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DON'T WATCH THIS VIDEO - (If You Want To Succeed) (animated) - Duration: 5:38.Are you winning at life and think you shouldn't?
Do you believe you're too successful?
Well look no further, because in this video I'll explain and share some foolproof tactics
on how to become a complete failure in life.
Let's get started.
So the first thing you should do is avoid sleep as much as possible.
It only wastes your precious time which could be spent doing other important things, like
watching shows on Netflix.
If you feel tired just drink a sugary energy drink, which will help you stay awake much,
much longer and barely give you any energy.
It's also really important that you don't have a consistent sleep schedule and go to
sleep at a different hour every single day.
This way you can prevent your body from forming a natural sleep pattern.
Another thing to avoid is exercise.
Exercise can actually improve sleep, so there's that.
But also it releases endorphins in your brain which trigger positive feelings and a good
outlook on life.
And you don't want that, so move as little as possible.
The best way to be completely static, is to watch TV and play video games.
These two activities will keep you occupied for hours, making sure you don't move at all
and also the blue light from your screen will help you get bad quality sleep.
When you mess up your sleep you will naturally feel tired throughout the day.
Guess what you want to do when you're too tired?
You not only avoid exercise, but you also want to just lay on the couch, watch TV and
play video games.
This will become a perfect loop that will take some serious willpower to get out of.
And if you're worried that you might somehow get out of this downward spiral I got a perfect
Eat a lot of processed food.
The best way is to just order from fast food restaurants and make sure they deliver to
your home.
This way you don't even have to expend any stamina by getting there.
That processed food will sap your energy and kill your gut bacteria.
But that's what you want after all.
However you might want to eat something different every once in a while.
So whatever you do, avoid vegetables.
So going to the grocery store's candy aisle should do the trick.
That way you know that it's super delicious and your taste buds will love it.
Not only will these foods help you drain your energy and willpower to do anything in life,
but they will also help you become fat.
The fatter you are, the harder it is to move around.
Bottom line: you don't want to prepare and cook your own food.
(By the way, throwing a pizza in to a microwave isn't cooking.)
While on your path to failure you won't be leaving your house much.
But when you do, make sure you try to impress people you don't even care about.
Don't invest your money, but rather spend it on expensive designer clothes trying to
look rich.
Now if you really want to put the icing on the cake, get a bank loan and buy a new fancy
sports car you don't even need.
This will make you look rich while simultaneously digging a bigger financial hole.
The next step is to get rid of all your goals and dreams.
Most importantly, whatever you do, don't plan on how to achieve them.
Improvised living will give you unexpected results, as it will steer your actions in
multiple directions.
Without a clear plan, you'll most likely go left, right, forwards and backwards, and you'll
never come close to your goals.
If you're unlucky and already made a step by step plan, make sure to start with it tomorrow.
I mean if it can be done the next day, why do it today?
Better yet, just day-dream about your goals and think how awesome it would be to achieve
them, while continuing to watch Netflix and eating chips.
If by any chance you're already half-way with your goals, make sure you don't persist and
quit the second it gets tough.
Giving up spares you a lot of trouble, hard work and pain.
And if someone asks you why you quit when you experienced a setback, make as many excuses
as possible.
Or even better, blame other people for your own mistakes and problems.
Why would you want to take responsibility for your life, when you can just sit back
and blame others for everything bad that happens to you.
Being a victim is easy and takes very little effort.
Oh, and don't forget to complain about everything, while not doing anything about it.
Complain about the weather, Mondays and other people complaining.
When you have nothing good to talk about, complain about your life and everything wrong
with it.
You're still watching?
Here's a bonus tip just for you.
Don't educate yourself.
Books should only be used as toilet paper.
You don't want to fill your mind with useless crap after all.
You most likely already know everything you need to know, and if you don't, reading Twitter
and Facebook posts will surely educate you more than enough.
Thanks for watching.
If you follow all these instructions you will without a doubt become a complete failure.
If you got any other pro tips on how to ruin your life, leave them in the comments below.
Together we'll become worse than yesterday.
Video Appears To Show Protester Hit By Police Car At Stephon Clark Demonstration - Duration: 0:30.-------------------------------------------
Protester Wanda Cleveland Hit by Sacramento Sheriff's Squad: VIDEO | | SML TV - Duration: 5:23.Protester Wanda Cleveland Hit by Sacramento Sheriff's Squad: VIDEO |
Twitter/Guy Danilowitz This video was taken of the Sacramento sheriffs squad striking activist Wanda Cleveland.
The California Highway Patrol has confirmed that a female protester was struck and injured by a sheriff's squad during Stephon Clark protests in Sacramento.
The incident remains under investigation, according to CHP.
You can watch video of the moment the woman, identified as Wanda Cleveland, was struck here.
She is seen falling to the ground when the vehicle strikes her.
According to ABC News, she was listed in stable condition after the incident.
The Sacramento Bee reported that the sheriff's vehicle left the scene after hitting Cleveland.
Guy Danilowitz of the National Lawyers Guild, took the video, which widely circulated on Twitter, according to the Bee.
He posted it on his Twitter page.
Some photos from the moment Cleveland was struck also circulated on social media.
You can see them here, although the quality is not very high.
Alexei Kosoff, of the Sacramento Bee, was one of the journalists who identified the injured woman as Cleveland.
"Wanda Cleveland said when the first vehicle told protesters to clear the street, she started to walk toward the curb because her arthritis was making her knees weak.
The second driver made no request, she said, abruptly accelerated and hit her in the knee," he wrote on Twitter.
Kosoff added: "Wanda Cleveland, who was struck by the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department vehicle, is a well-known activist in Sacramento, @chabriaa reports, and regularly attends city council meetings.
Journalist Sawsan Morrar wrote on Twitter, "Sac sheriff hit a protestor in #Sacramento and sped off.
Did not stop.
I spoke with the victim Wanda Cleveland for the @washingtonpost 30 min before she was hit and she told me "the police will never touch me again." #StephonClark." Others shared the license plate of the sheriff's vehicle in question on social media.
Word of the incident quickly gained lift on social media.
"A Stephon Clark protester was hit by a Sacramento County sheriff's vehicle during a vigil.
Protesters said the vehicle hit activist Wanda Cleveland and then sped off.
She laid immobile in the street until the fire department arrived to pick her up," the Fair Punishment Project wrote.
The protests have ignited over the death of Stephon Clark, 22, who was shot and killed in his own backyard.
A doctor hired by Clark's family alleges that he was shot eight times in all, with six of the shot striking Clark in the back.
The shooting has become the latest flashpoint in the United States over a police-shooting death of an African-American man.
Days of protests erupted over the shooting death.
The unrest comes after similar protests erupted previously in other states, including in Minnesota, North Carolina, and Missouri.
The State Hornet newspaper wrote on Twitter that Cleveland is in her 60s.
Friends came to her aid.
Sacramento police previously alleged that Clark "turned and advanced toward the officers while holding an object" extended in front of him," CNN reported, but, the only item found with Clark's body turned out to be a cell phone.
Pengantar subjek dan predikat serta kelas kata dalam bahasa Inggris | Video En A1 - 007 - Duration: 7:12.-------------------------------------------
Farm Wildlife Name and Sounds - Video Learning for Children - Duration: 2:26.Thanks for watching video !
Thanks for watching video !
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An April fools day video (Don't watch) - Duration: 15:31.If you have closed captions turned on... hello. Leave while you can.
Getting all my video equipment ready for VEDA - Vlog Every Day in April. - Duration: 3:06.making videos making videos everyday and we're gonna make videos WHAT! vlogs I'm
not ready let's get started so my lights are kind of busy I'm growing stuff got
lights everywhere sorry little guys we're gonna make a
salad out of you soon at least this bad boy is ready and charged I haven't used
it yet but today's gonna be the day here is the camera that goes with my gimbal
or cameras I guess hey my GoPro that's the hero2 that's
the hero4 a whole bunch of batteries well that's the GoPro Hero 4 that is an
empty case okay I gotta go to work to get the rest of my equipment but before
that happens we gotta take the little guy out what little guy this little guy
okay we're finally going to work we got a drop-off the lady at preschool time to
go to work Jump Jump let's go Have a seat there you go you gonna record with us penny you're
gonna do it okay you hold it up take your finger off of the lens there you go
now talk to it what HELLO What do you want to tell the people I I love my school and I love
everybody else you hear that she loves her school you love your school I love
my school bye, see you later, I'm going to go to school. Alright See you in a minute
so I got to work picked up on my equipment and I am ready to make more
videos for you guys I am excited hopefully you guys like them too and
we'll kick this off and make it great see you guys next time like share and
subscribe don't forget
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