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[EXID(이엑스아이디)] 내일해(LADY) 뮤직 비디오 (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:15.(Come On Ladies)
Come back to me boy
(Come On Ladies)
Come back to me boy
still standin in front of you
you trying to curve your way out
I can feel about ur feeling
its why I'm hatin can't you feel it?
what you in a hurry for no no no
don't got a minute for no no no
can't even give me a chance to hold you back
an amateur game you play whats with that
woo I can feel it even without words
just hold me close
(can't stop now) enough talk take me bak My Baby
Baby just stop baby just stop
Are you tired of me or just don't want me
anxious to say you're done with me
Im still your lady lady lady or
just once more babe babe babe or or
don't like the look on your face
the more I think about it, even if its not right I can't accept it
can we just rewind
i won't ask no more
even if the shattered pieces can't be whole
I'll try to mend the pieces lets get it
woo don't say those words
Just tell me you were playin
(can't stop now) enough talk take me back My Baby
Baby just stop baby just stop
Are you tired of me or just don't want me
anxious to say you're done with me
Im still your lady lady lady or
just once more babe babe babe or or
If tomorrow ends like this
I'll be lost everyday
Don't do it
even if time should fade
you're my you're my you are ma ba babe
Baby Let's Get It Boy Don't Fake It
Dum Muh Dum Muh Dum
Baby Let's Get It Boy Don't Fake It
Dum Muh Dum Muh Dum Dum Dum
(Come On Ladies)
Dum Muh Dum Muh Dum
(Come On Ladies)
Dum Muh Dum Muh Dum Dum Dum
Are you tired of me or just don't want me
anxious to say you're done with me
Im still your lady lady lady or
just once more babe babe babe or or
Mark Levin Exposes The Shocking Fact Obama Purposefully Hid About FISA(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 8:00.Mark Levin Exposes The Shocking Fact Obama Purposefully Hid About FISA
Obama White House is apparently left its fingerprints all over the plot to spy on
the Trump campaign the man questioning this from the beginning the host of our
new program life liberty and levin mark levin joins me now okay so mark do you
think this is the swamp running out the clock or are we moving in the right
direction with this investigation look I would prefer a special counsel I would
also prefer quite frankly a commission I've talked about this Dershowitz others
have talked about this so you have a criminal investigation going on to
determine that side of the ledger and then on the other side we really need to
fix this I mean we can't have elections where you have the director the FBI the
Deputy Director of the FBI leaking all over the place we had the head of
counterintelligence stroke and his girlfriend Paige involved in these sorts
of shenanigans this is a big problem in the abuse of the FISA Court I've never
heard of anything like this before and I speak as somebody who served in the
Justice Department worked with the FBI the problem right now is the FBI does
all kinds of things to protect the people in this country domestic and
foreign you've had these bad cops I call them these rogue top officials at the
top of the FBI who have besmirched this agency and we need to help that agency
get its reputation back we need to fix this so it doesn't happen again so we
need a commission that can do that on the other hand an Inspector General does
a report let's say he comes up and he condemns these people well what then
yeah they're most of them are already gone are they going to make a referral
to the Public Integrity section of the Criminal Division we have a special
counsel now roaming all over the country looking for excuses for why he exists
and here I can't think of a better situation where you would have a special
counsel focused on investigating the top levels of the FBI the top levels of the
Department of Justice the top levels of the intelligence agencies and any and
all relationships with the White House well why does they just for a special
counsel why has it taken so long for a special counsel to be appointed a second
special so it can be done pretty easily the
drumbeat has been growing and has been growing over the last couple of weeks
what's taking so long not only should the Attorney General who's an old friend
of mine not should not only should jeff Sessions quickly appoint a special
counsel and and even though the Inspector General is doing his thing but
on top of the inspector general but the existing special counsel you know Paul
Manafort lawyers have filed very important papers in court raising the
constitutionality of what's taking place with the Deputy Attorney General
Rosenstein and the special counsel Muller Muller keeps asking for his
investigation to be expanded and expanded and expanded and Rosenstein
keeps expanding it but here's the problem
Jeff Sessions recused himself as to matters involving the campaign that's it
he's the Attorney General of the United States Rosenstein does not have the
power outside of the recusal that sessions gave to expand Muller's
investigation he's not the Attorney General when it comes to tax issues or
whether or not somebody filed as a foreign agent under the foreign agents
Act and all these other matters that that Muller is bringing up he doesn't
have the constitutional authority to do it because Rosenstein doesn't have the
constitutional authority to be Attorney General for all these other matters and
we do know that Rosenstein was involved in signing off on some of these warrants
that went in front of the FISA Court to look into the Trump campaign before and
after the election because they kept on being renewed under James Comey there's
a great piece out here now it shows that the Obama White House's fingerprints
were all over this surveillance of the Trump campaign from the very beginning
we have Harry Reid talking to Obama's CIA director Brennan and in my
estimation kind of legitimizing the entire investigation backwards and tell
me what you found out about that well what I saw kind of underscores what I've
been thinking - how is it possible when you have a FISA Court applications
extensions of FISA Court applications the director of the FBI involved the
Attorney General the United State involved the intelligence agencies
involved you have the National Security Advisor unmasking individuals you have
the ambassador to the UN unmasking individuals
how in the hell is it possible if the only person on the face of the earth
that doesn't know about this is Barack Obama on top of that this stuff was in
the newspaper leaks were in the newspaper about the
FISA Court and all the other activity you're telling me the president United
States is sitting there saying hey and all this stuff is swirling around him
swirling around his different departments and he's not briefed on it I
don't believe that reducing this was supposed to be the smartest man in the
room Barack Obama he always knew everything that was going on in
government except when it was bad then the next day he read about it in the
newspaper so he never had any culpability when
there was a problem if you have evidence that Harry Reid is involved in trying to
move forward an investigation of the Trump campaign and you have the Obama
CIA director coordinating with the senator from Nevada and then we see
leaks coming out about the investigation and when that hits the press those press
reports were then used in the FISA application it looks to me like this
entire investigation was cooked up from the beginning in order to justify the
surveillance is that what you believe I believe it was cooked up with that
dossier right with the Clinton campaign in the
DNC and I believe Reid was approached by Brennan to put pressure to push the
investigation exactly I believe all this stuff is going on under the radar and
that is why you need a commission that is why you need a special counsel I mean
we'll stick with the Inspector General for now but it's really the job of
somebody outside the agencies outside the department I'm not I don't get my
kicks out of these special counsels but there are times when absolutely
necessary and same with the Commission real top former public officials who can
sit down and figure out what the hell took place here and how to fix it
yeah because this Inspector General can't compel certain people from the
State Department to come and testify and he can't issue any sort of
subpoenas that can force people to do what he wants to do that would be under
the umbrella of a special counsel so it's a good step in the right direction
but in a way it's almost toothless you have a show on Saturday night that's
kicking butt in the ratings called somebody who's who's counting the Sunday
yeah life liberty and Levin 10 p.m. and who do you have on this Sunday you know
we have the former attorney general United States who served under the
Reagan administration Edie Meese was also counsel to President Reagan he was
counseled irregular when he was governor and we're gonna talk about issues like
this the FISA Court what took place that's my hope
and to get into this what do you think's taking place with the FBI
and the government generally he really is quite the brilliant wise gentleman
and I was honored to be his chief of staff for so many years so we're gonna
bring him on Sunday night for a full hour and have a discussion
all right everybody tune in so mark on Sunday night 10:00 p.m. Eastern thank
you very much mr. Levin god bless thank you
god bless you and God bless america
Dump Truck, Excavator, Trucks, Car and Friends Video for kids Vehicles Power Rangers #01 - Duration: 10:24.Dump Truck, Excavator, Trucks, Car and Friends Video for kids Vehicles Power Rangers #01
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