- What's up, Tim Sykes here in Singapore.
Look at my view from my suite.
This is ridiculous.
All of Singapore down there and it's just beautiful.
I'm here actually, I don't even know where to look,
I'm doing this iPhone thing, sorry.
I'm here on some meetings with my charity.
We have several new schools.
I'm actually heading to Australia
to help save the reef in a few days,
so I'm excited about that.
There are so many organizations, so many causes,
I can't help but want to help.
I have the money, I have the resources,
I have the network, I have the connections,
so, frankly, it falls upon me
and I feel guilty not trying to help save the reef
or help save a lot of these animals
or help save a lot of these kids from lives of poverty.
And I wanna help you too.
Even while I'm here, with this view,
I'm not just doing meetings and doing charity,
I'm also trading and teaching.
I do a lot.
I am one of the hardest working people you will ever meet
and this past week, I think, has been the best week
in the past few months.
There are so many small, low-priced stocks moving,
especially in OTC land, SHMP, BCCI, TVOG,
it's actually kind of insane right now.
If you've been following along,
if you've been using my watchlist
or trade alerts, you know I made like 30%
on BCCI the other day.
It spiked 100% in a day.
I dip bought SHMP.
I made like 15, 20%.
It bounced 50% plus.
So I'm taking like a third of the potential profits,
so a lot of people ask me, like Tim,
aren't you concerned, like if too many people
learn your strategies, like they're not gonna be
working anymore, there's gonna be too many people.
In 10 plus years of teaching with me yelling
at the top of my lungs pretty much every day,
I have a few hundred lousy dedicated students,
not lousy, but it blows my mind that I only have
a few hundred people.
And then also, you have to remember,
a lot of my top students like short selling.
Mike Hutty, who's one of my newest six-figure students,
you know, was banking, shorting
the green to red move on SHMP,
the same day and the same hour
that I was dip buying the panic.
We each made a few thousand dollars.
I think he made like 4,000, I made 4,000.
So you can make money on the short side
and the long side, whether you like dip buying,
whether you like shorting, whether you like
buying breakouts, there's opportunity galore.
And frankly, I wish that I could stop these patterns
in their tracks by teaching so many people
that it would no longer work because
then I would theoretically get fantastically rich
from teaching everybody and then
I wouldn't have to trade anymore.
But, instead, I have gotten richer
from teaching everybody, but the pattern still exists.
It doesn't matter how many students there are,
most people just want hot picks
and then there's an equal, I think,
amount of short sellers and then buyers too,
so we've basically just made the market bigger
and more volatile, which brokers are happy about,
even though brokers aren't happy
that I teach patience and I teach people
to wait for the right trades.
Sorry, brokers, I gotta be real.
I gotta be honest.
So it's been an interesting ride
teaching while traveling and trading
and I'm just so grateful, you know.
I sit here, or I stand here, my arm is getting tired.
I'm just grateful to all of you guys who want to learn.
Ow, my arm really hurts.
This iPhone thing is tough.
I gotta get like a selfie stick or something.
But I just wanted to take a minute to thank you
for your dedication because I know this is weird.
I know that there's many scams and fakes
and newbies who are teaching.
I'm real.
And that's why I like doing videos like this
because you guys seem to like this handheld stuff
so that you see that, oh, I am in Singapore,
oh, it's not a green screen, oh, I actually can
trade from anywhere, oh, I actually have just one
laptop, which is sitting right over there.
People seem to think that they can't do this from anywhere.
They think that they need multiple laptops
or multiple screens in an office
and they need to like, train like an athlete
and they can't have fun, like, I am feeling
like death a lot of the time here in Asia,
I'm not gonna lie to you because of the time zone.
The stock market is open here at night
and then all day I'm doing charity work,
so it doesn't leave a lot of time for sleep.
So it's not ideal for me, but at the same time,
I love it, you know, I'm following my heart.
I'm traveling, I'm doing charity, I'm teaching
and when the plays exist, I'm profiting.
This is a very, very big difference
from the past few weeks where I said
there's really not any hot sector,
there's nothing really moving and now we have
one, two, three, four OTCs every single day
going up 100, 200, 300, 500%, even like 1000%.
It's mania again and I love it.
I love the volatility.
So, leave a comment just below this video
if you like the volatility, if you like these iPhone
videos, if you like views like this.
I'm always looking for more feedback
because I wanna inspire you to study,
I wanna help you see that this is real
because it's gonna take a lot of time and energy
to go through this, so you need to have
the right mindset, the right perspective.
It's not just about hot picks.
It's not just about, you know, beautiful views,
like I'm not like, selling you the dream,
I'm living the dream, okay, and I'm teaching.
So I don't like the fact that so many people
did not profit enough on SHMP or BCCI
or any of the other low-priced weed stocks
and CBD stocks, NGTF, ALYI, there are so many,
I can't even think about it right now.
It's kind of crazy, but let the good times roll,
take advantage of the plays when they come about,
and leave a comment.
Let's get the conversation going.
It's all about being real and being honest with yourself
and being honest with me.
That way I can help you more.
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