Wrong Coco Movie Disney Dog Dante 🎈 Funny Puzzles Video For Kids
Let's play Coco Movie Puzzle Video for Children - Dog Dante From Disney/Pixar Coco 2017 animated moviein this jigsaw puzzle game for kids.
Akash Kumar prende in giro la Lucarelli e la Bruzzone – il video (del dietro ... - Duration: 1:35.-------------------------------------------
Q&A Video with Stasi Rosi Twins - Duration: 10:05.Hi, we are Stasi Rosi Twins
Today we are making a Q&A video
As we received a lot of questions, we're gonna answer only to some of them
So..let's begin!
You are first!
What do twins think when they see another set of twins?
Honestly, this is a very creepy thing
When we see 2 people who are the same in front of us
We wonder...''are we that creepy, too?''
I think yes!
What a horror!
Do you have the same friends - are the friends of the one friends of the other?
We have mutual friends
If one person likes one of us, they like the other one, too
Because we are almost the same
And we are together almost all the time, so...
We are as one whole, and when we are not together, we don't feel like ourselves
Ok, next question
Why don't you eat meat?
Oh this is a long topic and a lot can be said about it
But firstly, we are against animal cruelty
and it is awful when something has been killed in order to sate somebody and then, after 2 hours to feel hungry again
We feel sorry for those animals
And we are against it
In addition, we don't like the taste
I agree!
So, the next question is
How many languages do you know and which are they?
We speak English pretty well
just a little Russian and Spanish
and of course, Bulgarian
The most important!
Are you the same in character?
Actually, we are quite different
Or at least I think so..
For example, she is the more patient one
And I am not that patient, I can't put up with stuff that annoy me
While she is ok to stand it
Hehe, I am a good soul
Oh yea, all in all, she is the good twin and I am..
Oh yea
Let's continue, it's your turn
No, I am not. It is your turn!
That's not true. Just take one!
Can you cook and who is better at cooking?
In fact..who cooks better..
I don't know. We can cook and we enjoy it but only when we do it together
While, when we are not together, it is never fun
Is it my turn?
When you are separated, do people ask you where is the other twin?
Yes, this happens quite often. When the one is on the supermarket and the cashier asks her where is the other twin
and we are like: well, she ditched me
We are almost always together and we don't like it when we are separated
Yea, so now we are together
Do you plan to make videos more often?
Oh yes! We have just started, we are full of ideas. When the weather warms up.
We are killing them!!!
The next question is..
Do you have a pet?
Oh yea! Its name is Leo
He is a persian cat and we just love him and he loves us, I suppose
Bla bla bla
Oh yes, you are right!
Do you wear the same clothes at home?
We have to admit that at home we wear different clothes. It seldom happens to wear the same clothes at home
Each has her own style and feels comfortable in it
The next question is..
Are you going to separate after you graduate or after university?
No, no, no, noooooooo, never!
Promise? Promise!
Awwwww, how sweet!
I am gonna cry, stop it!
That was fake!
But still, I am gonna miss you!
Ooooh, I don't believe you!
What is the secret of twins?
I think that each set of twins has their different secrets
What is ours?
That we love each other!
This is not a secret, everybody knows it!
If your clothes are the same, doet this mean that your handwriting is the same, either?
No. Honestly I have a worse handwriting
It's true. I am happy that you finally admitted it!
your handwriting is just bigger and more circled
And mine is just better!
How do you choose what to wear?
We fight!
Hahaha no. In fact this is very difficult because every morning we spend at least half an hour trying to choose what to wear
because we have to look the same
and sometimes we argue a lot about what to wear
However, we always go out dressed in the same way
With or without fighting
I love you, too!!
What have you always wanted?
I have always wanted to have a twin!
What do you think when you look in the mirror?
Is it my turn? Yes.
Are you in groups with other twins?
No, we don't think but we'd like to meet more twins
How do people tell you apart?
This is our little secret and we are not gonna tell it!
We don't like answering to this question even though every person asks us this question
''How can I tell you apart?''
No! We don't want people to tell us apart and we won't tell you how
Who is the smarter twin?
That is not true! We are the same! ....Well it depends
You said you were the more stupid one
That is not true!
It is a fact that you are the smarter one!
You are smart, too! I know.
Do you argue often?
In fact, we argue only when we have to choose what to wear.
We argue a lot
Otherwise, we get each other only at a glance
What make up do you use?
In fact, we avoid using a lot of make up because we believe in the natural beauty
And we also believe that people are beautiful without make up
It is not neccessary to wear a lot of make up in order to look good
Provided that the questions are too many and one video won't be enough to answer all of them or it will become too boring, we will answer to the rest of the questions in another video
You can ask more questions on Facebook
We are Stasi Rosi Twins and this was our Q&A video
We hope you like it!
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