Hey guys!
My name is Jaleesa and I'm back for another video.
(fidget) And before we get started, you guys might notice, there's something a bit different
about my hair.
(fidget) And that's because for Christmas, my aunt got me these gloves/oven mitts that
basically keep me from touching hot things and (how) burning myself with my tics.
So, that has allowed me to straighten my hair again, which is quite nice.
So thank you to my aunt.
But today I wanted to talk a little bit about fibromyalgia (cats).
I know I haven't spoken a whole lot on this channel about fibromyalgia (fidget), but I've
been thinking about it a lot lately (how) and I think it's actually one of the only
conditions that I have, I guess, that I feel (fidget) a little bit uncomfortable talking
about sometimes.
I grew up with fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
I've had it since I was about 9 or 10 (jeepsy).
My mom thinks it was 10 and I think it was 9, so who knows really.
When I was about 9 or 10, I got the flu a couple of times and I didn't really seem to
recover all that well (fidget).
Instead of lasting, like, a few days to a week like it did for most of my peers (cranberries),
it could last a few weeks or up to a month and this quickly became an ongoing thing where
I would get lots of chronic pain, nausea, lots of really bad headaches, a whole lot
of brain fog, etc., etc.
And I'm going to put a link in the description about what fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome are, like the conditions themselves (fidget) because I don't think I'm going to
explain it too deeply in this video.
Maybe in a future video, if you want to look out for that.
Right now I have a pretty great support system.
The people who are close to me totally believe me and all of that, but growing up, it hasn't
really always been that way (fidget) and I haven't really gotten the best reactions out
of people growing up.
Growing up, people, like, rarely, if ever, believed me that, like, I was actually sick.
At best, they thought I was just super anxious or depressed or whatever (fidget) and at worst,
and probably more likely, they thought I was just being (cats) lazy (fidget) or attention
And growing up, I was very used to those reactions.
I hadn't really experienced any other sort of reactions.
At least not on a large scale.
So, I thought people disbelieving me and sort of writing off or dismissing my symptoms (hey)
was normal human behavior when you see someone that's sick.
And it wasn't until I grew up and got a diagnosis and ad this fancy name, fibromyalgia, attached
to it (Fiji) that people started taking me a bit more seriously and actually believing
that I was sick, but I still had, you know, years and years of people telling me that
I was just lazy and attention seeking.
So I think that definitely plays into a role of why I can still feel a little bit uncomfortable
talking about it today.
I mean, if you were to ask me about it directly, I would tell you, no problem (fidget), but
unless I'm, like, very obviously struggling with it, I probably won't bring it up and
even among my friends, if I'm, like, in the beginning stages of a flare up and I can sort
of hide it, I probably will.
(fidget) And probably another, bigger side to why I can feel uncomfortable talking about
it or, like, sometimes I'll try to hide it or play it down a bit, is that I really, really,
really don't want to be pitied.
Like, as much as people accuse me of being attention seeking (cats) as a kid, I really,
really, don't want people's attention that much.
Especially if it's just straight up pity.
I don't want people to feel bad for me.
I don't want to make the conversation depressing.
I don't want to be a bummer all the time and I certainly don't want to be complaining about
my health symptoms all the time (fidget).
I don't really like it when people know that I'm struggling with it, I guess (fidget).
Sometimes even people (fidget), when they're just being compassionate or whatever.
It can, like, freak me out a bit inwardly.
Just because it feels like it's too much attention, I guess.
Or maybe just because, growing up, it's not the reaction that I'm used to or prepared
for still, but I really do want to talk about it a little bit more on this channel and be
a bit more open about it.
I know I talk a lot about Tourette's on this channel and Tourette's is the issue that I
have that I talk about most in real life (fidget), but it's not the only thing in my life and
it's not the only thing that this channel is supposed to be about.
It's just the most (fidget) obvious and visible problem that I have and therefore, I think,
the easiest for me to talk about, but I would appreciate it if you guys were to ask some
questions possibly in the comments below.
Is there anything you want me to talk about with regards to fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome or just any of my other conditions like depression or ADHD, insomnia and whatnot,
or just me in general, questions about life, I don't know.
Whatever you guys want (laughter).
And I also want to give a shoutout to Katelynn Lunsford.
She has a couple of very cool videos about Tourette's and I will also be linking her
channel in (Hi!) in the description (cheese), so you can go check her channel out or subscribe
or leave a nice comment (fidget).
And I think that's all I've got for you today.
Like, comment and subscribe if you want to see more of my face and I will see you guys
in the next video.
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