Hello Brawlhallers, it's Berthen here.
So today, I got into a game that would probably tilt 99% of you.
But not me because I've played competitive games for so long and am used to so many tilting
situations that I got tired of it and came up with ways to stop myself from tilting.
I always get comments like, "How are you so calm, you never get mad and tilted like me.
I tilt and lose 10 games in a row."
That's why I'm going to tell you about three things that you can do to stop yourself
from tilting.
The first is When things aren't going your way, create
new goals, so that you always get something out of it.
So going into this game, my original goal, was to practice my overall bow gameplay, in
a normal ranked match with people who are trying to win.
Unfortunately, it didn't happen, and instead of being real upset that I couldn't get
my way, I just made new goals, and forgot about playing a normal match, cause it obviously
wasn't going to happen with the way this koji was playing.
So instead I worked on what made sense to me.
Which was practicing my dodge reading skills.
This just means that I would try to predict where he would dodge and then hit him after
he waste the dodge instead of just trying to hit him right away because he was running
and dodging a lot.
Then I noticed that I had to also pressure better, which is to move forward more to force
my opponent to dodge which I showed in my "counter passive" video.
So I worked on both of those and ended up having a really nice practice that I concentrated
on and had fun instead of being tilted.
Sometimes you can't do anything about it right away though.
Like when you lag super hard, try to figure out the problem, make a goal out of fixing
the issue instead of being mad.
When you're too hungry or tired to deal with a game like this, you should go eat or go
rest after the game.
The point is that you shouldn't waste time and energy being upset for the rest of the
match because the kind of game you thought you were going to have wasn't happening.
If you focus on it too hard and it's just not gonna happen, you will just get angrier,
the new goals are so you can focus on things that won't upset you or can even make you
Like getting better, eating, sleeping or finding ways to fix your internet.
So basically, if you focus on what's tilting you, you're gonna keep tilting, if you switch
the focus to something productive, you'll forget about whats tilting you and possibly
be happier or at least not be as angry.
The second thing is To not worry about losing.
Understand that you will NOT lose anything more than a digital number when you lose a
ranked game.
So for example, I have consistently gotton 2200 elo or more, in every season of brawlhalla
starting since season 0, it is currently season 3 .If I lost 1000 games before getting 2200
elo, it would still not change the fact that I got that elo.
The reason is because every game I lose, is not me getting worst at the game.
It's not elo that I will never be able to gain back.
Usually people have ranked anxiety because they think that they'll go into ranked game,
lose elo, and become a worst player, and they'll never get back to their highest elo before
they lost it, so they just become a worst and worst player.
This is simply not true, in fact it's the opposite of the truth.
You can only get better by playing the game.
In season three, the current season, I actually got to 2000, then 1700 elo, then 2000 again,
then 1800 , then 2000 again.
I did most of this live on my twitch channel.
I would get Teros to diamond, switch to Cassidy, lose a bunch, because I suck on her but then
after practicing her, I get to diamond again with her.
Then I repeated with Orion and so on.
There's a pattern here, the more I played and practiced a character, the better I got,
and the better I got, the more elo I earned in the end.
So when you go and hit play ranked.
Just go in there with the intention of getting better, or just playing for fun.
If you play for fun, you'll get better anyways even if you lose a bunch, because you'll
learn what to do, and what not to do, by just playing the game.
Now a lot of you might say that, you shouldn't play near the end of the season, if you're
at your highest elo, so you can get that SWEET SWEET glory, and the border of your current
If you're thinking this, then I have good news for you.
Glory is based on the number of wins, and your HIGHEST elo, that's right you can get
2000 elo, and lose all the way to 700 elo.
You will still be rewarded the same amount of glory for your 2000 peak elo as someone
who ends with 2000 elo.
The same for borders, if you peaked at 2000 elo, you're getting diamond border, even
if you ended with 700 elo.
So go play ranked if you want to.
Don't get tilted when you lose elo, because you'll get it back later, or not, doesn't
really matter because only your peak elo matters anyway and you can't lower your peak elo,
you can only make it go higher, by playing some more ranked games.
This last action is for when the first two doesn't work.
Take a break.
It's probably not what you want to do, and you've also probably heard it once or twice,
maybe all the time, depending on how often you get tilted.
But it really does work.
I am very unlikely to get mad when I'm playing games but when I do, I take a break, and then
come back later and I'm not mad anymore.
If I don't take a break though, oh boy, it just keeps going.
Sometimes it's just impossible to untilt yourself.
You play a really bad game, and you think maybe the next one will be better, and you'll
stop tilting, but you don't, you just go into the next game with a negative attitude,
and you tilt even more.
When you do this, you just start hating the game more and more, you might even build bad
habits when you play, and that'll make you worst at the game.
But when you stop playing, and thinking about the game, it'll disappear.
Go take a walk, watch a show, just do anything else, that makes you stop thinking about the
This includes not going into a public chat like twitch chat, and telling everyone about
the terrible game you've just had.
Maybe do that with a close friend or something, but if you tell it to a random group of people,
they'll usually feel burdened by it if they're nice, or even mock you if they're not so
nice, telling you to just "get good" and "you're just a noob".
Stuff like that.
So to recap.
The three things you can do to not get tilted is, to create new goals when things aren't
going the way you want it to, instead of trying to win this one game, think about how you
can improve your next game against this player or how you can make the game fun for you.
Don't worry about losing, you're not going to become a worst player, nothing other than
losing one game out of many and maybe losing some digital ranked points is going to happen
to you, you win some, you lose some.
And if those aren't working then just take a break.
Thanks for watching.
If you enjoyed the video then please subscribe and check out my other videos, if you have
any suggestions for a video, then leave them in the comments below and I will consider
And I will see you guys next time.
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