What is up mates it is ProxyFoxy
and today we are going to make people feel horrible with Warwick
also known as Rengar 2.0
RITO released this monster last week and since then everything has gone to shit
for the enemy team : ^)
this champion requires you to have a "special" kind of mindset while you play him
so if you are a good person just..
go watch something else this is for cool kids only
this does not concern you.
I am sorry but if you are a pussy you just will not have ✡it✡ in you.
for the rest of you that are as much of a horrible person as I am ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
with the reworked Warwick the ☭Rasputin☭ mindset to go with is:
get rekt scrubz i am going to fuck your shit up.
go jump from a bridge or stick your
dick in an electical socket"
this champion was specifically designed for you
to bully people with so go ahead and make RITO happy :D
Make those bitches spend all of their gold on wards,
that wont even stop you from jumping on them with
your ult from the fog of war,
just like my uncle Francis
jumped out of the white van and kidnapped me
for 3 weeks (no homo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
to set an example.
here we see Warwick counterjungling the enemy Lee Sin (AKA crippled blind monk)
Lee Sin happens to notice Warwick.
Warwick ingores him
you know why ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
because friend
Warwick does
half a mother loving malaria spreading HIV infected kid mulesting cancer shit
about the pussy ass enemies
that think their existence has any sort of meaning to anyone
that's why.
he might not be able to carry games,
or be great in teamfights,
but thats not the point of this champion.
your goal is to jumpscare the enemy team during laning phase
and make them question their own sanity and cause depression
to them with this cancer giving ebola spreading doggo : ^)
if there is any enemy on the map below half their health
snipe the shit out of them
like your hot step sister told you
that for each snipekill you do
she is giving you a rimjob (do not google that kids) and
a peanutbutter sandwich (with extra nuts)
bully your enemies so hard that they leave their lanes
in order to start 卐camping卐 you
if they actually have the nerve to do that
go to their homes IRL,
beat the shit out of them,
castrate their dog
while maintaining eye contact with them
and tell them
next time,
it is going to be you
my little pumpkin (maybe homo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
Do not have the impression after this video that
I am not going to make a rant about this champion later on
I just think that he has not been given enough time
in the game for me to harvest cancer from him.
he needs time to mature in order for me to extract the juiciest bits of him
just like the used condom I left rotting
for 3 years under my bed
that I harvested the idea for uncle Francis from (yeah.. "idea" .. definetely not from personal experience..)
after all i think that riot will realize
that they over did it this time with the
practical jokes and they will nerf his ass back to normal : ^)
thank you for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it
if you did please make sure to check out my other videos
and subscribe for more cancervids like this one <3
share it with your friends
so this channel becomes ☭Rasputin☭ worthy
see you next time when i will
cut my wrists
inside a shark tank : ^)
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