Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 1, 2017

Waching daily Jan 29 2017

It was all just a dream


I got it!

I wish for a little brother

This doesn't get the job done

Whats that?



Who are you?

Im your brother


Go play with the toys..

It actually worked

So, what have you always wanted?

A big sister

I want a big sister!!





Your sister..

so what do you guys want?



What do you want?




So, wheres the magic ball???







What a Dream..

For more infomation >> THE WISH BALL - SHORT FILM - Duration: 4:33.


Game Of Thrones Season 7 - Jon Snow Is Related To White Walkers and Night King - Duration: 9:53.

Hey Youtubers, it's Charlie.

This is going to be a video

All about how Jon Snow is related to the white walkers and the night King on the TV show

so just careful for spoilers for everything this happen on the show so far there couple

key ideas and understanding the differences between the show and the books the night King

on the TV show is a little bit different from the character in the books so I'll try to

explain those Backstories a little bit as well.

There is a new round of the game of thrones giveaway it's for one of the enhanced editions

of the books.

All you have to do to enter is be a subscriber and leave a comment on this video be sure

to click that bell to enable alerts so that you don't miss anything.

A lot of you asked about the history of the night King on the TV show because a lot of

book readers have known about the nights king from old man's tales for a long time, so a

lot of the lower of game of thrones is told orally through other characters like old man

that tell legends of people like the 13th Lord Commander of the nights watched will

became the first nights king the legend is old man tells it is that that Lord Commander

was a start of winter fell brother to the king of winter at the time.

Remember how the TV show compresses things though.

So you have to imagine that there have been many many white walkers that have been sacrificed

as children in the books.

There have also probably been many nights king's to have taken up the mantle of the

leader of the white walkers there has to be someone to create other white walkers.

Although they have an implied any real organizational structure yet.

So is 13th Lord Commander that Nan says was the first nights king was probably just at

that time the newest leader of the white walkers that there was also probably want to proceed

him the way they explain the tale is actually pretty fantastic, they make it sound like

not long after the creation of the wall.

The 13th Lord Commander this mythical start fell in love with the woman north of the wall

with skin is white as the moon and eyes like blue stars.

So she herself may have been a White Walker the way they described them in the books is

having this otherworldly beauty the TV show is made them pretty ugly and fearsome so is

a lot more plausible that someone would fall in love with a beautiful looking white Walker

rather than someone that looks like this when they consummated their relationship.

He himself became a White Walker.

They returned to the night for which is not Castle Black it's one of the other forts along

the wall a rule there for 13 years till an alliance of Brandon the breaker one of the

further kings of winter.

Your money can be on the wall at the time join forces to defeat him, so presumably after

that if you believe the legend and what George R Martin has told us through old man's tales

after that nights king died another leader of the white walkers was selected and created.

So there's this nice symmetry with the way there are Lord commanders of the nights watched

when one dies, another one is anointed, the same thing happening with the white walkers

as well, but the difference in the TV show is that there's only been this one night King

they imply that he was the one that we saw in the flashback that we still see today the

way bran refers to him is that it's the same person this whole time, and he's lived for

some odd thousand years.

Now this is the time of the first men when there were still kings of winter like you

could call Jon Snow king of winter king in the North, but you have to remember that before

the and those invaded which is about 6000 years ago in the books.

The first men rain.

They were still kings in different regions.

So you have people like land the clever who started house Lannister you have Brandon the

builder who helped build the wall.

Also found house stark during the age of heroes.

So, were talking upwards of 10,000 years ago in the books the TV show has compressed that

timeline so that it was about a thousand years ago.

So the way George R Martin tells it is that his mythical nights king is a legendary figure,

it's no more likely to have survived to present day that land the clever or Brandon the builder.

So another lot of conspiracy.

There is there like what if Brienne is Brandon the builder because of his time traveling

abilities everything that George RR Martin has implied is that those mythical ancient

figures really did exist thousands of years ago is powerful is bran's magic is there's

no big twist beyond the stuff that you've seen so far.

I mean there's some powers that he has that you haven't seen but it's not like he went

back to help build the wall the TV show changes a lot of things they could take a few liberties

with that they imply the people in the past like young Ned Stark at the tower of joy can

hear when bran calls out, but they're purposefully very ambiguous about that is that they never

have to answer that question outright, but even though TV show nights king is different

from George R Martin's nights king the leaf character explains to bran how they created

the white walkers after he has the vision of the first men being turned into the night

King she explains that they had to create something to get rid of the first men.

He was about 12,000 years ago after the first men invaded west roast they had this big war

with the current inhabitants the children of the forest who lived way further south

than they do now.

They signed a pact with the first men on the Isle of bases to end the war, which is actually

this island right here is one of the few places left in the South has Weirwood's that's with

a call the Isle of faces because the faces on the Weirwood's all of house stark descendents

from the first men.

So it makes sense that someone from the North up near this location here this is been a

very far north where bran is seeing this tree.

Probably not too far from the Bloodraven street like you remember the night King made that

ornate formation with all the heads of the dead horses and the men near the fist of the

first men, so a lot of white Walker children of the force history is localized to the North

because that's where they went after the pact of the first men.

So it makes sense on a practical level the Starks share blood with this.

First, men who became the night King of the TV show, but also from a somatic perspective

where you have him tied to Jon Snow who is the song of ice and fire himself the whole

idea is about the narrative of balance.

So wouldn't it be that much more meaningful if the thing that you are fighting the evil

thing shared some blood with you shared some common genetic material.

So it makes sense that the Starks share DNA with this night King that when you talk about

the ancient 13th Lord Commander night King, even if old man is embellishing about the

dates about how big figures were and about how events went down there are still a lot

of Starks going back thousands of years that joined the nights watched there were others

that previously became Lord's Commander when Jon Snow was named Lord Commander of the nights

watched he is almost the thousandth Lord Commander, so I would choose to believe old man, even

though a lot of legends do get embellished there is common DNA between this night King.

Even some of the white walkers which are actually mostly Craster sons on the TV show right now

is just because a lot of the surviving DNA of the first men lives on in the peoples of

the North, most of the people south of the wall dissent from the angles.

Although there was the war between the animals in the first men.

So there was likely some intermarrying between those peoples for the most part the blood

of the first men as you would call it lives on in the people of the North as well as the

free folk north of the wall and in the people way further than that fence that also share

the blood of the first men.

So Craster free full just shares blood of the first men share some DNA in common with

the Starks of winter fell.

So that means that the white walkers here are all related to Jon snow in some way King's

blood is something different though it's important to Melisandre there might also be important

to the creation of new nights king's and until George R Martin tells us otherwise you have

to assume that the night King is created in the same way that we saw happen on the TV

show Dragon glass plunged into the heart of a first men.

Now they don't explain whether or not the blood of the first men is important in this,

but there's some more magical components that they haven't explained yet like if you stab

someone with a Dragon glass dagger in the heart it would probably just die.

So there's a whole bunch of magic that the TV show has not explained yet but we don't

fully understand what's going on with the red God we just know about the things that

Melisandre is been able to do the other things that the red priests in the books have been

able to do this is all stuff that George RR Martin will spell out in much greater detail

in the books.

So if you're new to the books.

That's why it's really important to read those things but don't worry, that's also what I

make videos forced explain this really cool stuff, but hopefully that explains a little

about why it's important that the Starks share some DNA with this night King on the TV show

just because of the proximity effect of went he was created and when the first men settled

in that area and created house stark and when the wall was built please leave all your request

for future game of thrones videos in the comments below will have another one posting later

this week I'll be updating my video schedule on the about page of my YouTube channel.

Congratulations to the new game of thrones giveaway winner Seth Nicholson please private

message me on the back end of my channel so I can get your contact details.

There was a new round that started in this video I'll just announce the winner the next

time I post a game of thrones video tonight, the be some new Justice league Aqua man behind

the scene stuff posting what you guys wait for that to post you can click here to learn

about the brand-new Targaryen book George R Martin is publishing at the end of the year

you can click here for my Arya stark season seven predictions.

Thank you so much watching everybody thought five I'll see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Game Of Thrones Season 7 - Jon Snow Is Related To White Walkers and Night King - Duration: 9:53.


Watch Justin Bieber Get Crushed at the NHL All-Star Celebrity Shootout - Duration: 1:07.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

This story serves two purposes... if you're not a Justin Bieber fan, you're welcome, and

if you are, I'm sorry.

The pretty boy pop star got completely crushed on the ice at the NHL All-Star Celebrity Shootout

this weekend.

Everything was in good fun, but still this has got to hurt.

6' 6" NHL star Chris Pronger decided to get up close and personal with Bieber during his

turn on the ice.

Apparently Bieber did pretty well on the ice, he scored a few goals as the clock was timing

out, but he did miss two penalty shots.

After the game was over he called it one of the highlights of his life.

Cuba Gooding Jr., who was also playing had this to say,

"Twenty-five shots later, thank God he made it.

I was shocked at how good the kid can play.

He really has nice skills, and he's a real sweet kid, too."

It's been a while since anyone has described Bieber as a kid since his breakout days.

For the most part people hate on him, but it's nice to see him be a good sport and enjoy

the game.

That's your news for now, for more of today's trending stories subscribe to Complex on YouTube.

For more infomation >> Watch Justin Bieber Get Crushed at the NHL All-Star Celebrity Shootout - Duration: 1:07.


Windows 10'da VPN Nasıl Kurulur (% 100 ücretsiz) - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Windows 10'da VPN Nasıl Kurulur (% 100 ücretsiz) - Duration: 4:32.


You are not alone: Drop weapons (Tutorial 006) - Duration: 8:42.

If you check Script>Items you see that the game already have a some swords.

There are no object associated with these items. So we cant drop them on the ground.

So we fix that.

We need a new weapond parent for this so duplicate parCollectible_Berries and name it parCollectible_Weapons

We need 3 objects for the swords.

Duplicate objBlueGem and name it objRubbishSword.

Change the sprite to sprWeapon8.

Change parent to parCollectible_Weapons

Now we need 2 more for the gold and awesome sword.

Duplicate objRubbishSword and name it objGoldenSword.

Duplicate objRubbishSword and name it objAwesomeSword.

These are new objects so we need to add these in the object array.


And copy and add new lines at the bottom as you should know by now.




Now lets associate the weapond items with the weapond objects.

ItemGetRubbishSword is missing the object array so we just copy it from another.


_item[ITEM_OBJECT] = objRubbishSword;


_item[ITEM_OBJECT] = objAwesomeSword;


_item[ITEM_OBJECT] = objGoldenSword;

Now we can drop them on the ground. But we also want the player to be able to pick them up.


Dulicate our berries collision and set it to collide with parCollectible_Weapons instead.

Go to the script.

/// Add Weapons

case objRubbishSword: item=ItemGetRubbishSword();

case objGoldenSword: item=ItemGetGoldenSword();

case objAwesomeSword: item=ItemGetAwesomeSword();

We can now pick up weapons. But we also must give the weapond to the player.


case objRubbishSword: var item=ItemGetRubbishSword(); InventoryAdd(item); break;

case objGoldenSword: var item=ItemGetGoldenSword(); InventoryAdd(item); break;

case objAwesomeSword: var item=ItemGetAwesomeSword(); InventoryAdd(item); break;

Now our player get the weapond. But we need to handle it on the client side also.


Copy the parCollectible_Berries chunk and paste it below.

Change it to parCollectible_Weapons

And we are now set. Lets try it.

Q to drop

And there it is.

For more infomation >> You are not alone: Drop weapons (Tutorial 006) - Duration: 8:42.


Apple Tree Yard BBC Episode 2 Review 7.5/10 | Aerial Telly #108 - Duration: 7:57.

In this video review of Apple Tree Yard,

Yvonne ruins a perfectly good dinner


Gary has sex with his stalker and

Rapey George says it with flowers. The IT in

question being "I really am a sick fuck"

That's coming right up! Hey, it's your boy

Aerial Telly, your filthy TV friend

who tells you exactly how it is

TV reviews you can trust. Here today to

talk about Apple Tree Yard Episode 2. In the

post assault haze Yvonne is in total shock

She shares a taxi home with her

rapist and then gets home and has a tearful

shower. She then drives to the police

station with the full intention of

you are the crime but once she gets

there she just can't do it and she ends

up binning her clothes along with it

vital forensic evidence. She clearly sees

it as some kind of wake-up call

a punishment for her infidelity and the

weird thing is that the narrative kind of

agrees with her.

OK, so here's my problem: this is a story

whose implicit intention is to sshow how

passion can ruin your life. So if she wasn't

seeing Mark she wouldn't have been raped?

Dance the message i get - if she wasn't

fucking some marriage stranger in Apple Tree Yard

right beforehand if she hadn't

got drunk, if she wasn't wearing stockings

then she wouldn't have been vulnerable to

this sexual predator. Now I haven't read

the novel so i don't know if that's a

fault in the source material or the

adaptation but either way it's a messy

signal to send. Like if he'd fucked her

so hard he broke her pelvis I'd totally

believe that - you know, at that age

osteoporosis is a given so that'd be

fine. But rape as a consequence of

illicit passion? Nah, not on board with that

Getting back to Yvonne, she's totally coming

apart at the seams , she's blocking

Mark's calls but eventually she rrelents and

they meet up, she tells all about the

attack and she gives him the name George

Selway. Mark is great about it, he encourages

her to give a statement

but she says to him if they take of a vaginal swab

which they will then you're gonna

be on it and if that comes out both

their marriages are fucked. Their

marriages will be as fucked as Yvonne

was that first night in the h

House of Commons crypt. We know that it's hard

enough for women already to get taken

seriously in rape trials but if you add

into that the adulterous sex in the street

right beforehand then we know perfectly

well its gonna be Yvonne who is going to be on


She resolves not to tell Gary anything

at all about the rape

She tells him that she's feeling ill and

would like to spend some time in Adam's

room and he's very understanding

despite having literally no understanding

of anything. Her son Adam shows up

unexpectedly trying to get into his room

and he scares her half to death but it's nice

to have what passes for a man about the house.

Adam wants to stay just for a few days to

sort some stuff out. He has important things to

ponder like why he's an even bigger

dickless piece of shit than his father.

Yvonne is grateful for the distraction of

her son but then everything comes

flooding back when she receives a casual

work email from George reminding her

about the conference they've got coming up

and how they might like to share a

hotel room together.

"Twisted little fuck" says Mark when he hears

Hard to argue with that.

Throughout all this we're obviously

wondering when Mark the superspy is

gonna man up and do what you're supposed

to do: track down George and put his 9 inch

dong in his mouth, waterboard him with

pis.s kneecap hhim with a tin opener, smash

each individual bone in his leg with a

lump hammer, much a battalion of army ants

his chaps eye and then seal it with

blu-tack, sew his arsehole shut and then

force-feeding 30 pounds of raw pork. But this

is ultimately the real world

gnarly, ugly and unjust. The bad guys

sometimes flourish, the good guys

sometimes perish. All Mark can offer her is a

shitty lawyer who tells her a bunch of

stuff that she probably already knows

that being drunk will count against her

that she didn't tell her husband will count

against her and that a history of

depression in the family will count

against her and he says to her

"you've really got to report you gonna this, if you're going to do it at

all you've got to report it today and she


so it's pretty much all over as far as

a prosecution goes. And she tells Mark that

she can't imagine ever having sex again

and given that they were essentially

fuck buddies, and he's got his wife and

she's got Gary it's basically all over

between them. The great affair ends not

with a bang but a whimper. In time she goes back to

work and a semblance of normality

returns you know routine's a powerful

thing. They do a bit of socializing, she and

Gary go to a dinner party where the host

starts chatting shit about a celebrity

rape case

victim-blaming and the like. Now usually Yvonne

would smile keep mount sure but

now she tears a strip off this broad.

It's hella awkward. And she announces that she's

leaving the

the Beaufort Institute - Gary's totally baffled

it's a great gig, but she is adamant. But

on the day she gets a lovely special

delivery of flower...s they're from

Rapey George!! Fucking Rapey George man he's so

rapey. Now although the affair is over

Yvonne is very much not over the affair

She still writes regularly missives to

Mark letters she'll never sent that he'll

never read. But in time the physical

bruises heal and she gets more confident

and she goes to get her hair done and as she

returns she gets a text "nice hairdo – is it

for me?" Signed George. Fucking Rapey George

man, everytime. The time comes

for Gary to go to Estonia for a conference

Coincidentally, Adam leaves the home the

same day so she's in that big old

house all alone.. To get up some Dutch courage

she goes to the off-license to load up on

plonk and wouldn't you know it browsing

the bacardi and rohypnol mixer aisle is

Rapey George. She runs home terrified and

frantically founds Mark to tell him that

George is stalking her. And they meet up the

following day in a secret service

safehouse - they kiss tenderly and it leads

to sex indoors for the first time. Kinky!

And then they finally, finally

have the conversation that we have been

waiting for. Up the arse? No! Not up the arse.

They've already done that

No no the conversation where she says to

him "Can't you warn him off for me?" and he

says "Nothing would give me greater

pleasure" ("Apart from doing you up the arse")

So great after all that we finally realize

that we know are in a rape revenge drama

well that's good to know. anyway Gary

comes back from Estonia– he's got some

great stories – you'll love this one

You remember Rosa that loopy broad the

student who thought there was something

between her and Gary but it was all in

her head? Funny one this, actually it turns out they

went together and they did the sex to

each other a number of times in

Estonia. So, the only thing that was "all

in her head" was his three-inch schlong!!!

oh god!!! Yvonne is pretty gutted at the news

but he just says "we never have sex" and

that's not unreasonable from his point

of view, bearing mind he still knows nothing

about the rape. but still it's all very

upsetting for her but you know what would cheer

Yvonne right up?

Some Deathwish rape revenge. She goes to

meet up with Mark so she can drive him round

to George Selway's place and Mark walks

right in to Selway's house and he's in

there for some time and she's waiting

just working what the hell is going to

happen, it seems like an eternity then

out of the blue ahand slams down on her

motor. Mark's? George's? And like THAT

we're back in the old bailey and as Yvonne is

led in a woman in the public gallery

screams abuse her saying she's a fucking

bitch and she deserves everything she's

gonna get for ruining their lives.

Everyone's a critic. I still like this

I'm finding it compelling i'm just not a

hundred percent convinced it knows where

it's going

Well maybe that's not actually true, it knows

where it's going it's going into the Old

Bailey but just not sure it knows how

it's going to get there. There is so much

sexual violence on TV these days

people more willing, more inclined to ask

questions about it, to interrogate the

reasons for it. apart from that side of

things every individual scene and

performance I think is great.

I'm finding it very watchable so i can't

really complain on that score at all.

do let me know please what you think in

the comments below: what do you think

about Yvonne's rape and how

specifically it changed the story line

do you agree with me that it almost

seems to make her complicit in the rape

or do you think that it was handled fine

you have no problem whatsoever. whatever

you think please leave a comment below. if

this is your first time on Aerial Telly

then please for the love of God

subscribe because your boy Aerial Telly is

here twice a week reviewing, recapping

and discussing anything and everything

to do with the subject of television because here's the


my name is Aerial Telly and that means two

things first off it means that I am your

filthy TV friend who tells you exactly

how it is

secondly and most importantly of all I am

TV reviews that you can trust. But for now though my

name is Aerial Telly and I'm out!

For more infomation >> Apple Tree Yard BBC Episode 2 Review 7.5/10 | Aerial Telly #108 - Duration: 7:57.


МОЙ ГОВОРЯЩИЙ ХЭНК #1. ГОВОРЯЩИЙ ТОМ И АНДЖЕЛА - видео для детей. - Duration: 9:28.

For more infomation >> МОЙ ГОВОРЯЩИЙ ХЭНК #1. ГОВОРЯЩИЙ ТОМ И АНДЖЕЛА - видео для детей. - Duration: 9:28.


The term "data search" of "Google documents"? - Duration: 2:48.

The term "data search" of "Google documents"?

Hello everyone

This time, we will discuss "data search" of "Google Docs"

Read the data automatically by machine learning to "Google Docs / Sheets / Slides",

It has been implemented that us to display the information based on the data "data search" feature

But is a function that can each be used in the same way, the property will depend on the service

This time, is an introduction of "data search" of "Google Docs"

"Data search" function of the "Google Docs" reads a certain keyword you entered in the document files automatically,

For us to view each of the keywords of images and content on a "Google Docs"

When you are entering text into a document file, on the right side of the screen when you click on the "data search" icon in the lower right "data search" window is displayed,

Image to list of keywords and related that is based on the text of the document file is displayed

Also, if you click on each keyword, us to display the results of a keyword search "web", us to display the results of the image by the keyword "image",

Is displayed tab of us to display the files associated with the keywords that are saved in the "Google Drive" "Drive",

Switch the display by clicking on each, you can display the appropriate data

"Data search" means that, without performing a keyword search each time open another tab in your browser,

Embed the link of the displayed content in the "data search" in the document file, image is not able to or attach a

By the way, since the image is basically "authorized image is re-used after modification" to be displayed are to be displayed, there is no worry of copyright infringement

Also "data search" of "Google Docs" is also in the smartphone version of the app, it is possible to use from the menu icon in the edit screen

It will display the "data search" the best information in the automatic "Google documents", for us to help the dark document file creation of content

It is recommended that in particular use of the "data search" at the time of article creation, such as blog

Please by all means try to reference

Or more, was a discussion of "data search" of "Google Docs"

For more infomation >> The term "data search" of "Google documents"? - Duration: 2:48.


Katara & Xier's DANCE MOVES! - Duration: 3:20.

Hello everyone, I'm Katara

I'm Xier

Thank you for watching our "I Deeply Love You" Music Video

Thanks everyone!

This week, we've been reading all your comments

You all are so kind

Thank you for your encouragement and support

One day in the subway I saw a beautiful girl

with blonde hair and green eyes

Who is she?!

(Katara's eyes are blue)

Actually, that day I didn't know but I could see

she was really beautiful

So I thought, wow, I really should sing for her

Eh, she's not THAT pretty

I think she's really pretty

I said, "wow, gorgeous girl, can I sing for you?"

I had a guitar on my back

I took my guitar and said to her

"I'll play you a song you will definitely like"

Then what did she say?

Then she said, "Oh, that's my song!"

I said, "Oh, my bad,

It seems as if a song has planted a seed in my mind

so I saw the author

Actually, I've seen you and heard your song before on Youku

I really love this song

Then I asked you if we could sing this song together

Actually, that's not true

I pressured him into it!

I begged him, "Xier, please write a song with me!"

He's really talented

I saw his performance on "Sing My Song"

So awesome

So, I'm really honored to have the opportunity

to collaborate with him

Thank you

Please don't forget to follow him on weibo

his username is changgedenagexier

Also, our Katara

her username is laowaipengyou (foreign friend)

See you next week!


If "I Deeply Love You" were to change musical styles

And become EDM

Then we should have some kind of cool choreographed dance to go along with it, right?

It would make it so popular!

Actually, did you know I was a dancer?



So I think if you want to have me give a performance, I'll have the perfect dance

So, ok, give me a beat

Our children have your laugh

I deeply love you

I love you dearly

With you each day is Valentine's

We make the heavens jealous

I love you dearly

In my dream, our children have your laugh

Like you! Like Me!

Til death do us part

Because I love you

I deeply love you

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