hey guys welcome back to the experts it's a girl
Nikki sorry yes Mitra oh my God he's so plain and simple it's like it's
ridiculous can't you show a little bit more energy and oh yeah well I'm sure
we'll get there I'm definitely sure we're gonna get there okay whatever you
know it's experts so we're about to give all our expert advice on what's going on
in the world see you sounds so dude now alright so
what's today's topic what's going on in the world I hear what you say I'm crazy
yes I was online and I saw this article about fabulous knocking Emily B's teeth
out now yo now yo I don't like to get all up in people's business because
celebrities business is not my business and no it's not that I'm about to I'm
about to discuss the fact that first of all this is allegedly that's number one
so we're not even sure the full story even though there's a video I just
watched this video so what's this video so the video is fabulous is arguing with
his father-in-law I don't know if him and Emily I'm married but Emily B has no
status girlfriend and she was in the New York Love & hip-hop show in New York
follow about what I did and I like Emily besides that so they do wait but the
video actually had punched in the face knock their teeth out the family comes
to I think the brother in the father and that is video surface and then beat them
like you wait I'm trying to figure out number one who took this video okay and
I releases it to TMZ that's number one and even though you know fabulous said
some things in the in in the video it's a family like he says something about
pop your top boy you know no no they were just arguing and you know things
come out your mouth that you really wouldn't say but it's a
family argument because you know when you're mad and you're passionate you say
stupid shit yeah and you can't really take everything that he said
I'm sure if Ellis is not gonna kill know if you talking about popping the top off
of my box or my mama either I think it sounded emotional on me I don't care
what it is this is on and poppin you can't there's certain things don't
matter what you can't hold on I think what oh whoa I think he's right there I
don't know what your name or something else anyway so apparently he him and
Emily guards altercation and he knocked her teeth out actually right we don't
know this stuff but my thing is that I don't care if this is true I don't care
what emily has done or said she has no business losing her teeth over any
reason so I don't condone any man putting his hands on a woman I got
something right there listen III know I'm laughing I'm smile annoyed but
definitely you know I'm not with no domestic violence I'm not with beating
on the women a hundred percent what and and if she got her teeth knocked out
that's crazy that's he had cute that's totally that's
totally out of bounds like that's there I'm dead wrong for that but my thing and
she has some money well as a man I've always have to come back to this if I
don't know the situation unless somebody has a history of being abusive from I'm
talking about a man a deuce on a regular basis not just gonna come home be mad
one day and decide to brush your teeth out well no I don't so that's my thing
as always this always gets overlooked what happened what happened and it's not
saying that he's right for busting the teeth out if that's what you did
but what happened let's get to the bottom cuz usually it's not just one
side but it always gets overlooked so I want to know the fool okay there's
always two sides to a story we obviously know that because you and I are married
and suicides we're always right acknowledged but and you're right two
sides really get announced by the end of the day if he did knock her teeth out I
don't care what she did that's a physical no I mean come on that's
putting yourself she's a girl listen listen look I'm
going with that what's a physically hurt no I'm saying physically physically what
are they what if they was in an argument okay and she picked up a knife and
stabbed a minute in the chest that's wrong and a reflex pal he popped it well
no that's when I could understand that he has to pop right so you can't say it
and I'm not trying to be funny but I'm saying it's always this thing oh no
matter what a woman does you don't know if sometimes things are done something
women can put pressure buttons pressure buttons they know what buttons suppress
are you saying I pressed a button no sometimes they also let me ask you a
question I'm just so upset that you feel like knocking my teeth damn right you
know give me a little speed Matt across the side of the door okay so anyway see
the stop internalize and everything looks now I'm swimming we're talking you
damn right but listen the point is there's there's oh yo you can't you have
to know the whole story never gets looked at a woman could do anything
realistically and if a man reacts to it then we overlooked what the woman does
it doesn't matter didn't exist and it's just about the man what I'm saying is
she could have did something ridiculously crazy
or she could have put him in a position where he was that you know had to defend
himself or he had to just react I really doubt
that he just came home was like oh I'm not saying that he did that the point
you're not understanding what my pool what my point is no matter what has
happened unless she tried to stop him and kill
him he is a man it's just a woman he should not put his hands on no man that
way and then say unless well I'm saying that she attacked him and he had to
protect himself which he shouldn't have to protect himself cuz he should be he's
big and strong so now here we go again that that doesn't mean that you you guys
see what they said I mean you're exempt from attack of defending yourself but
anyway to the point yeah you know allegedly he
knocked her teeth out that's what the reports are saying then the family
showed up she called the family then the video is him arguing with the father
right the videos with him arguing with the father and there's a couple of times
that he went towards Emily it's not that it looks like he was about to be her ass
it just kind of looks like he went towards and like he's yeah so he's like
saying you gotta come to my house that these tools help me out with me right so
in the video it does kind of look like Emily's trying to record fabulous
someone no but whatever was in her hand there was a point that it looked like
like why why does she have our hands a certain way what is this whoever was
recording that and put that out as fast yeah no matter what side of that
situation you yeah that's out of that like we have ever now
with that they usually just explored anything and you can just put it out
there TMZ gets it so seriously of all people to get it is TMZ that's what they
do so here's my thing I understand
recording situations like that to protect yourself or to document it but
to put that out to the media that makes no sense I'm just like alright I might
need this for a police record or hold on to it right but to record that situation
and say oh I'm gonna blast this yeah and footage looks pretty close so someone
that knows that one right around the corner and that's kind of messed up I
would be pissed if I was both of them that I was like this house what
obviously this house cuz he was like why did you bring me to help the person
that's what Corden looks like they was up above like they were inside the house
so clearly that's that's her family I had of course it's hard people's I'm
just his I doubt his people's are gonna do it but nowadays you never know I'm
just saying this wrong so there's a part in here that says from TMZ I don't know
why we get in the news for TMZ cuz it's so close I got a bullet with your name
on it though way it says actually reported Emily told police sheets sent a
family member to the house to remove handguns she fared fab with use against
her when he got home the video shows who you're a business
hello from Emily's father he has a bullet with his name on it
Emily also claims fabless punched out topher teeth on March 7th well today is
like the 31st yeah yeah it's been a minute so she
probably got her teeth fixed even though I don't really follow her but um but I
don't know like today and also fab turned himself in because what I guess
the video surfaced showing them in this kind of confrontation he was booked with
aggravated assault and making a terroristic threat yo speaking of that I
don't know you know that's just a regular family argument stop it although
I mean seriously I have a conversation with a woman yesterday ain't gonna say
no names but um cuz out um I had a conversation he spoke when I want me to
be making threats my point is fellas ladies you have to be very careful
nowadays what you say because just what we're used to you might be quick in the
middle so me to move in my blood you homie when I see normal things you used
to saying out of frustration and even just trying to threaten somebody yeah
it's called a terroristic yes so can I make any threats you know back in the
days your ass and you came and say I'm gonna be chances you get arrested yeah
we're we're we're being knocked out to be weak individuals like it I'd rather
know that you can have a fistfight though than any guns be drawn but I'm
just saying it's like we're just being brought down
there's only nowadays people like everybody's text message in and and DM
and yo you can't threaten somebody over that but cuz it's a record yeah don't
you hold on me hold on if you think they're not monitoring our phones oh you
are wrong so you have to be so careful what you're saying because I truly
believe I know it's gonna be conspiracy stuff
but I truly believe when you say a certain word in a text oh yeah they pick
it up on their screen it goes through poopoo and then they keep an eye on you
I don't have any proof but I do believe it is inside so what's the outcome of
this so the outcome is I don't know I just want to share the topic and see
what anyone has to say I mean did you hear about it if you look at EMC it's
like on the first page I think my thing is don't be in a rush to judgment to
always say that the man is the wrong yo the man ain't always the wrong or the
aggressor in these situations sometimes we in a situation I know you guys have
defend ourselves and then things get blown out of proportion and a woman is
never no matter what happens in the end whether you get to stay together whether
you in love whether you the other four twenty thirty years later or you break
up a woman's never gonna say yeah you know what happened he came that's not
gay and his brother and his best friend was was pounding me out and he walked in
and went crazy and then you know I was saying all this other stuff name never
gonna tell you the truth oh my god they might tell we just we just see oh yeah
okay all right well you just rusev no no I'm what I'm saying this to be clear
y'all might tell the dude what was really going on but to the public
okay that was gonna come out like yeah I was cheating on him I was his homies
brother you know I said some stuff about his dead grandma oh my god from them and
told them here you can't do nothing I bought all these shoes okay the end
result is is that no one simple see why do you acknowledge that because I ain't
got time I'm busy I'm busy the point is is that I hope fab no
matter and that it's not like that's an idiot you know this is why there's the
hashtag me too hashtag music movement because you man
just want to come in attack if it wasn't for us you would not be here in a you
know you with only ones that can birth you so treat us right hashtag me too I'm
having sure if it's falls in the same category but anyway anyway
guys if you heard about the story hit us up let us know your thoughts behind it
I'm sure you guys don't know more than we do let us know in the comment section
he's exactly the size further just caught this discussion of conversation
in the contacts and don't say nothing mean
don't say anything mean because it doesn't affect me your piece player yeah
if you wanna just me you can it does not affect me I'm not sensitive actually
okay so we about it peace
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