Oddly Satisfying Video You Will Be Satisfied with
Oddly Satisfying Video You Will Be Satisfied with
Oddly Satisfying Video You Will Be Satisfied with
AF Poly Glue video tutorial - Duration: 3:20.Welcome to Aquaforest aquascaping section
Today I will present the best way to use our polymer glue for coral frags- AF Poly Glue
AF Poly Glue is a polymer based, fully biodegrade glue for coral frags.
Have your coral frags and rocks ready before mixing the glue.
Pour hot water into a mixing container
(about 60ºC/ 140ºF)
Add the granules into hot water
Wait a few minutes untill glue particles become transparent
AF Poly Glue transforms into a sticky mass with optimal adhesive properties
Transfer appropriate amount of the glue onto frag rocks
Firmly lodge coral frags in the sticky paste
Coral frags are ready to go into your tank
VIDEO IN ENGLISH! - CAMPING KIDS! - SKYWARS w/xFireFist (Minecraft) - Duration: 11:49.-------------------------------------------
Funny cats video | TOP cute cat the most planet, try not to laugh - Duration: 5:37.-------------------------------------------
2 Pro Tips for Shooting Professional Looking Social Media Videos - Duration: 9:40.Congratulations! You have decided to do some videos especially for your social
media marketing for your business! I'm happy for you and now that you are all
motivated to create these amazing videos for your social media channels there's
two more things I wanted to tell you about and that's what I'm going to
talk about in today's video eTip. I am Susan Friesen with eVision Media
and today's video eTip is helping you get the best out of the videos that
you're creating with the equipment that you have and I'm going to be talking
about having the right lighting and having the right audio for your videos.
Have you ever looked at a video and you thought something was off about it?
It was grainy, it was dark, the whites looked kind of yellowish or
creamy colored, it was just fuzzy, poor quality. That is an indicator
the lighting isn't all that good. When you have that disconnect,
that feeling something is off about that video, then what is
happening is it's distracting your audience. They're more focused on
why does that colour look so weird? As opposed to actually listening to what
you have to say. Talking about listening, the other super important thing is your
audio. Obviously there are things we can get away with because these are just
social media videos. It's not as if it's a production studio quality video
you're going to be wanting to showcase on the homepage of your website - that's a
whole different ball of wax - and you would want to incorporate a
professional videographer for that. I'm talking specifically about videos for
your for your social media accounts so you can get yourself out there,
showcase your business and build your brand exposure through the use of video.
Back to the audio - the audio is just as important as the lighting because if
people can't hear what you're saying then there's no point in having any
video up, right? So let's go back to lighting for a second. Back when I worked
at our local cablevision studio, back then we had MSA cable 3 - shout-out to
the crew back then - and we had a studio where I was the first
paid master control operator of that studio so learned tons about video production,
lighting, and audio editing, directing - the whole nine yards. In a
studio setting there's typically three kinds of lighting that gets set up and
I'm going to describe to you what that lighting is and then I'll go into how
you can set up your own system without having to invest in a ton
of lighting. The first one is a backlight a backlight would be a spotlight
that would shine on the back of my head, behind my head, so it would be
taking care of all the shadows that you're currently seeing behind me. As you
can see right now, I don't have the best lighting so you can see there are
shadows happening behind me. Now if I had a backlight that wouldn't be happening.
A backlight is one thing we use in a studio. The other thing you use
in a studio is a fill light. A fill light has a broader spectrum - it creates more
of a wider range, a softer diffused light. Usually you see a fill light off to
the side and it fills the whole space. I have a light beside me right now
that's acting as my fill light. Then the final light you would
see in a studio setting is a keylight. A keylight is more like a spotlight.
It's a little bit more up front, in front of you and it's shining directly on the
subject. With those three lighting's in mind, and of course in a bigger studio
setting there's lots more lights than that but this is just keeping it basic
for you. For us to try and emulate that - right now I'm in my
office and what I'm taking advantage of is lighting coming from my
window. It happens to be a cloudy, darker day today so that's why the
overall ambiance isn't ideal but take advantage of the window lighting
wherever you can. Get yourself in front of the window lighting and use
that as your fill light. One side note is when I'm on location,
obviously you're not going to be hauling all of your lights with you so
find a window and stand in front that window so the camera is
looking at you but you're looking at the window and that suffices often as
enough lighting you would need. That can be working as your fill light. The
backlight - there's not much you can do about a backlight unless you happen to have an
overhead light that's shining above you but you can use more fill
lights or try to get a key light and use that as more of a spotlight but I
have a light sitting right here you can see it shining on my
Penguin's here. There's a little bit of light there. I've got a light there and
I've got a light up here too and these are just lamps and so those are lights
that I've created to bring the lighting up a bit. As I said
it's not ideal - it could be better and probably my next investment will be
to buy proper lighting - fill lighting especially so I can get my lighting
up a little bit better. Give lighting a try - lighting is super important. The
more lighting it is the better. Even though it feels like the
the room is already bright for you that doesn't mean that's going to translate
well into the camera. So make it as bright as you can without overdoing it.
Just another side note - if you are outside, try to avoid doing a
video in the in the sunshine because the sunshine will actually cause too bright
of a light on your face and it will cause way too many shadows behind you
too. So bright sunshine is actually not ideal unless you're looking at the
window where the sunshine is outside and is bringing in lots of beautiful light
in through the window. That's fine but standing outside in the sunshine is not
great. You actually want to be looking at more of a cloudy day if you're
going to be doing your videos outside. Let's move onto audio. As you can see I'm
wearing a lapel audio microphone right now. It's hooked to my sweater hooked up
into my iPhone and I'm using that for my audio. This is a lavaliere mic - quite
low cost - not a big deal to purchase and I find
these kind of microphones are much better than just using your phone
microphone but that is another option for you - use the microphone
that's in your phone like an iPhone or Android. The
time that would be okay with using your microphone that's in your phone is
if you are doing a selfie or doing a fairly close-up shot so the
microphone is close to your mouth. Right now my camera is too far away.
I would sound very echoey. It wouldn't sound very good. The other thing you
can use is a headset. For quite a while there, before I got the lavaliere mic, I
would sit in front of my webcam at my desk and I had a headset that had a
microphone attached to it and it wrapped around the back of my neck. That
actually worked really well. The microphone was well hidden with my long
hair and that sufficed beautifully for audio but of course that wasn't very
mobile - I couldn't use that with my smart phone - but it was a great option
to use for when I do my videos in front of my computer, using my computer my
webcam. Then there's one more microphone you can use and
that's the good old fashioned handheld microphone you see people using those in
interview situations where they're literally standing there holding a
microphone. That's probably a little bit too over the top for the kinds of videos
that we're talking about but if you happen to have one laying around that's
perfectly acceptable as long as it can plug into whatever recording device
you're using. There you have it - your lighting and your audio - the final steps
to having a great audio and lighting quality production video for your
business. In a past tip I did talk about the framing so be sure to reference that
video too to understand where to stand zooming in and out panning left and
right all that fun stuff and get the proper framing and so at the end of
the day you want to avoid any kind of distraction or anything that will make
people feel like, "Oh what was that?" We want a hundred percent focus on what
we're talking about in our talking head videos. I'm talking about a
talking head video here not if you're going to be out doing a reporting
at a live event or anything like that. So that's it for today's
eTip! If you have any questions at all about videos and social media using
videos for social media please leave a comment below show some love and
like this video leave a comment I would love to hear your feedback if you found
that these videos have been helpful for you. We've been focusing a lot on videos
because video is a huge hit right now - something I encourage all
entrepreneurs and business owners to take advantage of. Do sign up for my
newsletter as well - we send it out every Tuesday morning with a fresh new
eTip video for you to look at and also a brand new article that's written
specifically to help entrepreneurs and business owners with their marketing for
their business and sometimes we throw in a guest article about another
great topic that all business owners need to know about. Please share the
love - share the videos and I will talk to you next time. Thanks! Bye now
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