Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 2 2018

Alex: Hey everybody, welcome back to another episode of Small Business 101 here on

Arbeit U. Spencer: Yes and as always these are my favorite favorite episodes ever in our

Small Business 101 series. Do you know why? Alex: No. Spencer: Because we talk about sales.

Alex: Ah sales. Spencer: Yes, the most important ,the only thing, the most important

thing of any corporation. But today we're talking about something, Alex: It's debatable.

Spencer: Well not debatable. Today we're talking about something very specific right. We're

talking about using video in your sales sequence. For those of you who get our

calls or our sales approach, you know for a fact that we are very into using

videos as a form of communication or called ,cold call. Alex: Yep.

Spencer: So the reason we do that is for a firm multitude reasons right, like one um it

helps people know who you are right. Like if I if I call you, let's say I call you

a hundred times in a row right, you're never gonna remember me. But if I send

you ten videos in a row, you're much more likely to know who I am

versus an individual cold call right. So that's the first thing is it helps with

the notoriety. The second thing it does is it breaks the norm right. So you know

cold sales is kind of there's an old-school approach where you just call

the guy you, call the guy or girl. I keep calling them. Video is a little different

right like not too many people you know open an email and instead of a boring

email with just a written template there's a video and we take it a step

further where we use we use custom videos so each each person we attempt to

contact gets their own unique video that our sales team makes just for them. So

it's not every day that someone gets this video with the sign that'll say hi

in their name, so you know that's unique and specific to them. So I mean the

second thing obviously solves is it helps you stand out it helps us be

different. Alex: Right. Spencer: So and then the third thing is obviously you know, Alex: it's cool!

Spencer: Yeah it's cool, it's different. Alex: Yeah and it's I mean you what you might

be thinking is oh I don't have time to make a video for every person that's not

true. It literally, it probably takes just about the same amount of time as it does

to make a phone call to that person, to record the video once you get

process down. Spencer: I would argue it's quicker because, Alex: Yeah. Spencer: There's no waiting,

there's no on hold, there's no waiting, you know. Alex: Yeah, to record the actual video.

You gotta film it, edit it, but once you get that process down, Spencer: But that's not

sales I don't care about people editing it. Alex: Yeah ,yeah, yea, but still with all that input into it it

does not take as long. So yeah, it's definitely not like a huge time sink and

it is cool, its unique. We, we just started to do it kind of. We've gotten really

good results. Spencer: Yeah, we actually had we've had people, we have one person in

particular call one of our sales persons back off off one of those videos and

said listen, I get thousands of cold calls a week. I have

never called someone back except for you, cuz you sent me a personalized video.

Alex: Right. Spencer: That's like a direct quote. So they like that guy is like that

definitely helped Ashley stand out in his mind. Alex: Right. Yeah, I mean it's it's

cool, it's something it's I think a lot of people talk about it if you you know

pay attention to the marketing and such and sales that you know people are

talking about it is like the new thing. Spencer: Especially when you have his face you

want to get it on camera as much as you can. Alex: So if you're not using video, you should be. Try

it out. See if it works. Spencer: Let us know. Alex: Yeah. If you are using it, let us know how it's

going for you. Spencer: My commission rate is 10%. Alex: Yeah, we'd love to hear

from you Spencer: and get that commission. Alex: So thank you Spencer: and see you next week.

Alex: See you next week

For more infomation >> Small Business 101: Episode 13 - Creating Personalized Videos for Sales - Duration: 4:03.


Refugee Video - Duration: 22:36.

BROOKE GLADSTONE: From WNYC in New York, this is NPR's On the Media. I'm Brooke Gladstone.

BOB GARFIELD: And I'm Bob Garfield.

BOB GARFIELD: For several days the word scarcely registered.

AARON BROWN, CNN: Several thousand refugees from New Orleans have now arrived at the Astrodome in Houston.

KATIE COURIC, NBC: Thousands of frustrated and angry refugees in New Orleans are still desperate for food, water and shelter.

TED KOPPEL, ABC: He puts the number of refugees trapped there at 15 thousand or more.

BOB GARFIELD: Katrina victims were uprooted and displaced,

fleeing their homes with whatever they could carry,

seeking refuge in motels, shelters, domed football stadiums or wherever they could find it --

residents one day, hapless vagabonds the next.

In other words, refugees. In other words, refugees.

Then came the protests.

The Reverend Jesse Jackson weighed in, saying the term as applied to the largely black population of New Orleans was racist and demeaning.

JESSE JACKSON: We are not refugees.

That in itself is racist language.

We are American citizens. We are not refugees.

BOB GARFIELD: NAACP President Bruce Gordon said the term suggested

an "alien other, somehow not of us." And media critic Kelly Crossley offered her hunch as to why.

KELLY CROSSLEY: If you think about a refugee, what comes to mind are those people walking across borders in the Sudan,

walking across Somalia.

And in your ahead, you see those people as persons of color

without a home, carrying everything that they own in one bag.

BOB GARFIELD: But is that really the default image provoked by the word "refugee?"

Kenneth Bacon, president of the advocacy organization Refugees International, thinks it certainly should not be.

KENNETH BACON: There are thousands and thousands of refugees in the United States, hundreds of thousands.

And they don't fit any sort of racial pattern.

These are people who were fleeing for their lives, fleeing for freedom,

trying to find a better life for themselves and their children.

That's what the term "refugee" means to me.

And many of these people have great dignity and have that dignity in the face of great loss and trauma.

BOB GARFIELD: New York Times columnist William Safire went farther,

suggesting the critics just shut up because a refugee is simply someone who seeks refuge.

But as Stanford University linguist Jeffrey Nunberg points out:

GEOFFREY NUNBERG: That's not quite right. If I duck into a ski hut to stay out of a blizzard, you wouldn't call me a refugee.

And I think they missed the fact that

for a lot of people this word really is charged with negative associations with the stigma that's attached to that word.

BOB GARFIELD: That is largely because refugees,

however dignified they may be,

tend eventually to represent a burden to those who take them in,

a drain on resources and ever present reminder of misery.

Like the crippled and the scarred and the urban homeless,

they make us uncomfortable.

Dehumanization is but one step away.

Maybe in recognition of that tragic reality,

President Bush asserted this week Katrina's victims are not refugees but Americans in America who quote

"need the help and love and compassion of our fellow citizens."

Surely it is why many news organizations, including this one,

decided to replace "refugee" with the relatively non stigmatizing "evacuee."

Others, such as the Times and the Associated Press,

reserve the privilege of choosing the best noun, in the words of AP editor Kathleen Carroll,

"to capture the sweep and scope of the effects

of this historic natural disaster

on a vast number of our citizens."

For his part, linguist Nunberg thinks they're being a bit tone deaf to the word's negative connotations

but he doubts that the substitute terminology

will eradicate the stigma.

GEOFFREY NUNBERG: You could think of it as the drapery you put over furniture that eventually takes the shape of the furniture.

It's quite likely that

probably "evacuee" will acquire an inherited stigma just as people begin to resent these

dislocated people rather than welcoming them,

as happened to D.P.,

or "displaced person," after the Second World War.

BOB GARFIELD: Because changing the nomenclature does not change the underlying thing.

On the other hand, as State University of New York at Stonybrook linguist Mark Aronoff points out,

words are shaped by more than the underlying thing.

They are influenced by and have influence on the society around them.

MARK ARONOFF: Language is a social contract.

The fact that people have to negotiate over what they are called

is indicative of an underlying social problem.

I think what this really tells us

is that we don't control the meanings of words

and we don't know what words mean.

This is a word that's been in everyday use for centuries

and yet it has a power that we can't stop.

BOB GARFIELD: It would be easy to dismiss the present sensitivities by

by recalling that the mostly white victims of previous hurricanes were also called "refugees" and

voiced no offense.

But if Aronoff is right and if Kelly Crossley is right,

that's not the point.

KELLY CROSSLEY: I've heard a lot of people saying we're playing word games at a time of crisis. This is ridiculous.

But you know what?

Basically that sentiment came from people who have not been on the other end

of language directed at them in a negative way that had the power to hurt.

So when you have been at the other end of that

and you know what that feels like and you know what the impact of that is over days,

over weeks, over years, over centuries,

then this is really quite important.

It's not a word game.

It's really not a politically correct thing. It really has to do with paying attention to people's humanity.

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