Hi everyone
guess where I am? You can tell can't you?
It's right there... big time georgia
department of labor. So I am at the
Georgia Department of Labor. I just
arrived. It took me about, I don't know 15
minutes to get here, and I'm not too
happy about it.
I've been on a contract for a year
and the projects have kind of rolled out
of existence so obviously I didn't have
any more work to do so I have to go on
unemployment, just to tide me over, till I
get another job which hopefully will
be around the corner, but with it
being October and going into November..
Usually labor kind of ...the employment
market... dries up by the end of
the year and they usually don't have
anything till about January. so here i am
in my car. Just flipped the camera around
so that they don't see me
talking to you guys. I thought that I
would tape this because I think it is
beneficial for a lot of you guys that
might be going through things that I'm
going through... which is bouts of
unemployment. You're going to go through
periods in your life,
everyone will, this has no reflection on
you whatsoever. Where you're going to be
between jobs or you're going to be
unemployed and you're going to need to
pick up benefits from the Georgia
Department of Labor, and as I tell a lot
of people... I'd probably rather get a root
canal honest-to-God then come down here
because it is a soul-sucking three hours
of my life that I can't get back!! It
seriously is. It's one of these places
you stand in line, you get a ticket, and
you wait and you wait and you wait ...and
the workers call one at a time and then
you fill out a bunch of paperwork and
you better have your shit together! You
better have all of your documents with
your last pay stub.
Uou better have any termination letter
if they give you one. In a lot of
contract positions they don't give you
anything so you just know from your last
pay stub that's the last date that you
You better have the employer's name and
address and telephone number.
You better have your next of kin, I
swear to God, you better have your
freakin blood you know type! They'll
put everything into the system. The first
thing you have to do is know you're
social security number
and new you should come with it, if you
don't know it ...write it down or
grab your little card or whatever.
Like you can see, I'm not in a great mood
today. But I i want to turn it around and
I want to make it is as
positive as I can guys... just kind of
hanging out here because I'm gonna have
to go in, in a couple of minutes ...but I
wanted you guys to see this video. Again,
it has nothing to do with you. It
has nothing to do with me.
It's the economy, there's a lot more I
think contract positions right now
then perm positions.
I just have this feeling, especially...
what I do which is technical writing, and
online content development and of course
Youtube (smile) haha
It's all project-based so
when the project is over no matter how
large the project is ...and the project
could be six months, a year... could be two
years, whatever it is. Most companies
shrink back down and they don't have
work for you anymore. That's just
life, that's the way it is. They
don't have work for you and you just
deal with it. You go on, you do make
friends at work. You do have
connections at work, of course everybody
It's normal but you gotta pack
up your stuff and you gotta move on and
the next one around the corner will be
better and it will be longer
and hopefully you'll get
work real soon.
So with that twist, I've
got my little health blog here that I do
on Youtube, I wanted to give you guys
some tips on going to the Department of
Labor wherever you are in your state.
I find it easier to go personally than
to do anything online.
I've tried a number of times to get into
the system online and invariably it
chokes and when it chokes chokes on when
you fill out ...(pause) I'm trying to move away here
from the Sun.
It chokes on when you are filling out
your forms online and you've wasted
about, I would say good 20 minutes
filling out all the forms, and then you
hit the "Submit" button and it says..
We're sorry, you're going to have to go
down to the office
in person to file blah, blah, blah, blah... I have had
that done countless times, I mean
literally countless times!
So when I get back on unemployment after
a contract I don't even freakin' bother
to sign in to any of the online
Department of Labor sites because it is
an absolute waste of my time. I get
completely stressed out. I get in a worse
mood than I am now and I still have to
come down here, I still have to get my
butt down here... and it's still a
20-minute drive. One of the advices I can
give you is do not apply for
unemployment on Mondays or Fridays.
Always try to come in during the middle
of the week if you can. One day is not
going to kill you and I am telling you,
the time it takes for filing in person
on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday versus a
Monday or Friday ,it's literally probably
an hour, to an hour and a half longer on
Mondays and Fridays just because
everyone and their mother gets all laid
off on Friday... comes in on Monday.
People freak out. There's
literally lines out the door
sometimes in the morning.
You don't have to show up first thing in
the morning at whenever it
opens eight o'clock. You don't... seriously.
It's not going to help you. You
might get out of there a little earlier.
I doubt it because everybody again and
their mother is lined up outside and
there's a huge line and so you're going
to end up waiting in line rather than
sleeping in and just getting here when
you get here. You're gonna have to go
through orientation and that's part of
the Georgia system. I don't know if other
states have it but once you sign in and
you get all your paperwork done, they
call your name, so you sit there and then
they usher you into an orientation class.
How to fill out your paperwork, how to
look for jobs you know, this is like the
dumb moron training class... how to go
what the URL website is, how to fill in
your address, and your name... how to speak
to potential employers. How to do basic
interviews, how to dress... how to behave
basically how not to F-up again so that they
don't have to see your ass in the
Department of Labor again. I'm sorry, i'm
just in that mood... i'm going to just say
it like it's real.
The other thing you don't have to do and...
I see these poor souls doing this,
especially men... poor guys they look
like their shell shocked when they come
in here. They literally look like they
are shell-shocked. They're usually
mid-management and they put on
shirts and ties and slacks,
and sometimes even a jacket and they
come to the Department of Labor like
they're going for an interview.
Nobody gives a shit. I'm going to tell
you that right now.
The worker behind the counter doesn't
give a shit about how you look like.
You're just a number she's processing or
he's processing you through the system.
You're not going to meet with anyone
You're not going to talk to anyone
important ...you're going to be processed
through. You can come in flip-flops and
shorts and a t-shirt...
no one will care. I've got my hair in a
I've got a t-shirt on and I've got
leggings and that's the way I'm gonna
roll here. I've learned that lesson...
Make sure you have snacks! Make sure you
have a drink because I I don't even
remember having a candy machine here.
There's like nothing here.
This is an industrial warehouse area
so good luck trying to find you
a place to eat and if you go out to
you're gonna freakin' lose your place in
line. You're gonna have to start all over
So if you get here, make sure you have a
snack I've got my (turns camera).. you can see
it down here,
my immunity drink. The one that I
always have the Neuro Immunity drink and
I am drinking that because I don't want to
get cooties from anyone in the office to
begin with because I haven't really been
around people, so first thing I'm
probably going to get is a cold because
i'm here. Just wear comfortable clothing.
Bring something to read or bring
something to view. If you're going to
watch anything online make sure you
bring the little headphones because
nobody wants to hear you playing a
Netflix movie or something and you're
going to need ...you're going to probably
be able to go through a whole Netflix
movie while you're sitting here. I say
just go in there fill out your paperwork
and start your damn movie. Put in your
headphones and then when they call you
for orientation then you can take your
headphones out and do your stupid
orientation and then
you know whatever you need to do. The
other thing is over here they do ask you
if you want it to take out taxes from
your unemployment check.
I usually don't because I'm only
on it for a couple months. I think
right now it's 14 weeks sometimes
during the recession it was longer
and so I think it paid to take out of
taxes because you will be paying a lot
of taxes that's up to you. That's your
business you know if you want to take
out taxes or not. I usually go "0" (exemptions) and I
don't take out anything
because I'll deal with it at the end of
the year. So that's it. I just
wanted to post this out there for anyone
going through the same thing. It's not
about you.
It really has nothing to do with you.
It's the economy ...it's the budget of
companies. They try to go lean. They try
to do with as little workers as possible
and as many hours as they can get
squeezed out of you.
That's just the way it is. It's just
business okay? Don't take it personally.
Don't let it get you down.
I know it's very hard to to go through
that and understand that. But it's
really is not your fault you have to
know that and put that in your mind... it
is not your fault okay?
They might try to even pin things on you
they might try to even say that you
didn't work out for this or that
reason and bottom line is they have
their own agenda. Companies have their
own agenda and you're not gonna know.
You're not going to know what the
budgets are, you're not going to know
what the back door is that they're doing...
so please don't take it upon yourself.
Just be prepared when you get
to the Department of Labor. Fill out the
forms, grin and bear it. Go through your
and get the hell out of there as quickly
as you can ok? Anyway, I love you guys.
Please thumbs up if you liked this video.
And comment below on your experiences
with unemployment and let's
have a discussion about it okay?
I love you all have a great day have a
blessed day! :)
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