Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 1, 2017

Waching daily Jan 29 2017

Hi my loves, hope you're all good.

Starting today's sketchbook page by cutting and sticking in some black paper to cover

the whole page.

Haven't done a lot of cutting and sticking so far in the series and its actually one

of my favourite things to do in a sketchbook.

Great for filling a blank page with SOMETHING really instantly, and especially good for

covering up those things that you just cant stand to look at which is obviously how I

used the post-it's to cover the mistakes made on the page next to this one.

So the black paper I'm using isn't anything special, I just cut it out of a sketchbook

that I think I actually got by accident.

I must've been shopping for a cheap sketchbook and saw the black cover but didn't realise

the pages would be black as well.

It's been pretty good to me though, as always I'll have info on everything used in todays

video in the description.

For the painting itself, I didn't have much of a plan.

I wanted to work quickly and loosely.

Started out with a very basic sketch- you all know I'm not great at drawing hands,

I don't even know why I decided to do a hand for this- but I've found whenever I

don't think too much about it I can at least get the basic shape right.

And then for colours, I wasn't really going for a realistic look.

I wanted it to really pop against the darkness of the background and I was also just curious

to see how different shades and colours would look on black paper.

I did at times have problems with the opacity of my paint, using too much water in places

and it just kind of faded into the background and I had to go back and layer more paint

on, I think that's a lot less obvious when you're working on a lighter background for

your paint.

But this whole painting was just a case of building blocks of colour in different tones

and hues, layering and working and reworking it until it resembled a hand really.

So why work on black paper.

It's just like a whole new realm of opportunity for your art.

It makes your colours pop in a way that you don't normally see, it also challenges you

to rethink the relationship between your paint and the page behind it.

I've literally just seen Lena Danya talk about something similar to this, not exactly

the same but more or less, in her video on underpainting and how starting out with a

mid-tone on your page, or basically anything other than white as your background, gives

you the opportunity to build on areas of lightness rather than just painting deeper and deeper

into the shadows and letting the paper come through as the highlight.

I'll link her video below anyway cos she just explains it really clearly and, you know,

she knows what she's talking about!

But yeah overall, I think this took me, no more than an hour.

If you saw my last video where I kind of gave up on the painting for a bit, had a break

and started over, this is what I did during the break, as well as watching youtube videos

and tv.

And I didn't have the highest expectations so I was sort of just whizzing though it and

as it developed I started to actually think oh hey this is kind of working!

And yeah I'm happy with how it turned out, looking forward to working with black paper

more in the future.

But for now, that's all for todays video!

I hope you enjoyed it!

Oh and thanks for all the film suggestions on the last video!

You guys are amazing for suggestions and tips and things, I honestly feel so lucky to have

you all, helping me out and helping each other out.

Okay, I'll see you all next time.


For more infomation >> Painting on Black Paper · 30 Ways to Fill a Sketchbook - Duration: 3:51.


I HATE MY NEW JOB!!! - Duration: 5:17.

i'm one step up you want to build oh you

only make swords hammers and mason and i

do not recommend something that you're


what is everybody thank you so much for

stopping by you can call me right and

welcome to my little black net job today

we are going to be making weapons for

the bravest warriors in the kingdom to

wheel but first we need to name our shop

and for that we need to name a name that

inspires potent and strength partners

and that induce glory in the hearts of

all my be all right we're done the

kingdom are gonna grow to clear the

wrath of the piece was shot let's open

our shop and wait for the Warriors to

come seeking greatly made what anybody

and okay we got a client we got kind of

Qualcomm welcome yes the great warrior

to do it

what do you need my brother give me a

one-handed happen now

ok don't need to be so watching sassy

but it think we already have one ready

so all we need is a handle boom and boom

all right there you go

thank you going to eat go for it man

that we go do we get okay we got some

light on what's out here let me see oh

all we can order come so i'm going to

order and get order

oh if we can always scroll down all

right you got it and oh this actually is

important so I'm going to get 10 alright

when does my order right okay it's going

ok that is that makeup bullion okay what

the hell is fully on I got to make it so

let me just use them for now

I have no idea what to do can I use this

does this okay

he went away what does blocked it out

the healthiest make me to make a weapon

and Kubrick second god Tim well i guess

i'm gonna make it anyway

fuck you please work with me hearing it

all right we made no I don't need a

blade underneath that and that and i'll

catch anything it that's why I need it

and look no I don't think they want to

stick come on our right we make

something else i'm going to put it right

here if someone wants that they can buy

some alright i think that the first day

was fairly short i'm going to close my

shop and go back to 32 now let's get

back to work

come my beautiful warriors of this

kingdom which is apparently made of just

rock my house

increase and that's it got damaged Bob I

told you we do not make dildo

why should we might to the atomic heart

and people are not that much in the

stores anymore

alright war might what the hell do you

need a one-handed sword i do I have that

ok i have a one-handed blade so i think

we can do it i think i'll kick god damn

it come on come on

oh my God he's going to go away and he

is definitely i do not have it

one-handed thing I sorry bro you're

going to have to come back later

everyone has great ok that's the one

hand grip but he is gone

god dammit where the hell are decline

and you call yourself a warrior too

afraid to go into war god dammit welcome

brave church even ordered eldini a

one-handed sword please

okee test please I appreciate that but I

don't have any one hand grip that all

you're going to me to fuck off grand my

god your name is fucking weird

come on any clients come on holy shit

that do you

bring it towards me he is one determined


what do you need great warrior a

two-handed hammer i got to get these out

of the way to queue up change you do


there we go nice and easy to handgrip

boom and bull go 400 reckon shit right

heart is going to be jealous of you for

that happen

go forth great for graduates please so i

can literally beat united states all

hope is lost those pieces of shit


alright one more one last one I am going

to make your dreams come true no matter

what your order is defeated shop is

going to deliver gordini a pulley off do

do not give me that that you're going to

save 3 i'm not giving you our alright

know what fuck it i need the money I'm

doing anyway but i do not like you one


bring snow motherfucker do you did not

just walk out on you fucking sexy pitch

to these warriors mad fucking all right

thing i'm going to do this video here i

do not think i'm going to be a

blacksmith anytime soon because I

freaking suck at it but if you made it

this far

please deserving that drive one do not

miss any new videos I upload every two

days and I hope to see you all in the

next one have a greater today ticket

For more infomation >> I HATE MY NEW JOB!!! - Duration: 5:17.


4 TRUCOS CON CERILLAS | Life Hacks ExperInventos - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> 4 TRUCOS CON CERILLAS | Life Hacks ExperInventos - Duration: 2:56.


Do Germans say "Boo"? - Duration: 4:11.

A few years ago, the really big TV show to come out of America was undoubtedly "House",

the series about a brilliant doctor with a terrible bedside manner,

loosely based on the character of Sherlock Holmes.

Holmes? House? Get it?

Dr House was played by the British actor and comedian Hugh Laurie

with a surprisingly good American accent —

although that will have been lost on Germans who were watching it dubbed into German.

A few years ago, Laurie was a guest of Graham Norton on his popular chat show,

and talked about his surprise at how successful "House" was in Europe.

He talked about an experience he had in Germany

when fans almost caused him to miss his train.

When he told the crowd that he really had to go now,

they apparently got a bit annoyed

and started tearing up the photos they'd brought for him to sign.

I expect Laurie was exaggerating for comic effect,

but I wasn't there, so I can't comment.

And then he said this.

What I didn't realize was that the German...

...word — Well, it's not a word. The German for "boo"...

Ah, well actually, Hugh, you were right the first time:

it is a word. It's a specific class of word called an "interjection".

We don't normally think of interjections as words,

but really they actually are.

Anyway, I interrupted you — sorry, please go on.

The German for "boo"... not "boo".

When Germans boo, they go: "Ooh!"

So I had people — After they'd done all that and said all their German things,

I was running for this train

and all I could hear was people going: "Ooooooh!"

This surprised me a little,

although to be fair, I don't normally pay attention to what crowds are saying

when they're jeering.

I'm usually too busy trying to get backstage as fast as possible.

The thing is, I always thought that what Germans say is "Buh";

spelled differently but still basically the same sound.

And at least some dictionaries back me up on this.

And there are also related words,

like "ausbuhen" the verb and "Buhruf" the noun.

But some sources list an alternative: "Huh",

and I can only assume that this is what Hugh Laurie heard.

Where the word comes from is an interesting question:

Why do we say "boo" to express derision or disappointment?

I don't know about the German word,

but I do know that the English word was used in theatres from the 19th century onwards.

Apparently the theory is that it imitated the sound of cattle;

and in that sense it goes back to Latin,

so it has a very long history.

If you disliked a play, you might make animal noises to show what you thought of it.

And the one that became the most popular was the "boooooo" of a cow.

This relates to "boo" when it's used to express disapproval.

When it's used to scare people, or, in English, as a term of endearment,

that's a different story altogether.

I'm still not sure, though, how prevalent the alternative "huh" is.

If you're a native German speaker, please leave a comment:

do you say "buh" or "huh"?

So, what did you think of this video?


Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed the video, why not send me a postcard? Here's the address.

Or visit, follow me on Twitter, subscribe to my blog.

For more infomation >> Do Germans say "Boo"? - Duration: 4:11.


GEKÜSST von HOLLYWOOD STAR !! 😱 - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> GEKÜSST von HOLLYWOOD STAR !! 😱 - Duration: 5:51.


10 Disney Stars Who Are Not As Innocent As They Seemed - Duration: 8:42.

10 Disney Stars Who Are Not As Innocent As They Seemed

Disney has an incredible history of recognizing talent at a young age and putting those young

stars front and center in their shows and movies.

Many of these child stars fade off in to obscurity and many of them have a hard time ever shaking

off their early Disney roles.

For this video we are taking a look at the Disney stars who grew up to be far less innocent

than we once thought with our list of 10 Disney Stars Who Are Not As Innocent As They Seemed.

Enjoy this video and be sure to subscribe to Screen Rant for more great content, every

single day.

Zac Efron Zac Efron's career was jumpstarted by the

major success of the Disney Channel original movie, High School Musical.

In the musical movie (and its two sequels), Efron plays Troy Bolton, the leading man who

can sing, dance and play basketball.

With his success in the movies and his boyish good looks, girls of all ages were falling

madly in love with him.

Fast-forward a decade and while Zac may still have the killer looks, he has traded in his

adorable Disney star appeal for a more crude masculine look.

It only makes sense that Efron would start choosing racier roles as he got older and

we are sure that his fans weren't complaining when they got to see a lot of his ripped body

in Neighbors and Dirty Grandpa.

Look out for Efron in 2017's Baywatch movie where he will be yet again playing the role

of eye candy.

Shia Labouef At this point, we aren't even sure what

to refer to Shia Labouef as any more.

The guy has been the subject of some pretty weird Internet videos, some freestyle rap

battles, some box offices hits and some really bizarre art films.

It's pretty crazy to see where Shia is today when you take a look back at his humble beginnings

as the star of the Disney Channel show, Even Steven's.

Shia was such a fun and energetic young actor and as soon as he finished up on the Disney

show he started landing roles in movies like Disturbia and The Transformers franchise.

Since then, he has sort of gone off the rails having made some very strange public appearances

and some very racy movies like 2014's Nymphomaniac.

It's hard to tell if Labouef is in trouble or just having a good time doing whatever

he wants, but we hope all the best for him either way.

Miley Cyrus There was a time when Miley Cyrus was legitimately

the biggest Disney channel star on the planet.

Her show, Hannah Montana was a massive hit and also did a great job of transitioning

the young actress into a full-fledged career as a singer.

Once her show ended, Miley decided to shake the Hannah Montana persona and work as Miley

Cyrus full time.

The singer started making more mature music and produced more sexually explicit music

videos and these days she is no stranger to flaunting her body in the nude.

Miley may be considered crazy by some but the truth is, she is very confident as the

self assured woman that she is and we are happy for all her success.

Demi Lovato Just like Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato got her

start very young as a nerdy looking kid on Barney and Friends.

Lovato then got her big break as the star of the Disney Channel movie, Camp Rock.

Her success in this movie, along with her relationship with Joe Jonas helped to skyrocket

her career as a performer and she eventually decided to pursue a career in singing full


While Demi has definitely found a lot of musical success in the last few years, things weren't

always so easy.

Lovato has spoken publically about her struggles with an eating disorder and she has also spent

time in rehab for drug use.

The good news is that she has used these experiences to fuel her recent success, but she is definitely

not the innocent little Disney star she once was.

Nick Jonas Before the days of Justin Bieber and One Direction,

The Jonas Brothers were the boy band that had teenage girls all over the world falling

in love with them.

While all three brothers starred in their Disney channel show, it became more and more

clear that Nick was going to branch off and be a star on his own.

After seemingly disappearing for a few years, Nick Jonas has returned to the spotlight with

a very different image.

The 24 year old star is now making some pretty sensual music and he is not shy to strip down

for a racy photo shoot every once and a while.

Nick Jonas has definitely successfully shaken off his innocent Disney child star image and

it looks like he has a bright future ahead of him.

Britney Spears Wait, what Disney show was Britney Spears


If you answered The Suite Life Of Zach and Cody, you clearly need to brush up on your

Disney knowledge.

The world famous pop star was never on a Disney show but she was a member of the infamous

Disney Mickey Mouse Club alongside Ryan Gosling, Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera.

Although Spears has probably achieved the most success out of anyone on this list, she

has also probably hit the lowest lows.

Take your pick, from public melt downs, to leaked sex tapes to multiple messy public

divorces, Britney Spears has been through it all.

The craziest part of it all, however, is that Spears has made it through all of this and

has continued making music and achieving worldwide success.

Vanessa Hudgens After seeing Vanessa Hudgens play Gabriella

Montez, the female lead opposite Zac Efron in the High School Musical movies, it seemed

like she was destined for glory.

Hudgens was a classic Disney triple threat with the ability to act, sing and dance but

somehow she seemed to get left behind while all of the other stars around her rose up.

We're not sure why this is, but it definitely didn't help her cause when a number of nude

photos of her were leaked online.

We feel bad saying it, but it definitely tarnished her image and then her choice to star in the

famously racy flic, Spring Breakers, seemingly sealed her fate.

Hudgens is only 28 and she has landed herself a lead role on the new show, Powerless, so

we will keep our fingers crossed that she can finally figure it all out.

Anne Hathaway When you're thinking of young Disney stars,

Anne Hathaway probably isn't the person that comes to mind first.

However, Hathaway actually got her start in 2001 when she starred in the Disney-made movie,

The Princess Diaries.

This movie was a big hit and Hathaway was instantly pegged as a safe and innocent young


It took a while for Hathaway to shake this 'nice girl' persona and to start showcasing

her deeper talents.

In 2010, she let to world know she was no longer the young innocent girl by baring it

all and performing some pretty wild sex scenes with Jake Gyllenhaal in Love and Other Drugs.

It seems like this decision worked as Hathaway was able to take home an Academy Award a few

years later for person gritty performance in Les Miserables.

Lindsay Lohan When it comes to stories of child stars crashing

and burning, Lindsay Lohan is at the top of almost every list.

Lohan got her start earlier than most as she was already working as a model at the age

of three.

When she was in her early teens she was the star of two major Disney movies; The Parents

Trap and Freaky Friday.

Lohan was fantastic in these roles and for a while there it looked like she was on route

to becoming a huge success story.

Unfortunately, in 2007 her career flew off the rails when she started racking up multiple

arrests and check-ins to rehabilitation centers.

Lohan's offences range from driving under the influence, to drug use and possession

to not being able to comply with her parole orders.

Lindsay Lohan's story is a real shame, but the good news is she is only 30 years old

so there is still hope that she can find some redemption.

Selena Gomez Selena Gomez' career got off to a really

early start when she (alongside Demi Lovato) was one of the kids on Barney and Friends.

Gomez then moved on to bigger and better things with her leading role in the hit Disney channel

show, Wizards of Waverly Place.

Selena was great on the show and it was clear from a very young age that she was going to

be a star.

Since leaving the Disney channel life behind, Gomez has really started to focus on her music

career and has been pumping out hits for years now.

Gomez also surprised fans with a shockingly racy performance in 2012's Spring Breakers,

a movie known mostly for tainting our memories of a few Disney stars.

Sprinkle in some racy photo-shoots, a very public relationship with Justin Bieber and

you get one Disney star that is not as innocent as she used to be!

So there you have it, there is our list of 10 Disney Stars who are not as innocent as

they used to be.

Which one of these Disney stars was your favorite when they were young?

What other Disney star stories do you know about?

Sound off in the comments section below and be sure to

subscribe to our channel for more fun videos – like this one!

For more infomation >> 10 Disney Stars Who Are Not As Innocent As They Seemed - Duration: 8:42.


Lil Yachty Type Beat - Ocean (Prod. LuxuryBeats) - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Lil Yachty Type Beat - Ocean (Prod. LuxuryBeats) - Duration: 3:23.


Was genau ist Erfolg eigentlich? - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> Was genau ist Erfolg eigentlich? - Duration: 10:16.


Shocking Blue - Venus - Letra (lyrics) - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Shocking Blue - Venus - Letra (lyrics) - Duration: 3:01.


10 (Ten) Secrets About The Disney Pixar Universe That Will Blow Your Mind - Duration: 6:47.

Welcome to Tube World

first film toy story disney pixar has

been amazing audiences and has continued

this for over 20 years but entertainment

is only one factor from the pixar

universe the talented filmmakers of

pixar enjoy sneaking in hidden secrets

and inside jokes and each one of their

films you need to live and breathe pixar

films to know all 10 of these because

we're not going to be counting easy

secrets like the Pizza Planet truck or a

113 cameos get prepared to have your

mind blown

and don't forget to subscribe to screen

around for more fun videos like this one

here a screen rants list of 10 secrets

about the disney-pixar universe that

will blow your mind

and before we start can you guess this

movie from these emojis

stay tuned for the answer at the end of

our video

you can't find anywhere the incredibles

in ratatouille the film ratatouille is

laced with easter eggs so much so that

we all remember when dug from up shows

himself but what about the incredibles

easter egg in one scene when Green has

to find a place to hide Remy and he

looks for the perfect spot for deciding

to hide him in his tux gosh he has

another idea that is the place Remy down

his pants once he pulls open his pants

he reveals his boxers with the

incredibles local plastered all over


how many of you spotted those boxers

because you almost bought the same pair

don't worry we won't judge

my name's buttercup you've met Baron von

shush finding nemo in toy story 3 you're

going to need your pause button for this

one when buzz is making his escape from

the caterpillar room of the Sunnyside

day Karen toy story 3d whizzes by on a

string if you pause the scene at just

the right moment you can see paintings

in the background on the window two of

these paintings are Dory and nemo from

finding nemo once you know they're there

it's easy to spot the aquatic characters

especially with Nemo's orange and white

striped colorings

luxo jr. in warming planet earth is

covered with so much trash in 2008 Wally

humans left an adorable robot by the

name of Wally there to clean it up

he has the habit of collecting items he

finds interesting and sharing his spoils

with his cockroach friend once the

reconnaissance robot Eve shows up he

goes from cleaning mode to impressing

mode in one scene he makes a statue of

Eve and her right arm is made from luxo

jr. Pixar's favorite desperate

it's official you're coming to all my

races from now on gastos in cars to it

seems that almost every pixar film has

an easter egg with a car's vehicle in it

and soon we'll be showing you one that's

harder to find but what about the

ratatouille nod in cars to the film

takes us on a world grand prix tour with

stops in England Japan and Italy one

destination the crew travels to is the

paris france and if you don't blink you

might see gastos gastos is the vehicular

version of ratatouille is gustos

restaurant maybe the crew stop there for

a glass of synthetic oil before the big

rates i'm not going to scare you more

duty monsters inc in finding nemo when

we visit the dentist's office in finding

nemo most people spot the buzz lightyear

toy on the floor in front of the toy

chest but that's not the only toy there

there's another hidden one that you can

spot if you look really closely focus

really hard and look in the toy box

there's booze teddy bear from monsters

inc it's difficult to make out but once

you spot it that's definitely boost


we hope that she comes back and picks up

her teddy bear did I finally meeting

father luxo jr. again in toy story 2

here's one for all you astronomy buffs

out there have you ever sat under the

night sky and try to make out a

constellation you were talking about in

science class and wonder how those stars

were supposed to look like a scorpion

with Pixar gave us an easier

constellation to find when Buzz flies

back down to earth in Toy Story to look

closely at the Stars there's luxo jr.

the famous desk lamp of the pixar short

film in constellation form let us know

if you spot him in the night sky above

your house newt in brave pixar loves to

give you sneak peeks in their current

films about upcoming films remember when

boo offer turn emo Dalton Sully and

monsters inc two years before finding

nemo even hit theaters in the film brave

the which holds a new top one concocting

a spell to foreshadow the upcoming film

notes that pixar was working on

did you miss this easter-egg you

probably did because newt was shelved

and was never made

but all of you true pixar fans already

knew this right toys cars in toy story 3

be prepared for not one not two but

three hidden cars references in 2010

toys story three in the previous toy

story films and he had a calendar with a

reference from a bug's life on it but

since he's now grown up we can see the

images now of snot rod from cars then we

head into the Sunnyside daycare one

child can be seen sporting a 95 t-shirt

with a lightning bolt design that same

lightning bolt and red color can be seen

on a wooden car in the background of the

same location did you spot any more cars

references we missed ya

is that what so junior ball in top the

small yellow ball with a blue stripe and

red star was first featured an early

pixar short by the name of luxo jr. was

uses it to help him fly in the first toy

story film and it's shown up in a lot of

other pixar film one that people usually

miss is in the 2009 film up because

they're usually pay attention to the

antagonist the toy story 3 lot so look

to the right and you can see the luxo

jr. ball right in front of the little

girl whoever the manufacturer of this

ball is they must be on

millionaire by now Dinah guy all here

for his look

locate the boots snow caps the

incredibles in finding nemo in 2003 is

finding nemo a boy is seen sitting near

his mother reading a comic book as he

waits to be seen by the dentist

nothing looks too peculiar in this scene

but check out that comic book it's a

retro design for a Golden Age pre-read

suit mr. incredible we wonder if Edna

mode had any say in his outfits

obviously one Caped Crusader shown on

the comment wasn't dressed by Edna there

you have 10 secrets about the

disney-pixar universe that will blow

your mind

and the answer to the movie emoji is did

you get the right answer

let us know in the comments below and

don't forget to like the video and

subscribe to screen right for more fun

videos like this one

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 10 (Ten) Secrets About The Disney Pixar Universe That Will Blow Your Mind - Duration: 6:47.


Rayalaseema Rasam Recipe by Attamma TV - Duration: 8:32.

Rayalaseema Rasam Recipe


Tamarind - small lemon size (3 inches)

Tomato - 1/4 kg (big 3 numbers)

Garlic pods - 4 and Red dry chilli - 5 (depends upon spiciness)

Cumin - 1 teaspoon and pepper corns - 20 numbers

Coriander seeds - 1 teaspoon

Cilantro - 6 bunches and curry leaves - 2 bunches

Seasoning - 1 teaspoon

Oil - 2 teaspoons

Jaggery - 2 tablespoons (optional)

Turmeric powder - 1/4 teaspoon and salt tasty

Water - 2 liters


Take a cooker, add tamarind and tomatoes

Add 1/2 liter water

Cook for 3 whistles

Mash well

Add approximate 2 liters water

Crush masala in mortar or grinder into coarse powder

First crush garlic and redchilli

Grind cumin and peppercorns

Add coriander seeds

Grind well

Keep a side

Switch on the stove and heat deep vessel

Heat oil

Fry seasoning

Add curry leaves

Add chilli pepper paste

Fry on low flame for 1 mint

Keep stirring

Add tamarind water

Add salt and turmeric powder

Mix well and boil for 10 mints on high flame

Add jaggery (optional)

Allow until rolling boil

Boil for 10 minutes

Add cilantro and boil for 2 more minutes and serve hot

Serve hot with any fry

Try today this Rayalaseema Rasam

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