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"Help is out there." - Message of DA's documentary-style video - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
Disability Access Committee Video - Duration: 2:55.In the state of Iowa we are fortunate to have an incredibly low unemployment rate.
The largest pool of potential employees in the state are those with disabilities
so it's vitally important to our economic growth and to develop the
skilled workforce that we need, that we make the workplace accessible to all
Iowans. Through the Workforce Innovation Opportunities Act we're responsible for
looking at how we move employment forward for all Iowans. This includes
Iowans with disabilities. We really would like the folks that we serve to be able
to participate fully in those same services and really save the taxpayers
money and help our clients to understand they are part of a community.
WIOA has renewed focus on making our field offices and programs accessible to
individuals with disabilities. You know we have an interesting challenge today
and with limited financial resources we have to find ways to partner and
collaborate differently across all of our core partner areas so this work
that's occurring at the regional level allows state agencies and core partners
to look at how we align service delivery, how we leverage resources, to really
maximize the work that's occurring for each individual Iowan. Under WIOA
our Workforce Development Boards will serve as hubs so the core partners can
work with stakeholders and businesses to meet workforce needs across the state. I
am very grateful that folks are taking the time and interest and putting forth
the energy to serve on these disability access committees to help us to make the
one-stop centers available and accessible to all Iowans. We think this
will fit in very well with strategies not only from the Workforce Innovation
Opportunities Act, but through Future Ready Iowa. In order for
Iowa to meet the skilled workforce needs is projected to have by
2025 the Future Ready Iowa initiative is looking at areas to improve and increase
the number of Iowans in our skilled workforce. That's why the work of the
local disability access committees is so important because they can help
employers in their own region identify individuals who have skills that will
meet their employment needs. We look forward to working with you to help make
our one-stop centers and programs both physically and programmatically
accessible to all Iowans including those with disabilities.
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