this is Damon Cart from NLP Gym how well
are you learning NLP if you haven't
already please click subscribe to this
YouTube channel to get these videos on a
regular basis in this video i continue
my interview with renowned Ashtanga yogi
Melanie fower on basically modeling
ashtanga yoga and taking those
principles and those ways of practicing
and mapping that over to learning NLP
Ashtanga has a method in a way of
teaching students yoga and Melanie Fawer
in particular embodies that teaching and
how to move her students rapidly through
learning yoga and receiving all the
benefits of yoga and I've applied all of
those learnings that I learned from her
and learning from my own stronger
practice to NLP to rapidly move me
through learning NLP and getting better
at it
remember to check out the additional
videos in this series with Melanie Fawer
as we speak more about practicing
learning and teaching what keeps you
motivated in this practice
I mean I'm just it's just what I do at
this point you know the sutures talk
about doing you know the doing anything
really until it's really rooted into
your person and into your being and I
think at this point many years later
it's I just can't even to grift
differentiate like what's my life
lets you just stick together
you know so that's exactly what I say to
you about NLP is like to talk to this
person on the phone and he sent me an email
later he was trying to break down the
conversation because we use language
patterns in NLP and he actually had
memorized the conversation quite well
and had written it out and I was trying to
break it down like he was asking these questions
and I said I don't really understand what you're asking. he said
you weren't using NLP on me or were you using NLP
whenever I was talking to I was
like I probably was but I wasn't aware
of it and I remember the first time I
probably been practicing for about a
year Ashtanga and I started noticing how
my breathing was syncing up with every
movement that I did yeah and I wasn't
even trying it was in and doing that i
was in a state of flow because it's when
we hold our breath and you're talking
about because I could be pulling my leg
up or something and I would be holding
my breath you come over and suddenly
having breathe and I was like oh yeah
now I can hold my leg up and then I can
move and I it's a mixed number two is
just as it early you know when I was
younger practicing noticing you know
we're not be driving you have my
shoulders are relaxed when I was holding
my breath and you know taking stuff off
the mat stronger fine
yeah i mean the idea behind getting
really good at NLP is not that you're
constantly thinking oh I'm going to use
don't be i'm going to use a healthy on
someone it's actually living the healthy
living the experience in the practice to
where you're seeing things through what
we have like the presuppositions of NLP
which are not really beliefs but they're
sort of well presuppositions and it's
about helping you see things more with
more possibility and
opportunity running and limitation and i
find that you know the more you you just
start to live that you start to see
possibility and you start to realize
when you know something is you're
blocking something and it has something
to do with the way that you're thinking
of the way that you're working the or
your thoughts you know the same thing in
my bottom with a stronger is like I can
see limitation and I go okay why not do
this I can just breathe relax and then I
can move through it and then I can't get
through it right then if I keep
repeating that movement just come on oh
yeah that's what you're trying to
accomplish something in your ass and
practice that translated to other crisis
that we're going to the second half but
somebody's watching this and they're
wanting to be really good
NLP which is not something you studying
but using stronger or the negative
mindset are the police structure or
whatever to to be repetitive into just
keep practicing the same thing to you
live it
I think that's what i would say whether
it regardless of what it is just
consistent study practice and
application you can only read so much
that if you don't put it into practice
you're never going to really truly get
in your body in your mind period so yeah
even the days you don't feel like
practicing at least you make that first
effort and then you'll probably find it
it keeps going you know keep going i
mean i kind of think it's the same thing
I mean whether you're using it as a
practitioner to improve your life or to
coach to teach if you do not know it how
can you teach it you know i mean i
wouldn't want to see a therapist too
we've been through this therapy to
process you know and i think it's the
same thing if you want someone to come
and trust you then it's got its got a
resonate through be my understand and
you can walk the walk
you know not just want to talk so like
like a stronger i think
NOP attracts people who don't really
they're not very clear about what it is
they want when I came to you for yoga I
wasn't clear about what i wanted it
doesn't matter you have any clarity
right so something I love people come
into because they didn't know they did
not they can't really articulate but
they're not just something missing there
not living their potential and I think
that's what happens when i get to your
studio was like physically I felt like I
wasn't living like attention when
something was missing for some people
that resonates for some people it scares
them away
yeah it sounds like NLP kinda can
meet that person at the place their end
and so can Ashtanga. it doesn't have any
requirements but inevitably to step up
you know what I mean if you're gonna
want to make the most out of your life when you
meet that student like this happens a
lot but I get people come to me with
wanting to be better than okay and i can
tell they're not clear on what they want
to use it for which is not a bad place
to be necessarily because i didn't
really know either didn't know when I
came to you for standing up and that's
that journey for ourselves that we have
to define a teacher's just sort of their
two little bit of guidance but like what
I love what you said earlier about it's
ultimately about becoming your own guru
your own teacher your and that's
what started us for you and that's what
I try to tell people on FB is like this
is really about you becoming here
authority sure you go to a teacher for a
little bit but it's about building that
up in here and so people will come to me
and i can tell they're not committed to
practicing and there's your got one foot
out one foot in their dad and I just
want to tell them it's like make a
decision you know because you're not you
know you're not going to get good
results either way so when a student
comes to you and you can tell they're
sort of in that phase where there may be
practicing twice a week or something
like that and they come to your
struggling with you would be handled
different students different ways and
some i might be more direct with and
kind of give them the like an order so
to speak and hope that they meet me at
that and start up in your practice
because i feel that that kind of
instruction might be beneficial and work
with him and others and more just and
just kind of going with what they have
to give and just trying to impart that
the more they do then we're going to get
out of it but I definitely learned over
the years you cannot you can have an
expectation for wet that students going
to do or not do you can just tell me
sort of hold their space and guide them
and give them love and support
throughout and just help them on the
process is not a timeline that
everyone's going to do it the way that I
did it
same for you I don't know if you have
experience but so for me it just depends
on the student but I do i do try to
bring to the teaching I want them to
trust themselves in terms of this
teacher to ask themselves the right
questions not to just take with somebody
whether it's me or teacher in another
state traveling says but to be able to
take the instruction physically tried
out for themselves what resonates body
see how it resonates you know through the whole
system and make sure it's an
intelligent instruction not just
because someone tells you something
because that is correct and so if you
just go blindly welcome to life just
doing what people tell you you're not
going to get very far
there are plenty of people will be
around you tell you when we check out my
website NLP dash follow me on
Facebook for real-time updates on
upcoming workshops and free practice
sessions that I hold in Santa Cruz
California if you like this video please
click like right down here and leave me
a comment or question I will follow up
with you stay tuned to the end of this
video so you can see how you get your
hands on a free NLP online training take
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