what such friends and fellow welcome of
new already am here once again with
all the others to bring you another new
tutorial in which this time go them to
teach how changes what is a disk
hard of some teams fly first eat
always I will command it it greeted to the
subscribers and ores of the channel
also like our sponsor no
center that is a big specialist in the
world of the game console and especially
I want to invite to those people that
they are interested in joining to this
family to this channel include one that
they came us arise serious and can leave
all his comments and ask the
cuales I will be loved to answer
well going back to the subject of the tutorial
here we can see two disks the
totally different
they would be two options which can
choose credited this need
if we are people that save a lot of
training as they can be videos
music to the connected abuchaibe by
life download from any
application and install a lot of few
they bet that it does us fault a shield
of high capacity as it can be a you
it gives a shield move that it was if we are
people that use the console it
we connect them the tourists that truths
stretches from time to time some
video game as we can opt by one
option to go a hard disk ssd is a
hard disk ssd of 250 gigas
but it is very interesting because his
we are put that we can do to the
it works much faster are
speaking of a difference of three
seconds of which was the problem of
all this is the
the heaves of prices of a model another
we are alive and 250 gigas even voucher
more expensive that the one of unt ages that
it went then here for the moment it is the
problem but well as it said this already
it depends on each one to taste of each one
now we go to appoint what goes us to
be been missing the tools the first
and one of the most important things is
achieve an operating system linux is
say crowd
this can download it directly
from the official page of ubuntu or
simply to the work of information
of this video jewels to a link where
you can download it
once downloaded of what is the
I file / format and only can dump
and examination had or if we want to botear
logically still it is not also you
I will leave a program with which can
do so much a thing seated to that another
explorer is to install it that be a truño
strike it if this mind in usb as
it will do fault another usb that this that is the
that go to use to install it
kiss the actions of the system and
saving that they are the line of commando
that will use it in which more
also it will do you fault as what is
a wire west end in being able to bateador
satán is the typical carey to all that
it uses for the hard disks of 2 and
half an external hard disk as it has
been missing a
a thing of these as long as
we go doing by means of being no it
we go to do internal as at all neither
soncillo achieve a saint wire the
we connect to our towers and
we feed with the front in this tower
lópez the hard disk and the wire of this
it finds data by this
saná 1 this I think that already is everything
what go to do is the computer
pc computer as they call it if like this you
I go to teach how go preparing it
all suances to my house although in his
moment marry us with a beautiful that in
the computer or the present go us to
do will be the link of the that left
active an information of this video
that goes us to carry to the official page
of ubuntu will not go out the image that
have here right now and go to say
download here will see how is us
having to as that will follow añil
new options the ubuntu 'of that is to say
we leave as it is it goes us to ask
that we have to ingresar 15 dollars no
we go it to put everything to zero
I seat me more dignamente will be free
we were to download
and we will see how here below it begins the
download enrique déntice moment us
we see to a mile downloaded by
complete what intuye taught that
in a prison will sanction mention where
even all the necessary to be able to
like this of the institute of fame all this it
you go to be able to download directly in
scene informations that lived and go to
find sense as they call me gurb
that it is quite good to recover the
that it is in this action two empty flats
image or is animais find the rufus
15 zone more than does us some days
we were to the so much south like the Russian
it is they are totally the Spanish in
Spanish is a very simple wish
afterwards we go to find here a bit
further down the partita x vos one hd of
máster that in his interior go to
find what is in the list of
commandos that go to need for him
ubuntu and afterwards also what are the
active necessary to create the
partitions of our disks again
finally we go to find three
folders or his no you or2 ov7 and use
always side zulo each one of them
incorporated and hertha in what they are the
archives a system for the hard disk
as I say I always used to the 1
because it is the one who better resulted one
side but well if you see that less in the
result no me the 11 try it with
the Jewish little of everything will depend of the
disk last the mark the shield that
we are using or of the date of
manufacture looking for denuesta data by
now we go to create the unit usb that
we need to use it in the front
and in the right part will see that has
a unit usb call in boss
formateados to 32 do not want to it go to the
islands affected x-men one hd master
lanús text of content and go it to
happen to the pot
I was fast and now the following what
we go to do will be that open in my case
of the usf1 and will take the active of
system for the disk this goes to take
a time because they are three and gas indicated
then we go to leave that they finalise in
his moment go back a beautiful person
funded what is the process of copy
of the accesses say that more us
it would remain the unit of the following
form have the listing of commandos
have assign them necessary so that to
the partitions and have the archives
of system of the hard disk
now the following step would be as
it changes the sections of start in
ours computer to the act by him or
that if they use already this go it do
by means of lips
the problem of lips that as there is
so many models that so many marks is very
difficult do a
an explanation in concrete two of god
I go to do a small explanation to
but he the simplest faster
it would be to look for information more walk if
have one that pdv 6 as look for in
internet information of how access to
shippings and how can change what that
the system of start to be well I
I go to do a small explanation
so that more or less cinemas and average and
now any moment follow but
well I bring you here several god
different so that you see what there is
that do I in my case like chosen in
fiar the a tour by means of a dvd in as
as it is here always I have an option
cd-rom by in front of the hard disk
marentes then what goes to be in
this case in gears always prints a cd
rom and like this started me lucre in others
in another model of videos and what is
more and we will see how the cd rom and of the
it is by in front halas give adopted
another model here the same and of cd-rom
by in front of the wings and finally
have another model that chewed a lot
of this will do us towers
here we will see how we arrive that today it gives
first to the cd rom before that recycles
temos below and the mega case that
we attain to do less than an announcement of
drinkable as it is simple when as
beautiful you to look for the option that
have home the cd rom as no
we have to put in way a point already
said this I think that already is everything
explained now what go to begin
it is to start the ubuntu already go to begin
with the process so that to our disk
hard that they suffer a kitchen would see
modified what is tied and the one of
start and ours videos have to eat
the last starts without problems that is
the image that see to continuation and
before arriving to the is the desk as
we will see an image that is the one who are
seeing to continuation where they ask
image have use this case
Spanish and afterwards two small images
that the election is the one who have to
use really
the virtual way for the install at all in
the hard disk and the one of the right of the
care do not give him because if we arrive to
and we drink they isolate a touch install
a unit that is such therefore if
we want another operating system it
value so it will remember always the
east option but said this will do
we will see them inside moment in the stratum
a kitchen of her inside what is
the future
the first that go to do will be each
state to connect our hard disk
from 100 that we have to stop for the
xv a one and the following would be as the
usb with the active that need one
time connected from b as of the club to
recognise and go to leave here in the
the first that go to open will be the
list of commandos house also here
in side read although that go to open
the folder xv udwan hd master and
we suggest in content and go it to
arrest to the writer and want to is that
already we can them minimise see it here
where puts to look for in his team and go
to write this arribos in terminal
left to the for the moment to me very beautiful
and rosales to the same place use this type
of we go it to write 10 and go to
open the application of disks
well as we already have the necessary stops
begin to do the process go to
resumir a poquito of see here
the first was here below is in east
case of the the dvd that I was using
to initiate the ubuntu of way best
coast hugo have here the unit usb
where have the one of the Saturday of commandos
and the necessary archives to create the
actions and finally see to the cij in
hard disk positive entity that eat
we can see it is with it remains clean like this
it is important do not have to have
any phase semifinal has to be
entirely and it did not fix imposed
also what have to remain us
with the initials that the nadadores
monster of the escuderos that is the cd
also we can it find since
more than although it is important
very as we go to orar by the list of
commandos the first the first step
we take we copy and have in
exterminate in the mass inside and go in
walks in take them did in masters
in terminal leave a space and put
the initials that begin before this
it cleared the master sincro and see that here
it is not saying that it goes to create
five parts and these still receive the
tse of that it give step oteamos in
masters in the cardinal fix one
station that have another of the dates
initials that leave without master sincro
and now we see here it goes it creating the
arts the genk the partition ones
very high the feet
the four and finally the sedeco time
already we have the partitions that add
mintur if we want to go to minimise
all this what go to do is to look for
the partition that hays here no longer
we teach by asia went down Japanese exists
a 20 in some stretches to create inside
two folders one that calls car that
this and another that goes to call folder
very now we go to open the folder give and
what go to do to the people look for
the pendrive have here has a lot
open the folder of lawn take it
the content and go it to happen to the
folder us in this process goes to load
a while it was that we go to leave it that
it finish well your moment go back
well as we already can see that it is to
point to finish and senate in now the
customers as we go now with of the caf
it is they desist in amusco in the folder
of it is the folder of go to do
exactly the same except g
all the content and go it to happen to
the carte afternoons
the process goes to be exactly the same
that is to say it is to expect a while so
we go to leave that they were precise and
inside it commented flags
the sales already goes to arrive at the end of the
we train
with the 100 of the step sheridan delete the
archive judges have and wanted to come so much of
the prison each little of the folder of
this case the one of the folder year and in
delete an hour spoke in a new
practice of at all did us backwards and it
that we have to do it is to trust the
justice never you x-men unit usb and
we would happen to you split them assistants
of this form as they would be affected
enrique lasi art so expensive and head and
with the archive gather x walk in the
we win and we owe illnesses one it
that go to do is to look for again
in room of commandos and expect at all without
cuddy last motion copy have
in in terminal are 2011 for if us
we put to initials is these people
had to the day
they continue femenil a tuno his streets
but it goes to involve the actions that
we have remained in that I outrages me is
more volatile and in official partitions
in guano of the goods in shot and of the
Muslim close and my brothers co2 and
Gregorian and good and now already as if no
it would touch it would be to go to the bank of
work go to disassemble the speech
original and go to place the destination of
more it is to say we will do and forms
we expect that aganzo and went in already have
to Saturday the designs with one stops
place it in our team does not walk in
his cloud and has disassembled what is the
hard disk and final only abused of those
French valleys silly an album and the
symphonic long go up if have doubts
no pass at all as we saw in francia rival
it was upper right of and his symbol neither
training neither go to find what
intuía join it gentleman as they disassemble
little the veto what is an atisbo juan
azic dwarf disassemble this speech leaves
they are as they are right now the image
and us increpó would be to achieve a
exterminador of of bull the strokes the
number 9 or the number 8
we go to remove these four screws
that attach the hard disk in what
we are now desconectan flowers the
adapter can in a hard disk
and afterwards we see to tony annually in
lavalle and already had it ones one
we suggested the console montanía
mismamente in will argue will approve if
all has gone out properly
as as it has been able to check has
gone out all properly in hard disk
of a have to work to perfection and
well as now already only it remains to go
sacking and as I say always has them
liked of utilities is to be followed year
it have gone out I do not know if there is it from me
it likes that it costs us súbitamente nana and
two of his small details can
follow here day after day with all
you also remember you that
you share these tutoriales will cure of
his plans because as I say I
so much it teachs how learn is a
right of all the people so
at all a greeting will see us very soon in
the post industrial until prompt
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