hi guys welcome back to my channel and I am
so happy to be back
I was on time called weird great i don't
know why but thank you so much for still
be subscribed and so waiting and I
supposed to be back
I don't worry said that but you have no
idea how I am and I have so whatever you
guys its doors so make sure you hit
subscribe and true today I'm going to
show you guys how I got to thinking of
butter and jelly how it look I have been
wearing this all the time it's my go-to
move now is my I feel like it's my
favorite makeup i love it so much I love
the football underneath the hunt the
facts are so excited and yeah so let's
get videos everything we do is we're
going to respect all my hair using this
little bauble thing about from for
between 1 and starting with lids a lot
so i'm gonna be putting my eyes with
that my favorite Air Patrol five events
in my third following so corny but will
it still wasn't eyes
all for it and of course the future to
see you i'm using this repeat putting
butter and jelly college I love so much
it's so gorgeous and do so much with it
i'm studying that with a powerful blend
and making peanut butter going to be our
transition shade
thinking nuts about you hang up right
underneath century schoolmarried
reference for the local population on
our dressing promise it will all look up
next I'm taking a little that's all of
the look as I don't offer my mother and
people achievement and I'm lower our
life away any access by refusing / boxes
own finish foundation violence as my
color is green and red knit thank you my
ex for filler invasion I'm thinking
oriel to match foundation and with color
w1 and I have a loving the foundation
was laudable methylation that what a
little potion bottle i love this
foundation i love the color choices one
because they just have so many and not
really taking this audience and move
people around
that's my makeup I you find yourself
I didn't have a clear under here but
that's like to start cleaning up
I like how like coverage the foundation
is to iso file you sent me and
foundations and until messages you will
like cover it and hold a bell
I haven't going to get people are
passing at the implementation for mostly
a solid foundation to cut the I should
have just a bit sharper never everything
I mean I've never gone back to upper st
elevation it's just like everything else
looks beautiful flawless condition
actually like electric relationship
until I could be but it really helps so
interested in and the relative think
some gum and compared to actual people
under protest is published and the city
under which is all
what happened when top and the bottom of
the difficulties we really bonded out
once I've said it was just what about
shine always the outpatient leaving tart
full-coverage concealer to highlight and
we are under the eyes I've been addicted
to highlighting 70 here I Indian keep
running out that underlies anything
along with a translucent powder i love
this Christmas and it has been my
favorite setting powder as per it gives
you self flawless look it makes last so
much longer i used to use like the
meetings are like your studio line they
have a very latest always liked it
this is just everything
corn and
but when i get some people probably fix
what has now i'm gonna be doing my
eyebrows and my Nana's i'm giving me on
solidly of brow definer little fully on
the end up with a home
they're kinda got me singing under the
floor out aligning and giving to fill it
and when you always stop in the back
like a little bit of agency to me of how
do you help means our route all my love
it some people like my mother
it really like colors that here writing
component I'm like when you find it via
is light color brown but this helps the
Browns have prisons the two space once
again stretch markers and i love how the
office saying 454 it felt drive with one
lauriol are
are also involved with the heart
let's scare easy Mississippi for the 2nd
Para and so formal on the bottom line is
i press this is my favorite shade and
this panel is pushing belly gorgeous
purple we have gotten like seriously
makes it pop actually putting mascara on
the bottom lashes for brow highlight
only taking two crazy but he felt so
much for contracting cap on these i
contour palette around later here total
was quite remember hell that means like
that is the back of it or facts are
known to see the Latin origin and oh I
because angled brush from morphe and I'm
going to keep bagging on to hear this is
like the perfect shade for me and the
kids nothing else and I control
I'm going to work ok right as always
I'll show a little cup of trouble
well it's going to be taking tiny look
at first capital requirements and kandi
kay and therefore from my my my xterra
look in the quickest oh look
run both the Harris college freshman
using the template
peanut-butter-and-jelly palette i hope
you guys really enjoyed this video I
cannot wait to start making more videos
and get them out war with all the
products that I met him for you today
double a description so check them out
online social medias they're probably
out in front of active on Instagram
suggested call me as we start back and
also we found the link below protect it
out please give the video like comment
down below and please subscribe to make
sure you subscribe you hit the little
belt thing today you know what I upload
videos and if you know you did it have a
little in single around the valve that's
how you know he hit that makes you hit
that button so you know what happens
next and i'll see you guys next time
hiatus and i will I way to Memphis
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