So last year I started with a specific goal in mind.
My new year resolution if you will, but I totally screwed up, my new resolution was
weak, but this year is going to be a completely different story, a new year revolution.
Hey man, did you know that more than 50% of Americans actually set New Years Resolutions?
New Years resolutions are great and super effective, but you have to have a plan.
Some of the more common reasons why people failed to achieve these goals is that they're
too unrealistic when setting their resolution, sometimes they set too many resolutions, they
actually failed to keep track of their progress and they just forget about them.
What we're going to do is actually focus on a plan that works.
In 2007 there was a study conducted with 3000 participants, 88% of those people actually
failed Their resolutions, 52% of them were thinking they were going to be successful
when they started, 25% of the were more successful simply because they developed a set of plans
or goals, so rather than just saying, I'm going to lose weight, they said I'm going
to lose 15 pounds, or I'm going to drop body fat percentage, they were more specific, I'm
going drop 6% body fat, and 10% were more successful because each had an accountability
system, they made their goals public, they actually told everybody about them getting
support from their friends and family.
so don't set too many goals when you set your resolutions, get your resolutions list of
no more than 3 to 5 resolutions set them, and stick to it.
So this year I decided to take some extreme measures, so I can get the extreme results
I've always wanted, so I've hired Ken and Ken is going to help me make this a reality.
Hey, so there are no shortcuts to making your goal a reality, but there are certain things
You can do to make it easier on yourself.
All you've got to remember is to take action, once you take action, you get further ahead
a lot sooner so if you want to follow me on my 90 day challenge please subscribe to my
channel and if you want to reach out to Ken, I've put his links down below.
Make it a new year, a new you.
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