Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 1, 2017

Waching daily Jan 2 2017

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For more infomation >> How to make your Pc/Laptop work superfine and lag free performance.. - Duration: 7:31.


Just Cause 3 FUNNY MOMENTS, sätt på undertexter för lite roligare video - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Just Cause 3 FUNNY MOMENTS, sätt på undertexter för lite roligare video - Duration: 4:31.


Superpower 2. Announcement from the Latvian mapper - Duration: 8:11.

Well, here we are went into the game

We go to the sandbox

This is sandbox menu

They we can Choose a country for which we will play

I Choose Latvia

Choosing what we control, and that the computer

Here we can choose political party

Here, the goal of victory

Now I click the pause

We in game

And can see with green army is my, but blue is alliance army

Click space we can see who owns army

Click mause 2 and click diplomatic relations. What kind of relationship we have with the countries

Here you can see all of everything connected with politics

In this window, we can choose a political ideology, change the capital and see when the elections are held in the country

Here everything related to foreign policy

Here we see how religion in the country, and many of their ban, allow or do officially. Also with languages

Here the laws of the country that can enable or disable

Here we see that the political parties can also allow or disallow

Here we can open or close the border for immigration and emigration also

Here we can see lope support us in the country

Here we can see how corruption in the country

Here, everything that is connected with the army

Here we can buy and order the number of infantry and vehicles, to explore and create weapons and also to train and deploy in the capital

Here you can explore the atomic weapons or missile defense

Here agents

Here everything related to the country's economy

Here the economy's health

Here, what and where funded

Everybody is here. about the resources and the taxes on it. The resource can allow and disallow

We can also increase the amount of resources

Here you can see income, expenses, balance and national debt

Thank you tomorrow start playing

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