hey guys Avelina De Moray here and today I am going to spill my first question and
answer video!! I'm so excited that so many of you commented on my last video last
time I checked there was like 120 plus, and some of you asked me like up to five
questions I'm like I'm not very good at math but
that's a hell of a lot of questions I've got my phone with me I'm just going to
scroll to the very bottom and let's get straight into it how do you deal with
heat and wearing all black yeah I avoid the Sun I really go outside some of this
year where I moved to town wow that's considerably hotter than where I used to
live in Sydney but you know like I such as sandals put the ignition on
I really do turn down what I wear though like it's just kind of types and a
singlet like you can't really wear PVC or anything like that so yeah cotton
materials that breathe that's about it I don't know if you guys want me to post
like who's saying them if I recognized your name I'll say hello but yeah I
don't I don't really know the format of help we should be doing this so forgive
me would you ever do a coffee type photo shoot with your sons absolutely I don't
know if I will wait until they're old enough to kind of want to do it but
Steel's almost doing that already every single time I put on my makeup he's like
mommy mommy in heat as I told you in my last video you opened up my favorite red
line crime lipstick and it all dried up so I had to buy another one but yeah I
think it'd be fun to put a bit of makeup on them and and dress them up so maybe
for this Halloween having said that through our family like portraits that
we get when we go to see Santa what kind of rock story anyway because one's all
decked out in your stage gear and I get really dressed up and I don't think I
dressed the boys in black last year but then it always looks really cool
responds words words he's like I'm like can you smile your
thing with sad things like this is me smiling I feel like I really suck at
this already this is from sherry your bag ship internationally specifically do
I shipped to India yeah definitely I would ship anywhere like all over the
world my problems with that my own lifestyle give you a quote for shipping
so you can check it before you have to pay for it number two from the things
that I most can you do a perfume collection or best perfumes absolutely
I've been wanting to do that for so long I will tell you right now my favorite is
black opium which was a gift from bond that perfume is so lovely
first up your amazing oh thank you this is from organ and you get weird looks in
public also what is your fav kind of soda yeah
weed looks not really I don't get done up like this every day if I'm very
upfront with you guys that this you do not wake up looking like this this takes
a good hour and a half I don't have time to do that every day so I get set up
when I've got like a business meeting like today we had when we drew go and
check her out if you don't know who she is she's my next collaborate to give it
all away what is that gonna hang weed looks oh no
not really I just kind of blend in and feel quite normal when I go out so many
kids experience and there's a lot of people in my town with tattoos it's a
very tattoo friendly town every second person is alternative with their hair
color or tattoos yeah soft drink I do like the occasional coke but I try to
stay away from it because it's just full of sugar okay the next one from I'm so
bad if you guys join me on my Instagram stories I think I'm just going to not
try to read your usernames because I'm so terrible is that I lovely what I want
to know is when art when you were writing your music what do you find
inspires you okay let's start with that question
hmm I'm very visual so I find movies inspire me so when I was watching just
the other night when my best friend was Dracula untold for like the fifth time I
found this the opening scene where they they were introducing us to Vlad the
Impaler with the the silhouettes and the birds revs up against the blacks and the
impaled bodies I was just like that needs a soundtrack to it and obviously
it's a movie so it did have one but imagery kind of conjures up music for me
if that makes sense so I'm always very inspired by movies and as they just lead
obviously we were watching a lot of their prime movies when we made that
albums and I was also watching them or listening to Vaughn create the music
when I was doing my art work or editing first editing - photos
so all of the album and the art was heavily inspired by probably my top ten
vampire movies which I'm sure one of you asked me so I will get to that in a
moment the second question from the same lovely lady was what are your fashion
inspirations hmm as I guess style I really love new Gulf so when I see
someone like Jeff candy on Instagram I just like fuller the shit out of her
sometimes I unfollow her just so I can follow her again I guess influences is
where I go to find cool books and stuff like that I don't really go to death
candy wears a lot of like to star all these brands that I already know about
but I can't really say I'm one that will go to the website to look for that I
kind of like to find people and look how they put their personal touch on it and
then of course by the time I do it it changes again and yes it's awesome look
special next question from Marie I can pronounce
this one is will they be and as angels lead tour in the future I'm not gonna
say no I'd love to say like I'm leaning a little more towards the yes but one
and I are planning more children ah yeah thinking we're nuts right oh yeah I
think write-ups too sometimes I want to kind of be pregnant I want to
get that out of the way because I really didn't enjoy being pregnant so it's kind
of hard to rock like corsets and seeing and stuff when you're like pregnant
so we'll probably get I don't wanna say out of the way this has a really
negative way just have another child get that fun with but having said that the
live band is no more so as angels late if you don't know is basically born and
I we write the music we've called the music we engineer the music we mix the
music Tooting our own homes a little bit here but it's a very hands-on project
and you find that with a lot of artists like look at Nine Inch Nails it stret
resna and then excuse like caught people you know and the live band might change
here in there see at the point of what I was saying is essentially there was a
point and believe it or not as a new lead is Vaughn and I so we can create
music just for the two of us we are working on your chance we still haven't
finish the cover of this corrosion that we're
working on for our Sisters of Mercy we've got two new very exciting songs
one I think will be called erotic funeral and the second will be you makes
me want to die not song okay I'm serious to love them um about
killing yourself because she loves the person so much but you just feel like
that okay that's seriously three new songs that we're working on I'm kind of
really focusing on the handbag clubs and stuff like that at the moment but you
never know ah this is a funny question you guys must just can't go through my
awful day elephant up what would your husband do for work or does the band and
your website support your family yes and no I to ask you a question oh my god my
husband and I run two music schools and when we moved to our new town Hamlet we
started up a second music school so he teaches there and he's got students that
he teaches guitar features bass he teaches drums and bender which is cool
yes but as my business is getting bigger and bigger and bigger I think that will
kind of end up on the back burner because obviously I like him to be home
and he can see the kids not that his job takes him away like he works twice a
week for like four hours so it's we've never really had normal jobs we've been
very lucky to be self-employed and to be successful at what we do with the music
schools and yeah it's great now because we have kids we can spend a lot of time
with them even though they drive me nuts sometimes
but being self-employed has really allowed me to pursue all the shit that
I'm doing like YouTube the handbags and kind of real unch my business because I
drove it into the ground there for a while so to get back to your question
some of my business was not supporting our family it still isn't yet because
the money that I'm earning is going into the handbags like solely but I'll see
you next year it kind of will and it'll actually be a profit which i think is
why most people get into business to kind of make some profits I hope that
answered your question next questions by Serena I love you in
the next place thank you it was a black one that was one of this is another
she's not talking about this necklace but this is another one of the dilemma
closest that I will be during an upcoming video on I love your
necklace my question is I have such tiny feet okay where is this going
I wear size one in kids is that really small do you have any ideas how I can
get cool golf shoes to complete my style it's so hard to find cool shoes in my
style of years I can't I don't know maybe like find cool kind of like Asian
or Japanese shops because I've gone into a lot of baby clothing stores and they
have a ridiculous amount of shoes for children and I've often found really
cool like biker boots for steel they are planning and then or how finding your
feet are but yeah try that they're relatively cheap as well but a really
really cool I have to read this question again because I'm bit slow Elizabeth up
I'm curious which countries you will be shipping the handbags to ie where you
and your collabs fans are from based on the pre-orders that we have received so
for Ares one the top country I know this because I just looked at the steps for
my online store but it's like USA number one I think number two is the UK and
then we go Germany and I'm eager Australia after that I cannot remember
because I cannot count past five but yes that seems to be generally the
demographic but having said that we just had our first order to Finland
hello Finland what made you decide to create handbags well really I started
about five years ago with my first bag I would tell you to all go and look at it
but I actually just sold the last bag like five minutes ago it was my femme
fatale so it was a little little tiny clutch with a bet on the front I'll put
a photo up so you can see it see yeah they completely sold out and I made that
just because five years ago I couldn't find like a classy kind of goffy clutch
and I was like well hell I can make one so I did next question from Zoe is
London named after the city and what would be some of your top picks for gold
names if you were expecting one why I do have my fingers crossed for a girl in
the next pregnancy but obviously I will love whatever I have around that livery
slope of like ending up with three boys we don't have a girl so that's a lot of
so stro in the family unit okay so to ask you a question
not really I have been to London but it's just a name that resonated with me
um my hairdress actually who I love she's no longer my hairdresser I haven't
cut my hair and like T's anyway back to the point I always have to bring myself
back to the question because I'm really like now just rambling so she had a son
and get the surface on and she named him London and I was just like that was like
five years prior to trying um even before steel and yet just
resonated with me and when I told one he really likes as well it was funny
because we had steel we had London even before we started trying for kids and
when we went away on this like conception holiday and actually did fall
pregnant from that really romantic really it was because I got pregnant CMI
right fat yet back to it we were walking along the beach at show Bay where we
were staying in useful I'm terrible somewhere on the coast of
New South Wales well looking along and we'll like a nice-looking man I love for
type of negative as you do and I just said how about steel for boys name I was
like yeah I really like that okay that was easy few months later I found out I
was carrying a boy my first childhood yeah steel it was and I'm our second not
our second choice but if we had a second son the first choice name would have
been London for girls I don't really want to give it away but yeah
one starts with a and one starts with s that's all you're getting
keep but their name sounds very climbers and like movies Shane if I'm saying this
correctly asks what is your favorite makeup and clothing brand makeup
specifically for eyeshadow because I haven't really tried anything else would
be cat onesie I am in love with her palettes although today's makeup was not
done with any Kat Von D so there you go but I have pretty much exclusively
platform today being using the serpentina palette and the metal matte
palette which you'll see in my upcoming video my best friend does my makeup so
if that's not on you'll see it shortly if it is I will put a little tiny thing
so you can click on that and watch that next with my bestie Lisa hi Lisa
clothing brand not really sure anymore I'm really
excited by restyle they have some really cool stuff but I haven't really written
the bullet so to speak and like bought anything yet oh well it's a lot of
alliteration I haven't been the bullet and bought anything yet but I might I'm
so retarded gee I don't know I probably just going to say a kill style because
I've got like two or three MC items and I really like the dress and the quality
and stuff like that yeah next question is from Kirstie Kirstie I have a lane a
big fan of your music thank you is there any plans to tour I live in Scotland
would love to meet you someday oh I've already kind of addressed this
so I'll just like kind of skip over it pretty quickly I am planning some
international travel it will probably be to America but if I line up enough
collabs in Europe I would definitely love to come and meet the people that
I'm collecting with and do some videos and stuff like that in promo for the bag
so yeah you may see me in Scotland and then not too near future next question
is from shale are you going to show that beautiful bedroom of your then maybe the
rest of your house by the way you are wonderful I'm so talented and your
family is so beautiful thank you how great is my house man
who's bringing me a cup of tea thank you house 200 ok so to answer the shelf
question absolutely am I going to do a room tour yes I just need to wallpaper
like another wall I need to put up some guitars on the wall and buy just a few
more kind of Tacori items and stylize it a little bit more less a little bit of
painting year that needs to be done so I know I'm taking my sweet-ass time also I
kind of wanted to do like a room tour and the Wardrobe but I think I'll have
to separate them because the Wardrobe is like it's a room in itself it's creepy
and we haven't even bought the Wardrobe yet and I found this really natural red
wallpaper so it's going to be random blacks we've got to buy like a
chandelier and everything so that's not ready but yeah I am getting a lot of
requests to that so I might just I don't know do a mini tour but yeah it's
definitely on the agenda is just I need a little bit more time before I do that
as for the tour on the rest of my house I have been filming the renovation
as they've been happening so I just need to edit that and put that on and yeah
it's the same thing like I'm not entirely happy with it but I'm never
like it houses like piece of art you know like when is it done never done
it's always kind of evolving and changing and stuff like that and I run
out of money so um I had you know like a small decorating budget and that's long
gone so nothing's really progressed since then
so please preorder a handbag so how I can finish stylizing my house I have
expensive tastes it doesn't help at all I will probably
do all that but I just need to get everything exactly as I want before I
show you guys would you like to visit NYC New York City or would you visit the
states where you do a meet-up oh my game that's interesting so again
one and I are planning a belated honeymoon I just have to commit to my
mom to babysit because I don't really want to bring the kids I'd like to do
that maybe mid 2018 which really isn't that far away that's like a year away
Wow Wow so better line up a few more collabs I
was already speaking to Jay about meeting up with her and I really like to
go to Universal Studios again so I think that would be really fun to film like a
vlog and do that together of course I'd like to meet up with drag so if I can
I'd like to have like maybe four or five people and I can meet up with wall and
their couple about to go to New York but I think I would end up in LA so it's
kind of like the other side of the country maybe we could do a stopover as
for meeting Reed's I don't think I'm popular enough I think I would like I
don't know announcement of theirs and no one would come and I'd be like got it um
so you can guarantee that you'll be there maybe I'll do one
I have no self-esteem okay the next question is from excellent Becca if you
could swap places with anyone for all the day who would it be and what would
you do well you haven't specified if they're alive or dead so I'm going to
assume that if a okay - I'm st. dead people and I'm going to go with Freddie
Mercury I'm such a queen fan and I was so cool today to you that Dre is as well
we've got that in common when I think of Queen I think of my childhood I think of
driving to holiday destinations and my dad just playing you know
every single queen album back to back and now Holden Commodore and like me
asking you over there yet oh yeah are we there yet no just listen to the music so
very fun childhood memories of Queen and I would love to be Freddy and just like
be a complete fever and go on stage and sing to like you know hundreds of
thousands people how cool would that be you did seem like a little bit of a diva
so I probably just upped the ante a little bit on my courtship for a day
okay next question from Jamie this is like 20 questions in one yeah what kind
of music do you listen to what do you like to eat I think you said you don't
eat meat no I do do you have any pets and books you like to read Jesus Christ
what's the normal day at your house like crazy like I'm not I'm answering them as
I go along music um rock metal I'm recently getting
a little more into like industrial like plan of Diamox haven't really been too
much of a fan of industrial music but I'm really really really enjoying their
newest what do I like to eat everything yeah I really like creamy bacony chicken
any kind of meals I love mashed potato I'm a big cob eater huh I don't know how
I stay thin with all the cops that I eat a lot of rice I love rose water do I
have any pets no not currently books do you like to read I love to read but I
just don't have the time between all the videos that I'm making for you guys the
handbags that I'm designing the upkeep of my website raising kids
my life is pretty busy and then being a wife spending time with my husband
writing music let's not focus there's literally no time to read Brian Scott
hey Brian he asks what made you get into music this is a funny story actually it
was my first music teacher so I would have been in year 9 I was currently
studying or taking private lessons for piano so it's classically trained for
probably four or five years but yeah we started guitar in school as they always
start you on acoustic guitar they're really cheap ones at the school halves
as well with it thick off Nick you kind of can play a G chord yeah so anyway I
was playing it and I was picking thing up quite quickly and I remember
his name was mr. smiley he was more like mr. asshole anyway I remember I see if I
could take six hands a good practice and he's like guitar is more of an
instrument for men you should leave it here that did not resonate well with me
motherfucker who says that to a young developing girl that's showing an
interest for music seriously that's not cool
he kind of kick-started my love for guitar funnily enough because I was like
bitch I'm going to show you see I took at home I played it like five hours that
night you know I had listed singers that week and by the end of it I was like mom
and dad I was like mom that you need to buy me a guitar oh I said it just like
that I think I was like 15 and yeah they say so like you better practice I'm
going to practice I love it this is my thing I want to stop piano I
want to do guitar any of they took me to my local music shop and they bought me
like this one hundred and forty nine dollar late you know ripoff granite
fender or what I worked with the anthem that year so it's just like a little kid
and yeah I never looked back um dad was like you better get real good
real quick and cuz I did he's very proud that's also technically how I meant
thought because he was my katatak above that music store was the music school
which I now run with my husband and he was a guitar teacher so he was my guitar
teacher the gold beans asked what is your favorite smell and taste of
something hmm probably fun I know that sounds weird but you know when you just
like snuggling with someone and like they have their own smell scent um yeah
he's very calming and I love him to be it just love the way you smell hmm
taste a hot cup of tea in the morning I mean a hot cup of tea is good at any
time of the day but when you're dehydrated in your wake up um it is so
good I love my tea ash asks any plans to do - oh this coming up a lot or any guff
meetups particularly Brisbane because I live near there so I know they just have
the Brisbane picnic or the golf Brisbane picnic or something like that I'm still
six hours away from Brisbane so it's a bit of a commute
and really tricky with really young kids like I know a lot of you know I have
children but stuff that like for you people you models without kids like do
without thinking is a complete chore if you have two kids under three yeah it's
full on so if I'm going to attend something it has to be like super duper
high priority like something that is not ever going to happen again and something
that I'm really passionate about so meeting grace would be cool but again
I'm just worried that like no one would come Mary asks how do you stay positive
when times are tough I Darin asked Vaughn oh yeah I had some really dog
moves recently I had scare the doctor about it oh this is all too public
the I'm still dealing with post natal depression do I have to be very in tune
with how I'm feeling and things like that and something I needed to do
recently with separate like my business from how I personally feel you know like
for example my manufacturing company emails me with saying you know reread
bag is going to be delayed and I just like freak out I can't process that
information I get stressed I get anxiety and I'm like there's nothing you can do
about it you know people just need to understand that it's we're ordering so
I've said this a million times but when you're dealing with such small
quantities the company like that I work with has like orders of ten thousand or
a thousand so I'm always going to be put at the bottom which sucks cuz I'm being
charged a lot so any way that I'm really working on that separating the anxiety
of running or stress of running a business and not letting things affect
me and you just have strong people around you make sure that you're not
around like psychic vampires like people that suck negative energy out of
themselves and into you just be around positive people and if they're not
positive and they're always whinging and I just you know and there's people
calling in like I really don't want to talk to this person all they do is winch
if you've got friends like that just distance yourself from them
away from them okay Diana asks hi this is a completely random question that's
okay I still went up the videos where you had the chance to meet really below
yeah from him any thoughts on their recent announcements this year's about
the band ending yes I started it's kind of bittersweet like I think it was male
Regehr personally I haven't really liked what the band has done for many years
I'm a huge huge fan of like razorblade bromance days on Doc like Venus doom
they're probably my three favorite albums from him but after that I think
he kind of lost the plot and you probably needed to make that
announcement five or six or seven years prior to that so yeah I wasn't surprised
hats off to them for doing the same thing over and over and over and over I
think people that don't get to see the behind the scenes process of what goes
into like being in a touring band really don't appreciate how detrimental it can
be towards your personal relationships usually these people have known your
Mantic relationships are usually dysfunctional yes we were offered to us
for as angels bleed but I was like 27 28 at the time and I'm like shit to me as a
woman as well I felt like I'm having to say so I want to tour or do I want to
have children and I really dislike that I was put in that position just because
of my age this is a bit personal but my mom went
through early menopause when she was like her father and she killed herself
and yeah I thought and I really didn't want kids and the two is that we were
getting were like I can't remember what it's cool but you have to pay to play or
something like that so they might cover your asses you have to pay like 1500 per
show so a lot of you is to realize that like when you tour you're either not
making any money because you know really getting paid are you getting paid a
ridiculously small amount forgot the hell I was saying but basically when we
did the math on it it was like we were going to be paid 10 grand but it would
have cost us 20 grand to go over there and then you had to get more much made
and we weren't big enough yet to warrant spending
that kind of money and to being in a deficit and it was a hard decision to
make and I'm but I'm happy that I did it because I have my two beautiful kids and
I'm a bit of a Hammett I love being at harm amount this beautiful room with all
this furniture so I'm quite comfortable like making music in our home studio and
producing it at home and making videos for you guys and being yeah being
comfortable and being able to have like a solid relationship like my Jennifer
you words fearing recovering kids you know with invitation they've got like
what three or four kids now they get to bring their kids with them and their
parents babies and stuff like that because their big time they've made it
you know I feel like everything needs to happen like ten years ago but at the
same time Avengers lead well they are ten years ago they served just bad
timing but you know we might to her in the future how did I end up talking
about that when the question was about him seriously okay what was my first pet
well I wasn't really allowed to have any pets because my mom was a little bit of
a cleaning Nazi chasing after my childhood friends so the first pet I had
was seriously either hermit crabs or a bunny rabbit
I cannot remember that you thought the bunny rabbit I named her bubbles and it
was supposed to be a miniature rabbit which also about this one anybody but it
grew when it grew and it grew and it grew and it was flat so it was not a
miniature rabbit at all that was really cool my dad yeah made a beautiful hutch
florals like multi-leveled and yeah I would have loved to have been in there
if I was a rabbit if it wasn't the rabbit yells hermit crabs that they buy
there's nasty little motherfuckers so yeah they took me a few times I'm like
this is too much work I think I gave them to my friend who also had fun
microbes nerd panther asks how many handbags do you plan on designing are
you have a higher than ever are you going to design anything else hell yeah
just today when I was speaking to Dre she was changing it up a little bit and
in fact I was talking her about possibly changing the shape or just doing
something a little different and from its perch to say this but I'm going to
but she wants me to do a backpack not a big backpack a little teeny tiny cute
one but a really stylish what I have not seen I haven't looked at race
dales ones and I don't want to consider would it be influenced but either way
mine's going to be very very different and unique for her so that you know it's
different so I'm not one to use the backpacks but I know they are really
practical and again I can see it in my head like it has to be Evelina to more
eye style very classy so yeah it's exciting to see what comes forth from
that Freya soul asks do you know Allison the goblin Queen yes she is an amazing
youtuber I love to what to collab with her well funny you should say that
because someone on Instagram tags myself in a comment saying they'd like me to
work with a whole bunch of other people and one of them was a really a Voltaire
or really over my thing that Angela Benedict and the Gotham Queen Alice's
and she actually replied to that she'd see on me and said yeah she'd love to
work for me and she was on my list of people to contact so just really worked
out well I'll see you were chatting with a range of Skype core and we've already
been coming up with some really cool ideas your shirt is fabulous thank you I
will link the video to the show that she is speaking about it was from brows and
things Brian says love you and your music thank you when we'll need music
becoming so kind of answer that already so I'm just going to skip over that
Mary Claire asks where would you suggest to get a good gothic wedding dress
love your boys that's a cute I would look into getting one from China yeah
mine I don't want to give away too much because they wanted to my wedding video
which I'm going to do it very soon with one seven years later I want to see if I
can still fit into my dress yeah mine was custom made from an online site that
I found and it was reasonably priced like it looks like it was thousands and
thousands of thousands of dollars but it was only hundreds so I'm not going to
give away too much because I want to speak about that in an upcoming video
Maeva ray asks when will they do a new house to us of already a dress that's
Christopher Laura asks would you ever do a back love with a male got youtuber men
like bags - haha I know they do I think my heart is in ladies fashion but I'm
never going to say no more and more people are kind of contacting me a lot
of men saying hey can you do this in like a
backpack like a male kind of version so I just need my brand to get a little
bigger again each collab that I do it cost $10,000 to get there made so I
can't really just like make things on a whim I kind of need to know that there's
a demographic for it and that it's going to be successful hence the need to get
you know so many pre-orders before they go into manufacturing and to raise that
$10,000 Steph asks did you always want children when did you know the time was
right so kind of address this already yes we always knew that we wanted
children in fact maybe eight years prior we bought like our little stuffed toy
like a little baby Frankenstein I had all these piercings and stuff I was
really punky I thought yeah when I have kids that's the kind of stuffed toys
that they're going to have but yeah we abandoned that idea because it was like
$90 they want so many stuffed toys every time you go to the shops are like well
why wouldn't you want when at the time I don't think the time is Everett right
even though it was completely times I never felt ready even when I was
pregnant and I I was pregnant at 28 which let's say for Erie Philips for
example she was like 17 Pat talked to her mr. Phillips for handling that at
such a young age that must have been full-on need to kind of get in there and
do it literally that's funny eternal winter hey girl asks what is one of your
favorite coffee or tea dreams that you like
I know random lava although I was curious as to what independent shops
designers you can recommend to us I don't drink coffee so my favorite tea is
just black tea I like um Lipton pretty bland and boring with that I'm white tea
with two sugars if you want to make me tea
I'm in the public shops hmm that's kind of something I'd need to look up like
this my memory sucks I cannot remember names off the top of my head and I
haven't really purchased anything recently so I know that doesn't really
answer the question I was gifted some things from a shop in France called Alma
Mishka they are pretty independent and they're online and there's another girl
at contact with me called helloween 13h bll like not halloween and she's on etsy
as well she's I think stream your Brisbane may be that I'm
they're quite fun they've got some really unique stuff score tickets
sherilyn as I have no questions but soul of your Castle home thank you Hey
cyber cat us do you have any advice for someone who's just trying to get himself
in some makeup I need to find something that can stay coffee without being too
overwhelming or expensive general beginner tips on that the first thing
that I said when I very first started makeup I just got like a waterproof
eyeliner and a smudger and just like bottom lid waterline on top of the lid
and just like smudge kind of recurring circle and that was all I did for many
years yes I start with that if you're a complete beginner could you give
recommendations for bands that have good live shows - I keep hearing great brands
only to find out that they only two were in Europe good live band from the US is
Marilyn Manson still Turing's he's always really energetic Rob Zombie
motionless and why are they American in this moment I'm so excited that the new
album just dropped go and check it out if you haven't already okay on to the
next one this is from Stephanie hey Stephanie
hey Evelina what is a guilty pleasure of yours Oh hmm I guess don't tell anyone
about sweet and savory snacking late at night usually after a film YouTube
videos I will make myself a super hot cup of tea I really love rice crackers
and French onion dip and a little bits of chocolate I really get excited by
having little bits of food and different flavors sweet savory salty oh yeah so
and there may be carrots all in love carrot sticks in French onion soup I'm
getting hungry now so didn't eat enough dinner okay Carmen asks are you going to
ever design a small hand clutch that is perfect on night Chloe small enough for
keys a lipstick and ID and credit cards hmm
well here's one I prepared earlier I would say my femme fatale clutch which
I'd mentioned before which just sold out was a lot smaller it was the same like
length it wasn't at all and it was nowhere near a stick it was it was very
very thin and I just found that too small I still think this is one you can
go clubbing with I will be hopefully making matching wallets and stuff like
that and I like a big wallet I like one that has a
section for Queens and stuff I like a little section for the ID yeah maybe the
wallet that I'm working on would be more appropriate for that it's a lot smaller
you'd probably be adequate your lipsticks in the coin section sort of
using that coins you can put ID you can put money and that's really all you need
when you go out Earl look my threat I feel like I just want to sit like this
girl ah this is a funny one shall we be you're naughty
how many times a week to you and your husband dot dot dot dot dot have date
night love you your brood that is way to it personal
but I will tell you we just had date night the other night and the flame is
still there it's like what 15 years I have known this man and I love him to
death we've been out without the kids in a
while longer with you I've got to ask my mom to babysit more often but yeah if
anyone listening mean you near me come and babysit my kids so I can do date
night more often but yeah my relationship with my husband is really
important apart from right now we're sitting in here and completely ignoring
about we are having most of the day and spend it together and we're always like
flirting with each other and stuff and I think that's really important because
once you have kids a lot of your time ends up being about them so it's
important to stay romantic and shit okay the next question is from midnight which
I really love your whole videos and your I was wondering sentence okay so she's
asking basically if we could do a collab so I'm open to working with anyone but I
really I really enjoy finding people myself organically and I need to kind of
feel a personal connection with them and a lot of people are asking me like do
you need an Instagram presence or YouTube presence I don't want to say no
but like from the marketing point of view you kind of do and I don't want to
say this in like a snobby way at all but like if we need to raise $10,000 of 75
bag sales you probably need to have some kind of presence so we can market your
bag to an audience you know and and you know hopes that we will actually sell
bags so again I'm not in the position yet where I can just even under my own
name like make a whole bunch of handbags and
expect to fill 75 I'm not there yet the people that I am working with they do
have a presence on Instagram or YouTube channel or both and that definitely
helps it's not the is all and end all as I'm not like going to shut the door and
say I'm not going to work with you if you don't have that but definitely in
the so Skype conversation that I have with all of my clubs we talk about
marketing we talk about how are we going to get the product to your fans and if
you're in a position where you haven't built up that that yet I hope that makes
sense like again this is why I'm kind of clubbing with other people because I'm
not there yet myself I'm bar going to go 4000 on Instagram so I'm really taken
aback when people like I've kind of put me up on this pedestal where I never
feel like I deserve to be on that you know so I'm I'm really relying on the
audience that my collaborators have to help my business end a brand is really
growing close I get Claudia asks ibne Flair hidden question have you ever been
to Germany for wave gothic stressed enlightened or if I'm pronouncing that
right I have never been to Germany shame on my husband because he is German
and he was born in Berlin but um yeah we need to go back oh it looks so fabulous
I've seen some of the images from Black Friday having recently gone there and it
looks terrific as the stalls oh my god I put every single festival that Australia
has ever had to shame Samantha asks Evelyn I love your channel thank you at
what age did you truly start to become golf hmm that's a good question it was
very organic it wasn't like a workup on my I want to be caught it started you
know back in high school when I was 17 and I discovered also let's say 15 and
discovered guitar and then the next few years started to go to metal concerts
and slowly like I was very delayed with makeup and now what I'm I'm not going to
say how old I am haha I'm not old but yeah I'm just starting to get into nails
a late bloomer with a lot of this stuff so we're going to concert and then
turning 18 being able to go to like clubs and stuff
like that and sorting out the golf clubs in Sydney it was very organic and then I
was working since I was 14 I've had a job so when I discovered like hot topic
and I started buying alternative clothing because there weren't any shops
in Australia that's or anything like that I fell in love with lip service and
Hot Topic seriously I think I could have been like a private investor for those
two companies like a decade ago I spent so much money on their shit it was very
organic and a very slow process oh very easily five six seven years Jen asked
about the house to us I've already addressed that I would do that soon
Matty asks where is that lovely cross ring from go I kind of a remember
there's probably from one of those like really cheap lower end Australian shops
that I rarely go into quads either it's just an accessory store and they went
through a kind of phase where they had like all these like cross kind of like
Madonna Vogue kind of inspired accessories and I just snapped out
forcefully like $6.99 nothing fancy sooo how many hours do you have this is like
in a day in your world you must have more than the 24 that we mortals good I
can't hold that a lot which is so funny because I think I don't get enough done
and on the days that I don't well I feel like I don't achieve anything I'm like
oh hi finish editing that video blah blah blah blah yeah I just I really need
to prioritize my time these days with kids and I'm very lucky that I have a
husband that watches it gives when I need to do other things so yeah that
helps I don't know how to say this username I will review the question hey
gorgeous I really love your odd was curious to know how you managed to get
your name up there be recognized for what you create I'm going to awkward
answering that because I don't think I have you guys think I'm recognized which
is lovely maybe I just I really have self-esteem issues and like you know I
never thought I'm not as successful as like you know Victoria Francis or
someone like that so yeah I received I'm still taken aback by a question just
make out that you're passionate about that's what I always did I love vampire
and it was just logical for me to create vampire art and I just happened to be
really handy I guess at Photoshop so I was easy for
me to do the post editing and kind of blur the lines between photography and
digital drawing because some of my art is photography some is purely digital
drawing some is a combination of both so I really like blurring the lines between
what medium I use in my art the color schemes as well like I'm very inspired
by you rawness blush and I don't know I just think it's kind of fresh as like
pop pop art I get called a lot vampire art was just it was kind of unique like
this style of art that I do I don't think had been done like that
realistically before where people like is this a photo is this an artwork and
you know I've got the farm attention it didn't get as much attention as I hoped
but it's still out there and I think I kind of need to relaunch my artworks
just like I'm trying to relaunch my business because a lot of you don't
actually know that I've got like all these cool art works and they're on
canvas and stuff like that so just like I recently did a video on my vampire art
book I will probably do another video showcasing all the canvases that are
available and that you guys can pull up in your house which is really cool see I
don't know if that answered your question or if I just went on a massive
grant there sorry destiny asks what was pregnancy like for
you and what kinds of things did you personally experience and do you plan on
having more children I've already asked that yesterday yeah Heidi much like it I
don't like the first three months the morning sickness for throwing up I got
really sensitive to smells I couldn't wear perfume even ones aftershave like I
would just smell the smallest thing and then I'd Millie buy/offers yeah it's
ridiculous and morning sickness bullshit they need to call it all basicness yeah
that was the worst the middle period was probably the best because the morning
sickness went away I was still not massive you know so I could sleep quite
comfortably from the ending the very last month just seemed to go for LR and
by then your back saw you can't touch it toes you can't put your socks on you
can't put your own shoes on you lose all of your independence and you can not
wait for the baby to come out of your but then they say beautiful would you
see them it's all worth it but yeah it's not pleasant okay which Tenex asks
congratulations on your ever growing following here you shall I serve it oh
you work so hard and put out great content oh nice as I feel like awesome
on you inspire me a lot thank you all so very excited to see what you do is Rea
yeah it's very interesting I could start work on her back my question is yeah I'm
not like it's real questioning in what ways have you found that motherhood has
changed you the most I get less sleep and I've got bags on the Milan they were
a label for but no seriously I've never said sweetie so much I've never smiled
so much I said that to my best friend the other day just like that's kind of
sad I'm like well like I was unhappy but they're just they're making that site I
just every day like I don't know if every mother is like this like but I
just look at steel and I look at London I might beautiful I love them so much I
love watching them develop so how does it made me change to answer your
question I think it's made me a better person like I was always a pretty
affectionate and empathic empathetic surprise
I'm very aware of making other people feel comfortable and stuff like that and
I think being a mother has kind of turned it up like ten notches like yeah
I'm just so full of love and I don't want that for the world
I guess Ciara asks do you like visual kei um yes and no I really like the
video clips that come along with visual kei and j-pop and stuff like that I did
used to watch pop Asia which is like a show dedicated is official Cage a pop on
Saturday Saturday mornings it would air in Australia and this this really cool
chance it's a shame that most of it isn't in English so it's you know
obviously harder to sing long because it's in another language the the imagery
is full-on it's like bloody theatrical and I love the androgynous kind of vibe
that the guys I can't say I own any albums from it
though it's yeah it's not my goat cheese on rubbery corpse what's your husband -
any kind of couple tags and or music related videos yeah absolutely we've
been talking forever look I've been talking to bond forever
about doing the my husband does or boyfriend does my makeup tag whatever
because I just think that would be so much fun like blonde has the funniest
driest sense of humor ever sometimes it doesn't come across as human because
it's so dry and he brings out a very different citing mean which I think you
guys would enjoy and I've done a few live feeds I might do one tonight where
I'm here showing me and it's just been the most ridiculous like dialogue ca
definitely takes my personality to a different place which is cool we do want
to do a wedding video yeah I just don't generally do more videos with him
because I think that would be fun I can't really use the name of this person
but I said I've seen you around before or maybe you just look like someone but
you're amazing thank you but to learn cooking with Cara says who I calebrage
ray would be awesome yeah I will chat with him really well today no doubt some
delicious green AHA will be used in there that is the interior color for her
oh okay my questions are what do you top five favorite bands do you know me you
know maybe I should like be different and not say type a-negative first but
where is the fun in that yes type o-negative clan of sign locks
are one of my new favorite I'm phase Marilyn Manson and we were old school
kind of favorite Fleetwood Mac I really love little Mac and Queen oh let's make
six in this moment I am so in love with in this moment do you think you will
start designing other bits and pieces apart from bags like jewelry I've
already done jewelry so head on over to my website and check out I've got five
pendants that have five of my artworks as the centerpiece really cool again
that's kind of when I dropped like seven grand into these pendants and then like
they really didn't sell and I think they gorgeous so please go and check them out
I've dropped them to like half price just hoping that over time they will
if you could design a bag for any celebrity who would it be and why the
person that always brings to mind with this who is like up here up on the
tallest pedestal that I would like to work with would be Kat Von D I think
she's just such a positive role model for her work against animal cruelty to
her brand being you know completely vegan friendly so just always presenting
yourself in a very positive manner that is very appealing to me and it's just so
wonderful to watch her ever-growing success starting back with Miami Ink to
LA Ink high voltage she's just she's going to take in the world seriously I
think it would be a complete honor to work with her and thank you my lipstick
from that video that you mentioned was from black men cosmetics I think it's
called immortal Madurai hey my gosh mai-chan Sylvania beauty she actually
lives in Transylvania how cool is that Oh Congrats on 4k subs thank you
what collaborative collaborations are you planning that we didn't know about
oh who would you like or want to work with well to that I've kind of already
announced is draining and Alison the goblin Queen as for people that I want
to work with there's a few little contacted that I haven't heard back from
yet so I thought what I did Mayim and shame those ones because then it's like
it's embarrassing for me if I didn't get back to me I'm not saying I have
conflict of these people but I am in love with mana me frost I would love to
work with her Kellie Eden I was just speaking about Kelly Eden today
obviously her and array of roommates on I hit her up see she's keen I think a
pastel that would be so cool and so different for me as well that would
definitely be putting me out of my comfort zones there's so many awesome
people to work with that also like to try to contact some musicians as well so
top on my list metal bands would be Cristina Scabbia Maria from in this
moment and watch Emmy like that also asked will I do more vampire arts I take
so long to edit it appears that I am just too busy at the moment
to dedicate the amount of time that is needed to kind of impress production my
last vampire shirt was with RiRi in September which is almost a year ago
I still haven't pulled my finger out of my butt and
don't like they're being released they're really nice photos they haven't
you know made the backgrounds castles and flock of bats and all the cool stuff
that I normally do to make my artwork grow to the next level at the moment
it's just like a nice creative photos so yeah if you want to fly over from
Transylvania or babysit my kids so so I can work on some vampire outlets let's
make that happen DME agile asks are there any other
styles or subcultures that would interest you definitely like I have
myself and obviously into all things golf Dolph Markov I want to expand my
brand I don't want to just be known as like oh that goth chick like I will
forever be let's say that goth brand I don't want to limit myself to just
working with goth youtubers even though I completely love so many of them I want
to start to branch out so again if I contacted Kellie Eden a pastel bag would
be so different for me and again it's not something that I would ever think to
create that's the beauty of my collabs that's really going to like expand my
brand so I think it will always have my Flair on it because I'm designing it I
definitely want to keep it alternative but not limited just to God you know if
someone might want a gold bag and that's fine I'm not gonna be like all this look
girls I can't do that how boring is that okay I have time for one more question
and then I have to like go and do a live I GP with you guys and then spend some
time with my husband and I don't even know if I'm through like half of these
questions okay that's love blood hey Heather go and check out her YouTube
channel if you haven't already what is your day job I loved you a question when
I hand what do you do what do you do woman the first being a lovely mum to
your boys also what does your husband do so I kind of touched on this before I
think but yeah I run two successful music school I think the school opened
in like 1969 obviously Yvonne and myself didn't own it back man because like I
wasn't born so it's got a bit of a legacy behind it we took it over maybe
once a decade ago maybe five or six years ago but I've maintained that I did
all the new bookings and things like that
so my phone is always ringing luckily for this school and when we moved away
to term was from Sydney we put on a manager so
he is super helpful in doing all the stuff that I used to handle moving has
actually freed up a lot of time allowing me to get like really delve into this
new creative kind of zone I'm in right now so designing handbags aligning new
collabs on trying to promote my business from videos for you guys and just really
build up my profile so yeah moving to the country is definitely been a
positive change for me so the second school that we run is in Tamara my
husband's working a lot more than me I have one student what's the weekend okay
sending that message out to the universe that I'm happy with that yeah so I teach
a lovely girl violin my husband again I said this before guitar bass drums and
banjo he's only got like 10 students the other school that we run is 150 so it's
a very big so it's been up and running for a few months once a week I go in and
teach one students that's my job but this is becoming my job um YouTube is
actually starting to pay me the week five dollars like out of like myself um
stick you can't take it out until you get to a hundred anyway we'll get that
I've got a lot more free time so I used to work three days a week tips I've seen
parts on for a long time before I had kids I was working five days a week
teaching to school one and then I dropped back once I had steel to two I
went back to work when I was pregnant with London I worked up until eight
months and then we moved very suddenly yes so I have really been working that
much but I've been putting so much love blood sweat and tears into my business
and I'm hoping that it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and branches
out and it is starting to make me money slowly you know so if you haven't
checked out my online store please go there I've got many other products other
than my hair bags all right like this one here I just prepared earlier Erie
Phillips clutch yes besides the clutches I've got like canvases I've got my
artworks I've got keyrings I've got clothing a bit of bucket load of fan
t-shirts with my dad's print and my artworks I've got my limited edition
book I've got pen and I have a lot of motions as well so
yeah come and check that out it's been really fun over the last four the five
to six eight six months really put as much energy as I can into my business
and I just noticed a massive increase in like social media contact which is
lovely I'm getting a lot of messages from you guys it's been a lot of fun I'm
going to have to call it a day oh so this question and answer video I do get
a quick check on how many more there are holy shit we'll have to do a part two so
I hope you've enjoyed listening to me answer your questions remember to press
that like button or something to the success of my channel subscribe and if
you just subscribe or if you are already subscribed and I'm going to hit that
little bell it gives you an alert when I upload otherwise you weren't instantly I
don't I just go and hit the bell and it will be good it will be so good it's
been fun talking to you guys and I will see you in the next video
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