksheet.

We would like to copy these cells and paste them as columns.

Transpose them to columns in other words.

To make complex macros it's better to record some of the code we need, check it out a little

bit and then add to it.

So we will do it step by step.

Starting from cell A1 we will start recording as absolute reference first.

The copy and paste of the cells will be with the relative reference recording mode on.

First of all, we will record an empty macro to create a module.

Click that button, press okay and stop recording.

Open the VBA editor and as you can see there is a module there.

Double click it and there is no actual code in it.

Delete these lines and arrange the Excel and Editor windows,

so you can see all of them at once.

Make sure that absolute reference is on and start recording.

Give the macro a name, like Transpose and as keyboard shortcut press CTRL SHIFT+T

Store the macro in this workbook and press okay.

Highlight B2 cell and see the code.

Now it's time to turn the relative reference on.

From the view tab click the down arrow and relative reference.

Copy these cells, go to D2, right click, paste special, click transpose and okay.

Look at the VBA code and you can notice the copy, the paste special and the transpose selection.

The next step is to do exactly the same procedure for the next 3 cells.Copy,

right click, paste special, click transpose and okay.

One more time

and we are ready.Stop the macro.

If you look the code carefully, you 'll see a pattern a repetition with almost the

same code lines.

Except the first date of course which was the selection of 3 cell and the first 3 cell

that we highlighted.

Let's read the code: we highlight and copy the 3 cells, we select D cell, then paste

special, transpose and okay.

And so on.

Keep in mind that range A1:A3 does not mean the specific cells.

It means that we highlight 3 cells.

Now that we understand the pattern we need to get rid of the repetition code and we 'll

keep only one set of this.

So highlight these and delete.

We wanna do these actions over and over again.

The best choice is DO UNTIL loop.

Okay start typing Do until is empty open parenthesis activecell close parenthesis.

This line means do these actions until the active cell is empty.

Add the Loop statement before end sub and you are ready.

The final step is to run this macro.

You can do this with 2 different methods.

The one is to run the macro immediately and the other is to go step by step.

Let's follow the second method.

Arrange the 2 windows and from debug select step into or F8.

Pressing F8 you'll see all the steps on by one.

F8 okay F8 again, seems to work great.

As a final note you can delete the blank cells.

Select these columns and from Home ribbon press find and select button.

From go to special option, choose blanks and okay.

Now right-click, delete and shift cells up.

The basic idea from this lecture is that when we have complex macros we need to break the

macro into small pieces and test it over and over, to make sure it finally works fine.

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