Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 31 2018

spooked yah'. hey YouTube topicwott here and welcome back to yet another topic

wott video it is now officially been a year since last Halloween so you know

what that means safety is number one priority okay, eating sleeping uhh uh

safety before we actually get into how you're gonna be safe I have just a

couple things first of all I want to thank you all for supporting me over the

last year it's been great and now the channel is actually like one year old

now which is just actually great let's just take a second and look at how far

we've come from safety video this is sorry guys that was a little bit long

but I just want you all to you know really understand what's been going on

all right I heard a couple people talking smack about my costume last year

but you know what you know what no one's gonna talk smack

about me this year cuz my costume is better than all of theirs all right and

my makeups gonna be better too okay mom so let me just go put that on your quick

okay so I know what you're thinking this might be a little bit too over the top

alright I wouldn't consider you wrong but I also won't consider you right oh

my gosh for anyone uh confused about what just

happened um so these things right here these these uh it's lip I swear none of

that was planned I just fell okay so my problem is I don't know if this costume

is safe but I mean that kind of just proved it probably isn't and you guys

are probably saying okay topic wha I've watched part one a link in description

and you're probably saying topic Wow I watched the first Halloween safety video

you did this costume clearly doesn't fit any of that criteria honestly the year

has been so busy I can't remember any of it and you know I would go back and

watch the video but I just don't have time for that I'm a busy guy so instead

I'm gonna go ahead and watch this and see if I match up to more modern

Halloween safety and guys I want I really want to make this

Halloween special and safe for me because I don't know how to say this but

this may be my last trick-or-treating ever you know people were like you're a

little bit too old for this and I'm like no and then I look it up and then people

are like yeah you should probably stop by the time you're 14 and it's like what

am I gonna do so you know what I want to be safe and I want to have a good

Halloween so let's just go ahead and get into this

all right so you're really trying to sell safety for kids decapitated heads

is the best way because well and makes them fear what's about to come if

they're not safe on Halloween I don't even know what this is all right so we

actually saw some of these masks right before this scene so this is definitely

establishing a bit of a timeline for us this is before they make all these

Halloween safety mistakes Halloween is really a special time isn't it

especially for me you can see why if you know who I am what a very human sounding

narrator look up a little that's me a jack-o'-lantern this is witchcraft I'm

out I'm out I'm out I'm out look look I'm not having that thing that thing

teach me how to be safe you get a different person to teach me how to be

safe I'd rather go back to that was narrated from last year I'm out

ain't a video guys good bye

all right obviously I was kidding obviously I was kidding guys lantern

that Halloween time every year I sit up here and watch everybody go by it's a

nice and scary time isn't it all those wonderful costumes and masks and makeup

I think about how much fun Halloween is how's the pumpkin gonna have fun on

Halloween if it doesn't even have legs I also worry a little bit about the things

that can spoil the fun of Halloween those kinds of things scare me too but

in a different way for instance look next door that's where

Cory lives Cory you could say Tory's in the house Cory's going to carve a

pumpkin with her dad now a pumpkins not easy to carve I know that you need the

proper tools but first you have to draw a face that you can carve Cory's doing

that then you cut the top off so you can scoop out the insides I'm glad that

Cory's father is helping her it's much safer that way

it getting my inside scooped out tickles me it a Dickel you too if you were a

pumpkin yeah and stubbing my toe on a lego feels good too

we know your act okay you're not a pumpkin all right you just like it

pumpkins being tortured I'm on to you

no it doesn't wait so far it's been fun but look at Cory's hand kind of gooey

isn't it Cory is going to carve to face with a smoky so basically what he's

trying to say is getting my brain skipped out of my head would tickle and

I totally I totally would not die without a brain you know what this is a

I approve this message alright this is a message from topic law doctors near you

well okay guys um I haven't made a pumpkin yet so I'm gonna go ahead and do

that actually uh you guys can you guys can come with come on alright so today

we have our pumpkin and our markers and we're just gonna draw this but also I'm

joined by papa watt so what we're gonna do first is we're actually going to draw

a design on this and then we're gonna do something that the video did not teach

but we're gonna do it because we're bosses so we're going for a pretty

simple design right now we're just drawing you know a pumpkin alright so

now we have a bit of a design to our pumpkin um so now here comes the cool

part this is where Papa watt comes in make sure there's an adult or someone a

lot older than you alright kids now this here's the Heisei

3000 only available at Walmart and I'm here today to show you how to get some

real quick pumpkin cut and that's what PCC stands for pumpkin cutting

so today you need to make sure you got your safety glasses on see the safety

glasses and then you've got a nice open working area because when you start

slinging pumpkin everywhere it's gonna be a problem so make sure when you get

the PC 3000 that it's properly plugged in and then you got your safety glasses

on all right here we go

and there you go right there that's what you get when you got a pumpkin cutter


hey this here's the jackknife 3000 also only available at Walmart lookie there

we can get rid of that guts just like nobody's business

it is a gut cutting pumpkin killing machine right here the jackknife 3000

all right thanks a lot for the help us a lot so now basically all we gotta do is

gut it basically and then we're just done we just finished it it's now time

for the grand ordeal this looks awesome all right now all we got to do is light

it and then I'll show you put the cap on

all right the caps on guys well that was fun but what about having a candle

burning inside your pumpkin well I'm sitting on brick but a candle in a

pumpkin on a wooden porch might not be safe at all a flashlight could be a lot

safer then but it's best to stay away from lighted candles that are inside or

outside of jack-o'-lanterns you know why well not I just realized

something guys jack-o'-lanterns are constantly being burned from the inside

out he said they feel that want to really

get their brains scooped out does that does that mean they feel pain

well not everybody carves a pumpkin on Halloween but just about everybody does

dress up in a costume for instance look across the street there yo this is mad

creepy all right you're just shining a camera into some unsuspecting house call

this number now if your house has ever been in a Crabby Halloween's

video do you see what I see that robot is Jeremy in his costume well it may

look great from the outside but from the inside things don't look very good at

all Jeremy can't see very well with his

robot head on and I don't think the rest of his costume lets him walk very well

he can't bend his knees it's hard for Jeremy to keep his balance if Jeremy

went out like that he might keep losing his balance all the time he might fall

down just anywhere and probably everywhere sidewalks hurt you when you

fall on them and so do streets sidewalks and streets are may know that the exact

same thing and streets are especially dangerous to fall down on Jeremy has to

be able to walk better if he doesn't want to spoil his Halloween fun there

that's better robots don't have legging materials on them unless they're an

Android but he wants to be a robot there that's better a costume shouldn't make

you trip or fall that's not safe it should be easy for you to move in

your costume and you have to be able to see where you're going a mask that makes

it hard to see could get you into all kinds of trouble there that's much

better okay so their thing about how making the holes bigger is the solution

um no let me let me just show you something real quick because as you can

see these are these are decently sized holes for this mask right I still can't

see crap all right and you for those who doubt me

all right here's proof here's proof

look look hey what are you what are you doing inside of my mask get out of there

Master nothing sir nothing sir wait I'm talking to you you want me to get out

yeah get out of there you all can be the worst sometimes oh

but look at Jessica she can't see much with her mask on it's

too big for me a monster needs an ugly face but does it have to be a mask how

come you didn't like tell your mom that at the store that is that is a hundred

percent on you I mean your mom feels guilty now because she didn't realize it

was you know it's just kind of you're just kind of being mean to your mom

makeup can be just as good and it's always just the right size for you hey

girls I'm back for this year's Halloween makeup tutorial all right so we're

trying to create the character of Spongebob Squarepants now of course

we're going to be using a color palette by Rose art all right this is the best

makeup palette on the market currently and so for this makeup we're gonna have

to first take off her glasses and then we're going to have to apply a lot a lot

a lot a lot of yellow if you're not too good at putting on makeup get an adult

to help you which I did not do okay so this marker is what I mean on this

makeup stick yeah I mean this makeup stick is lit it's just a little bit too

small so money young let me go grab a highway I mean yeah some highlight you

know oh I'll be back in the second girl okay girls I tried I tried sharp you for

a second um I can't breathe properly but we're just gonna keep on powering

through like we always do

okay ladies so Aaron it's gonna feel just a bit nauseous

okay ladies but um don't don't put underneath at so um basically now we're

just gonna add a little circles and then our new our makeup tutorial should be

done okay wait I mean okay ladies so as you can see we're just a little bit of

holes all throughout it and uh yeah I'd say we're about that now so uh you know

irony Cheryl told me already have a bit of a spongebob voice about me so I got

to hate you Cheryl all right so um yeah and I'm gonna do a couple little more

touch-ups and then I will meet you all downstairs okay it's all your fault Jill

All Right girls let's get ready for the big reveal

okay and as you can see girls it is a hundred percent accurate no I'm just

kidding guys this is the 100% accurate one we got everything we got the

eyebrows um whatever these are our makeups doing great guys

perfect as always I have inhaled so many chemicals over the past 15 minutes

someone please help make sure your mask and costume let you see well and walk

well and they won't spoil your fun on Halloween of course the reason you get

all dressed up at Halloween so she hates some mad PB&J and I'd like

to see all the children out in their costumes but when I see them I always

hope they don't forget all they know about crossing street safely makes me so

happy when I see children look to their left for cars then right for cars then

left again before they cross but never ever ever right a second

that is that is actually illegal kids remember that you mustn't forget all the

safety rules you know on Halloween and especially because it's dark it's safest

not to cross between parked cars that can be very dangerous and don't cut

across yards or empty lots when it's dark you can't see what's there who just

leaves glass out in their yard oh you have trashy people I hope it's not a

trick please last time it was bad you lost Billy

okay picture her treat now you'll see what sit okay so I don't know if that's

like something that people actually used to do um

why now you'll see what there is about their costumes that makes it easier for

drivers to see them when it's dark I can't see anything with the quality of

this video oh oh oh oh yeah it was recorded in 1985 I'm expecting way to

much like I should have learned that by now we're at the one-year anniversary of

the channel and like all I've been watching his stuff from the 90s and 80s

like I should be used to this do you see how easy it is to see the bright colors

in the costumes bright colors are easier to see at night than dark colors are but

there's something else some parts seem to glow from the camera flash that's how

those parts will look when car headlights shine on them those are just

pieces of special tape that reflect light very well you can put tape like

that on your costume guys I already got some highlight on my face so there's no

need for me to add anything else but some people have a strange idea of fun

they think it's fun to mess up other people's things with paint yeah that is

really fun I like that they don't think about how the people feel whose things

are ruined see how funny it is I'm laughing a lot okay

this clearly isn't a joke yo uh one time my brother got like silly-string

on Halloween buy it like just buy people randomly

and I like ruined his costume or something like that and my dad barely

got hit I didn't get hit at all so yeah I guess it's wrong but at the same time

it's just really funny and some people think it's fun to throw things at cars

and houses and buildings one time I threw mulch at a car driving by because

I saw the kids across the street were that got me grounded for seven years I

got that was actually me getting like you know a little bit of mercy you know

but the people whose things they're messing up don't I don't either it isn't

fun to spoil other people's things and make them unhappy some people even think

it's fun to smash pumpkins

oh no that's not fun all right well now that we're done with that I'm pretty um

I'm pretty mentally scarred that wasn't that wasn't a good idea don't have a

trick-or-treat alone and if someone you don't know very well and you know for

some of us though even the best of us remembered to say thank you two seconds

after everyone else says it some of you will probably still be out when it's

really dark that's when flashlights are an

especially good idea flashlights in the entire world

they only illuminate like this one tiny spot like probably just about this big

now that's what I call a good investment but remember don't shine those

flashlights into anybody's eyes I can't see I can't see

YouTube YouTube oh uh I actually can't see guys but what do you do with all the

treats you've collected a lot of them are things to eat of course but you

don't eat them all at least not right away that's for sure and there might be

some you won't want to eat at all get a grown-up to help you decide or at least

someone a lot older than you you see some people think it's fun to play

tricks with your treats watch out for candy wrappers that have been torn or

punctured that might be a sign of tampering there might be things in the

candy so break open candy bars before you eat them

what if they strategically put it at like right at the very edge and you just

break it in half and you notice until it's too late they really

need to like think about this for a second cut fruit into pieces before you

eat it just in case something's been stuck in

it watch out for things that look like candy but might be medicines or drugs or

even poisons don't eat anything that doesn't look right

why'd you stick it in bird poo beets are so much fun to collect it would be awful

to have them spoil your Halloween fun by making you sick korie's treats won't

make her sick and I hope yours won't make you sick

either I hope you could have the most fun you've ever had this Halloween

Halloween can be a scary time not because of witches or ghosts that we

know aren't real but because of real things that can

spoil our fun right right

no no no uh-uh no no no no what was that voice screw out ween safety who cares

about it all that really matters is that we get

some candy Halloween you have officially been rejected from the fear wall I can't

scratch it out but y'all get the point you are the least scary thing and I have

nothing to fear because nothing bad is gonna happen today oh wow I take back

what I just said Halloween safety is important okay I

they just didn't say anything about wearing nice I've been slipping and

falling this entire video send your condolences in the comments below no no

oh my gosh oh my gosh okay now it could have been bad and I will catch you all

next time

For more infomation >> The WORST Halloween Safety Video Ever Made - Duration: 25:13.


Jah Prayzah X Harmonize - Ndoenda (Dance Video) - Duration: 1:12.






For more infomation >> Jah Prayzah X Harmonize - Ndoenda (Dance Video) - Duration: 1:12.


3pm Video Forecast - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> 3pm Video Forecast - Duration: 1:03.


Wolf in a Sheep's Clothing GMV | Gachaverse Music Video | •MILD FLASHING LIGHTS• | Halloween Special - Duration: 1:04.



Beware, beware be skeptical

Their smiles, their smiles their plated gold

Deceit so natural

But a Wolf in sheep's clothing

Is more than a WARNING

Baa baa black sheep, have you any soul?

No sir, by the way what the hell are MORALS?!

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick!

Jill's a little whore and her allibis are dirty tricks

So could you-

Tell me how your sleeping easy!

How your only thinking of yourself!

Show me how you testify telling all these lies like SECOND NATURE


Mark my words one day

You will pay, you will pay

Promise that I'll come collect your death

For more infomation >> Wolf in a Sheep's Clothing GMV | Gachaverse Music Video | •MILD FLASHING LIGHTS• | Halloween Special - Duration: 1:04.


Flex Media: Cleveland Video Production and Digital Marketing - Duration: 2:32.

The company's called Flex Media because we believe in not a one-size-fits-all

solution to every project.

we have a lot of creative talented people that work

with us every day trying to ensure that your media is well put together and is

cutting edge.

it's not just going through someone that can provide the videography services and

something that also can back it up with the script writing in the graphic design

to create a really great social media ad to reach your target audience

You really want someone with a creative and a marketing mind that really has that

kind of level of genius in marketing and telling a story and there's a lot of

companies that shoot video but you want something that's really gonna capture

who you are and you want to work with someone who's gonna take the time to

understand your business.

The first thing we're going to do is going to sit down

we're gonna have a face-to-face conversation it's just something you

can't get from just working online.

They came in prior to the video to see

the center ask me more questions and learn about my business and learn about

what makes us different.

we're directing the message but also making sure that

you have strong graphics and video footage and branding to really combine

all the elements into really successful product.

Finding somebody that can do the commercial video for us has been

probably one of the most important things, like I said there's a lot

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and Flex Media shoots video well.

As a business owner there's so many things that you have to worry about day

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